George Henry Swan
born 3 December 1833, Sunderland, Durham, England, son of John Swan and Isabella Cameron [1], arrived Wellington from Melbourne 19 July 1857 on the Mail Packet Brigantine, "Marchioness" [2], aged 23 years, died 24 July 1913, at his residence "Gateshead Villa," Wilson Street, Wanganui, New Zealand [3] aged 79 years, married 1stly 20 August 1865, reg. 1865/9652 Mary Ann Ashton, died 16 March 1883 [4], married 2ndly 5 January 1884 Napier [5], Frances Stopher, reg. 1884/367, died 19 January 1939 Wanganui [6], aged 77 years, reg1939/24942.
Robert Cameron (1802-1882), an uncle to George Henry Swan emigrated to New Zealand on the Himalaya in 1843; cousins in New Zealand included Robert Cameron's son John Kirtley Cameron, born in Wellington in 1846, died 19 January 1910 at Hawera [9].
issue with Mary Ann Ashton:
1. John George Swan born 20 January 1866 reg. 1866/13040, died 16 December 1934 Wanganui aged 68 years, reg. 1934/1680, married 14 May 1895, Napier Cathedral by Dean Hovell, reg. 1895/865, Margaret Allison Anderson
2. James Henry Swan "Harry" born 21 March 1867 reg. 1867/18832, died 17 December 1903 at his residence, Raffles Street, Napier [7] aged 36 years, reg. 1903/7160, buried Napier Cemetery, married 26 September 1899, Napier Cathedral by Dean Hovell, reg. 1899/4347, Annie Deuchar McVay eldest daughter of George McVay
3. Joseph Alfred Swan born 16 September 1870 reg. 1870/22143, died 6 May 1875 aged 4 years, reg. 1875/3566
4. St Valantine Swan born 14 February 1872 reg. 1872/139, died 28 May 1872 aged 4 months, reg. 1872/7561
5. Isabella Maude Swan born 11 September 1874 reg. 1874/892, died 25 February 1875 aged 5 months, reg. 1875/2460
6. Joseph Swan born 20 March 1876 reg. 1876/1019, died 20 March 1876 aged 6 hours, reg. 1876/815
issue with Frances Stopher:
7. Lilian Ethel Swan born 23 October 1884 Napier, reg. 1884/7117, died 1 September 1962, reg. 1962/38552, married 24 April 1907 at Christ Church, Wanganui by the Rev. E. Ward, reg. 1907/2925 Henry Vaughan Duigan [Manager of the Wanganui Herald Company. In 1893 when aged about 15 years he saved a child from drowning in the Wanganui River and he himself drowned in the Wanganui River in 1924].
8. Ivy Elizabeth Swan born 3 November 1885, reg. 1886/347, died 15 December 1975, reg. 1975/50329, married 7 February 1917, St John's Church, Wanganui by the Rev. Herbert Reeve, William Francis Draffin of Wanganui [8].
9. Frances Gwyneth Swan (or Gwyneth Frances Swan) born 23 February 1887 Gateshead Villa, Napier, reg. 1887/938, died 20 July 1966, reg. 1966/39903, married 1 October 1919 Gonville Anglican Church by Ven. Archdeacon Reeve, reg. 1919/6604, Christopher Aitken
10. Sydney Salvin Swan born 29 September 1888 Napier, reg. 1888/8771, died 28 February 1973, reg. 1973/29112, married 17 February 1925, reg. 1925/1478, Norah Ambrosine Gordon
11. Frederick Stopher Swan born 7 February 1890 Napier, reg. 1890/6664, died 23 April 1971, reg. 1971/32029 buried Aramoho Cemetery, Whanganui, married 13 June 1914, reg. 1914/7652, Blanche Bessie Fleming, buried 13 May 1929 Aramoho Cemetery, Whanganui
12. Clement Stephenson Swan born 18 September 1891 Napier, reg. 1891/14558, died 3 September 1978, reg. 1978/40119, buried Aramoho Cemetery, Whanganui
13. Isabel Gladys Swan born 13 July 1893, reg. 1893/10721, died 26 February 1967, reg. 1967/33608, married 21 October 1914 St John's Church, Wanganui by the Rev. H. Reeve, reg. 1914/3272, Francis Allan Hogg
14. Leyel Cameron Swan born 4 January 1887, reg. 1897/1130, died 24 August 1979, reg. 1979/43877. George Henry Swan's sister Emma Swan was married to Carl Frederick Leijel [Leyel]
15. Winifred Gordon Swan born 19 November 1899, reg. 1900/2615, died 6 June 1997, reg. 1997/41593
4 August 1857 to 23 December 1857
Wellington Independent, Issue 1215, 5 August 1857
Wellington Independent, Issue 1217, 12 August 1857
[This notice continued in the Wellington Independent until 31 October 1857]
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1246, 25 November 1857
[This notice was first published in the Wellington Independent on 4 November 1857 and continued until 23 December 1857]
9 March 1858 to about 31 July 1858
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1274, 10 March 1858
[This notice continued in the Wellington Independent until 17 April 1858]
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1306, 3 July 1858
Swan and Davis
Lambton Quay, Wellington
about 3 August 1858 to 11 December 1858
[William Davis arrived in Wellington from England about May 1858]
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1310, 4 August 1858
Photographic Portrait Lottery.
The photographich (sic) portrait and picture lottery, advertised by Messrs. Swan and Davis closes on Friday the 22nd inst. The drawing will take place in the Lyceum Theatre at 8 o'clock. We believe there are a few tickets yet undisposed of, and such of our readers as have neglected to purchase had better do so quickly.
The numerous views of Wellington, taken by these artists, afford a very easy method of conveying an impression of the extent and character of our town to friends in England; and, being transmissible by the post, ought to meet with a ready sale, if for this purpose only.
Being in tbe the daily habit of witnessing the commencement of new buildings and the fencing and cultivation going on around us, the progress so rapidly being made, does not strike ordinary observers as it does those who have been absent a few months.
The sun pictures of Messrs. Swan and Davis have surprised most who have seen them because they present to the eye the extent over which the town is daily spreading. The clearness of these views, and the faithfulness and finish of the portraits are too well known and appreciated to need notice from us; but render the reasons all the greater, why the efforts of these young artists should be well rewarded.
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1319, 23 October 1858
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1319, 11 December 1858
G. H. Swan
from 11 December 1858 - 25 January 1864
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1319, 15 December 1858
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1319, 22 December 1858
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1319, 25 December 1858
Illustrated News of April 9th, has a view of Te Aro Flat, from Mr.
Swan's photograph, but it fails to give the populous character of the
Flat so well shown in the original.
Colonist, Volume II, Issue 179, 8 July 1859
Wellington from a photograph by George Henry Swan
Illustrated London News - 9 April 1859
Photographic Gallery. —
We visited by invitation Mr. Swan's photographic gallery, and was highly pleased with what we saw. The portraits are all of them exceedingly good, striking in their resemblance, and beautifully finished. Two of them especially struck us as being peculiarly so, viz. those of their Honors the Judge and Superintendent. Mr. Swan has received a large variety of new goods from England, and to lovers of art his gallery is well worthy of inspection.
Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1398, 17 January 1860
Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1424, 1 May 1860

Wellington Independent, Volume XVI, Issue 1457, 25 September 1860
Wellington Independent, Volume XVI, Issue 1621, 27 September 1861
[this notice first appeared in the Wellington Independent on 17 September 1861]
International Exhibition of 1862 (London, England)
...Photographs by Mr. Swan, giving a panoramic view of the town, also the principal buildings, such as Government House, the Provincial Government Buildings, St Peter's Church, the Free Scotch Church, the Odd Fellows' Hall, the Mechanics' Institute, the Colonial Hospital, and the Union Bank of Australia...
Wellington Independent, Volume XVI, Issue 1689, 7 January 1862
Wellington Independent, Volume XVI, Issue 1695, 28 January 1862
Photographs. — Mr. Richards [Edward Smallwood Richards] has submitted to our inspection, some very superior cartes de visites, and other styles of portrait photography, which do his establishment considerable credit, and need not fear comparison With any hitherto taken in Wellington. We are glad to find that Mr. Swan also maintains his well established reputation, not only for portrait photography, but for the excellence of his views.
Wellington Independent, Volume XVII, Issue 1788, 6 November 1862
Wellington Independent, Volume XVII, Issue 1792, 15 November 1862
Photography. — We have been favored with the inspection of some very good portraits taken by Mr. H. Swan, at his Gallery, Clay Point. They are cartes de visites, and taken by a new camera invented and patented by that gentleman's brother in Newcastle. There are considerable improvements in this new instrument over the old ones; not the least of which is the adaptability by one exposure to take one, two, three or four pictures by a very slight movement of the operator. A picture on glass can be taken in half the time hitherto occupied, and as the faithfulness of the portrait depends almost entirely upon the stillness of the sitter, this advantage will be easily understood. These "pleasing remembrances"are taken with a fidelity and truth hitherto unapproached in Wellington; they are bright well defined pictures, and the operator is much to be praised for the attention he pays to the indespensible process of "toneing" and " mounting." We believe the cartes are moderately cheap; so these of our friends who wish to " secure the shadow 'ere the substance fades," will do well to honor Mr. Swan with a call.
Wellington Independent, Volume XVII, Issue 1795, 22 November 1862
Illustrious Lady. — The intended marriage of the Prince of Wales next April causes the portrait of the illustrious lady who is to become England's future Queen to be the centre of much interest. Our readers will be glad to learn that in the case exhibited outside Mr Swan's gallery, there is a very excellent photograph of the Princess Alexandria, where those who wish to satisfy their curiosity on the point of her personal appearance can do so, and, as we think, much to their satisfaction.
Wellington Independent, Volume XVII, Issue 1824, 31 January 1863

Wellington Independent, Volume XVII, Issue 1830, 14 February 1863
Public Buildings. — We notice a very excellent photograph of the new Supreme Court Buildings, just out by Mr Swan. It will convey to folk at a distance a very good idea of the solid and imposing appearance of this latest addition to our public edifices.
Wellington Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 1993, 8 December 1863
Wellington Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 1999, 22 December 1863
Swan and Wrigglesworth
Wellington - 25 January 1864 - January 1866
Napier - 23 March 1864 - January 1866
[although this partnership ended early in 1866, Swan advertised under the Swan and Wrigglesworth name in Napier in 1867]
Wellington Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 2014, 26 January 1864
New Photographic Studio. — We perceive that Messrs Swan, and Wrigglesworth (late Mr G. H. Swan), Lambton Quay, have erected a most appropriate and commodious gallery for the purpose of practicing on a more extensive scale the art of photography.
The room is comfortably large, being 31x15 and is fitted up with every facility for the comfort and convenience of the sitter. By a judicious contrivance the light is modulated or subdued at the will of the artist, a desideratum much required, inasmuch as sometimes it would, we believe, be impossible to obtain a picture when the sun is at a certain height.
The firm have also converted the old shop into a waiting room, which is plentifully supplied with portraits of old familiar faces and the no less pleasing stereoscopic views of Home and Colonial scenery. By recent arrivals the most improved cameras have been received and we can confidently assure our readers that a call at the Studio of Messrs. Swan & Wrigglesworth will amply repay them for their trouble.
Wellington Independent, Volume XVIII, Issue 2015, 28 January 1864
note mis-spelling of Wrigglesworth
Napier by Swan and Wrigglesworth
detail - the two storied Bank of New Zealand building near the intersection of Hastings Road, Browning Street and Shakespeare Road
under the auspices of Mr. Swan, who has shewn himself to be proficient
in his profession, has been quite the rage for some days; and the
present mail, we will venture to say, takes home a very large number of
Cartes de visite executed by this artist.
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 7, Issue 480, 9 April 1864
Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2065, 24 May 1864
Stationery.- We were yesterday shown some note and letter paper with beautifully engraved heads representing the Odd Fellows' Hall, Athenaum, Supreme Court House, and Provincial Government Buildings, in Wellington. The engravings were executed in England from Photographs taken here by Mr Swan at the request of Mr Marriott, who has now a supply of the paper on sale.
Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2067, 28 May 1864
New Zealand Exhibition 1865 - Swan and Wrigglesworth exhibited photographic views and portraits, Honorary Certificate awarded.
Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2134, 29 November 1864 and Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2269, 10 October 1865
Photographic Sketches.
Air — Drops of Brandy.
Have you called on Swan over the way?
Photography, what an invention!
Some remarkable views he has there
To which I would call your attention.
To his gallery of portraits, I find,
He has made a most splendid addition.
I’ll tell you now what you can see,
If you go to his fine exhibition.
There’s Bob H--sa and two other friends,
They’re done sitting down at a table,
And all nobblerizing, of course,
To lush well the whole three are able,
He’s got the fine bull too of Nairn,
That’s worth such a rare lot of rhino.
And a view of some Napier swells,
They are done to the life and look fine O.
A view of the Iris as well,
Whose motions have been very tardy
And P--r, just as he appeared,
When he pitched into his friend M’H--dy.
A picture of M--by at drill,
And the privates fun at him are poking
And there’s Sutton, and ho on the sly,
A pipe of tobacco is smoking.
There's a fine view of Fe——an the Jew,
Going round with his votches and rings here,
And H--gs, just as he appears,
When he gets on the platform and sings here.
Another view of him as well,
Playing billiards, but he very rash is,
He’s annoyed ‘cos he’s just lost the game,
And the cue in a rage down he dashes.
There’s B--g in the soldier’s canteen,
And St--rt you see he’s ejecting,
While M'In —re hits him a rap,
A blow that he wasn’t expecting.
A view of the Huntress as well,
This picture’s decidedly clever,
And the officers just as they looked.
When they got a wigging from T--r.
There’s T--m’s trap coming to grief,
While the passengers get a rare jolting,
And another view of this machine,
And the horses like winking are bolting.
A photograph of the discharge
That to each Defence Force man is handed,
And a view of some as they appeared
When they found out that they were disbanded
There’s a portrait of St--ton, too,
Togged up finely — no one could look cleaner;
And Joe C--ll and M--s at cards,
With a view of tho dusky wahine.
There’s T--ke very bad with the gout.
In fact, he’s a regular hobbler,
And a view of M’N--y as well,
And with Thatcher he’s having a nobbier.
Hawke's Bay Times, Volume IV, Issue 200, 11 November 1864

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 8, Issue 576, 23 February 1865
Photography. — Among the photographs displayed in the window of Messrs. Swan & Wrigglesworth's establishment in Willis-street, we notice one of the late Mr. James Fulloon. The likeness is a good one, and easily to be recognised by persons who had met the lamented gentleman who was so cruelly murdered.
Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2555, 7 September 1865
Ref: 1/2-025260-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22684849
Photography. — We notice that Messrs. Swan and Wrigglesworth have displayed in the window of their establishment in Willis-street, a photograph of the prisoners lately taken on the East Coast by Major Fraser's little party. The Hau Hau in the picture look very crest-fallen as they sit huddled together, guarded by a party of their brave captors.
Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2288, 23 November 1865
Wellington Independent, Volume XX, Issue 2298, 19 December 1865
G. H. Swan
January 1866 to October 1871
Transfer of Licence. — We understand the licence hitherto held by Mr M'Nalty for “Mac’s Hotel” has been transferred to Mr G. H. Swan, Mr M'Nalty retiring from a business that he has carried on for seven years, besides an experience of ten years in the other colonies and England. To him Napier is indebted for much of its present accommodation, he having built the three principal hotels of the town,— (Communicated.)
Hawke's Bay Times, Volume 7, Issue 364, 5 April 1866
Napier as it is.
We recently had the pleasure of inspecting, at Mr Swan's Photographic Studio, a remarkably fine view of the Town of Napier and the surrounding country. It was taken a short time ago from the hills north of the Shakespeare road, and is decidedly the best view of the town we have seen. It measures 11 inches by 7 inches, and is good to the extreme angles of the plate. Not only are all the buildings, &c., given in their minute details, but the clouds, and the sea ripples on the beach are produced with much force and effect. We recommend all who wish to keep a memento of the Town of Napier as it is in 1870 to procure a copy of this fine view.
Hawke's Bay Times, Volume 15, Issue 794, 9 June 1870
Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 15, Issue 1197, 18 October 1870
Hawke's Bay Times, Volume 18, Issue 1142, 10 October 1871
Six small engravings which will be of considerable interest to residents and visitors who remember Wellington in the old days, have just been hung in the Dominion Museum. The subjects are Oddfellows Hall, Athenaeum, Post Office, Wharf and Queens Warehouse, Supreme Court, and Provincial Government Buildings. Some, of the engravings are from early photographs by Richards, whilst the others are by G. H. Swan.
Dominion, Volume 3, Issue 767, 16 March 1910
Mr. George Henry Swan, formerly a member of the House of Representatives for Napier, and an ex-mayor of Napier, was born in Sunderland, England. He was brought up as a chemist at Newcastle-on-Tyne, where he also gained a knowledge of photography. He went to Australia in 1854, visited the Victorian goldfields, and afterwards entered into business at Dunolly [Victoria]. In the year 1857, Mr. Swan came to New Zealand, and began business as a photographer in Wellington, in conjunction with Mr. Wrigglesworth. In 1864 he removed to Napier, where he opened and carried on a branch studio for himself and his partner. The partnership was dissolved two years later, but Mr. Swan carried on the Napier business till 1870, when he sold out to his assistant, Mr. Samuel Carnell. In 1866 he became a large shareholder and managing director in the Hawke's Bay Brewing Company, and in 1869 purchased the White Swan Brewery, which he carried on for many years. Mr. Swan was elected to the Borough Council of Napier in 1874, and he was Mayor of the town continuously from December, 1885, to April, 1901. No other Mayor in any town of the colony has a record which can be compared with Mr. Swan's in this respect, and he rendered to his borough services commensurate with the honour it had conferred upon him. He inaugurated the public salt-water swimming baths, and the sea wall which protects the town, and forms the esplanade; the Marine Parade is largely the outcome of his public spirit and intelligent persistency, and is the finest work of its kind in New Zealand. Mr. Swan was Chairman of the Napier Hospital Board, and of the Hawke's Bay United Charitable Aid Board for many years, and a member of the Napier Harbour Board for seventeen years. He represented Napier in the House of Representatives from 1890 to 1893, and favoured a policy of moderate and steady, as opposed to precipitate, progress. Mr. Swan now (1906) resides in Wanganui, where he and his eldest son, Mr. J. G. Swan, are in partnership in a large and increasing brewing and malting business. Mr. Swan is brother to Sir Joseph W. Swan, of electric light and photographic fame.The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay & Wellington Provincial Districts], 1908
Mr George Henry Swan, formerly member of the House of Representatives for Napier, and a prominent business man of that town, died at Wanganui yesterday, at the age of eighty.
Born in Sunderland, England, he emigrated to Australia in 1854, and three years later came to Wellington, where he began business as a photographer. In 1864 he removed to Napier, and carried on a photography business there for the next six years.
In 1866 he became a large shareholder and managing director of the Hawke’s Bay Brewing Company, and in 1869 he purchased the White Swan Brewery. He was elected to the Borough Council in 1874, and was Mayor of the town continuously from December, 1885, to April, 1901.
During his long term of office he rendered great service to the town. Among other things he inaugurated the public salt-water swimming baths, initiated the idea of the Marine Parade, and was the prime mover in the beautification of Clyde square.
He was a member of the Napier Harbour Board for seventeen years, and was also connected with, the Hospital Board and tho Charitable Aid Board for long periods. For three years, from 1890 to 1893, he represented the constituency in Parliament. About nine years ago he removed to Wanganui.
New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8482, 26 July 1913
Mr. Geo. Henry Swan, who died at his residence in Wanganui on Friday last, had a long and honourable public career, He was born at Sunderland, England, in 1833 and was 80 years of age at the time of his death. Mr. Swan was a brother of Sir Joseph Swan, of Newcastle on Tyne, the famous electrical engineer who invented the incandescent electric lamp.
As a lad Mr. Swan made his way to Melbourne and spent four years on the Victorian goldfields. Subsequently he spent a few months on the Otago goldfields [this is unlikely as gold discoveries in Otago the 1850's stirred only minimal interest until Gabriel Read found gold at Gabriel's Gully on 20 May 1861].
In 1858 he established himself in business in Wellington as a photographer. Later he established branches at Wanganui and Napier and in 1868 he acquired the White Swan Brewery in the latter town and carried on the business for about 35 years.
About ten years ago he removed to Wanganui where he again entered the brewing business and continued in it to the time of his death. He was a member of Napier's first borough council in 1875, and for 27 years after never ceased his connection with that body save for one brief term when he took a trip to England. He was at various times member and chairman of the Hawke's Bay Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, and member and deputy-chairman of the Napier Harbour Board. He also represented Napier in Parliament for nine years.
Elected to the office of Mayor of Napier in 1885, Mr. Swan held office continuously for no less than 17 years. For nearly the whole of his term he was, year after year, re-elected unopposed. One striking feature of Napier owes its construction to him, and is a standing monument to him, namely, the Marine Parade.
Mr. Swan was twice married. Mr. J. G. Swan, of Wanganui. is the only surviving member of the first family. Of his second family of four sons and five daughters, the eldest, Mr. Sydney Swan, is now fourth engineer on the s.s Flodden, in the South American trade. Mrs. H. V. Duigan is tho only married daughter.
Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1813, 28 July 1913
[2] Wellington Independent, Issue 1211, 22 July 1857
[3] Wanganui Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14043, 25 July 1913
[4] Mrs
Swan, the wife of Mr G. H. Swan, breathed her last at about 11 o'clock
this morning. The deceased lady had been gradually sinking for the last
ten months. The utmost sympathy will be felt for Mr Swan and his family. Daily Telegraph, Issue 3643, 16 March 1883
[5] Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6749, 7 January 1884
[6] Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXVI, Issue 19844, 23 January 1939
[7] Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12633, 18 December 1903
[8] Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriage incorrectly shows that Ivy Elizabeth Swan was married in 1915 to Henry Francis Martin (reg. number 1915/5567) and that William Francis Draffin married Joy Elizabeth Swan in 1917 (reg. number 1917/2024)
[9] Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume LVIII, Issue LVIII, 19 January 1910
Mr. J. G. Swan
The death occurred in Wanganui on Sunday of Mr. John George Swan, who rendered very full service to the city and district. He was an elocutionist of note, and his ability in this direction was always available in the cause of chairity. He was a son of the late Mr. G. H. Swan, who was Mayor of Napier for several years.
Mr. Swan entered business in Wanganui and was connected with Swan’s brewery before becoming licensee of Chevannes Hotel, one of the oldest houses in the Dominion. His talent as a theatrical organiser was availed of when the Swankers Club was formed in the days of the war, and he took a prominent part in the establishment of the Competitions Society in 1920. The Wanganui Trotting Club, Cycling Club and Caledonian Society all owed him a debt of gratitude, and in his younger days he Was a captain in the Irish Rifle Volunteers.
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXI, Issue 18585, 20 December 1934
The death at Napier on Wednesday evening of Mr Harry Swan, second son of Mr G. H. Swan, of Wanganui (for many years Mayor of Napier), is announced. Deceased was well known in Wellington, where he played for Hawke's Bay against the local football representatives in numerous seasons. In his best day he was one of the fleetest wing forwards in the colony. Deceased, who was very popular, and widely known throughout the whole of the Hawke's Bay province, was a good allround athlete, and the news of his early end will be received with great regret by all who claimed his friendship. An excellent amateur actor, he appeared in many parts for the old Napier Garrick Club and the Amateur Operatic Society at that place in past years. Deceased married a niece of Mr J. C. McVay, formerly Mayor of Napier.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXXVII, Issue 12096, 19 December 1903