HART, William Paterson

William Paterson Hart

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, William Paterson Hart and Charles Campbell, lately carrying on business together at Invercargill under the style or firm of "Hart, Campbell and Co." has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the day of the date hereof by the retirement of Mr Charles Campbell, and the business will henceforth be carried on by Mr W. P. Hart, who will collect the partnership debts and be responsible for the partnership liabilities.
Dated this 28th day of August, 1886.

Witness to the signature of William Paterson Hart and Charles Campbell -
C. W. Tanner,
Solicitor, Invercargill.
Southland Times, Issue 9310, 31 August 1886, Page 3 (also 30 August) 

In 1888 William P. Hart, photographer was adjudged bankrupt.
Southland Times, Issue 9977, 27 September 1888, Page 3

In Bankruptcy.— A meeting of creditors in the estate of Wm. P. Hart, of Invercargill, photographer, was called for yesterday but, on account of the half-holiday demonstration, was adjourned till the following day. — The debtor's statement showed his unsecured liabilities as amounting to L 221 1s 8d, and the unsecured assets to L230 10a.- The only secured creditor was Chas. J. Deichler (L206) secured by bill of sale over the stock-in-trade, valued at L300.— The assets consisted of a double-barrelled gun, L10; cedar boat and canoe, L10; riding saddle and sundries. L7; bay mare, 10 (s?); book debts, L20 (estimated to produce L10), photographic negatives, L100, and estimated surplus, L94. — The following were the unsecured creditors :— John Coutts (Wellington), L80 ; South N.Z. Finance Co., L44 ; Kempthorne, Prosser and Co Dunedin), L22 15s; salaries of assistants, L36 2s 8d ; L. Rodgers and Co, L6; Deiley and Moir, L5 5s; Erskine and Co., L4 17s; Bank N.Z., L4 16s; T. Millar, tailor, L3 ; E. H. Whitmore, L3; Guthrie and Co., L1 lls; and Wilkie and Co., Dunedin, 15s.
Southland Times, Issue 9983, 4 October 1888, Page 2

Hart, William P. , Photographer, Beach Street, Queenstown. Mr Hart has a large number of splendid negatives of the most attractive scenery in Southland, the cold Lakes district, Sutherland Falls, and the Sounds. He was the first photographer to take a photograph of the Sutherland Falls, and did so in the year 1883, five years before any other photographer saw them. Mr Hart personally reported the genuineness of the discovery to Mr McKerrow, the Surveyor General, at Wellington, in the beginning of May of that year, and afterwards supplied the Government with photographs of the falls and scenery on the way from Milford Sound. Again, in 1888, at the request of Mr C. W. Adams, Chief Surveyor for Otago, Mr Hart gave information regarding the country he had visited before any track had been constructed by the Government. It was Mr Hart who named the Sutherland Falls after Mr D. Sutherland, the explorer; who, in turn, named Mount Hart, where the river takes its rise, after Mr Hart. Both of these names were subsequently confirmed by the Survey Department. Mr Hart also supplied the late Mr Quinton McKinnon with photographs of the mountains in the vicinity of the Sutherland Falls, and they must have assisted in the discovery of the pass from the Clinton Valley. As long ago as 1879, Mr Hart was awarded a medal and certificate at Sydney Exhibition; and in 1881 he gained the first degree of merit at Dunedin - also at Invercargill, in the same year - and at Christchurch, in 1882, for exhibits of photographs.
The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]
The Cyclopedia Company, Limited, 1905, Christchurch

William P. Hart; Aged 80. The death took place at the Frankton Hospital on Wednesday last, 28th July, of Mr William P. Hart. Deceased was in his 81st year. He had been an inmate of the hospital for over three years and death took place from natural causes.
The late Mr Hart said from Scotland 70 years ago and came on to the Wakatipu district over 50 years ago and was employed as bookkeeper in Jenkins’ store, Arrowtown, for a few years. He also did a little mining in the Shotover.
Deceased then went to Invercargill and commenced a photographic business in partnership with one named Campbell. The partnership was subsequently dissolved and Mr Hart returned to the district and set up a business of his own in Queenstown in portraiture and landscape photography, which he carried on more or less till he went into hospital. He took a number of splendid pictures of the most attractive spots in Southland, the Sounds, Sutherland Falls and the Lakes district.
He was the first photographer to take a photograph of the Sutherland Falls. This was in 1883, five years before any other camera man saw them. Mr Hart personally reported the genuineness of the discovery to Mr McKerrow, the Surveyor-General at Wellington, in the beginning of May of that year, and afterwards supplied the Government with photographs of the Falls and scenery on the way from Milford Sound.
Again, in 1888, at the request of Mr G. W. Adams, Chief Surveyor for Otago, Mr Hart gave information regarding the country he has visited. This was before any track had been constructed by the Government. It was Mr Hart who named the Sutherland Falls after Mr D. Sutherland, the explorer; who, in turn, named Mount Hart, where the river takes its rise, after Mr Hart. Both of these names were subsequently confirmed by the Survey Department. Mr Hart also supplied the late Mr Quinton McKinnon with photographs of the mountains in the vicinity of the Sutherland Falls, and they must have assisted in the discovery of the pass from the Clinton Valley. As long ago as 1879, Mr Hart was awarded a medal and certificate at Sydney Exhibition; and in 1881 he gained the first degree of merit at Dunedin — also at Invercargill, in the same year - and at Christchurch, in 1892, for exhibits of photographs. The deceased was a reputed runner and long distance walker when in his prime, and he won many medals.
The late Mr Hart was unmarried. The remains were interred in the Frankton Cemetery on Friday, last, the Rev. J. Collie performing the last rites.
Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 3704, 3 August 1926, Page 4


[purchased October 2022]


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