Thomas Pringle
born circa 1859, Maryport, Cumberland, England son of Robert Pringle (miller) and Elizabeth Goodfellow [3], reg. Jan-Feb-Mar 1858 Cockermouth, Cumberland, vol 10b, page 459, bapt. 13 February 1859, Maryport, Cumberland, arrived New Zealand about 1882 aged about 23 years, died 29 March 1931 Karori, Wellington aged 73 years, reg. 1931/1513, cremated at Wellington Crematorium 30 March 1931, record number 794, married 22 March 1883 Isabella Graham, at the house of her grandmother, Mrs Hester Clough, London Street, Dunedin, New Zealand by the Rev. Thomas Roseby of the Moray Place Congregational Church, witnessed by her uncle John Bryce Thomson, Mayor of Dunedin, her cousin Emma Hester Thomson and James Wyper, reg. 1883/964, born circa 1858, Liverpool, England daughter of James Graham (mariner) and Elizabeth Clough, died 24 July 1942 Christchurch in her 84th year.Scotland
The 1871 census of Scotland shows Thomas Pringle aged 12 years at 189 Main Street, Glasgow, the house of his parents Robert and Elizabeth Pringle. His father was then engaged as a storekeeper, also at the house were Thomas' sisters Barbara Pringle aged 4 years and Annie Pringle aged 2 years.
The 1881 census shows Thomas Pringle then aged 22 years at 37 Morrison Street, Glasgow, a private lodging house run by Jane and Jessie Paterson. He was then employed as a sorting clerk at the General Post Office.
The 1881 census shows Thomas Pringle then aged 22 years at 37 Morrison Street, Glasgow, a private lodging house run by Jane and Jessie Paterson. He was then employed as a sorting clerk at the General Post Office.
Dunedin, New Zealand
about 1882 to November 1885
The Tauranga. Considerable anxiety is felt for the safety of the Tauranga, a schooner of sixty-one tons, which left this port for the South Sea Islands on June 10 (104 days out) and has not since been heard of. The Tauranga was commanded by her owner, Captain James Duncan, and had the following crew David Hurley (boatswain), R. Bell (cook and steward), W. Moody and A. Ljoblism (A.B.s), and P. M’Grath (ordinary seaman.) Mrs Duncan (nee Jane Clough) was the sole passenger. The Tauranga’s cargo consisted of timber, biscuits, beef, and potatoes. It is just possible that the vessel may have been sold by Captain Duncan, but it seems strange that none of Mrs Duncan’s many friends in Dunedin have heard from her since the Tauranga sailed from Port Chalmers.
Evening Star, Issue 6703, 22 September 1884
Thomas Pringle, secretary of Moray Place Congregational Church Mutual Improvement Association, donated magazines to the Seacliff Asylum:
... I have received a parcel of magazines from Mr Pringle, secretary of Moray place Congregational Church Mutual Improvement Association, and I acknowledge the gift with thanks. J.A.T. [J. A. Torrance, Chaplain to Asylum, Hospital, and Gaol]
Evening Star, Issue 6895, 7 May 1885
Evening Star, Issue 6765, 21 November 1885
Wellington, New Zealand
November 1885 to March 1931
Evening Post, Volume XXX, Issue 132, 1 December 1885
[this notice incorrectly shows "J. Pringle" which was corrected in later notices to "I. Pringle"]
Mr. T. Pringle, who for the past seven years has enjoyed in Wellington so large a share of support in his capacity as caterer for the demand for the thousand and one articles which come under the category of "fancy goods," has been compelled, owing to increasing business, to remove to more commodious premises on Lambton-quay, situated opposite the offices of the New Zealand Insurance Company. The shop, under the supervision of Mr. Crichton, architect, has been altered by Mr. H. J. Millar, and they appear admirably adapted to the requirements of Mr. Pringle's art and needlework depot. The alterations effected will doubtless prove to be of great convenience, to lady customers more especially. The shelving and glass cases are arranged with a view to the best display of the pretty goods exhibited. Wools, consisting of Scotch fingering and those for knitting purposes, together with artistic needlework of the choicest kinds, and fancy goods of every description, meet the visitor s eye on every hand. The glass and china department, however, perhaps form the most fascinating portion of the exhibits in Mr. Pringle's establishment. To attempt a description of even a tithe of the very beautiful goods placed before visitors is superfluous. It is not too much to say, however, that all conditions of customers can be suited, including especially the juveniles, to whom the toy department will prove a veritable reflex of Regent-street and the Lowther Arcade, the remembrances of which are still so dear to many of their parents.
Evening Post, Volume XLIV, Issue 149, 25 June 1892
... Mr Thomas Pringle, of Wellington, also looked in last week at your London offices. I fancy he too has been making considerable business purchases, but I don’t know, for Mr Pringle suffers from modesty, and would not give any information concerning his doings, I gathered, however, that he returns shortly to New Zealand...
New Zealand Times, Volume LVI, Issue 2310, 15 September 1894
There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Wellington Camera Club last night, at the Academy of Fine Arts. In the competition subjects Mr W. F. Barraud took first place for “Breaking Wares,” and Mr Pringle second. For "Shipping,” Mr T. Pringle took first and second awards. The president (Mr W. Beswick) read a paper on “ Lenses.”
New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2431, 9 February 1895
The usual monthly meeting of the Wellington Camera Club was held at the Fine Arts Gallery last night. There was a fair attendance of members. The president read an interesting paper on composition. The subjects for competition were "Landscape” (in which Mr Crichton received first and Mr Pringle second awards) and “Illustrations of a Poem” (in which Mr Pringle was placed first, and Mr Barltrop second). The president in announcing the awards spoke very highly of the quality and appropriateness of the pictures shown.
New Zealand Times, Volume LVII, Issue 2455, 9 March 1895
Mr Pringle's Photographs.
In this issue of the “Mail” we publish some very beautiful and interesting photographic studies by Mr T. Pringle, who, as our readers are aware, is in the very front rank of colonial amateur photographers, and has won many prizes at the exhibitions of the Wellington Camera Club and other societies. It is due to Mr Pringle to say that it is impossible by the half tone process to fully convey the artistic delicacy of the original prints, still less do they show the beauty of the exhibited pictures which were all 15 x 12, and are printed in different colours, such as sepia, red chalk, sea green, etc. The amateur photographer of the new school treats his original negative of a place or object merely as an artist treats a rough sketch or study; it is in the subsequent reproduction of an enlarged negative, and the use of a plastic process like carbon that he gains the power of putting a certain individuality into his work and produces, if he can, not mere topographical records, but artistic “pictures.” The studies, however, which we have been privileged to publish, show how clever Mr Pringle is in his choice of subjects, and how many exquisite little “bits” of landscape and animal groupings are available to the amateur who possesses an eye for the picturesque and beautiful.
New Zealand Mail, Issue 1432, 10 August 1899
Writing from Hongkong, under date 23rd June, Mr. T. Pringle (who is at present on a visit to Japan), says: — "We went on board one of the fine Canton River steamers, and there the Chief Engineer told us that on the previous night, when the boat had left Canton, there were long rows of Chinese hung by the neck along the river front. Steamers and people in the foreign quarters were being aimed, and the native wives and children and the fairly well-to-do Chinese were leaving Canton.
The Chief Engineer is an amateur photographer, and he showed me a whole-plate print (taken by himself) of a man whom he had seen a short time ago cut into thirty pieces. Whilst the photo was being taken crowds of Chinese were standing round, watching the execution, and feeling that they were getting a splendid free show!"
In another letter, giving a description of the Voyage from Thursday Island to Hongkong, Mr. Pringle says a party of seventy-seven Chinese joined the s.s. Wayata Maru from Thursday Island, and the whole party placed in the vessel's safe a sum totalling £90,000 The men were returning to Canton with their wealth.
Evening Post, Volume LX, Issue 31, 6 August 1900
The Government Tourist Department is arranging to have a series of photographs taken of the wonder-spots of the colony. They are to be made up in pamphlet form, and circulated abroad, with information as to how the places may be visited, the cost of the trip, etc. It is understood that Mr T. Pringle, of Wellington, well-known as a successful competitor in photographic competitions, although an amateur, will reproduce the northern scenery. The appointment of a photographer for the South Island has not yet been made.
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9356, 22 January 1902
Some Wellington Musicians.
...Mr. Thos. Pringle, as far as a busy life will permit him, is a musical enthusiast, and one of the pleasantest of our solo singers. His taste in music is refined, and his songs are always well chosen, and sympathetically sung. As well as a fine voice, Mr. Pringle possesses a picturesque pen and a facile camera.
New Zealand Illustrated Magazine, Volume V, Issue 6, 1 March 1902
Twelve very fine photographic views, prepared for the Tourist Department by Mr T. Pringle, are on view at Messrs McGregor Wright and Co.’s. These pictures are excellent specimens of the art of photography. There is one especially, a view on Lake Rotoiti, which it would be difficult to surpass in any part of the world. A boat containing two figures is in the foreground, and the ripple of the water, the shadows under the hills in the background, and the atmosphere of the picture, are perfect. Another capital view, representing Jerusalem, on the Wanganui river, has also some notable light and shade effects. A picture of Hongi’s track, Lake Rotoiti, is admirably relieved by the sunlight playing across the track in the foreground. There are views of the Waimangu geyser and crater; the Karangahape Bluff, Lake Taupo; the White Terrace at Orakeikorako, with its delicate traceries; a swirling current below Ngaporo, on the Wanganui river; a scene on Mokoia Island; Aratiatia Rapids, Waikato river; and Ketatahi, Tongariro, with its fine steam effects. A very good figure study, representing the well-known Maori greeting, the rubbing of noses, is also included.
New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4673, 28 May 1902
Mr Thomas Pringle leaves this morning on a photographing tour, which will embrace the little-known but marvellously beautiful Waikare-Moana and Waikare-Iti lakes, and the still less known Urewera country. The trip is being undertaken on behalf of tho Tourist Department.
New Zealand Times, Volume LXXII, Issue 4741, 25 August 1902
The photographic tour of Mr Thomas Pringle through the Waikaremoana and Urewera Country on behalf of the Tourist Department has been highly satisfactory. Mr. Pringle spent six weeks in a country almost unknown to the pakeha, and has obtained some 200 negatives of beautiful scenery and unique incidents of life among the aborigines. He was treated with the utmost courtesy by the Maoris, and saw much that the eye of a camera had never previously caught a glimpse of. From the scenic point of view, Mr. Pringle thinks it is impossible to give an exaggerated description of the beauties of Waikaremoana scenery. The forty-mile road from Wairoa (Hawkes Bay) to Onepoto, the first point of contact with the lovely lake, is a good one, and it is expected that within six weeks the six miles from theee to the accommodation house will be put in good older. The house, which will be commodious will also be available for tourists about the time the roadway is completed. From the lake Mr. Pringle rode through Galatea and Waiotapu to Rotorua, thence to Lake Taupo, Ngaruhoe, and Ruapehu taking pictures en route. Ngaruhoe was a mass of snow, so that the photographer was unable to make the ascent. Mr Pringle's expedition was not unaccompanied with danger, for he had two very narrow escapes from drowning in the waters of the lake and in a creek in the Waikaremoana district.
Evening Post, Volume LXIV, Issue 97, 21 October 1902
I had the pleasure of seeing, at the Tourist Department, a large number of proofs of most wonderful photographs taken by Mr Pringle on his recent trip through the Urewera Country and the Waikaremoana district. Mr Pringle went around with letters from Mr Carroll, and was received with great hospitality by the Natives, who otherwise might have given him no facilities. Most interesting pictures of mat-making, carving and native life have been secured, some quite unique, and the Maoris, who appear in them, are most stately and picturesque figures. Indeed, some of the women are quite beautiful, and dress more in accordance with the old traditions than do the Europeanised natives one sees about towns with their Panama hats and their fur coats. The accommodation house at Waikaremoana is not completed, but has already a most comfortable and charming appearance, situated on a little rise on the shores of the Lake. As regards fishing, anglers would find it a paradise provided their lines were strong enough to hold the big trout. There were photographs of a "catch" of fifteen to twenty fish, the lightest weighing ten pounds. For artists, too, the district offers all sorts of enticements, and has infinite variety of cliff, forest, quiet inlet, and stretches of water. The pity is that it is so ungetatable as yet, but even that is an advantage in the eyes of some tourists who love not highways, and are not trammelled by insistent trains and steamers.
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 7309, 12 November 1902
Mr Donne [2], Superintendent of the Tourist Department, has received a magnificent collection of negatives of scenery in and around Mount Cook, taken by Mr Pringle, of this city, expressly for the Tourist Department. Mr Pringle has been very much handicapped by incessant bad weather, but as soon as the weather improves he will cross the Southern Alps on a photographic tour to the West Coast. Mr Donne and his staff were busy to-day apportioning a collection of very fine photographs depicting Maori life and scenery in the North Island to the Tourist Departments in Canterbury, Otago and Southland. This is in pursuance of the scheme for photographing the whole of the colony for the guidance of visitors to our shores.
Star, Issue 7604, 14 January 1903
Mr Pringle, Government photographer, went to the Head of the Lake yesterday to make another attempt to secure some pictures of the Routeburn Valley, the weather being most unfavourable during his first visit last month. It is to be hoped that Mr Pringle will have better weather this time so as to enable him to do justice to the Routeburn, which undoubtedly possesses some of the finest scenery in New Zealand. We have seen some of Mr Pringle's reproductions and we can safely say that they eclipse anything ever attempted in the photographic art in New Zealand.
Lake Wakatip Mail, Issue 2525, 8 July 1904
The hobby of amateur photography has proved a stepping-stone to much profit and pleasure in the case of Thomas Pringle, whom the Far North has been lionising for the last few weeks in the course of his tour as camera artist to the Tourist Department. Until a few years ago, Mr Pringle was little known outside the range of the snug fancy goods business of which he is owner in Wellington. But when the photography craze seized him, he developed an artistic vein that gained him acknowledgment as one of the cleverest unprofessionals at the game in the South. The desire of the Tourist Department to boom New Zealand scenery in the illustrated magazines of the world was Mr Pringle's opportunity. It brought him an engagement which now occupies most of his time in travelling about the colony to photograph scenes of historic or picturesque interest Some eleven thousand copies were issued by the Department last year, and scattered into the remotest parts of the globe.
Observer, Volume XXIV, Issue 24, 27 February 1904
Mr. Thos. Pringle, of Wellington, will leave on a business visit to London on the 14th inst. Mr. Pringle goes Home via Vancouver.
Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 105, 4 May 1906
Kennedy's Buildings.
The latest addition to Lambton Quay
Buildings" is the popular term applied to the latest block of buildings
that has been erected on the western side of the northern portion of
Lambton-quay ... The ground-floor portion of the third section, the most
northern shop, has been leased by Mr. Thos. Pringle, who for twenty-one
years carried on business further south along the quay. Mr. Pringle's
new premises have a depth of 58ft, and in the front are three windows,
by means of which an excellent exhibition will be made of the novelties
and fancy goods, which form special features of the business. The shop
is lofty, and the scheme of painting gives it a pleasingly light and
bright appearance, whilst the colours of the wares, effectively
arranged, blend the whole into a striking picture. The aim of the
proprietor of this business is to supply an artistic article at a
popular price. It is Mr. Pringle's intention to still further extend the
popularity of his business by providing further attractions for
patrons, and for this purpose he leaves for London this month in order
to make arrangements for getting the latest novelties from the world's
centre. As in the years gone by, the policy will be to supply so good
and reliable an article that patrons will continue to patronise the
Pringle establishment. The latest addition to Lambton Quay
Evening Post, Volume LXXI, Issue 106, 5 May 1906
Mr. T. Pringle (Wellington) is in London this week. He travelled from New Zealand via. Canada, and had a very interesting journey over the Rockies. Since landing in England a fortnight ago, he has been to Scotland, so has only just reached London. Mr Pringle has come Home entirely on business.
Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 50, 28 August 1906
Mr. Thomas Pringle, (Wellington) who came Home recently via Vancouver, leaves England to-night on his way back. He goes again via Vancouver. Mr. Pringle has been showing some fine photos of New Zealand scenery and of Maoris, some of which will be published in illustrated journals, others is post-cards.
Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 81, 3 October 1906
Mr. Thos. Pringle, who has been on a visit to Great Britain, returned to Wellington by the Moeraki to-day, having arrived in Sydney by the last steamer from Vancouver.
Evening Post, Volume LXXII, Issue 93, 17 October 1906
Evening Post, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 40, 16 February 1907
We have received from Messrs Gordon and Gotch, Ld., Wellington, a copy of a handsome souvenir brochure, a portfolio of artistically mounted "Maori portraits," the photographic work of Mr Thomas Pringle. Printed in "permanent carbonette," a soft brown, with mounts to match, the collection is well worthy of despatch to friends, to be kept on the library table, or to frame individually. Mr Pringle, it will be remembered exhibited in Nelson in connection with the local Camera Club, and his work then was greatly admired.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLII, Issue XLII, 31 August 1907
We have received from Mr. Thomas Pringle, of this city, specimens of a new series of postcards of New Zealand views, in colours, equal to the best reproductions of foreign views that we have seen. They represent New Zealand scenery at its highest.
Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 34, 4 November 1907
We are indebted to Messrs. Gordon and Gotch Proprietary, Limited, for a copy of a handsome portfolio of "Art Photos of New Zealand." They are issued in foolscap folio size, bound in an artistic cover, and reflect the utmost credit for choice of subject, clearness of production, and elegance of get-up upon Mr. Thomas Pringle, of whose photography these are fine specimens. For years past Mr. Pringle has been searching the colony for beauty spots on behalf of the Tourist Department, and this collection contains some of the tit-bits he has captured. The portfolio forms a pretty present.
Free Lance, Volume VIII, Issue 388, 7 December 1907
"Art Photos of New Zealand" (Gordon and Gotch) is the title of a collection of fine process reproductions of photographs of typical New Zealand scenery by Mr. T. Pringle. They are printed in art tints, and mounted on stout paper of a shade harmonising perfectly with the colour in which they are printed. The subjects are eighteen in all, representing scenes of mountain, forest, lake, and geyser; every detail has been carefully studied in its preparation, and the result is a work of art which cannot fail to impress strangers and distant friends with the varied beauties of our island home.
Evening Post, Volume LXXIV, Issue 138, 7 December 1907
Mr. Thos. Pringle, of Wellington, will leave for Sydney by the Ulimaroa in May and travel to the Old Country by the Oruba, which he will catch at Adelaide. He will visit the Continent before returning to New Zealand.
Evening Post, Volume LXXV, Issue 88, 13 April 1908
Depression in England
As Seen by Mr. T. Pringle
The High Commissioner's Office
The observations of Mr. Thomas Pringle, of Wellington, who returned yesterday from a business trip to the Old World, were by no means altogether cheerful. Depressed trade and unemployment were the principal things that struck him in Great Britain. "It was simply awful," he told a Dominion reporter. "Going down the Clyde, where one used to be deafened by the continual noise of the hammers in the shipbuilding works, I did not hear a single one. I found that at Port Glasgow, even in July, soup kitchens were open for the relief of the destitute, and what it will be like when winter comes one does not care to think." As Seen by Mr. T. Pringle
The High Commissioner's Office
A Gloomy Outlook.
In all parts of England Mr. Pringle found the conditions were similarly bad, and he did not see any signs of a change for the better. Beggars and people trying to live by selling small articles in the streets seemed to be much more numerous in London than they were when Mr. Pringle was there two years ago. All the merchants and manufacturers to whom he spoke were looking forward to worse times ahead, and the country seemed to be passing through a period of great social stress and political unrest. He found there was a growing tendency to consider seriously the question of "fiscal reform," one stimulating cause being the great amount of cheap foreign labour, chiefly from Russian Poland, that had come into many different parts of England; and seemed to be ousting Britishers altogether from some branches of employment.
Advertising New Zealand.
The metropolis was overrun by French people and other foreigners who had been attracted thither by the Franco-British Exhibition, [at Shepherd's Bush] but the shopkeepers complained that the influx brought them no perceptible increase of trade. Like other visitors from New Zealand, Mr. Pringle was much disappointed in this country's display at the Franco-British Exhibition. It was distressingly commonplace, and was quite overshadowed by the Canadian and Australian courts. Nobody seemed to take any interest in it — "a magnificent opportunity thrown away." This was, in Mr. Pringle's opinion, only one instance of a general lack of activity in the advertising of New Zealand and its resources. He hoped the now High Commissioner would speedily remove his office from Westminster to some much more central position. Queensland had given a lead by opening recently a fine new office in the Strand. The example of Canada and other parts of the Empire in running attractive permanent exhibitions of their produce and manufactures in well-situated shops might also, Mr. Pringle thought, be followed with advantage by New Zealand.
Again, on the way back, New Zealand's modesty in making its attractions known struck Mr. Pringle unfavourably. The ship at Fremantle was deluged with bright, attractive immigration and tourist literature from all the Australian States, but there were only half-a-dozen pamphlets about New Zealand.
Mr. Pringle was away nearly six months, and he visited Italy, France, and Switzerland as well as Great Britain.
Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 334, 22 October 1908
Mr. T. Pringle, who has been on a business trip to London and Continental centres, returned by the Ulimaroa.
Evening Post, Volume LXXXIV, Issue 89, 11 October 1912
Evening Post, Volume LXXXIX, Issue 120, 22 May 1915
In his will dated 24 March 1931 he bequeathed to his daughter Elizabeth Muriel Graham three paintings by Charles Henry Howarth, titled "Elie de Beaumont from Waiho Gorge", "Mount Cook Hooker's Glacier" and "Lake Mapourika".
Evening Post, Volume CXII, Issue 52, 29 August 1931
At the time of his death Thomas Pringle was living at 38 Friend Street, Karori. This property was auctioned in September 1931.
1st Series of 36 Post Cards
[27 shown here]
inscribed "Copyright T. Pringle, Wellington, N.Z"

Maori Women twisting Flax
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 101
no. 86076
reverse message dated 16 January 1908
Onehe ra! (Departed Days)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 102
postage dated stamped 24 April 1907
Te Hongi (Rubbing Noses)
On Lake Te Anau
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 107
no. 96046
Head of Wakatipu from Glenorchy
Onehe ra! (Departed Days)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 102
no. 96042
At the Cooking Box, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 103
Washing Day, WhakarewarewaAt the Cooking Box, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 103
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 105
no. 96044postage dated stamped 24 April 1907
Te Hongi (Rubbing Noses)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 106
no. 96045On Lake Te Anau
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 107
no. 96046
Head of Wakatipu from Glenorchy
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 108
no. 96047
Silver Birches, Paradise Road, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 109
no. 96048
Lake Manapouri
Moonlight, Milford Sound
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 112
no. 96051
Maori Whare, Mokoia Island
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 113
no. 96052
Wanganui River
Hiruharama, Wanganui River
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 115
no. 96054

At Atiamuri
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 116
no. 96055
By the Hot Bathing Pool, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 119
no. 96058
[postcard not shown here]
Maori Girls Bathing
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 120
Bathing Pool, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 121
no. 96060
Maori Women and Child
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 122
no. 96061
[postcard not shown here]
Maori Children, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 123
no. 96062

Maori Wahine weaving Taniko
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 125
no. 96064
A Rangatira Maori
"The Challenge"
An Arawa Beauty

A Maori Poi Dancer
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 134
no. 96073

Wahine of Arawa Tribe with Mere
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 135
no. 96074
A Maori Maiden
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 136
no. 96075
2nd Series of 36 Post Cards
[31 shown here]
inscribed "Copyright Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z."
Gordon and Gotch Series
Maori Poi Dancer, Whakarewarewa
Guide "Bella" Whakarewarewa
Washing Day, Whakarewarewa
Maori Women with Mere
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.204
no. 121624

A "Rangatira" Maori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.205
no. 121625
Maori Woman Weaving Flax Kits
Hot Washing Pool, Ohinemutu
Rubbing Noses (Te Hongi) The Maori Salutation
Te Pukapuka (The Letter)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.211
no. 121631
Rubbing Noses (Te Hongi) The Maori Salutation
[postcard not shown here]
Maori Women, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.215
no. 121635
You Like Haka, Pakeha?
You throw Penny, Pakeha
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.218
no. 121638
Hiamoe! (Sleepy)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.219
no. 121639

Kapai te Torori! (Tobacco is good)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.220
no. 121640
Postage stamped Wellington 12 November 1908
Maori Woman and Child

A Maori Girl's Toilet
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.222
no. 121642
A Group of Maori Girls
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.223
no. 121643
postage stamped Ashhurst 18 July 1912
An Arawa Girl
Maori Girl with Canoe Paddle
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.226
no. 121646
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 109
no. 96048
Lake Manapouri
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 111
no. 96050Moonlight, Milford Sound
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 112
no. 96051
Maori Whare, Mokoia Island
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 113
no. 96052
Wanganui River
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 114
no. 96053Hiruharama, Wanganui River
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 115
no. 96054

At Atiamuri
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 116
no. 96055
Champagne Pool, Wairakei
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 117
no. 96056by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 117
Aratiatia Rapids, Waikato River
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 118
no. 96057by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 118
By the Hot Bathing Pool, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 119
no. 96058
[postcard not shown here]
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 120
Bathing Pool, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 121
no. 96060
Maori Women and Child
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 122
no. 96061
[postcard not shown here]
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 123
no. 96062
Maori Children, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 124
no. 96063by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 124

Maori Wahine weaving Taniko
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 125
no. 96064
A Rangatira Maori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 126
no. 96065"The Challenge"
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 127
no. 96066
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 128
no. 96067

Kapai te Torori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 129
no. 96068
Te Kaumatua
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 130
no. 96069
The Arawa Belle
Kapai te Torori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 129
no. 96068
Te Kaumatua
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 130
no. 96069
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 131
no. 96070An Arawa Beauty
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 133
no. 96072
A Maori Poi Dancer
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 134
no. 96073

Wahine of Arawa Tribe with Mere
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 135
no. 96074
A Maori Maiden
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 136
no. 96075
2nd Series of 36 Post Cards
[31 shown here]
inscribed "Copyright Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z."
Gordon and Gotch Series
Maori Poi Dancer, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 201
no. 121621Guide "Bella" Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 202
no. 121622Washing Day, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 203
no. 121623Maori Women with Mere
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.204
no. 121624

A "Rangatira" Maori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.205
no. 121625
Maori Children in Hot Bathing Pool, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 206
no. 121626by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 206
Maori Woman Weaving Flax Kits
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 207
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 209
no. 121629Rubbing Noses (Te Hongi) The Maori Salutation
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 210
no. 121630Te Pukapuka (The Letter)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.211
no. 121631
Rubbing Noses (Te Hongi) The Maori Salutation
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.212
no. 121632[postcard not shown here]
Maori Children, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 213
no. 121633by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 213
Maori Women, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.215
no. 121635
A Penny Haka, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 216
no. 121636by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 216
You Like Haka, Pakeha?
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.217
no. 121637
You throw Penny, Pakeha
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.218
no. 121638
Hiamoe! (Sleepy)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.219
no. 121639

Kapai te Torori! (Tobacco is good)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.220
no. 121640
Postage stamped Wellington 12 November 1908
Maori Woman and Child
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.221
no. 121641
A Maori Girl's Toilet
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.222
no. 121642
A Group of Maori Girls
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.223
no. 121643
postage stamped Ashhurst 18 July 1912
An Arawa Girl
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 224
no. 121644Maori Girl with Canoe Paddle
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.226
no. 121646
A Pretty Young Maori Girl
reverse message dated Manchester, UK, 12 May 1916
Maggie, The Popular Guide, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 228
no. 121648

A Beautiful Arawa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 227
no. 121647reverse message dated Manchester, UK, 12 May 1916
Maggie, The Popular Guide, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 228
no. 121648

by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 229
no. 121649
"Very Good Te Whakahua" (The Photographer)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 230
no. 121650
A Tohunga weaving an Eel Trap
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.231
no. 121651
postage stamped Petone 5 January 1910
A Tohunga weaving an Eel Trap
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.231
no. 121651
postage stamped Petone 5 January 1910
A Ngatihuia Chieftain (Ngatiraukawa)
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 232
no. 121652by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 232
A Rangatira Maori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 233
no. 121653by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 233
A Friendly Bout, Spear v Taiaha
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 234
no. 121654
reverse message dated Rotorua 8 December 1909
A little nonsense now and then
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.235
no. 121655
3rd Series of 36 Post Cards
[33 shown here]
inscribed "Copyright Thos. Pringle, Wellington, N.Z."
Mount Cook, 12349ft., and Hochstetter Ice Fall
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 254

Amongst the Islands, Lake Manapouri, N.Z.
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 327
Lake Manapouri from "Murrells"
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 343

Lake Manapouri from Fairy Cove
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 352
Looking towards the "Narrows", Te Anau
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. E355
Rere Lake Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 367
Head of Lake Wakatipu from Glenorchy
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 397
Rees Valley from Glenorchy, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 402
Looking to Dart Valley, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 404
Dart Valley from Paradise, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 409A

"25 Mile", Lake Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 412
Kawarau Falls, Lake Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 416
reverse message dated 12 June 1908
Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu from Ben Lomond Track
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 432
reverse message dated 1909

Clinton River, Te Anau - Milford Track
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 451
Cleddau River and Mt. Tutoko, Milford Sound
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 455
reverse message dated 8 November 1909
On Arthur River, Milford Track
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 483

The Devils Arm, Arthur River, Milford
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 486
The Highest Falls in the World, Sutherland Falls, Milford Track, 1904 feet
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 492
reverse message dated Palmerston 10 June 1909

Sterling Falls, Milford Sound, 505 ft.
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 495

Mitre Peak (Milford Sound) 5560ft
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 499
Mitre Peak, Milford Sound, 5560ft
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 502
The Lion and Mount Pembroke, Milford Sound
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. E509
In Skippers Gorge, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. 524
Maori Whare, Ohinemutureverse message dated Rotorua 8 December 1909
A little nonsense now and then
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no.235
no. 121655
A Roto-iti Maori
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 236
no. 121656
reverse message dated 6 April 1916
3rd Series of 36 Post Cards
[33 shown here]
inscribed "Copyright Thos. Pringle, Wellington, N.Z."
Mount Cook, 12349ft., and Hochstetter Ice Fall
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 254
Tasman Glacier from Maltebrun
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 275

Amongst the Islands, Lake Manapouri, N.Z.
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 327
Lake Manapouri from "Murrells"
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 343

Lake Manapouri from Fairy Cove
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 352
Looking towards the "Narrows", Te Anau
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. E355

by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 367
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 397
Rees Valley from Glenorchy, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 402
Looking to Dart Valley, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 404
Dart Valley from Paradise, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 409A

"25 Mile", Lake Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 412
Kawarau Falls, Lake Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 416
reverse message dated 12 June 1908
Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu from Ben Lomond Track
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 432
reverse message dated 1909

Clinton River, Te Anau - Milford Track
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 451

Cleddau River and Mt. Tutoko, Milford Sound
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 455
reverse message dated 8 November 1909

On Arthur River, Milford Track
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 483

The Devils Arm, Arthur River, Milford
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 486

The Highest Falls in the World, Sutherland Falls, Milford Track, 1904 feet
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 492
reverse message dated Palmerston 10 June 1909

Sterling Falls, Milford Sound, 505 ft.
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 495

Mitre Peak (Milford Sound) 5560ft
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 499
Mitre Peak, Milford Sound, 5560ft
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 502
The Lion and Mount Pembroke, Milford Sound
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. E509
In Skippers Gorge, Wakatipu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. 524
Tama te Kapua, Ohinemutu
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 556
no. 132703by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 556
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, no. 558
Whakarewarewa Village
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. E709
Wairoa Geyser, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. 712
Kereru and Pohutu, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. E713
Maoris Fishing, Lake Roto-iti
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. 1001
The Red Crater of Tongariro and Nghaurohoe Volcano
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 1006
Pohutoroa and Atiamuri
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 2347
Lake Wanaka, Otago
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 2348
South Fiord, Lake Te Anau
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 2594
reverse message dated 4 August 1909
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. E709
Wairoa Geyser, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. 712
Kereru and Pohutu, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. E713
Maoris Fishing, Lake Roto-iti
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z. no. 1001
The Red Crater of Tongariro and Nghaurohoe Volcano
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 1006
Pohutoroa and Atiamuri
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 2347
Lake Wanaka, Otago
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 2348
South Fiord, Lake Te Anau
by Thomas Pringle, Wellington, N.Z., no. 2594
reverse message dated 4 August 1909
Maoriland Beauties
by Thomas Pringle.
A portfolio containing twelve unbound photographs from the book titled "Maori Studies" published in 1907 by Thomas Pringle.
Whare at Ohinemutu, by Thomas Pringle
A Pretty Maori
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
"Mairie" The Arawa Beauty
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Maori Girls, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Maori Women
by Thomas Pringle
18.5cm x 23.5cm
18.5cm x 23.5cm
Maori Woman Weaving Taniko
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Te Hongi (Rubbing Noses)
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
"Poi" Dancer, Whakarewarewa
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Onehe Ra! (Departed Days)
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Kapai Te Torori
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
A Tribal Belle
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
23.5cm x 18.5cm
A Whakarewarewa Beauty
by Thomas Pringle
18.5cm x 23.5cm
18.5cm x 23.5cm
Maori Women Twisting Flax
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Maori Studies
Credit: Archives Number: LONG (1008-2-1-2-10-01); Courtesy of Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters
Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1907
Photographs by
Thomas Pringle
from the New Zealand Mail
15 December 1898

New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 1
Maori Chieftainess
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 7
One of the Old School
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 7
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 9
Two Maori Belles
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 11
A Lazy Day on the Otaki
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 12
Queen's Wharf, Wellington
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 19
by Thomas Pringle
23.5cm x 18.5cm
Maori Studies
Credit: Archives Number: LONG (1008-2-1-2-10-01); Courtesy of Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters
Evening Post, Volume LXXIII, Issue 87, 13 April 1907
Photographs by
Thomas Pringle
from the New Zealand Mail
15 December 1898
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 1
Maori Chieftainess
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 7
One of the Old School
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 7
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 9
Two Maori Belles
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 11
A Lazy Day on the Otaki
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 12
Queen's Wharf, Wellington
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 19
Above the Huka Falls, Waikato River
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 30
A Family party at Mohokoa
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 32
"Wellington at Last"
New Zealand Mail, 15 December 1898, page 37
1. Elizabeth Muriel Pringle, she was the third woman and first New Zealand born woman to ascend Mt Cook and the second to climb Elie de Beaumont [1], born 17 March 1884, reg. 1884/10215, died 23 July 1957 Hokitika, reg. 1957/28852, married 1 October 1913 at St. Mary's Church, Karori by the Rev. A. L. Hansell, Peter Graham MBE of The Hermitage, Mount Cook, reg. 1913/5620. The best man was Mr. T. E. Y. Seddon, M.P., the son of the former Prime Minister, Richard John Seddon. Peter Graham was the chief alpine guide at the Hermitage and made 19 ascents of Mount Cook. The alpine plant Ranunculus grahamii and two others were named for him.
1a. Peter Garland Graham born 13 August 1919, died 2013, reg. 2013/8007
1b. Muriel Hester Graham born 1 September 1921, died 2013, reg. 2013/18327 [Mrs Ford]
1c. Keith Maxwell Graham born 7 September 1924, Franz Josef Glacier, Westland, died 2 May 1945, Solomon Islands
1d. Stephen Pringle Graham born 31 July 1927, died 2014, reg. 2014/25144
2. Gertrude Hester Pringle born 5 March 1889 Wellington, reg. 1889/4740, married 29 March 1910 St Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Wellington by the Rev. T. H. Sprott, Arthur Charles Maginnity [solicitor] son of the Hon. Andrew Thomas Maginnity, Member of the Legislative Council [MLC], he died 1 November 1921 Nelson, buried Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson block 27 plot 064
2a. Joan Mabel Maginnity born 9 March 1911, reg. 1911/9565, died 2008, reg. 2008/18366 [Mrs Wells]
2b. Miles Maginnity born 28 October 1913, reg. 1913/29856, died 1996, reg. 1996/32372
2c. Denis Maginnity born 11 September 1917, reg. 1917/27881, died 2011, reg. 2011/5107
[1] Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19208, 14 January 1928
[2] Mr and Mrs A. G. Donne attended Gertrude Pringle's wedding in 1910. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 31 March 1910
[3] Elizabeth Goodfellow married Robert Pringle 1856, reg. Jun 1856, Cockermouth, Cumberland vol. 10b, page 613
1910 living at "Te Kohanga", Grant Road, Wellington