Herbert Henry Vorley
born 28 December 1839 - died 17 November 1880
"Think gently of me; I am travel worn"
1839 to about 1861
1861 census 2 Devonshire Terrace, St Marylebone
Frances Sharp widow aged 55, proprietor of houses
Herbert H. Vorley, aged 21 years, merchants clerk, born Brixton, Surrey.
Sarah Curtis niece unmarried aged 32
with three servants
Frances Sharp widow aged 55, proprietor of houses
Herbert H. Vorley, aged 21 years, merchants clerk, born Brixton, Surrey.
Sarah Curtis niece unmarried aged 32
with three servants
New Zealand
about 1866 to 1868
Cobden. Tuesday, July, 24th. (Before T. A. S. Kynnersley, Esq., R.M.) Civil Cases.
Margaret Varley [sic] v. Nuttall— Claim of L20 as damages for a breach of contract to sell a house at the North Beach. Judgment for the plaintiff with costs.
Grey River Argus, Issue 85, 28 July 1866
Cobden. Monday, August 20. (Before W. H. Revell,. Esq., E.M.) Assault. Frederick Chugg, H. H. Varley [sic], Henry Sheppard, and John Charles Spence, miners were charged with having violently assaulted Squires Nuttall a miner at the North Beach, on the morning of Friday the 17th inst.
After a great deal of conflicting evidence, Chugg, Varley, and Sheppard were sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment with hard labor, and at the expiry of this, term to be bound over to keep the peace themselves in £20, and two sureties of £10 each. Spence was fined £2 and costs, and ordered to find similar sureties for good behaviour. The plaintiff was also bound over to keep the peace in his own recognisances.
After a great deal of conflicting evidence, Chugg, Varley, and Sheppard were sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment with hard labor, and at the expiry of this, term to be bound over to keep the peace themselves in £20, and two sureties of £10 each. Spence was fined £2 and costs, and ordered to find similar sureties for good behaviour. The plaintiff was also bound over to keep the peace in his own recognisances.
Grey River Argus, Issue 95, 21 August 1866
A daughter Ada Caroline Mary Vorley was born at Charleston, West Coast, New Zealand on 27 January 1867.
Resident Magistrate's Court, Charleston. Monday, January 13. (Before J. R. Dutton, Esq., R.M.) John Robinson was brought up charged with an attempt to stab Herbert Vorley, Darkie's Terrace Road [Charleston]. It appeared the prisoner was very drunk at the time, and incapable of doing serious injury. He was discharged with a reprimand, upon his own recognizance for £50, and two sureties for £25 each, as security for his good conduct in future.
Westport Times, Volume 1, Issue 143, 15 January 1868
Westport Times, Volume II, Issue 159, 3 February 1868
Westport Times, Volume II, Issue 259, 30 May 1868
[this notice first appeared in the Westport Times on about 27 May 1868 and continued until 2 September 1868]
Westport Times, Volume II, Issue 159, 3 February 1868
Westport Times, Volume II, Issue 259, 30 May 1868
[this notice first appeared in the Westport Times on about 27 May 1868 and continued until 2 September 1868]
Rather a novel property is to be raffled for here in the shape of a poultry yard or hen ranche, as it is termed by its owner, Mr Vorley. The particulars will be found in another column. Mr Vorley has taken great trouble to get together a valuable stock, but it seems business calls him away to England, and he has therefore adopted the popular mode of realising its value.
Westport Times, Volume III, Issue 337, 29 August 1868
Westport Times, Volume III, Issue 337, 29 August 1868
Westport Times, Volume III, Issue 337, 29 August 1868
1868 - about 1869
In 1868 Herbert Henry Vorley returned to England for a visit. He may have arrived in Melbourne on the s.s. Tararua from Hokitika on 21 September 1868, although the passenger list is not available, he then departed Melbourne on the Yorkshire, sailing for London on 25 September 1868. His return passage to New Zealand has not been found. It is not known where is wife or daughter Ada were during this period, they may have remained New Zealand or returned to Melbourne.
New Zealand
about 1869 to 1879
A daughter Beatrice Mary Maud Vorley was born in Westport on 24 August 1870, indicating Herbert Vorley had probably returned to New Zealand by the end of 1869.
It will be seen by advertisement that Mr Vorley has opened the portrait rooms recently occupied by Mr T. E. Price. The studio will be open for fourteen days only.
Westport Times, Volume V, Issue 778, 18 February 1871
Westport Times, Volume V, Issue 778, 18 February 1871
A view of buildings in Camp Street, Charlestown showing what probably are the London Portrait Rooms next to the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, proprietor Jonathan Harle and the premises of the tailor J. R. Ellis. Harle is shown
as the proprietor of the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Charleston, in the Westport
Times of 25 October 1870, however it is not known when his term at the hotel began
or ended.
Photograph from Photography in New Zealand by Hardwicke Knight, 1971, page 121.
Photograph then in the collection of the European Hotel, Charlestown.
Westport Times, Volume V, Issue 809, 6 May 1871
Westport Times, Volume V, Issue 823, 10 June 1871
Westport Times, Volume V, Issue 904, 23 December 1871
Westport Times, Volume VI, Issue 958, 2 April 1872
To those persons who imagine that they cannot get their portraits efficiently taken, Mr Vorley's announcement that he has just received a new apparatus by means of which the dullness of the weather is rather an advantage than otherwise, will be very acceptable. Mr Vorley intends to leave Westport in a few days, therefore all who desire to have their portraits taken by this new process should lose no time.
Westport Times, Volume VI, Issue 962, 16 April 1872
Westport Times, Volume VI, Issue 964, 23 April 1872
Westport Times, Volume VI, Issue 964, 23 April 1872
Mr Vorley has been successful in taking some good photographic views of the Ngakawhau Coal Mine, which he is prepared to supply at a moderate price. The views are large sized, and give a capital idea of the situation of the mine and surrounding scenery, and will prove of interest, to all concerned in the question of coal development.
Westport Times, Volume VII, Issue 1044, 7 February 1873
Mr Vorley's Photographic Studio a rare and choice collection of photographs from original paintings, just received direct from Paris. As also a really unique collection of dainty fixings for photo portraits. All that good portraiture, and general excellence and. newness of design in mountings can achieve in obtaining perfection, are now at the command of Mr Vorley's patrons.
Westport Times, Volume VII, Issue 1054, 14 March 1873
Residents at Addison's will have an opportunity during the next few days of availing themselves of Mr Vorley's services as photographer, he having opened his studio for a short time next Mr Lamplough's store. The chance of having portraits taken so near home will no doubt be gladly made the most of, and Mr Vorley's many new improvements in photography brought into busy requisition. Owners of claims also will now have an opportunity of obtaining for transmission to their friends, faithful pictures of the localities from whence, sooner or later, they each expect to derive a homeward bound pile. Should sufficient inducement offer Mr Vorley intends arranging for the publication of a series of views, representing the Addison's workings, in some one or more of the colonial illustrated papers.
Westport Times, Volume VII, Issue 1080, 13 June 1873
Mr H. Vorley, of the photographic gallery Palmerston street, has notified that he intends, within the course of a few days, to make another periodical trip into the country, and will thus he away from Westport for a season. His patrons, therefore, need pay him an early visit if they would secure his services.
Westport Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1146, 30 January 1874
Mr H. Vorley, having returned from his up-country tour, has now opened his studio for a short interval, previous to again leaving Westport. His limited stay here should induce visitors requiring portraits to flock to his studio.
Westport Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1185, 16 June 1874
At the corner of Palmerston and Lyttelton street a new building is in course of erection, and the peculiar angle at which it is placed attracts attention. It is the new photographic studio building for Mr Vorley, constructed expressly to catch the best light for camera portraiture.
Westport Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1201, 11 August 1874
One of the most prominent buildings in Palmerston street, prominent by position and peculiarity of construction, is Mr Vorley's new Photographic Studio. All that practical experience and careful observation can achieve in perfecting even to minute details, the construction of a building perfectly suited for scientific photography has been achieved, and is at the command of Mr Vorley's patrons. In the interior fittings, as in the exterior fashioning of the building, the same attention to elaborate minutiæ has been shown, and the studio may fairly rank as among the best in New Zealand.
Westport Times, Volume VIII, Issue 1221, 20 October 1874
Mr H. H. Vorley displays among his Reefton views a recently taken picture of the block of buildings just destroyed by fire. He Has also a well executed view of Palmerston street Westport.
Westport Times, Volume IX, Issue 1287, 8 June 1875
Portrait of unidentified woman.
Portrait of unidentified woman.
A hailstorm at Westport on Monday week was the most severe one occurring in the district for years past. The hailstones were the size of gravel stones, and did much damage to garden crops. Gooseberry brushes and peach trees were stripped of their bearing, and flowers and shrubs denuded of their fairest blossoms. Several skylights were broken, and at Mr Vorley's photographic studio the glass roof suffered much damage.
West Coast Times, Issue 3179, 13 December 1875, Page 2
A Rink Proprietor in Trouble. — In the District Court, Westport, recently, say an exchange, one Vorley, a photographer, sued the proprietor of a skating rink for damages for injury done to his business and health through the noise made by the rinkers. Judgment has been given at considerable length by Judge Weston, which concludes as follows: — " In this case I conceive that the defendant must be answerable for those who at his invitation, with his sanction and in his sight, embarked in a game one of the consequences of which would be a noise in a greater or less degree, and from which the plaintiff has, it appears, suffered. The plaintiff's health became impaired through the nuisance, he was subjected to some expense, though the amount was not ascertained, and taking all the circumstances into consideration, I shall give a verdict for him with £10 10s damages. Judgment accordingly, with costs of suit, £15 11s."
Timaru Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 1563, 31 October 1876, Page 3
An instance of the loss arising from careless packing of goods consigned from Home countries to New Zealand, has just conic under notice. Mr H. H. Vorley, photographer, anxious to obtain the best supply of photographic mountings, sent an order to Paris, and thence the goods were despatched. Unfortunately, owing to the case not being made air-tight, the goods are utterly spoiled, occasioning him serious loss.
Westport Times, Volume X, Issue 1345, 14 January 1876
To all whom it may concern. - Mr Vorley's Photographic Studio will be closed on Tuesday next, and for some weeks afterwards. He is going on his travels to the reefs in search of new patrons and pictures.
Westport Times, Volume X, Issue 1355, 18 February 1876
Vorley arrived at Nelson on 31 May 1876 on the s.s. Murray from Westport.
Colonist [Nelson], Issue 2082, 1 June 1876
He returned to Westport on 20 June 1876 from Nelson on the Kennedy
Westport Times, Volume X, Issue 1391, 23 June 1876
Many enquiries have been made of late as to the reason why Mr Vorley's photographic studio has been closed. Mr Vorley has been ill, and has suffered severely, and his illness has compelled him to visit Nelson for change of air. He has now returned and announces in another column that he is again ready to attend to the wishes of his patrons. He is making preparations also for a distribution of his large artistic collection by an Art Union.
Westport Times, Volume X, Issue 1397, 14 July 1876

Mr Vorley advertises in today's issue that his studio (Reefton branch) will be closed on the 20th instant.
Inangahua Times, Volume III, Issue 83, 12 March 1877, Page 2
Owing to ill health Mr Vorley, photographer, has decided to close his studio, in Broadway, for a few days. Mr Vorley will probably re-open his, studio for a week before leaving Reefton, of which due notice will be given.
Inangahua Times, Volume III, Issue 89, 14 March 1877, Page 2
Our Charleston friends will be pleased to hear that Mr Vorley is about to re-visit their town where, no doubt, their [sic] are many anxious to take advantage of the visit of an artist so well and favorably known to them. As his stay will be very limited, they will do well to roll up without delay. In another issue we shall give the exact date of his opening.
Mr H. H. Vorley and Mr Lock, intend visiting Charleston this week for a short photographic season there. They take with them a new appliances, and new mounts for pictures, and are likely to please, even beyond their usual success, their Charleston patrons,
Our Charleston friends will be pleased to hear that Mr Vorley is about to re-visit their town where, no doubt, their [sic] are many anxious to take advantage of the visit of an artist so well and favorably known to them. As his stay will be very limited, they will do well to roll up without delay. In another issue we shall give the exact date of his opening.
Westport Times, Volume XII, Issue 1552, 8 January 1878
Mr H. H. Vorley and Mr Lock, intend visiting Charleston this week for a short photographic season there. They take with them a new appliances, and new mounts for pictures, and are likely to please, even beyond their usual success, their Charleston patrons,
Westport Times, Volume XII, Issue 1554, 15 January 1878
Reefton, Winter, 1878,
by Henry Lock, Herbert Vorley. Gift of Mrs E W Gibbs, 1933. Te Papa (O.005357)
With the Warm rains of Friday and Saturday, the last of the snow disappeared, and the town and surroundings are very much better for the cleansing and deodorising occasioned by the fall. Mr Lock, of Vorley's photographic studio, Broadway, has been fortunate enough to "secure a shadow ere the substance faded," and the remit is a very pretty picture representing the upper portion of Broadway under a foot of snow. The picture faithfully depicts the scene, and though the light was not of the best, the faces and forms of several well-known, but very naughty citizens are readily recognisable hotly engaged as they were at the time, in the healthful pursuit of snowballing. The view ought to command an extensive sale.
Inangahua Times, 12 August 1878
Mr H. Vorley has received from Reefton a photograph of a street view during the recent snow storm. It looks more like a Canadian winter scene, than anything under the 'Italian sky' of the Britain of the South. The picture is now in view in the window of Mr Vorley's Studio.
Westport Times, Volume XII, Issue 1615, 16 August 1878
Mr H. H. Vorley, having nearly completed his arrangements for his country tour, will positively close his Palmerston street Studio on the 31st instant, and will not r-open it again for some time. Intending patrons must thus be on the alert to secure the shadow 'ere the substance of the photo-artist fades, over the hills and far away.
Westport Times, Volume XII, Issue 1633, 18 October 1878
Mr Vorley, an old West Coast photographer, long and favorably known at Charleston, Westport, and Reefton, the other morning awoke to find himself famously rich. He received at Westport a direct cablegram from London, apprising him that through the death of a near relative he had succeeded to an extensive property. We congratulate Mr Vorley upon his good fortune, and trust that he will live long to enjoy it. He proceeds to Europe by the next outward mail steamer. The legacy is worth about £3000 per annum.
West Coast Times, Issue 3055, 18 January 1879, Page 2
On Tuesday evening the Masonic body treated Brothers Vorley and R. Hicks to a farewell supper, previous to their departure for the Home country, when a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr Vorley, who left Westport, with his family, per Star of the South, to-day, was a very old resident in the district, having been at Charleston in the early days. From there he came to Westport, where he has carried on business for many years. Some six months since Mr Vorley received news from home which has done away with the necessity of his carrying on business any longer, therefore he decided to return to England to enjoy his inheritance. We are sure we echo the feelings of all when we wish Mr Vorley "Godspeed." Mr R. Hicks, who accompanies Mr Vorley, has also been in business in Westport for many years past, and has always been known as a gentleman ever ready to help in all matters tending to the advancement of the town and district, and one who will be much missed. Mr Hicks' heritage is that begotten of hard labor and carefulness. He also goes to England, with no present intention of returning. We will always be glad to hear of Mr Hicks' success in life.
Westport Times, Volume XIII, Issue 1693, 16 May 1879
Departures. May 14 — Star of the South, s.s., Bayldon, for Nelson, &c.
Passengers: Per Star of the South, for Nelson, &c Mr and Mrs Vorley and family (5). Miss Featherston, Mr J. Marny, K. Hicks, and 12 original from south.
Westport Times, Volume XIII, Issue 1693, 16 May 1879
Shipping. Port of Wellington. Arrivals.
May 16 - Star of the South, ss, 157 tons, Bayldon from Westport.Passengers: Cabin — Misses Fitzgerald, Featherston, Mr. and Mrs. Vorley and family (5), Mrs. Walters, Messrs. Hicks, and Mainey; 2 steerage; 10 for forward ports.
Evening Post, Volume XVII, Issue 511, 16 May 1879, Page 2
Departed Wellington 23 May 1879 on the ss "Tararua" for Melbourne via the south, "Mr and Mrs Farley" arrived Melbourne 4 June 1879 via Dunedin, Bluff and Hobart Town as saloon passengers, "Mr and Mrs Vorley and family"
Departed Melbourne 5 July 1879 on the barque "True Briton", arrived Gravesend 30 September 1879.
The Age (Melbourne), Thu 5 Jun 1879, Page 2
Departed Melbourne 5 July 1879 on the barque "True Briton", arrived Gravesend 30 September 1879.
Outwards passenger lists, Public Record Office, Victoria.
Alexander Turnbull Library
National Library of New Zealand
Portrait of unidentified man.
Vorley, Herbert Henry, 1840-1880: Portrait of unidentified man. Ref: PA2-1814. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23050741
Portrait of unidentified woman.
Vorley, Henry Herbert, 1840-1880: Portrait of unidentified woman. Ref: PA2-1811. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22806227
Portrait of Mrs Colligan
Vorley, Herbert Henry, 1840-1880: Portrait of Mrs Colligan. Ref: PA2-1812. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23251918
Portrait of Tom Taylor
Vorley, Herbert Henry, 1840-1880: Portrait of Tom Taylor. Ref: PA2-1813. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22788739
1879 - 17 November 1880
Westport Times, Volume XV, Issue 1889, 25 March 1881
A poem by Arabella Eugenia Smith, 1844-1916
She published If I Should Die To-night in The Christian Union on 18 June 1873, and in only a few years it swept America as one of the county's favorite poems and hymns.
She published If I Should Die To-night in The Christian Union on 18 June 1873, and in only a few years it swept America as one of the county's favorite poems and hymns.
Herbert Henry Vorley was the son of John Iliff Vorley and Caroline Maria Eustace Reilly, born 28 December 1839 Brixton, London, baptised 17 June 1840 at Saint Marks, Kennington, London, reg. Jan-Mar 1840 Lambeth vol. 4 page 213, died 17 November 1880 at the residence of his mother, Woburn Place, Russell Square, London aged 39 years, reg. Oct-Dec 1880 St. Giles vol. 1b page 361, married 19 February 1863 aged 23 years at his residence, Collins Street East, Melbourne, by the Rev. Alexander Morison, witnessed by Eliza Battinson and John Iliff Vorley, with the written consent of her mother Mary Wood, Margaret Wood, then aged 17 years of Emerald Hill, born 18 February 1846, Adelaide, South Australia, daughter of Henry Wood [stonemason] and Mary Lydia Battinson, died 28 March 1916, Richmond South, London aged 70 years. Vorley - Wood. - On the 19th inst., by the Rev. A. Morison, at his residence, Collins-street east, Melbourne, Herbert H. Vorley, Esq., of Paris, to Margaret, daughter of the late H. Wood, Esq., of Adelaide, South Australia. No cards.
The Argus (Melbourne), Tue 24 Feb 1863, Page 4
Vorley, Mr. Herbert H., of Forest-side-villas, Epping, at Woburn-place, Russell-square, aged 39, Nov, 17.
The Pall Mall Gazette (London, England), Saturday, November 20, 1880; Issue 4913.
Vorley - November 17, at the residence of his mother, Woburn-place, Russell-square, H. H. Vorley, of Forest-side-villas, Epping, late of Westport, New Zealand, aged 39.
Daily News (London, England), Monday, November 22, 1880; Issue 10795.
Westport Times, Volume XV, Issue 1874, 1 February 1881
Westport Times, Volume XV, Issue 1874, 1 February 1881
Herbert Henry Vorley parents John Iliff Vorley [son of William and Mary Vorley] and Caroline Maria Eustace Reilly [daughter of John Reilly] married at Saint Marks, Kennington on 1 May 1838. In 1852 John Iliff Vorley travelled to Australia on the ship "Atrevida" departing England 10 September 1852 arriving Port Philip 5 December 1852, he was then aged 38 years, no occupation other than "Gent" is shown.
On 17 February 1853 a notice appeared in the Melbourne paper, The Argus "Should this meet the eye of John Vorley, of London, Farquhar Eustace Reilly is at Melbourne, and wishes to hear from John Vorley: address to the office of this paper" This was followed up with a notice on 19 February 1853 "John Vorley most anxiously wishes to see Farquahar [sic] Reilly; if he will call at 21, Swanston-street he will hear of him." Farquhar Eustace Reilly was probably his brother-in-law.
John Iliff Vorley is listed on the UK Merchant Navy Seaman Records, 1835-1941, however the nature of his service is not known. During the period 1853-1857 he is shown as "Military Service", this corresponds approximately with the duration of the Crimean War. He then appears to have returned to Melbourne about 1860.
He died on 24 July 1863 at Charles Street, Prahran, Melbourne of chronic hepatitis, aged 49 years. His death certificate shows his profession as "Royal Navy", the son of Mary and William Vorley a cattle dealer. The informant was his son Herbert Henry Vorley then living at George Street, Fitzroy. The certificate indicates he was born in Islington, Middlesex, married at Kennington, Surrey when aged 23 years to Caroline Maria Eustace Reilly. His two children were Herbert Henry Vorley aged 23 or 25 years and Ada Caroline Frances Mary Vorley aged 19 years. He had then been in Victoria for three years.
On 17 February 1853 a notice appeared in the Melbourne paper, The Argus "Should this meet the eye of John Vorley, of London, Farquhar Eustace Reilly is at Melbourne, and wishes to hear from John Vorley: address to the office of this paper" This was followed up with a notice on 19 February 1853 "John Vorley most anxiously wishes to see Farquahar [sic] Reilly; if he will call at 21, Swanston-street he will hear of him." Farquhar Eustace Reilly was probably his brother-in-law.
John Iliff Vorley is listed on the UK Merchant Navy Seaman Records, 1835-1941, however the nature of his service is not known. During the period 1853-1857 he is shown as "Military Service", this corresponds approximately with the duration of the Crimean War. He then appears to have returned to Melbourne about 1860.
He died on 24 July 1863 at Charles Street, Prahran, Melbourne of chronic hepatitis, aged 49 years. His death certificate shows his profession as "Royal Navy", the son of Mary and William Vorley a cattle dealer. The informant was his son Herbert Henry Vorley then living at George Street, Fitzroy. The certificate indicates he was born in Islington, Middlesex, married at Kennington, Surrey when aged 23 years to Caroline Maria Eustace Reilly. His two children were Herbert Henry Vorley aged 23 or 25 years and Ada Caroline Frances Mary Vorley aged 19 years. He had then been in Victoria for three years.
John Iliff Vorley was buried on 26 or 27 July 1863, St Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, Church of England Section, Compartment C, Grave 151, under the name John Varley. This is the same plot as his granddaughter Frances Caroline Mary Vorley.
The 1881 census shows Caroline Vorley aged 63 years living at 24 Woburn Place, London (widow born Islington), in 1891 she is living at 104 Lancaster Road, Kensington with her daughter Ada Vorley and a female servant Harriet Dowell. She died 20 April 1891 aged 73 years at 104 Lancaster Road, reg. Apr-Jun 1891 Kensington vol. 1a page 80
The signature of John Iliff Vorley from his son's February 1863 marriage certificate; he would died six months later.
The 1881 census shows Caroline Vorley aged 63 years living at 24 Woburn Place, London (widow born Islington), in 1891 she is living at 104 Lancaster Road, Kensington with her daughter Ada Vorley and a female servant Harriet Dowell. She died 20 April 1891 aged 73 years at 104 Lancaster Road, reg. Apr-Jun 1891 Kensington vol. 1a page 80
children of Herbert Henry Vorley and Margaret Wood:
1. Edmund Sharp Vorley born 27 January 1864 at their residence, Queensberry Street, Hotham, Melbourne, Victoria, died 15 May 1865, Melbourne aged 1 year, 3 months, buried St Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, Church of England Section, Compartment B, Grave 151.
2. Frances Caroline Mary Vorley born November 1865 Geelong, Victoria, Australia, died 11 January 1866 Geelong, Victoria, Australia, aged about 2 months, buried St Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, St Kilda Cemetery, Melbourne, Church of England Section, Compartment C, Grave 151.
3. Ada Caroline Mary Vorley born 27 January 1867 Charleston, New Zealand [the registration of this birth could not be found], died March 1948 Ealing, London, England, aged 81 years, married 1889, reg. Apr-Jun 1889 Richmond South, vol. 2a page 614 Vincent John English, Lieutenant-Commander R.N.
No issue found.
4. Beatrice Mary Maud Vorley born 24 August 1870 Westport, reg. 1870/24598, died 6 April 1911, Moseley, near Birmingham, aged 40 years, married 16 June 1892 by J. J. Davis, witnessed by ... Drever, Frances Vorley, Ada C. M. Vorley and Herbert H. C. Vorley, St Alban's Church, Acton Green, Ealing, reg. Apr-Jun 1892, Brentford vol. 3a page 10, Archibald Campbell William Williams son of Archibald Campbell Williams [captain]. He was born in Peshawue, India about 1860. In 1901 he was a Sergeant Major in the Hussars, previously in the Royal Engineers. Beatrice was legally deaf after contracting diphtheria about 1887 (census 1901 - Bromsgrove, Worcestershire).
4a. Archibald Herbert Vorley Williams born circa 1895, Dublin, Ireland
4b. Roderick Alfred Harley Williams born 10 January 1905, King's Norton, Worcestershire, died 14 September 1993, Broadstone, Dorset
4c. Vincent Campbell Williams born 18 June 1906, King's Norton, Worcestershire, died 21 October 1971, Birmingham, England
5. Frances Sharp Vorley born 16 November 1872 Charleston, New Zealand, reg. 1873/16443, died 27 July 1946 Brentford, Middlesex, aged 73 years, married 1899, reg. Apr-Jun 1899, Kensington vol. 1a page 375 John Charles Melady.
5a. Margaret Ada Maureen Melady born 4 May 1902 Brentford, Middlesex, died 22 July 1961, London, England
5b. Winifred Frances Melady born 10 July 1903, Brentford, Middlesex, died 22 August 1984, Richmond Upon Thames, Surrey
5c. Eileen Mary Melady born 13 October 1905, Chiswick, Middlesex, died 23 January 1982, Yelverton, Devon
5d. John Herbert Melady born 24 January 1907, Chiswick, Middlesex, died 9 January 1987, Ealing, London
5e. Beatrice Agnes Norah Melady, born 21 April 1910, Chiswick, Middlesex, died circa December 1997, Ealing, London
6. Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley, born 27 September 1874 Westport, reg. 1874/44278, died 13 October 1947 Wandsworth, Surrey, aged 73 years, married 1901, reg. Jul-Sep 1901 Fulham vol. 1a page 685, Nellie Ada Therese White.
6a. Nellie Ada Beatrice Vorley, born 9 January 1906, bapt 8 April 1906 St Peter's Church, Hammersmith
6b. Alice Bertha Vorley, born 30 May 1908, Mortlake, Surrey, died 1 October 1915, Brentford, Middlesex
6c.Herbert Henry George Vorley born circa 1911
7. Bertha Adelaide Margaret Vorley born 2 January 1877, Buller, reg. 1877/15691, died 1938 Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada aged about 61 years, married 11 July 1903, Durban, Natal, Herbert Ernest Finlayson, son of Robert Finlayson, Minister United Presbyterian Church and Barbara Hewat, he died 1913 aged 38
7a. Barbara Hewat Finlayson born 1905, Edinburgh, Scotland
7b. Veronica Douglas M Vorley Finlayson born about 1907, Edinburgh, Scotland
7c. Robert Finlayson born 1908, Scotland died 1927, Australia (went missing - assumed dead)
7d. Herbert Eric Finlayson, 29 April 1909, Carlops, D/27059, 22nd Armd. Regt., Canadian, Grenadier Guards, R.C.A.C. died 30 July 1944 aged 39 years, husband of Dorothy Muriel Finlayson, of Brighton, Sussex, England.
7e. Douglas Hugh Finlayson born 29 October 1912 Edinburgh
8. Horace Vorley born 28 March 1880, Haberfield Hall, Easton-in-Gordano, Somerset died 1880, reg. Oct-Dec 1880 Lambeth, vol. 1d page 304
9. Muriel Vorley born 28 March 1880, Haberfield Hall, Easton-in-Gordano, Somerset
died 1880, reg. Oct-Dec 1880 Lambeth, vol. 1d page 305
Westport Times, Volume XIII, Issue 1800, 8 June 1880
10. Caroline Clarissa Herbertina Vorley born 16 May 1881, 1 Forest Side Villa, Epping Essex, [after the death of her father] baptised 1 September 1881 Waltham Holy Cross, St Lawrence and Holy Cross, Essex, England, died 29 January 1947 Worthing, West Sussex England, aged 65 years, married 27 October 1903 St Paul's Church, Bath by J. V. S. Bird, witnessed by Frances Sharp Melady, Ada C. M. English and F. Norton, Bernard Norton [new and secondhand bookseller] son of William Norton [bookseller]
Cartes de Visite of the Vorley family
purchased by the Auckland Libraries at Webb's Auction House in 2008.
Webb's, New Zealand - 2008, Lot 288 : Photographs: 11 Cartes de Visite, various
Description: 11 Cartes de Visite, various photographers, along with an In Memoriam card in the name of Herbert Henry Vorley, late of Westport, New Zealand. 19thC.
Various photographers, gelatin silver prints. Subjects mostly children. One carte annotated verso 'Darling Ada Born at Charleston New Zealand in the 27th Jany. 1867 for my dear Mother from H H V'. 1 dup. [12]. G+.
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
"Frances Sharp Vorley 5 years old Novr 15th 1877"
"Frances Sharp Vorley 5 years old Novr 15th 1877"
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-1
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
"Darling Ada Born at Charleston New Zealand on the 27th Jany 1867 for my dear Mother from H.H.V."
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-2
"Darling Ada Born at Charleston New Zealand on the 27th Jany 1867 for my dear Mother from H.H.V."
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-2
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
"H H C Vorley 1874"
"H H C Vorley 1874"
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-3
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Margaret Vorley? and Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley, 1874
Margaret Vorley? and Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley, 1874
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-4
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Margaret Vorley? and Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley, 1874
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-5
Margaret Vorley? and Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley, 1874
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-5
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley Sepr 27th 1875
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-6
Herbert Henry Curtis Vorley Sepr 27th 1875
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-6
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Herbert Hy Curtis Vorley Born Sepr 27th 1874
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-7
Herbert Hy Curtis Vorley Born Sepr 27th 1874
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-7
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley?
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-9
Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley?
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-9
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley?
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-10
Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley?
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-10
photograph by Herbert Henry Vorley
Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley?
or possibly Ada Caroline Mary Vorley?
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-11
Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley?
or possibly Ada Caroline Mary Vorley?
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 976-11
About People.
Notes from London
[from our own Correspondent] London, 13th April.
New Zealanders will regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Archibald Campbell Williams, who, before her marriage was Miss Beatrice Mary Maude Vorley, daughter of the late Mr. Herbert Vorley, of Westport, New Zealand. She passed away on the 6th inst at St. Wilfrid's Caroline-road, Moseley, near Birmingham, in the 41st year of her age. Notes from London
[from our own Correspondent] London, 13th April.
Evening Post, Volume LXXXI, Issue 120, 23 May 1911, Page 3
Very interesting, especially to discover his early history and what becameof him after leaving the West Coast. You'll find an example of his work, and alittle more information, in Photo-Sleuth article here.
Regards, Brett
The 1901 UK Census shows Herbert Vorley, the son, aged 26 (born Westport NZ) and an estate agent's clerk, living in Hammersmith, London. He is in the household of his brother-in-law Vincent J. English. English's wife - presumably Vorley's sister - is Ada C. English, aged 34 and born in Charleston NZ.
Also in the household is Margaret Trapper (or Trappes), a widow aged 55 and born in Adelaide, South Australia, shown as mother-in-law to the Head of Household, i.e. English. I believe this must be the photographer H.H. Vorley's widow who must have remarried someone by the name of Trapper/Trappes.
P.S.... Indeed, FreeBMD shows that Margaret Vorley married Francis Michael Trappes at London in the Sep Qtr 1883.
Herbert Henry Vorley was my husband's Great Grandfather, by his daughter Caroline Vorley. Wonderful to see photos of his children. We have correspondence from him to his sister Ada which is interesting but the photos are better. Thank you
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