Meeting of Photographers 1890

A meeting of photographers — employers and employees — was held in the City Hotel last evening, "to discuss the means of improving the present state of the profession." There was a fairly representative attendance, seven employers being present in addition to several employees. Mr Attwood was voted to the chair. The opinions expressed by the Chairman and others were to the effect that keen competition in prices, coupled with sweating of employees, had brought the trade to the present bad state. It was stated that in one establishment boys and girls were induced to go to work on the understanding that they would be paid from 2s 6d to £2 a week according to the aptitude they displayed, whereas, in fact, they never received more than 10s a week. Various suggestions were made as to taking combined action, with a view to remedying, the evils complained of; and it was suggested that the employees should form a society and bring any grievances they had before the employers for the latter's consideration. Ultimately it was resolved — "That two of the employees should wait on the employers, ascertain their views as to prices, &c, and report to a future meeting to be held oa Wednesday, Oct. 22."
Star, Issue 6986, 15 October 1890, Page 4
Meeting of Photographers. — An adjourned meeting of the photographic profession was held at the City Hotel last evening. There was a good attendance, Mr Attwood in the chair. The deputation appointed at last meeting to wait on the employers re the prices, reported that a meeting of employees had been held, and a scale of prices agreed upon for the consideration of the employers. They had waited on the employers, six of whom 8 agreed to fall in with the suggestions if the same were unanimously adopted by the employers at a general meeting. Some discussion followed the reading of the report, during which. Mr C. H. Manning expressed the opinion that the present low scale of prices prevented fair wages being paid, and he thought that £4 a week was little enough for a qualified operator. It was resolved that a deputation should wait on all the employers, and submit an amended scale of prices for their approval. It was also decided that a meeting of employers, to which employees will be admitted, be called by circular, to discuss the scale of prices and other matters of interest to the profession. After passing a I vote of thanks to the Chairman the meeting adjourned.
Star, Issue 6993, 23 October 1890, Page 3
Canterbury Photographic Association — This newly-formed Association held its first meeting on Tuesday evening, when, after some routine business had been disposed of, papers on "Photographic Diplomacy" and "From Christchurch to an Artist's Paradise" were read by two of the members, and proved both interesting and amusing. It is intended to call a meeting at an early date of all those connected with the profession (employers and employees), when several important matters, tending towards furthering the interest of the profession, will be discussed.
Star, Issue 6982, 10 October 1890, Page 3
Photographic Association. — The professional photographers in Christchurch are now taking steps to form themselves into an Association with a view of protecting the interests of the trade, regulating the scales of charges, wages, &c. At a meeting held on Friday evening, a Sub-Committee was told off to draft rules for submission to a future meeting, and it was therefore decided to hold over the question of raising the prices of work till the Association is formed.
Star, Issue 7012, 17 November 1890, Page 3

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