Hart, Campbell and Co

Hart, Campbell and Co.
 Hart, Campbell and Co.
Otago, N.Z
 about March 1876 - 1880
Cromwell Argus, Volume VII, Issue 331, 14 March 1876, Page 4
 Arrowtown is shortly to be visited by Messrs Hart, Campbell, and Co., who are said to be very clever in their line of business, viz.; portrait and landscape photographers. Their specimens, which are to be seen at Mr Jenkins' store, are really good, and no doubt Messrs Hart and Co. will be well patronised in the Arrow when they arrive.
Lake County Press, Volume V, Issue 249, 15 March 1876, Page 2
Naseby ... Messrs Hart, Campbell, and Co., travelling photographers, while here, have originated a capital idea in photography, which consists in attaching at the bottom of a vignette portrait, the autograph of the subject. The autograph, written separately on a piece of paper, is photographed and printed at the bottom of the carte. All that it required is to write the signature a little larger than ordinary, and the photographers reproduce it capitally. Although the idea is only about a fortnight old Hart, Campbell, and Co. claim to have originated it) it has become already quite the correct thing, and a vignette of a gentleman is considered incomplete without the autograph attached.  
North Otago Times, Volume XXV, Issue 1398, 5 October 1876, Page 2

Macrae's Flat ... Messrs Hart, Campbell, and Co., photographers, are residing here just now, and intend staying a few days longer, prior to their departure for Hyde. They undoubtedly understand their business well, and the work exhibited by them is very creditable: some landscape scenery taken by them on Sir Francis Bell's station is very well executed indeed.
Bruce Herald, Volume IX, Issue 800, 5 May 1876, Page 5

Messrs Hart, Campbell and Co. — a firm of photographers who have acquired a very high reputation — have now opened their studio in Cromwell, adjoining the Post-office, where they intend making a limited stay. Having read many eulogistic notices in the Provincial Press of the work turned out by Hart, Campbell and Co., we paid their studio a visit the other day, and were certainly surprised to see the high class and amount of work they have turned out during their upcountry tour. The photos, are beautifully clear and have a sharpness of outline which has hitherto never been expected nor looked for in likenesses taken up-country. In landscapes and animals H. C. and Co. also excel, — indeed they appear to make success in this branch of the art a special feature. In the Wakatipu district, where they purpose going in a short time, these artistes will find a splendid field for their talents in the landscape department, and the beauties and grandeur of the Lakes will not suffer at their hands. The visit of Hart, Campbell and Co. should certainly be taken advantage of by every individual or family who desire a faithful reflex of the “human form divine” in a style not to be surpassed even in Dunedin.
Cromwell Argus, Volume IX, Issue 426, 8 January 1878, Page 4
We are requested to draw special attention to the fact that Messrs Hart, Campbell and Co. have determined to close their photographic gallery on 1st April — about three weeks from now. The high character which this firm has obtained from those in this district who have had pictures taken should induce all who have a mind to pay them a visit to put off no longer, as the announcement to close is positive, and such an opportunity to secure really true and faithful likenesses will probably not occur again in Cromwell for some considerable time.
Cromwell Argus, Volume IX, Issue 435, 12 March 1878, Page 4
During the Volunteer manoeuvres on Saturday a favorable opportunity was taken advantage of by Messrs Hart, Campbell and Co. to secure a photograph of the company. We have seen the result in their studio, and it is quite a marvel of correctness, every man coming out as sharp and clear as could be desired. This success with a large group of persons affords yet further proof of the artists’ talents, and no doubt there will be a strong demand for the pictures so cleverly executed.
Cromwell Argus, Volume IX, Issue 436, 19 March 1878, Page 5
Photographic Views. — We were yesterday shown some really very fine views taken by the well-known artists Messrs Hart Campbell, and Co. They are in the possession of Mr E. H. Whitmore, and comprise; various scenes of the Lakes district including a few capital representations of mining operations at Macetown. A number of them are intended for distribution to the lowest prize-takers in the forthcoming Art Union, while others are for private sale. 
Southland Times, Issue 3420, 6 June 1879, Page 2

Views. We have been shown by Mr E. H. Whitmore a number of capital views of Lake scenery. They are photos by those well known artists Messrs Hart, Campbell, and Co. and must go far to enhance their already well founded reputation. Better views of the superlative scenery that abounds on every hand at Lake Wakatip and Lake Hayes we have seldom seen, and would recommend, all who take an interest in such things to pay Mr Whitmore a visit and obtain a sight for themselves. The views are intended for his forthcoming art union.
Southland Times, Issue 3564, 22 November 1879, Page 2
 cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection



On the Arthur River, Milford Sound
by Hart, Campbell and Co.

Hart, Campbell and Co.
Tay Street, Invercargill, N.Z

Southland Times, Issue 3761, 12 July 1880, Page 3

Photography. — Messrs Hart, Campbell and Co., the well-known photographers, have opened a studio in Tay street, next door to Mr Whitmore, bookseller. At the recent exhibition of pictures in the Athenaeum, it will be remembered, Messrs Hart, Campbell and Co. showed a collection of views taken in the neighborhood of Lake Wakatipu. The excellence of these pictures could not be disputed, and must have satisfied all who saw them of the ability of the artists. They were, we believe, no more than a fair sample of the work from the same studio. If the firm are as successful in portraiture as in scenic photography, they will no doubt receive a liberal share of the public patronage in that branch as well as in the other.
Southland Times, Issue 3793, 17 August 1880, Page 2

Notice is Hereby Given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, William Paterson Hart and Charles Campbell, lately carrying on business together at Invercargill under the style or firm of "Hart, Campbell and Co." has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the day of the date hereof by the retirement of Mr Charles Campbell, and the business will henceforth be carried on by Mr W. P. Hart, who will collect the partnership debts and be responsible for the partnership liabilities.
Dated this 28th day of August, 1886.
Witness to the signature of William Paterson Hart and Charles Campbell -
C. W. Tanner,
Solicitor, Invercargill.
Southland Times, Issue 9310, 31 August 1886, Page 3 (also 30 August)

In 1888 William P. Hart, photographer was adjudged bankrupt.
Southland Times, Issue 9977, 27 September 1888, Page 3

In Bankruptcy.— A meeting of creditors in the estate of Wm. P. Hart, of Invercargill, photographer, was called for yesterday but, on account of the half-holiday demonstration, was adjourned till the following day. — The debtor's statement showed his unsecured liabilities as amounting to L 221 1s 8d, and the unsecured assets to L230 10a.- The only secured creditor was Chas. J. Deichler (L206) secured by bill of sale over the stock-in-trade, valued at L300.— The assets consisted of a double-barrelled gun, L10; cedar boat and canoe, L10; riding saddle and sundries. L7; bay mare, 10 (s?); book debts, L20 (estimated to produce L10), photographic negatives, L100, and estimated surplus, L94. — The following were the unsecured creditors :— John Coutts (Wellington), L80 ; South N.Z. Finance Co., L44 ; Kempthorne, Prosser and Co Dunedin), L22 15s; salaries of assistants, L36 2s 8d ; L. Rodgers and Co, L6; Deiley and Moir, L5 5s; Erskine and Co., L4 17s; Bank N.Z., L4 16s; T. Millar, tailor, L3 ; E. H. Whitmore, L3; Guthrie and Co., L1 11s; and Wilkie and Co., Dunedin, 15s.
Southland Times, Issue 9983, 4 October 1888, Page 2



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