Millar and Austin

William R. Millar

Herbert D. Austin


MESSRS Millar and Austin have opened in Lawrence as photographers in the premises lately occupied by Messrs Lambert and Heatley. The new firm have had a lengthened experience of all descriptions of photographic work in other towns, and having had the studio renovated and improved they are in a position to turn out work equal in every respect to that procured in the larger cities. They solicit an inspection of their work exhibited in their window.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 4637, 22 March 1899, Page 2

Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between William R. Millar and Herbert D. Austin, Photographers, and carried on under the style or name of Millar and Austin in Peel-street, Lawrence, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.

The business will in future be carried on by the aforesaid William R. Millar upon his own account, who will pay all accounts owing by and receive all moneys due to the late firm.
William R. Millar
Herbert D. Austin
Witness - George Walker
Lawrence, 26th June 1899.

In reference to the above, I have to thank the residents of Lawrence for the liberal patronage accorded the old form, and solicit a continuance of the same for myself.
Satisfaction is guaranteed.

Enlargements from photographs of deceased or absent friends in either black and white or oils a specialty. Picture-framing: A large assortment to choose from. All work at Dunedin prices.

William R. Millar

Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXI, Issue 4666, 1 July 1899, Page 2

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