Ernest Richard Whalley
photo - Palmerston North Libraries and Community Services
Ernest Richard Whalley, born circa 1863 Liverpool, Lancashire, England, reg. West Derby vol. 8b page 352, son of Naomi Whitehead and John Whalley (pawnbroker), bapt 5 April 1863, Grove Street Chapel, Liverpool, [1], arrived New Zealand on the "R.M.S. Aorangi" departed London 12 October 1893, arrived Wellington 29 November 1893 via Plymouth, Capetown and Hobart, died 14 March 1929 at the Public Hospital, Palmerston North, aged 66 years, buried 16 March 1929, Terrace End Cemetery, Palmerston North, block 019, plot 041.
Palmerston North
Crown Studios, next to Victoria House, The Square, Palmerston North
The Fire.— Mr E. Whalley has forwarded a couple of large photographs of the scene of the late fire at the Commercial Hotel, which are capital pictures of the destructive effects of the devouring element.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6695, 12 May 1900
Manawatu Standard, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6756, 24 July 1900
[this notice first appeared in the Manawatu Standard on 21 July 1900]
Mr Whalley, of the Crown Studio, has just received a charming series of views of the Rotorua district. The series includes some excellent photos of the pink and white terraces, while some enlargements of the same are quite the best we have seen for some time. Other photos deal with Maori life and the springs and geysers in the Hot Lake district. The views would form the most acceptable Christmas present for anyone.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7480, 22 December 1902
Messrs Whalley and Co., the up-to-date photographers, have purchased the negatives of the late Thos. Attwood [who died 15 April 1904 at Palmerston North], and extra copies can be obtained at the Crown Studios.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7829, 5 May 1904
On the Palmerston, Ashurst, Road, NZ, Crown Studios
A Pretty Fern Patch in the Victoria Esplanade, Palmerston North, NZ, Crown Studios
Messrs G. H. Bennett and Co. have forwarded us a beautiful series of pictorial postcards dealing with Palmerston North. The views include tree ferns, Victoria Esplanade, railway station, Manawatu Gorge and traffic bridge, Fitzherbert bridge from both sides, Palmerston Hospital, and four fine views of the Square. The photos were taken by Messrs Whalley and Co. and the blocks printed in England, in a remarkably attractive manner. As a means of advertising our town and showing its attractions to residents abroad, these cards will be found excellent.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7897, 25 July 1904
Manawatu Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7932, 20 December 1904
From Messrs Whalley and Co. comes a souvenir of the Manawatu Gorge. It is the finest thing of its kind ever seen in New Zealand, printed on good paper by the new collatype process. A limited number are to be placed on the local market.
Manawatu Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7946, 9 January 1905
Messrs Whalley and Co., proprieters of the Crown Studios, have forwarded us a handsome souvenir of the Manawatu Gorge in the form of a collection of views of this noted beauty spot. The pictures were executed in England from photographs taken by Messrs Whalley and Co., and each copy is neatly bound. A finer set of views has not been obtainable locally and Messrs Whalley and Co. should experience a keen demand for copies.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 7999, 10 January 1905
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 7999, 10 January 1905
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8526, 5 March 1908
Mr W. H. Whalley, of the Crown Studio, Palmerston North, has been busily engaged to-day taking views of various parts of the town [Hastings], for the purpose of issuing a set of post cards. He will also issue a panoramic view of the town, as taken from the top of the Grand hotel.
Hastings Standard, Volume XII, Issue 60183, 25 January 1909
Hastings Street, Napier by The Crown Studio
A Fine View of the Botanical Gardens, Napier by The Crown Studio
Bluff Rocks, Napier and the Marine Parade by The Crown Studio
The illustrations in this week's Canterbury Times are chiefly devoted to views of the recent floral fete in Palmerston, and of the Hastings Band Contest. The bulk of the pictures are reproduced from photos taken by Messrs Whalley and Co., of the Crown Studio. The clearness of the reproductions demonstrate the high-class of work turned at the Crown Studio.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 8814, 4 March 1909

Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9286, 11 August 1910
Palmerston North showing the Crown Studios to the far left next to Pegden's Furniture Warehouse.
Detail below.
Messrs Whalley and Co., of the Crown Studios, Palmerston North, have purchased the well-known and old-established business formerly carried on by Messrs Bell Bros., of Broadway, Marton. Messrs Whalley and Co. have, by the quality of their work and the energy displayed in conducting their business, built up a reputation in this district, and Rangitikei residents are assured that should they favour the Crown Studios with their patronage they will receive every attention. It is the aim of Messrs Whalley and Co. to give satisfaction to patrons, and their experience should be a sufficient guarantee in this connection. It is Messrs Whalley and Co.'s intention to conduct their Marton business under the name of the Crown Studios, and it will be carried on in conjunction with their Palmerston North business.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9320, 20 September 1910
unknown man by
Whalley & Co., Palmerston North
We have visited Messrs Whalley and Co. when last in Palmerston, and were shown through their extensive premises and found them busy in all the different departments. They have just installed a very fine Century studio camera and large (Ross and Co., of London), anastigmatic portrait lens, to cope with their increasing business, and have also a special large and long bellows camera with a very expensive set of lenses for copying or enlarging photos, and in most cases the copied photo is better than the original.
We were shown some excellent specimens of the work which looked very fine and were real works of art. The large studios are furnished with a fine set of backgrounds, both exterior and interior, and one very fine cathedral background (made especially to their order) for wedding groups, also some very pretty fancy chairs and all other accessories with which to execute all the different kinds of up-to-date photography.
They have a very fine range of new mounts which we were informed are the pick of the English, American and Continental manufacturers, and with such a fine selection to choose from we are sure that they will be able to more than satisfy the most fastidious taste. They are giving their Foxton friends a special inducement to visit the Crown Studios during show week, by presenting every patron for one dozen cabinet photos with a beautiful enlargement free of charge, and we feel confident that our readers cannot do better than avail themselves of this grand opportunity, and we are confident that they will receive civility, attention and every satisfaction from Messrs Whalley and Co., who are always anxious to please all those who patronise them.
Manawatu Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 1106, 7 June 1913
Manawatu Gorge, NZ, Crown Studio
Ballance Bridge, Manawatu Gorge, NZ, Crown Studio
Manawatu Gorge, NZ, Crown Studio
"Love from Neville Dawe for 1912"
to Mrs Wilding, Usk St, Oamaru.
Photography is more than photography — it is an Art. To portray the soul of the sitter and not the mere exterior requires skill, and is only possible by an artist. Pictures of this description can be obtained at the “CROWN STUDIOS,” Marton (Whalley and Co.) where the personal touch of the artist is shown throughout, and besides skill the studio is necessarily equipped with the most modern lenses, and the backgrounds, which are just imported, are painted by America’s most famous scenic artists. Our manager, Mr Newton Wells, by his great experience of photography gained in America and abroad is second to none, and his pictures of ladies and children, etc., are delightful for their beauty and technique.
Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10675, 19 June 1913
The Post Office, Palmerston North, NZ
Crown Studios
Rangitikei Advocate and Manawatu Argus, Volume XXXVII, Issue 10645, 14 May 1913
order to prepare for the busy season Messrs E. R. Whalley and Co. are
having the Crown Studios altered and completely renovated. These will
not only add to the attractiveness of the studios, but will provide
increased facilities for dealing with an increasing business. These
improvements will he completed by Saturday evening, and on Monday Messrs
Whalley and Co. will be ready to receive patrons.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9919, 21 October 1914
The Crown Studios (Whalley and Co.), the Square, announce that their new studios are now ready, and that they are prepared to execute orders of all descriptions. Christmas photos will be a speciality.
Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9920, 3 November 1914
Manawatu Times, Volume XL, Issue 14057, 13 November 1918
Samuel Jickell, 1856-1939
by Crown Studio (Palmerston North):
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23065251
The death occurred at Palmerston North last evening of Mr Ernest R. Whalley, who for the past thirty years had been in business there as a photographer. He was a devoted member of All Saints’ Anglican Church. Miss Naomi Whalley, the well-known singer, is a niece of the deceased gentleman.
Horowhenua Chronicle, 15 March 1929
The Crown Studio, Fitzherbert avenue, Palmerston North.
Miss D. Low, the photographic artist of George street, Palmerston North, has purchased the Crown Studios in Fitzherbert avenue, for many years conducted by the late Mr. E. R. Whalley. Miss Low is regarded as an expert in all branches of photographic work, and the Crown Studio, with its extensive plant, has been brought right up to date, and the public will appreciate the good work of this young artist and her staff as displayed in the vestibule of the Crown Studios at the present time. Miss Low has a great reputation for wedding groups and children's photographs. Reliability and prompt service is the motto of the Crown Studios.
Evening Post, Volume CVIII, Issue 112, 7 November 1929
Whalley Brothers
from left: Reginald Herbert Whalley, Ernest Richard Whalley and George Ethelbert Whalley.
Reginald married Amelia Helen McMinn in 1895 and died in 1940 aged 75 years. George a teacher at Makino married Margaret Alice Whitehead in 1904 and died in 1952 aged 82 years
photo - Palmerston North Libraries and Community Services
[1] "England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:J7KF-L32 : 10 February 2018, Ernist Richard Walley, ); citing item 15, index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City; FHL microfilm 1,595,425.