P.P.L. Hastings
New Zealand Views
James Ring
Rotorua leaving for Melbourne
no. 63
photograph by James Ring
no. 63
photograph by James Ring
Cobden Hill from Quarry Greymouth
no. 319
photograph by James Ring
no. 319
photograph by James Ring
The Wharf Greymouth, N.Z.
no. 154
photograph by James Ring

s.s. Wainui leaving Greymouth Wharf, N.Z.
no. 315
photograph by James Ring

Brunnerton Bridge, N.Z.
no. 276
photograph by James Ring
Charles Seaton's Railway Hotel shown on left
Lake Kanieri from Old Jacks, N.Z.
no. 167
photograph by James Ring

Head of Lake Kanieri, N.Z.
no. ...
photograph by James Ring

Lake Kanieri, N.Z.
no 166
photograph by James Ring

Hohonu Peaks from Iveagh Bay, Lake Brunner, N.Z.
no. 101
photograph by James Ring

Refuge Island from the Maori Pah, Lake Brunner, N.Z.
no. 102
photograph by James Ring

Reefton, N.Z.
no. 431
photograph by James Ring

Archer's Punt on the Inangahua River, N.Z.
no. 447
photograph by James Ring

Redman's Bar, Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 459
photograph by James Ring
Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 440
photograph by James Ring
Fern Arch, Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 462
photograph by James Ring
Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 457
photograph by James Ring

Caves at Cape Foulwind, N.Z.
no. 304 [804?]
photograph by James Ring

Blow Hole, Cape Foulwind
no. 807
photograph by James Ring

Cape Foulwind
no. ?
photograph by James Ring

Brown Terrace, Cape Foulwind, N.Z.
no. 809
photograph by James Ring

Cape Foulwind, N.Z.
no. 805
photograph by James Ring
Te-Warra-Warra ... N.Z.
no. 864
photograph by James Ring
Incline to Westport Coal Mine
no. 839
photograph by James Ring
Top of Incline, Westport Mine
no. 832
photograph by James Ring

Upper Incline, Westport Mine
no. 831
photograph by James Ring
no. 154
photograph by James Ring

s.s. Wainui leaving Greymouth Wharf, N.Z.
no. 315
photograph by James Ring

Brunnerton Bridge, N.Z.
no. 276
photograph by James Ring
Charles Seaton's Railway Hotel shown on left
Lake Kanieri from Old Jacks, N.Z.
no. 167
photograph by James Ring

Head of Lake Kanieri, N.Z.
no. ...
photograph by James Ring

Lake Kanieri, N.Z.
no 166
photograph by James Ring

Hohonu Peaks from Iveagh Bay, Lake Brunner, N.Z.
no. 101
photograph by James Ring

Refuge Island from the Maori Pah, Lake Brunner, N.Z.
no. 102
photograph by James Ring

Reefton, N.Z.
no. 431
photograph by James Ring

Archer's Punt on the Inangahua River, N.Z.
no. 447
photograph by James Ring

Redman's Bar, Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 459
photograph by James Ring
Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 440
photograph by James Ring
Fern Arch, Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 462
photograph by James Ring
Buller Gorge, N.Z.
no. 457
photograph by James Ring

Caves at Cape Foulwind, N.Z.
no. 304 [804?]
photograph by James Ring

Blow Hole, Cape Foulwind
no. 807
photograph by James Ring

Cape Foulwind
no. ?
photograph by James Ring

Brown Terrace, Cape Foulwind, N.Z.
no. 809
photograph by James Ring

Cape Foulwind, N.Z.
no. 805
photograph by James Ring
Te-Warra-Warra ... N.Z.
no. 864
photograph by James Ring
Incline to Westport Coal Mine
no. 839
photograph by James Ring
Top of Incline, Westport Mine
no. 832
photograph by James Ring

Upper Incline, Westport Mine
no. 831
photograph by James Ring
Zambra, Cæsar Anthony
Cæsar Anthony Zambra
Cæsar Anthony Zambra born circa 1835 England son of Phyllis Warren and Giuseppe Cesare Zambra (Joseph Cæsar Zambra), arrived 19 September 1866, Auckland, New Zealand on the "Pegasus" from London [shown as "C. A. Tamber" , with cargo - 4 cases for "C. A. Wambra" [1], then aged about 31 years, died 25 March 1881 at the Provincial Hospital, Auckland aged about 46 years, buried 28 March 1881, Symonds Street Cemetery, Auckland from the Hospital, service by Rev. Sparling.
1861 census:
photographer aged 25 years, unmarried, born Saffron Walden, Essex - boarder at the house of Joseph Carter and family at 73 Hatton Garden, Saffron Hill, London, with three other boarders. Nearby at 72 Hatton Garden resided James Zambra, his brother aged 28 years, master barometer and thermometer manufacturer [2]. His parents Phyllis and Joseph then resided at 1 Hatton Garden
photographer aged 25 years, unmarried, born Saffron Walden, Essex - boarder at the house of Joseph Carter and family at 73 Hatton Garden, Saffron Hill, London, with three other boarders. Nearby at 72 Hatton Garden resided James Zambra, his brother aged 28 years, master barometer and thermometer manufacturer [2]. His parents Phyllis and Joseph then resided at 1 Hatton Garden
Oriental Cottage, Parnell, Auckland
from January 1867 to December 1869
from January 1867 to December 1869
New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 998, 25 January 1867
[this notice continued in the New Zealand Herald until 6 February 1867]
An excellent souvenir of the interesting scene in the Barrack-square on Saturday last, on the occasion of the presentation of the Victoria Cross to Major Heaphy, was exhibited at this office yesterday, in the shape of a large-size well-executed photographic view. The picture is well calculated to perpetuate the event in every household, and will doubtless be much sought after by those who feel an interest in the occasion. The view is taken from the Barrack offices, and comprehends the entire square, at the time the presentation was made by the General Commanding. The view is in the best style of photography, having been taken with lenses imported from the well-known establishment of Negretti and Zambra, of London, by Mr. Zambra, photographic artist, of Parnell.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3058, 15 May 1867
unnamed man photographed by
Cæsar Anthony Zambra
Parnell, AucklandWalter Rice photographed by
Cæsar Anthony Zambra
Parnell, Aucklanddated 16 November 1868
93 Lower Queen Street, Auckland
from December 1869
from December 1869
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3842, 14 December 1869
[this notice continued in the Daily Southern Cross until 20 April 1870]
Mr. Zambra, for a long time well known to fame as a photographer of high order, has re-commenced business in that line of art. He has taken the premises in Shortland Crescent at one time occupied by Mr. Redfern.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4480, 23 March 1876
Fatal Accident at Queen Street Wharf
An accident occurred at an early hour yesterday morning to Mr. Zambra, a photographer, which we regret to say has terminated fatally. About half-past five o'clock in the morning the crew of the ketch Fanny Thornton were aroused by hearing a heavy body fall on the deck of the vessel, and on coming up they found Mr. Zambra lying on the deck insensible, and bleeding profusely from the head. He bled from the nose, ears, and mouth. Word was at once sent to the police, and Constable Rist had Mr. Zambra conveyed in a cab to the Hospital, where he was at once attended to by the house-surgeon, but from the first no hopes were entertained of his recovery. He lay in a comatose state all day, and expired at 8 o'clock yesterday evening. The accident was not observed by any person, but it is supposed that Mr. Zambra walked too close to the edge of the wharf, and that his foot must have tripped against the guard-stringer of the wharf, and caused him to tumble over on to the vessel. The fall was about 13 feet, as the tide was low at the time. He was perfectly sober when the accident occurred, and appeared to be following his usual habit of taking an early walk. An inquest will be held to-day.
An accident occurred at an early hour yesterday morning to Mr. Zambra, a photographer, which we regret to say has terminated fatally. About half-past five o'clock in the morning the crew of the ketch Fanny Thornton were aroused by hearing a heavy body fall on the deck of the vessel, and on coming up they found Mr. Zambra lying on the deck insensible, and bleeding profusely from the head. He bled from the nose, ears, and mouth. Word was at once sent to the police, and Constable Rist had Mr. Zambra conveyed in a cab to the Hospital, where he was at once attended to by the house-surgeon, but from the first no hopes were entertained of his recovery. He lay in a comatose state all day, and expired at 8 o'clock yesterday evening. The accident was not observed by any person, but it is supposed that Mr. Zambra walked too close to the edge of the wharf, and that his foot must have tripped against the guard-stringer of the wharf, and caused him to tumble over on to the vessel. The fall was about 13 feet, as the tide was low at the time. He was perfectly sober when the accident occurred, and appeared to be following his usual habit of taking an early walk. An inquest will be held to-day.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6039, 26 March 1881
The inquest on the unfortunate man, Zambra, who died from injuries received by falling off the Queen-street Wharf on to the deck of a vessel, did not take place on Saturday, as anticipated, owing to Dr. Gildsbro' having to visit Kohimarama Naval Training School. It will take place to-day, at the usual hour, 2 p.m., at the Provincial Hospital.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6040, 28 March 1881
The Late Accident on the Queen-street Wharf.
Coroner's Inquest.
A coroner's inquest was held yesterday afternoon, at the Provincial Hospital, before Dr. C. F. Goldsbro' and a jury (of whom Mr. D. S. Chambers was elected foreman), on the body of Cæsar Anthony Zambra, photographer, who came by his death from injuries received by falling over the Queen street Wharf on to the deck of the ketch Fanny Thornton, on the 25th instant.Coroner's Inquest.
The jury, having examined the body, the following evidence was adduced. Dr. Philson deposed that the deceased was about forty-five years of age, and a photographer by occupation. Deceased, when brought to the hospital, was in a state of insensibility, and bleeding profusely from both ears. There were no external grounds, but there was an extensive contusion above his eyes. No smell of drink was observed about him. It was evident he had suffered mortal injury of the brain and he died the same evening at 7.30 o'clock.
The cause of death was injury of the brain resulting from a fall on the crown of the head, producing extensive fracture. No money or property was found on deceased.
Charles Johnston deposed that he was a seaman, serving on board the schooner Jessie. He was on Queen-street wharf at daylight on Friday, the 25th instant. Was walking up the wharf, when a young woman walking before him looked down on the deck of a vessel lying alongside, and said some one had fallen down, and then she walked away. Witness went for a policeman. Saw no scuffle, or any one near the vessel. The young woman walked up the wharf ahead of witness, having come off one of the steamers. Witness assisted the police to get the man from the deck of the vessel on to the wharf. He was then groaning.
By a Juror: There was no person on deck but the deceased. Constable Rist deposed that he found the deceased lying on the deck amidships, having a quantity of clotted blood about him. One of the crew was holding him in a sitting position and bathing this head. Deceased never spoke. He went for an express, to take, deceased to the hospital, which was done shortly afterwards, arriving there at 7 a.m. He never spoke, but opened his eyes once. The blood on the deck was congealed, but little was on his clothes. Blood oozed from his ears. His hat was lying on the deck. Identified the body, viewed by the jury, as that of the deceased, Cæsar Anthony Zambra.
Witness went on duty that morning at 5 o'clock. His beat was in Queen-street, terminating at the Thames Hotel. Believed that the man was fatally injured : when he saw him. By a Juror: Did not know deceased intimately. Could not tell whether he was short-sighted. There were no planks from the wharf to the vessel's deck, or protruding from the side of the wharf. Frederick Augustus Yates deposed that he was a seaman on board the ketch Fanny Thornton, lying alongside the Queen-street Wharf. On the morning of the 25th instant, about 5.45, was aroused by a noise on deck. Called the other men of the crew, and found that they also had been awakened by the noise. Put on some clothes, but before he was dressed one of the seamen named Aicken, went up, and saying, "Some poor fellow has fallen down on our deck."
Witness went on deck, and found the deceased lying there in a quantity of blood, which was, coagulated. Raised him to a sitting position, and got another of the crew named Robinson to bathe his face. Assisted to get him into the express which had been obtained by the police, who had previously arrived, and they took him to the hospital.Witness believed that the noise, which woke him was that of the man falling on the deck. The blood on deck was of a dark frothy character. It was very easy for anyone not looking carefully to trip against the side of the wharf and go over. The ceased had one hand in his pocket when found on the deck; he had never had time to remove it. The room having been cleared, the jury, after a few minutes' deliberation, brought in a verdict of "Accidental death through fracture of the skull."
New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 6041, 29 March 1881
Te Papa
Wellington, New Zealand
Young woman, 1867-1881, Auckland, by Caesar Anthony Zambra.
Purchased 1999 with New Zealand Lottery Grants Board funds.
Te Papa (O.021936)
Young girl, 1860s-1870s, Auckland, by Caesar Anthony Zambra.
Purchased 2014.
Te Papa (O.041208)
Purchased 2014.
Te Papa (O.041208)
Alexander Turnbull Library
Wellington, New Zealand
Zambra, Caesar Anthony, -1881. Zambra, C A (Auckland) fl 1867-:
Portrait of two boys with rifle. Ref: PA2-2924.
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22721396
Zambra, Caesar Anthony, -1881. Zambra, C A (Auckland) fl 1860s:
Portrait of M O Abraham.
Ref: PA2-2023. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22404641
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
[eight others not shown]
Record ID 968-141
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
Record ID 968-145
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
Record ID 968-146
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
Record ID 968-147
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections
[1] New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 890, 20 September 1866
[2] Source Citation - Class: RG 9; Piece: 187; Folio: 35; Page: 67; GSU roll: 542588
Source Information. Ancestry.com. 1861 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.
Caesar Anthony Zambra
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