English and Continental
Photographic Artists, Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Theodor Thorlacius Bloch and William Brickell Gibbs
This studio,
located next to the Masonic Hall in Trafalgar Street, Nelson, was opened by Theodor Thorlacius Bloch and William Brickell Gibbs on 1 February 1876. William Gibbs sold his interest in the studio to his partner Theodor Bloch on 19 January
1878 [2], and Theodor Bloch sold the studio to James Raglan Akersten on 1 October 1881.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XI, Issue 18, 19 January 1876, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XI, Issue 22, 24 January 1876, Page 2
above - Government Buildings, Nelson, New Zealand
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XI, Issue 22, 24 January 1876, Page 2
The English and Continental Photographic Atelier, next door to the Masonic Hall was opened on Tuesday last, and the proprietors are now prepared to take photographs of every description.
We have been shown to-day at the Photographic Atelier in Trafalgar street an exceedingly well-executed collection of photographs of the members of the Southern Star Lodge of Freemasons in their full regalia. They are very tastefully grouped, and in the centre is a photograph of the Masonic Hall.
At the English and Continental Photographic Atelier there is on view a large group of the members of the Harmonic Society. The individual photographs are excellent, and the group is well and artistically arranged. Smaller cards containing the photographs in miniature are obtainable.
We have received from Mr Bloch two excellent photographs, one carte de visite and the other cabinet size, of the Symons memorial, recently erected in Trafalgar street. The view is taken from near Mr Milner's shop, and includes the Masonic Hall, Savings Bank, &c.
NELSON Works of Art.— We have seen in the descriptions of the Sydney Exhibition from the pens of the special correspondents of the principal newspapers of this and the sister Colonies, special reference made to the photographs and paintings of New Zealand scenery. One correspondent writes :—The walls of the New Zealand Court are everywhere decorated with photographs and paintings, most of which represent views of the beautiful mountain scenery for which New Zealand is as famed as Switzerland.
Amongst the most successful exhibitors of photographs are Messrs. Bartlett, of Auckland Wrigglesworth and Binns, of Wellington; Theodor Bloch, of Nelson and W. H. Perkins, of Greymouth.
Mr John Gully's water color drawings on admirable specimen's of his art, and are greatly admired by all who visit the Court.— It is not only gratifying to find our local artists' talents recognised but it is satisfactory to have the scenery in our district brought prominently before the "gaze of the world."
Colonist, Volume XXIV, Issue 2842, 5 April 1881, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 156, 2 July 1881, Page 3
Catholic Church looking west, Nelson, New Zealand
The English and Continental Photographic Atelier, next door to the Masonic Hall was opened on Tuesday last, and the proprietors are now prepared to take photographs of every description.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XI, Issue 32, 3 February 1876, Page 2
We have been shown to-day at the Photographic Atelier in Trafalgar street an exceedingly well-executed collection of photographs of the members of the Southern Star Lodge of Freemasons in their full regalia. They are very tastefully grouped, and in the centre is a photograph of the Masonic Hall.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XI, Issue 231, 27 October 1876, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIII, Issue 17, 19 January 1878, Page 2
At the English and Continental Photographic Atelier there is on view a large group of the members of the Harmonic Society. The individual photographs are excellent, and the group is well and artistically arranged. Smaller cards containing the photographs in miniature are obtainable.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIII, Issue 22, 25 January 1878, Page 2
We have received from Mr Bloch two excellent photographs, one carte de visite and the other cabinet size, of the Symons memorial, recently erected in Trafalgar street. The view is taken from near Mr Milner's shop, and includes the Masonic Hall, Savings Bank, &c.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIV, Issue 195, 16 August 1879, Page 2
Telegraph Station - Cable Bay near Nelson, New Zealand
[this notice continued in the Colonist until 30 December 1880 and the Nelson Evening Mail until 4 January 1881]
NELSON Works of Art.— We have seen in the descriptions of the Sydney Exhibition from the pens of the special correspondents of the principal newspapers of this and the sister Colonies, special reference made to the photographs and paintings of New Zealand scenery. One correspondent writes :—The walls of the New Zealand Court are everywhere decorated with photographs and paintings, most of which represent views of the beautiful mountain scenery for which New Zealand is as famed as Switzerland.
Amongst the most successful exhibitors of photographs are Messrs. Bartlett, of Auckland Wrigglesworth and Binns, of Wellington; Theodor Bloch, of Nelson and W. H. Perkins, of Greymouth.
Mr John Gully's water color drawings on admirable specimen's of his art, and are greatly admired by all who visit the Court.— It is not only gratifying to find our local artists' talents recognised but it is satisfactory to have the scenery in our district brought prominently before the "gaze of the world."
Colonist, Volume XXIII, Issue 2672, 26 February 1880, Page 1
In June 1880 Bloch's photographs along with other works of art intended for the Melbourne Exhibition were shown at an exhibition at the Masonic Hall to aid the Congregational Church Building Fund:
we may mention a number of very excellent photographs by Mr Bloch; one of these,a panorama of Nelson in four sections, for clearness of detail and general excellence deserves special mention, whilst in some exceedingly pretty scenes on the Maitai the effect was enhanced by the capital effect which the well defined clouds gave the pictures, and altogether we shall be disappointed if Mr Bloch's pictures do not attract considerable notice.
we may mention a number of very excellent photographs by Mr Bloch; one of these,a panorama of Nelson in four sections, for clearness of detail and general excellence deserves special mention, whilst in some exceedingly pretty scenes on the Maitai the effect was enhanced by the capital effect which the well defined clouds gave the pictures, and altogether we shall be disappointed if Mr Bloch's pictures do not attract considerable notice.
Colonist, Volume XXII, Issue 2712, 3 June 1880, Page 3
Colonist, Volume XXIV, Issue 2842, 5 April 1881, Page 2

Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 163, 11 July 1881, Page 2
THEODOR BLOCH, leaving Nelson early next month, requests that all ACCOUNTS OWING to him be SETTLED.
IF you want to make sure at any time to be able to get COPIES of PICTURES taken by Theodor BLOCH. purchase the Original Plate for One Shilling, before he leaves Nelson, next month.
IF you want to make sure at any time to be able to get COPIES of PICTURES taken by Theodor BLOCH. purchase the Original Plate for One Shilling, before he leaves Nelson, next month.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 208, 1 September 1881, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 234, 1 October 1881, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVI, Issue 240, 8 October 1881, Page 3
Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 2986, 18 October 1881, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVIII, Issue 108, 23 May 1882, Page 2
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XX, 28 November 1885, Page 2
We understand that Mr C. J. Harley who, after passing an unusually severe examination, was recently admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, has commenced business in Nelson in the premises lately in the occupation of Mr Akersten, photographer, opposite the Telegraph Office. We wish Mr Harley every success.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVIII, Issue 174, 24 July 1883, Page 2Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XX, 28 November 1885, Page 2
Bert, Master,
Photographer: Theodor Bloch (b.1844, d.1935)
Photo collection reference number
Photographer: Theodor Bloch (b.1844, d.1935)
Photo collection reference number
reverse inscription probably reads "Chas Hooper 6th"
Charles Hooper
[purchased November 2022 - England]negative: Hooper, Master,
Photo collection reference number 5296
Photo collection reference number 5296
Bloch Collection/Nelson Provincial Museum Permanent Collection
[purchased 2009]
[purchased 2009]
The negative of the above portrait is in the collection of the Nelson Provincial Museum.
Reference Number 3776
Title Brown, Miss
Photographer Theodor Bloch
Classification photographic negative
Media/Materials Glass Monochrome/Media/Photography
quarter plate/glass plate/Format/Photography
Collection Bloch Collection/Nelson Provincial Museum Permanent Collection
Other Ref No 494
Record ID P54241
Title Brown, Miss
Photographer Theodor Bloch
Classification photographic negative
Media/Materials Glass Monochrome/Media/Photography
quarter plate/glass plate/Format/Photography
Collection Bloch Collection/Nelson Provincial Museum Permanent Collection
Other Ref No 494
Record ID P54241
[1] The Argus (Melbourne) Tuesday 4 June 1935, page 1.
[2] Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIII, Issue 17, 19 January 1878, Page 2
[1] The Argus (Melbourne) Tuesday 4 June 1935, page 1.
[2] Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIII, Issue 17, 19 January 1878, Page 2
[3] Ancestry.com
[4] Family Search, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sains
[5] Colonist, Volume XLI, Issue 9244, 8 August 1898, Page 2
[6] Marriage. BLOCH—LAWSON. — On the 27th ult, at St. John's Church, Port Albert, by the Rev. W. C. Hose, Lieutenant Theodore Bloch, of Nelson, N.Z., second son of the Ven. Provst Bloch, of Vig, Denmark, to Edith, eldest daughter of Charles P. Lawson, Port Albert.
The Argus (Melbourne) 2 Jan 1877: page 1
[7] none
[8] Camperdown Chronicle, Wednesday 3 August 1887, page 2
[9] The Argus, Wednesday 2 June 1880 page 1
[10] The Argus, Wednesday 16 January 1878, page 1
[11] The Argus, Friday 10 March 1882, page 1
[12] The Argus, Thursday 24 January 1884, page 1
[13] The Colac Herald, Tuesday 22 May 1894, page 2
[4] Family Search, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sains
[5] Colonist, Volume XLI, Issue 9244, 8 August 1898, Page 2
[6] Marriage. BLOCH—LAWSON. — On the 27th ult, at St. John's Church, Port Albert, by the Rev. W. C. Hose, Lieutenant Theodore Bloch, of Nelson, N.Z., second son of the Ven. Provst Bloch, of Vig, Denmark, to Edith, eldest daughter of Charles P. Lawson, Port Albert.
The Argus (Melbourne) 2 Jan 1877: page 1
[7] none
[8] Camperdown Chronicle, Wednesday 3 August 1887, page 2
[9] The Argus, Wednesday 2 June 1880 page 1
[10] The Argus, Wednesday 16 January 1878, page 1
[11] The Argus, Friday 10 March 1882, page 1
[12] The Argus, Thursday 24 January 1884, page 1
[13] The Colac Herald, Tuesday 22 May 1894, page 2