Alexander Cameron
born circa 1831
died 11 July 1887 at Ross aged 56 years, registered 1887/3768.
Wise's Directory for 1878-79
Cameron, Alex., Kumara, Westland
Wise's Directory for 1880-81
Cameron Alexander, Kumara, Westland
Kumara Times, Issue 397, 3 January 1878
Mr Cameron, photographer, Seddon street, succeeded in taking a capital view
of the scene at the corner of Main and Seddon streets at the time when the Town
Clerk was reading the address to Sir George Grey. Most of the figures come out
with remarkable clearness, and as the copies of the picture are to be had at a
reasonable price, doubtless many of those who witnessed the interesting ceremony
will secure mementoes of it.
Kumara Times, Issue 445, 28 February 1878
We have been shewn by Mr Cameron, photographer, Seddon street, a capitally
executed photograph of the entrance to the Skipper's Claim, shewing the miners
standing at the mouth of the drive. Mr Cameron is making a specialty of this
kind of work, and is very successful in producing good pictures.
Kumara Times, Issue 530, 8 June 1878
Donneley's Creek Bridge, Ross
by Alexander Cameron, Photographer,
photograph courtesy of Smith's Bookshop Tannery Emporium, 3 Garlands Road,
Woolston, Christchurch 8023.
[Donnellys Creek Bridge]
Elevator Workings. Ross United Gold Mining Co.
by Alexander Cameron,
Photographer, Ross
photograph courtesy of Smith's Bookshop Tannery Emporium, 3 Garlands Road,
Woolston, Christchurch 8023.
Prince of Wales Gold Mine Co. by Alexander Cameron, Photographer,
photograph courtesy of Smith's Bookshop Tannery Emporium, 3 Garlands Road,
Woolston, Christchurch 8023.

Kumara Times, Issue 647, 24 October 1878
(this notice continued in the Kumara Times until 13 December 1878)
Kumara Times, Issue 741, 13 February 1879
Mr A. Cameron, photographer, notifies elsewhere that he will return to
this town next week, when he will be prepared to execute all orders in
photography with which he may be favored.
Kumara Times, Issue 996, 9 December 1879
Kumara Times, Issue 998, 11 December 1879
(this notice first appeared in the Kumara Times on 9 December 1879 and until 20 December 1879)
Kumara Times, Issue 1020, 8 January 1880
(this notice first appeared in the Kumara Times on 27 December 1879 and continued until 8 January 1880)
Grey River Argus, Volume XXXV, Issue 5944, 12 July 1887
Awfully Sudden Death.
Ross, July 11.
Alexander Cameron, commission agent, died suddenly at about four o'clock
this afternoon. While sitting in the blacksmith shop of Mr Sim be complained of
headache and gripe, and was noticed to fall back suddenly. He was at once laid
on the floor, where he immediately expired. Dr. Brittan was called, and
pronounced life extinct. The body lies in the Totara Hall, awaiting an in
West Coast Times, Issue 6542, 12 July 1887