John Manton

Sir George Ferguson Bowen GCMG PC 
Governor of New Zealand, 1867–1872

unknown man photographed by John Manton

Star (Christchurch), Issue 1085, 9 August 1871, Page 1

Neglecting to Stamp a Receipt. — Chas. Martin, Oxford Terrace, was summoned, under the Stamp Act, for having given a receipt for £6 15s 9d to John Manton, without the same being duly stamped. John Manton said he laid the information against accused. He did not know that the receipt was unstamped until Thursday, when, being told that accused might come on him for the money; again, he reported the matter to the police.- Charlotte Manton, mother of last witness, said the receipt produced given to her by accused. It was unstamped then as now. By the Bench: She did not ask accused to put a stamp upon it, as she did not know that one was necessary. Accused said he was not in the habit of giving receipts without first stamping them, and if he had done so in this case, it was quite an oversight. The receipt, as produced, was certainly in his handwriting, but he could not understand how it came to be unstamped. He might say, however, that he believed the case was brought purely from malice, as the first witness was leaving no stone unturned to do him (accused) an injury. His Worship said accused had laid himself open to a heavy penalty by neglecting to put a stamp upon the receipt. He could be fined £10; but the Beach would take it that the offence was the result of an oversight, and would only inflict the nominal penalty of £1.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 1092, 17 August 1871, Page 3

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