GUY, Matthew

Matthew Guy
born circa 1879 - reg 1879/6946
son of Matthew Guy and Christina Guy nee Straker
died about 1934 aged 55 years - 1934/5724


3 July 1918 at Wanganui reg 1918/4941
Jessie Crawford Hoskins
(Hoskins family tree here)
born 7 April 1890 New Zealand
daughter of John William Hoskin and Catherine Kerby Wallace
died 11 February 1976 Karori, Wellington
she married secondly in 1949 to John Pickles

Akaroa - Sherlock and Guy - 1899
Granity - c. 1905 to c. 1914
Guy is shown as a photographer in Granity on the 1905-1906 Buller Electoral Roll. In 1928 Matthew Guy is living at 58 Polson Street, Wanganui with his wife Jessie Crawford Guy, his occupation is a photographer.

His parents Matthew Guy (snr) and Christina Guy both arrived in Nelson, New Zealand on the "Howrah" on 9 November 1876 (1) and married about 1877 (reg. 1877/2613).

They had three children:
1. Thomas John Guy (reg. 1878/17302) died aged 3 weeks (reg. 1878/4179)
2. Matthew Guy (reg. 1879/6946)
3. Donald Guy (reg. 1879/6947)

Matthew Guy (snr) was for many years employed by the Westport Coal Company (2) and died at the residence of his son Donald Guy, Bignell Street, Gonville aged 64 years (3).

A very pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents on the 3rd inst., between Mr. M. Guy, of Wanganui, eldest son of the late Mr. M. Guy, of Westport, and Miss J. C. Hoskins, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins, of Ingestre Street, Wanganui. The Rev. J. D. McKenzie, of St. Paul's, performed the ceremony.

The bride looked charming in a neat tailor-made costume and black crepe de chene hat, and earned a shower bouquet. She was given away by her father, and was attended by Miss F. Hoskins as chief bridesmaid, who was dressed in a white voile dress and black crepa de chene hat, also by two little maids, Christina Guy (niece of the bridegroom) and Frances Hoskins (niece of the bride), each carrying a shower bouquet. The bridegroom was attended by Mr.T. Hoskins and Mr. G. Graham, the latter a returned soldier.
The bride's present to the bridegroom was a pair of hair brushes suitably inscribed, and the bridegroom's to the bride a gold brooch set with pearls and rubies, and to the bridesmaids a gold pendant and brooches. After the wedding breakfast, the happy couple left for the South, the bride wearing a blue tailor made costume, with hat to match.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXVI, Issue 17334, 8 July 1918, Page 6

Notes Nelson Creek
(Our Correspondent). Since I last wrote there has been nothing sensational in dredging matters in this district. The Nelson Creek dredge, I am very pleased to say, is keeping up its reputation by giving the shareholders good returns.

Mr and Mrs O'Kane visited the claim on the 2nd of the month and had the dredge photographed. Mr Edmonds, the genial dredgemaster, courteously invited your correspondent aboard. It was quite amusing to see Messrs O'Kane, Straker, myself and others pushed up in the elevator buckets.

The dedge looked quite gay, as Mr Edmonds had four flags flying. There was a large number of visitors on board.

Mr Matthew Guy, the youthful photographer, was educated in the Nelson Creek school. From what I hear, his work will bear comparison with any photographer's on the coast.

If your correspondent looks nice in the elevator bucket I will forward you one of the pictures.
Grey River Argus, Volume LVII, Issue 10520, 18 April 1901, Page 3

Electoral Rolls
1905-1906 - photographer, Granity. Buller Electoral Roll
1911 - photographer, Granity. Buller Electoral Roll
1914 - photographer, Granity. Buller Electoral Roll

(1) West Coast Times, Issue 2378, 10 November 1876, Page 2
(2) Grey River Argus, 11 April 1917, Page 2
(3) Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LX, Issue 16949, 5 April 1917, Page 4

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