William Henry Bickerton
born circa 1872 Southampton, England, son of Alexander William Bickerton (Professor of Chemistry) and Phoebe Edwards
arrived Lyttelton 20 June 1874 on the steamship "Atrato" from London via Plymouth, Cape Town and Port Chalmers
arrived Lyttelton 20 June 1874 on the steamship "Atrato" from London via Plymouth, Cape Town and Port Chalmers
died 12 July 1939 Sydney, NSW (registered 3629/1939 son of Alexander William Bickerton)
He was a uncle to the Christchurch photographer Mervyn Wilson Bickerton 1908-1940
1899 - Analyst
1906 - Stone's Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough and Westland Directory
Photographers, Bickerton Wm H., New Brighton, Christchurch
1908 - Photographer
1915 - Photographer, Trentham
1916-1917 - photographer, Silverstream, /Wellington, New Zealand Army WWI Reserve Rolls
1934 - Wellington
1935 - Wellington Central Electoral Roll - 98 Ellice Street, Wellington, land agent
1935 - Manly, NSW Electoral Roll, 26a Pittwater Road, Manufacturing chemist
1937 - Saratoga, Gosford, NSW, chemist
William Henry Bickerton was an evening student at the Canterbury School of Art receiving second grade passes in 1889 for freehand drawing and model work. His brothers Alexander Augustus Bickerton and Charles Edward Bickerton were also students there at this time [1].
In May 1894 he received the first prize in a photographic competition held by the Photographic Section of the Philosophical Institute for a study of pampas or toi-toi. He was awarded the prize by A. E. Preece [2].
At the June monthly meeting of the Photographic Section of the Philosophical Institute, Bickerton gave a demonstration "of development and toning partially exposed Solio paper," and Preece again awarded him the first prize in a photographic competition for his photograph of a truss of three chrysanthemums [3].
In a photographic exhibition held in September 1894, two of his photographs were commented on:
Mr W. H. Bickerton's "His Only Suit" is full of life. The discontented aspect of the boy who has, like many authors of old times, to wait whilst his only suit is undergoing the process of washing, is admirably brought out, added to which the poses of the actors in the little comedy are natural and effective. "Wellington Harbour, Evening," by the same artist, is a very fine piece of work [4].
Macquarie Island
Evening Star, Volume 9610, Issue 9610, 2 February 1895
this notice also appeared in the Otago Daily Times on 4 February 1895.
The ketch "Gratitude" sailed from Bluff on 13 February for Macquarie Island and returned to Bluff on 1 April 1895.
After his visit to Macquarie Island in the ketch "Gratitude" Bickerton exhibited a collection of photographs at the Industrial Exhibition. The Star newspaper reported:
The principal feature of Mr W. H. Bickerton's collection is the highly interesting series of enlargements of pictures taken, by him when on a recent visit to Macquarie Island in the ketch Gratitude. They represent the penguins with which that far-southern isle swarms, and, considering the fact that they were taken under great difficulties, must he regarded as of exceptional merit. Especially noticeable is a panorama, enlarged from four quarter-plates, showing a vast flock of these birds.
At the Oddfellows' Hall in December the Bickerton brothers entertained; W. H. Bickerton gave an account of his voyage to Macquarie Island, C. E. Bickerton created considerable amusement by blackboard sketching and H. F. Bickerton gave an remarkably clever exhibition with Indian Clubs [6]. An illustrated article on the penguins of Macquarie Island written by Bickerton was published in the Pall Mall Magazine in November 1895:
Literary.—We understand an article on " The Home of the Penguins of the World," from the pen of Mr W. H. Bickerton has been accepted by the Pall Mall Magazine. The article is illustrated with photographs taken by the writer during a stay on Macquarie Island in March, 1895, and deals with the strange habits of the myriads of penguins to be found on this bleak shore. Mr Bickerton is to be congratulated on making his debut in a publication of such high standing [7].
At the Oddfellows' Hall in December the Bickerton brothers entertained; W. H. Bickerton gave an account of his voyage to Macquarie Island, C. E. Bickerton created considerable amusement by blackboard sketching and H. F. Bickerton gave an remarkably clever exhibition with Indian Clubs [6]. An illustrated article on the penguins of Macquarie Island written by Bickerton was published in the Pall Mall Magazine in November 1895:
Literary.—We understand an article on " The Home of the Penguins of the World," from the pen of Mr W. H. Bickerton has been accepted by the Pall Mall Magazine. The article is illustrated with photographs taken by the writer during a stay on Macquarie Island in March, 1895, and deals with the strange habits of the myriads of penguins to be found on this bleak shore. Mr Bickerton is to be congratulated on making his debut in a publication of such high standing [7].
The Macquarie Islands.—The November number of the Pall Mall Magazine contains, under the title of " The Home of the Penguins of the World," an illustrated article by Mr W. H. Bickerton, of Christchurch, describing a visit to the Macquarie Islands. The illustrations are admirably executed, and Mr Bickerton's account of the bird life on the islands is most interesting [8]
During the 1900 Jubilee Exhibition Bickerton received silver medals for single figure, group photography and lantern slides[9]. At the 1901 Intercolonial Photographic Exhibition held in Wellington, Bickerton received the first prize for still life photography, a third prize for "animals" and a third prize for lantern slides [10]. His collection of photographs were one of the most noteworthy at an exhibition held at the Suter Art Gallery, Nelson in October 1901:
The Christchurch section is also a large one, and W. H. Bickerton here claims first mention as the largest contributor and also for the best all-round work. "Ancient Ironwork " gained the prize at Wellington in the still-life section, and is a splendid picture. Landscape, seascape, flower studies, etc., have all received attention from Mr Bickerton with admirable result, and the collection is one of the most noteworthy of the exhibition [11].
A group portrait of the West Coast members of the 8th New Zealand Contingent at Addington military camp: (back row, from left) Brown, Esskine, Johnson, Watt, Bottom, H Brown, Considine, Vocasioich; (middle) Clegg, O'Brien, Sellars, Chinn; (front) Leslie, McDonald, Fraser, Anderson
Supplement to the Auckland Weekly News 23 January 1902 p001
Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19020123-1-1
The firing of the royal salute on coronation day in Christchurch, 9 August 1902
Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19020821-5-2
Auckland Weekly News - 21 August 1902, page 5
Coronation day in Christchurch with cars taking part in the procession, 9 August 1902
Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19020821-5-1
Auckland Weekly News - 15 March 1917
Group portrait by William Henry Bickerton of non-commissioned officers from Auckland in the 29th Reinforcements. Back: Brown, C R; Macky, J V; Hedley, J W; McMullin, H J; Baigent, J W; Clark, P G; Averill, L C L; Pezaro, M G 2nd row: Ward, R H; Menzies, A G; Connelly, H F; Whitelaw, A C; Poole, S J; McLaren, W W; Dodson, H R; Henry, E S 3rd row: Popham, A C; Voysey, W D; Andrews, T T; Dunning, R J; Pierce, G W; Roberts, J S; Lyall, W C; Stewart, M P; Mackay, D Front: Doughty, A C; Stretton, E C; Rowe, C A; Stephenson, H W
Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19170315-46-7
OFFICERS OP THE HOWITZER BATTERY. From left: Lieut. Hulbert, Lieut. Daltry, Lieut. Wilson, R.N.Z.A. (instructor), Captain N. S. Falla, Lieut. Gardner, Lieut. Miles., Sitting: Captain A. C. Stevens, N.Z.S.C. (officer commanding Howitzer Battery).
OFFICERS OP THE HOWITZER BATTERY. From left: Lieut. Hulbert, Lieut. Daltry, Lieut. Wilson, R.N.Z.A. (instructor), Captain N. S. Falla, Lieut. Gardner, Lieut. Miles., Sitting: Captain A. C. Stevens, N.Z.S.C. (officer commanding Howitzer Battery).
Otago Witness, Issue 3168, 2 December 1914, Supplement
From left: Lieut. McKenzie, Major G. Mitchell, Captain Colquhoun, Lieut. Perry, Lieut. Ker. Sitting: Colonel E. R Bowler (7th Southland Mounted Rifles) officer commanding force. (Photo by W. H. Bickerton).
Otago Witness, Issue 3168, 2 December 1914, Supplement
Officers and NCO's of the Fourteenth NZ Engineers with the late Captain Beekman in centre of front row
Otago Witness, Issue 3252, 12 July 1916, Supplement
One of the chief features of local interest in the April number of the "New Zealand Illustrated Magazine" is a well-illustrated article on wild duck and swan shooting, by Mr W. H. Bickerton, who tells of his experiences in the Lake Coleridge district [12].
At a patriotic concert held at Featherston last evening, in aid of the Wairarapa Fund for New Zealand's Sick and Wounded Soldiers, the magnificent sum of £19,528 was realised, when an enlarged photograph of the Trentham camp was offered at auction amidst great enthusiasm: Messrs. William Barton, William Hume, George Hume, D. H. S Riddiford, J. 0. Bidwill, W. E. Bidwill, George Pain. Mrs. McDougall and Mrs. James Donald, each bid £1000, and several others offered bids of £500 each. The sum of £10.000 was registered in ten minutes. The photograph was finally purchased by Sir Walter Buchanan for £1000, and presented by him to the Featherston Public Library.
The work in connection with the photograph was done by Messrs. Harrington's, N.Z., Ltd., at the firm's works department, Cooper's Buildings, Willis-street. The photo was taken by Mr. Bickerton, photographer, Trentham.
The work in connection with the photograph was done by Messrs. Harrington's, N.Z., Ltd., at the firm's works department, Cooper's Buildings, Willis-street. The photo was taken by Mr. Bickerton, photographer, Trentham.
Evening Post, Volume XC, Issue 2, 2 July 1915
A preparation which has for its purpose the killing of weeds, but not of grass, was the subject of a demonstration in the Levin Public Gardens this morning. It is known as Weedex and is prepared from a formula discovered by a well-known analytical chemist, Mr W. H. Bickerton, of Christchurch, after many years of research. Going round two lawn margins with a small sprayer, Mr W. H. Campbell, representative of the proprietary company, saturated some dozens of weeds, principally, lamb’s tongue, daisy and thistle, and within a few minutes of the application they were turning black. Visitors to the Gardens will be able to note the full effect of this treatment, as time goes on. It is claimed that in three weeks from the date of spraying the weeds will have decayed to a pulpy mass, while the grass adjacent to them, which will become discoloured, will recover. The solution is further claimed to be volatile, harmless to clothing and skin, and non-poisonous to the soil and to any stock that feed on pastures where it has been used. Mr Campbell stated that it was effective on young blackberry and gorse and, in the springtime, on ragwort. The method by which it operates is to penetrate the skin of the weed, mingle with the sap, and descend to the root. Testimonials as to its efficacy have been received in respect to public parks and reserves, the Trentham racecourse grounds, Heretaunga golf links, and various bowling greens. Supplies can be obtained locally from the Misses Oak, florists.
Horowhenua Chronicle, 31 August 1932
The home of the Penquins.
In the Pall Mall Magazine for October Mr W. H. Bickerton gives an account of a visit paid to the Macquarie Island in February, 1895.
It lies considerably to the south of New Zealand, in lat. 55° S., lon. 155° E. It is a vast penguin rookery. Landing is dangerous in almost all weathers. The penguins were there in countless numbers (writes Mr Bickerton); an immense flat, between one and two miles across, was crammed full of them. And then the row they made ! - before arriving at the rookery the noise reminded us of sheep, but when we turned the corner and saw them ahead it was deafening, and we soon found ourselves of necessity shouting at the top of our voices.
Royal penguins (Eudyptes Schlegeli) commence coming to the Macquarie group in January to moult—their breeding season being from September to the beginning of December.
When the penguins first arrive they are so fat that they can hardly walk, and are just able to waddle up to the rookeries. Owing to the birds arriving at different dates the moulting lasts for three months, but the actual time a penguin takes to moult is only three weeks. During the whole of this period the birds do not eat, but gradually absorb all their fat to prevent themselves from starving. The circumference of a penguin before moulting is about three times that of one which has moulted; so striking is this difference that at first we were fully convinced that they were the old and young respectively.
Having got rid of his old coat, a penguin looks very handsome in his new plumage - everything be has on seems to fit so well, and is of such an excellent cut. But he is so thin that it seems as if his breastbone must cut through the skin.
The cunning with which penguins land amid the awful surf is wonderful. They face the wave just before it breaks, and dive underneath, coming up again behind, ready for the next one; by-and-by one comes which seems smaller to them than the previous ones, and then they roll themselves up into a ball, and are swept on to the shore with terrible force. The speed with which they are carried on does not matter in the least to them; and we see them being rolled over and over on the beach, until the wave begins to go back, when they uncurl and waddle up to the dry shingle, shaking themselves to get the water off their feathers.
Sometime the back-wash is too strong for the birds, and they are carried again into the sea; however, the operation is repeated until finally one sees them safe upon the beach, waiting for their mates to land before starting, off to the rookeries.
All the penguins go about in pairs, and the in-coming birds form a long white line round the beach, marching two by two, until the creek leading to the rookeries is reached. Here, in spite of the millions of little feet which have passed along, the ground becomes too rough and narrow for double marching, and the birds separate, one going a little way ahead, stopping constantly and looking anxiously round to see if the other is following close enough. Wherever the path permits it the pairs rejoin, and walk again side by side.
In the rookery the birds stand upright with their mates, their white breasts often touching, thus helping each other to stand more comfortably. Day by day their feathers become more untidy, and the birds seem to grow bigger and bigger, until those who have moulted look like little children beside the others. Then gradually the feathers fall off, and the bird itself hastens matters with its beak. In the awkward places the mates help each other, and the confidence with which each bird turns to the other when it cannot help itself is very interesting.
If two royal penguins are separated, and carried a little way out of sight, they walk disconsolately about until they see each other again. As soon as they find their mates they rush together, and the intense joy expressed by every movement, as they are hurrying forward, is impossible to describe. There is a humming and flapping of wings as they meet, and a soft "cawing" noise, until at last they sink upon one another's necks and talk love in their peculiar penguin language. These birds seem to be an intensely loving race, although their emotions are somewhat narrow - never extending beyond the " family circle."
The rookeries are on the slopes of the hills, and the top penguins have a very trying time after they have finished moulting; they have to pass right through the rookery to get to the sea, and every bird pecks at them as they pass. Their method of going through is to hold up their heads as high as they can and make a dash for it, resting wherever there is room to stand out of reach of the unfriendly beaks of the other penguins. Sometimes one of a pair arrives at the bottom first; but, instead of rushing off to the water (and they do love the sea) it waits patiently until its mate arrives also; then they waddle off together, both very weak from their long fast, but full of eagerness to get into the water. As they get down near the edge their steps quicken, and they both run in, and stay swimming and diving out among the breakers for some little time. Then they come to land again, and prune their feathers with scrupulous care, shaking and stretching their wings, as if to test whether they are at all stiff, after their long rest.
This first swim is only a "preliminary canter," but now they are really off, and soon two little white dots appearing now and again on the tops of the far-off rollers are all that can be seen of this small couple, so lately nestling at one's feet.
The laying season of the royal penguins begins in September. They have only one egg, and both male and female take turns in hatching and feeding the young one until it can go to sea and fish for itself; this happens when it is about three months old. In hatching, the egg is simply laid on the ground, the parents in turns lying forward upon it; it takes a month for the egg to break.
The climbing power of royal penguins is extraordinary, and with the aid of their sharp curved nails they are able to scale steep clay cliffs 100ft and 200ft high.
March is, perhaps, the most interesting time of the year to study the habits and customs of the king penguins, for at this date we found them in all stages of growth. There were eggs still being hatched, little ones just out of the shell, with nothing on but a coat of black leather-like skin, and a few hairs sprinkled about which couldn't be called down yet. Then there were young ones nearly the size of their parents, looking more like quadrupeds than birds, with a thick coating of brown fluffy stuff similar to opossum fur, which when wet causes the youngsters to look like brown retriever pups, with masses of curly locks clinging to them. Whenever I saw these young ones I felt a desire to take them up and stroke them—they looked so soft and warm.
King penguins, like the royals, have only one egg. They have no nest whatever, and manage the hatching in a most wonderful manner. The egg is placed on the two feet, and then the bird, taking up a stooping position, loosens the skin on the breast. This looseness is utilised to form a sort of pouch, completely covering the egg. By this means the egg never touches the cold stones, and is warmly covered up all round.
The grip which the parents have of the egg is surprising, and although a party of us walked through the rookery and scattered the birds on all sides, they never let their egg go, and none were seen lying on the ground behind. It was truly astonishing to see the ease with which the brooding birds hopped about, always retaining their egg, and in some cases the newly-hatched chick.
In the rookery the birds stand a little apart from one another, and there is just room for the continual going and coming of the parents with food. If one of the hatching birds moves too much and comes near another parent the two fight fiercely until one moves away out of reach. King penguins use their flippers almost entirely for fighting, the beaks playing a very small part in encounters.
There seems to be a natural system for preventing the little ones getting lost in the rookery. As every parent pecks a wandering one directly it comes within range the chicken soon realises that there is only one spot on earth sate for him, and that is with his own mother -so he promptly turns back and is gathered up again into the loving folds of her pouch.
The young bachelor and maiden "kings" (the one and two year old birds) have a splendid time of it, enjoying life to the full. They form a sort of wandering rookery on the beach, and spend their single lives in what we term "a glorious loaf." When they are hungry they go out to sea to fish, and owing to the never-ending appetites of countless penguins they have to go a long distance away.
All penguins have the same ingenious method of tackling the heavy seas which are always to be found on these coasts. They keep looking round, and as the wave is about to break over them they face it and dive under in time to avoid being knocked dizzy by the falling water.
These birds look their best when mating, and put on airs and styles which nothing but a king penguin could carry without looking ridiculous. They swell out their breasts, and wobble about from side to side as they wander around with their "intendeds"; every now and then stopping and looking slyly round to see if their blandishments are having the proper effect.
If a female is especially attractive, and her charms prove sufficient to please another beau in addition to her established lover, fight is started by the outsider calmly walking up to claim possession, entirely ignoring the other male, until he enforces the fact of his presence by his powerful wing strokes. Then the two males set to and fight it out, she remaining an interested and critical spectator until one or the other of the combatants seems to be winning. Then, unable to contain herself any longer, she rushes into the fray, and, siding with the victor, completely outmatches the other. It matters not to her if the loser is her former suitor, as she is only too glad to be consoled by the winning stranger, feeling that she has a better protector in case of need.
The young ones do not seem to be so firm on their feet as the older birds, for when we chased them suddenly they nearly always fell down upon their breasts and used their wings as a sort of oar, with which to propel themselves; in this position they slid along the ground quite quickly, making us run to overtake them.
With the older birds it is comparatively rare to see them in any other position than upright, and even when sleeping they do not lie down.
It was great fun to come up quietly to a sleeping "king" and touch him lightly with one foot; he was sure to fall flat on his back, and stare up at his tormentor in a dazed manner; then, collecting his faculties together, he would scuttle away as quickly as he could, never stopping until a safe distance had been placed between himself and his foe. The birds always seemed to be more scared by this simple trick than by anything else we could do to them.
All day the beach is thronged with penguins walking or standing about in groups, apparently talking. Sometimes two penguins talking together are joined by a third, who gives them the benefit of his experiences and then, when the talk is over, the new-comer walks off again to hear and spread news with other penguins.
Parent penguins can always be distinguished from the others by the fearfully solemn and business-like manner with which they walk along the beach, never stopping or looking round, but going straight ahead. I saw one with his head bent forward and his wings spread out, plauting his feet down in such a determined manner that it struck me he must really be sorry to have to take them up again to walk. His mind was so full of his duty that the only effect of my standing in his way was to turn him slightly aside, his wings brushing against me as he passed.
Penguins swim like porpoises, diving a little below the water, and then leaping up into the air to take another dive, and so they progress. As they passed the ship for the first time I thought they were a school of young porpoises, but the captain laughed and pointed to some penguins resting on the waves - not till then did I discover my mistake. Soon the ship was surrounded by the birds, who in their anxiety to fathom the mystery of the strange creature who had invaded their territories, lifted themselves almost out of the water.
Never, while I was on the island with these birds around me, did the time drag heavily away, and I cannot but feel that this was mainly due to the interest (one almost says companionship) of the penguins.
Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9915, 21 December 1897
Federative Home, Christchurch
photographs by William Henry Bickerton
The Wide World Magazine - 1901 pages 469 to 477
A front view of the house, showing part of the garden.
The entrance-hall is a large conservatory, full of gorgeous flowering plants.
The poineer Federators at the first luncheon - the party has now grown out of recognition.
A croud of contented Federators in front of the home.
A merry-go-round for the children.
A great Sunday meeting of cyclists at Wainoni.
The Professor's sons building the Studio - putting the finishing touches to the roof.
The interior of the Studio.
The Avon is a deslightful river to punt or row upon.
The stage in the dining room - there are entertainments nearly every week.
The paper building in course of construction - erecting the wooden frame work.
The wonderful paper house complete - this is now five years old, and is perfectly wind and weather proof.
The picturesque Swiss chalet, built on a sandhill - it is made of paper.
The family of Alexander William Bickerton and Phoebe Edwards
Federative Home, Christchurch
photographs by William Henry Bickerton
The Wide World Magazine - 1901 pages 469 to 477
A front view of the house, showing part of the garden.
The entrance-hall is a large conservatory, full of gorgeous flowering plants.
The poineer Federators at the first luncheon - the party has now grown out of recognition.
A croud of contented Federators in front of the home.
A merry-go-round for the children.
A great Sunday meeting of cyclists at Wainoni.
The Professor's sons building the Studio - putting the finishing touches to the roof.
The interior of the Studio.
There is a castle built on one of the largest sandhills and approached by a rustic bridge.
The Avon is a deslightful river to punt or row upon.
The stage in the dining room - there are entertainments nearly every week.
The paper building in course of construction - erecting the wooden frame work.
The wonderful paper house complete - this is now five years old, and is perfectly wind and weather proof.
The picturesque Swiss chalet, built on a sandhill - it is made of paper.
Alexander William Bickerton father of William Henry Bickerton
by Standish and Preece, Christchurch
The Wide World Magazine - 1901 page 468
by Standish and Preece, Christchurch
The Wide World Magazine - 1901 page 468
Alexander William Bickerton father of William Henry Bickerton by Nelson King Cherrill
Cherrill, Nelson King, 1845-1916. Cherrill, Nelson K fl 1878-1890 :Portrait of Alexander William Bickerton. Ref: PA2-0465. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22692439
Professor Bickerton.
To the Editor of the Press
Sir, - A good many years ago, when Professor Bickerton was with us in the flesh, we were both waiting for a New Brighton car in Cathedral square. Suddenly, in the midst of our conversation, he pointed before him and said: "When l am dead they will put my statue there, and the inscription will be, 'He asked for bread and they give him a stone.' "
- yours, etc.,
Geo. McIntyre
January 29th, 1929.
Geo. McIntyre
January 29th, 1929.
Alexander William Bickerton born 7 January 1842 Alton, Hampshire, England, the second son of Richard Bickerton, a builder's clerk, and Sophia Eames, arrived Lyttelton, New Zealand 20 June 1874 on the steamship "Atrato" from London via Plymouth, Cape Town and Port Chalmers, he returned to England in 1910, departing Lyttelton on the steamship "Ulimaroa" 14 July 1910 for Sydney, departed Sydney on the RMS "Orsova" 23 July 1910 for London, died 21 January 1929 London. The funeral service was held on 25 January 1929 at the Golder's Green Crematorium, London, those present included Mrs Bickerton (widow), Miss Beryl Bickerton (grand-daughter), Mr Herbert I. Bickerton (nephew), Mr H. E. S. Bickerton (nephew) and Colonel Emery (first cousin). His ashes were returned to New Zealand and placed in an urn in a cavity in the western wall of Canterbury College Hall and covered with an inscribed brass plate.
He married 1stly 27 September 1866, Bristol, St James, Gloucestershire, Phoebe Edwards, died 22 April 1919 New Zealand, reg. 1919/3078, buried Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch, block 15 plot 188.
He married 1stly 27 September 1866, Bristol, St James, Gloucestershire, Phoebe Edwards, died 22 April 1919 New Zealand, reg. 1919/3078, buried Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch, block 15 plot 188.
He married 2ndly circa 1920, reg. July-Sept 1920, Paddington, London vol. 1a page 168, Mary Maria Wilkinson of Christchurch, daughter of Henry Wilkinson, born circa 1862, died 16 November 1941 Christchurch aged 78 years, buried Bromley Cemetery, block 15 plot 232 with her sister Laura Wilkinson.

2. Lottie Annie Bickerton, (or Annie Lottie Bickerton) born 13 September 1871, Fitzroy House, Bellevue Place, Southampton, Hampshire, England, reg. Dec 1871, Southampton vol. 2c page 9, bapt. 4 April 1873 Portswood, Hampshire, England, arrived Lyttelton 20 June 1874 on the steamship "Atrato" from London via Plymouth, Cape Town and Port Chalmers, died 12 February 1956, Saratoga, near Gosford, New South Wales aged 85, buried Point Clare Cemetery, married 1stly 20 February 1894, Christchurch, reg. 1894/788, Harold George McIntyre, born 12 March 1872, reg. 1872/20848, eldest son of Julia Sophia Margaret Smith and George McIntyre (surveyor) of New Brighton, he died 21 May 1896 at Springfield aged 24 years, reg. 1896/5139, she married 2ndly 29 June 1898, St John's Church, Christchurch, reg. 1898/1744, Cecil Danford Greenwood (or Cecil Danforth Greenwood) M.R.C.S., born 15 July 1860 Nelson, son of John Greenwood (dentist) and Isabella Eliza Forsyth Gascoyne or Gascoigne, they divorced in 1909 and remarried 7 September 1922 at All Saints' Church, Brisbane, Australia, reg. B30758. He died 28 February 1940, Marrickville, New South Wales, Australia, buried Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood, NSW 29 February 1940.
2a. Daphne McIntyre born 19 October 1895, reg. 1895/12608, died 7 February 1958 Christchurch, married 19 October 1920 at the Russian Consulate, Yokahama, Japan, Michael Shathin, born circa 1887 Mogiliev, Russia. In 1942 he was a citizen of the Philippines and was imprisoned by the Japanese, he died in an airplane crash in Singapore in 1954, married secondly about May 1951 ... Paradiso.
2ai Julia Shathin born 31 July 1921 Tokyo, Japan, died May 1981 USA, married 1stly before 1940 Max Kleiman, born circa 1905 married 2ndly about April 1948 ... Tschritter, married 3rdly about June 1954 ... Webster, married 4thly about 1975 ... Gipson.
The marriage of Miss Daphne McIntyre, formerly of Christchurch, to Mr Michael Shathin, of Moscow, took place at the Russian Consulate in Yokahama on October 19. Mr Shathin is connected with "The Japan Advertiser," the largest foreign newspaper published in the Far East, and for the time being they will live in Tokio (sic), Japan.
Sun, Volume VII, Issue 2117, 26 November 1920
3. William Henry Bickerton, born circa 1872, Southampton, England, bapt. 14 May 1873 Portswood, Hampshire, England, arrived Lyttelton 20 June 1874 on the steamship "Atrato" from London via Plymouth, Cape Town and Port Chalmers, he probably died about 12 July 1939 in Sydney, NSW, reg. 3629/1939.
married 1stly 23 December 1899 at All Saints, Burwood, Christchurch, reg. 1899/4991 Elizabeth Forbes Gardiner, born 25 November 1862, reg. 1862/16302, Nelson, daughter of Joseph Gardiner (farmer) and Elizabeth Jeffrey, witnessed by Alexander William Bickerton, Prof. of Chemistry, Wainoni Park and Herbert Frederick Bickerton, teacher, Wainoni Park, died 5 April 1906, Wainoni, Christchurch, reg. 1906/3544.
married 2ndly 28 April 1908 at All Saints, Burwood, reg. 1908/4955, Georgina May Wilson [she was the sister of Herbert Frederick Bickerton's second wife] born 16 November 1885, Ashburton reg. 1885/19909, daughter of George William Wilson (builder) and Maria Kate Walker, divorced 1914, (she married 2ndly 1915, reg. 1915/9882 George Charles Bateman)
"married" 3rdly Clara Elizabeth Daniel born 28 January 1888, reg. 1888/5559 daughter of Annie Walker (1919 - Mrs A. Daniel of Christchurch) and Mark Daniel, died 21 July 1919 at Wellington, reg. 1919/10821 aged 32 years. Clara's death notice in the Dominion indicates that she is the wife of William Henry Bickerton, however the death is registered under the name of Daniel which probably indicates they were not married.
Bickerton.- On July 21, 1919, at Wellington, Clara Elizabeth, beloved wife of W. H. Bickerton and daughter of Mrs. A. Daniel, of Christchurch.
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 258, 26 July 1919
married 4thly 1 December 1924, reg. 1924/7575, Lily Elizabeth McGruer, born circa 1893 Glasgow, Scotland (registration of birth not found in Scotland) daughter of George and Sarah Martha McGruer died 15 or 16 August 1946, 6 Surrey Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW, reg. 14729/1946, Sydney (death registered as "Beckerton"). (George McGruer was the third son of Duncan McGruer, Whitefield, Inverness, Scotland and brother of John Duncan McGruer, Invercargill and William McGruer, Gore; he died at his residence, Bluff on 6 January 1898)
3b. Wainoni Gladys Bickerton (Noni) born 20 January 1909, Wainoni Park, reg. 1909/5559 (with Georgina May Wilson), died 17 January 2000, Parklands Hospital, Christchurch, reg 2000/1967, ashes Woodlawn Memorial Gardens and Christchurch Crematorium, Christchurch, married Maurice Selwyn Jackson (builder), died 1966 aged 60 years, reg. 1966/36112
3b1. Harry Jackson died before 2000
3bii. Heather Jackson, married Keith Robert Blick
3biii. Ross Jackson, married Robyn Watson
3b1v. Jennifer Jackson, married Alan Truscott
William Maxwell Bickerton son of William Henry Bickerton
Fortune, Reo Franklin, 1903-1979: Photographs relating to Reo and Eileen Fortune. Ref: PAColl-8563-11-04. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23034394
The family arrived NZ on 20 June 1874
4. Edward Charles Bickerton (Artist) born 3 September 1874 St Asaph Street, Christchurch, reg. 1874/50162, bapt. 1 November 1874 St Michael's Church, Christchurch, died 1 August 1920 Invercargill, reg. 1920/8517, buried Saint Johns Cemetery, Invercargill, block/plot: General - 23 / 10A, married 1stly 14 June 1904 St John's Church, Christchurch, reg. 1904/1958 Kate Bertha White born 26 December 1878 Wellington, daughter of Frederick John White (chemist) and Susannah Hill, reg. 1879/1377, died 7 October 1912 at Mrs F. White's, Pages Road, Bromley, Christchurch, reg. 1912/8039, married 2ndly 28 August 1914, reg. 1914/2155, Mina Florence Fleming, born 13 May 1895, Pukekohe,reg. 1895/5650, Auckland, daughter of Thomas Booth Fleming and Agnes Wilhemina Legge, died circa 1967 (not confirmed) Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
4a. Beryl Wainewright Bickerton (or Beryl Wainwright Bickerton), Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (ARIBA), born 23 April 1905 Wainoni Park, reg. 1905/5663, died circa January 1996 Chilton, Buckinghamshire, England, reg. B16a no. 027, married 1 September 1934 Balham Congregational Church, England, Lionel Fitzgerald Barron B.Sc., born 26 January 1907 Southsea, Hampshire, only son of Florrie Bothwell Barron and the late Rev. David Barron (Baptist Minister), died June 1987 Hillingdon, Greater London, England, vol. 13, page 727.
4a. Beryl Wainewright Bickerton (or Beryl Wainwright Bickerton), Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects (ARIBA), born 23 April 1905 Wainoni Park, reg. 1905/5663, died circa January 1996 Chilton, Buckinghamshire, England, reg. B16a no. 027, married 1 September 1934 Balham Congregational Church, England, Lionel Fitzgerald Barron B.Sc., born 26 January 1907 Southsea, Hampshire, only son of Florrie Bothwell Barron and the late Rev. David Barron (Baptist Minister), died June 1987 Hillingdon, Greater London, England, vol. 13, page 727.
Mr Charles Bickerton
(Special to "The Press.") Invercargill, August 1.
Mr Charles Bickerton, third son of Professor Bickerton, one time of Canterbury College, died this morning, after a brief illness. Mr Bickerton, who was 44 years of age, was born and educated in Christchurch, and at an early age he attended the Christchurch School of Art. He showed marked ability, and carried off many prizes. His work possessed such individuality that the famous Dutch artist, Van Der Velden, declared on viewing some examples, that Mr Bickerton would be come a great painter. After studying under Velden for a few years, Mr Bickerton went Home, continuing his studies under Sir Hubert von Herkomer, R.A. He then went to Paris, and spent two or three years in the Academy Julien. On returning to New Zealand he found that his health, which had been far from good during his stay overseas, prevented him from living in anything but a bracing climate. A prolonged stay at Queenstown considerably improved his health, and three years ago he opened a studio in Invercargill. Since his return to New Zealand he had been a constant exhibitor at art exhibitions, and his work was always looked on most favourably.
Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16902, 2 August 1920
Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 14, 18 January 1937
Clever Girls.
In the "Architect and Builders' News," London, of November 20, there is an article stating that Beryle (sic) Bickerton and Zoe I. Maw. A.A.R.I., B.A.A.A. diploma, gained third place in a competition for design for the railway joint receiving offices. A number of British architects competed. Miss Beryle (sic) Bickerton is the daughter of the late well known artist in Christchurch, Mr. Charles Bickerton and granddaughter of the late A. W. Bickerton, the foundation professor of Canterbury College. She received her education at Nelson Girls College and Christchurch Girls' High School, where she matriculated. She then went to Canterbury College, and afterwards entered the offices of Messrs. Collins and Harman, architects, of Christchurch. Later she went to London and studied at the Royal Institute of British Architects, where she gained her A.A.R.I., B.A.A.A. diploma, being second in the school at the final examination.Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 14, 18 January 1937
5. Herbert Frederick Bickerton (fireworks manufacturer, gardener, 1902 - painter, 1908 - teacher) born 11 December 1875 at The Poplars, St Asaph Street West, reg. 1876/1613, bapt 19 March 1876 St Michael's Church, Christchurch, died 10 February 1957, Foxton, reg. 1957/22397, married 1stly 10 January 1900 at the residence of the bride's mother Barbadoes Street, Christchurch by the Rev. Dr. Elmslie (registration of this marriage not found), Esther Sarah Anderson youngest daughter of the late John William Anderson and Mary Ann Anderson, Christchurch, born circa 1879 Prebbleton, died 26 February 1905 Wainoni Park aged 25 years reg. 1905/3707, buried Linwood Cemetery block 15 plot 131, married 2ndly 24 April 1908, St John's Church, Christchurch reg. 1908/4928, marriage dissolved 4 December 1941, Alice Maud Wilson daughter of George William Wilson and Maria Kate Walker, [she was the sister of William Henry Bickerton's second wife] born circa 1884 Ashburton, died 20 November 1967, reg. 1967/39327, ashes buried Woodlawn Memorial Gardens and Christchurch Crematorium, Christchurch with Mervyn Wilson Bickerton.
5a. Allan Herbert Cecil Bickerton born 22 November 1901 at New Brighton reg. 1902/4352, bapt 23 February 1902 St Michael's Church, Christchurch, died 9 March 1902 Wainoni, buried Linwood Cemetery, block 30, plot 157
5b. Ronald Malcolm Bickerton (tomato grower) born 16 July 1903 Christchurch, reg. 1903/4887, died 8 December 1987 Christchurch, reg. 1987/49647, married 29 June 1927 Christchurch, reg. 1927/3359 Margaret Irene Mary Brown. In his aunt's will he received in 1950 four paintings of his uncles by Charles Bickerton)
5c. Lorna Esther Bickerton born 12 February 1905, reg. 1905/11737, died 16 February 1989 reg. 1989/37636, married ... Anderson
5ci. Esther Frances Anderson (Esther Frances Greeks) she sold the painting of Professor Bickerton by Petrus van der Velden to the Christchurch Art Galley)
5d. Mervyn Wilson Bickerton (photographer) born 14 October 1908, reg. 1908/24611, died 25 February 1940, married Kathleen Frances Jane O'Brien born 20 August 1907, reg.
His life is a beautiful memory,
5ai. Bevan William Bickerton born 21 January 1934 Christchurch, died December 2006 Christchurch, married 1962 Anne Wilson Still
5aii. Ronald Neil Bickerton born 12 February 1928 Christchurch, died circa 31 May 2002 Wellington
5c. Lorna Esther Bickerton born 12 February 1905, reg. 1905/11737, died 16 February 1989 reg. 1989/37636, married ... Anderson
5ci. Esther Frances Anderson (Esther Frances Greeks) she sold the painting of Professor Bickerton by Petrus van der Velden to the Christchurch Art Galley)
5d. Mervyn Wilson Bickerton (photographer) born 14 October 1908, reg. 1908/24611, died 25 February 1940, married Kathleen Frances Jane O'Brien born 20 August 1907, reg.
1907/22141 daughter of John O'Brien and Frances Jane Cavanagh.
His life is a beautiful memory,
His death is a silent grief;
He sleeps in God’s beautiful garden,
In the sunshine of perfect peace.
6. Richard Thomas Bickerton (pyrotechnist, later an eye specialist) born 13 December 1876 at the Poplars, St Asaph Street West, Christchurch, reg. 1877/2109, died 15 August 1932 Wellington, reg. 1932/8015, married 12 November 1901 St Mark's Church, Opawa, Christchurch, reg. 1901/5968, Maud Gwendolyn Morgan daughter of Emily Susannah Parsons and John Albert Morgan (accountant), born circa 1881 Christchurch, died 1936, reg. 1936/14778. Emily Parsons was the third daughter of Captain John Parsons of the East India Company, who brought out the ship "Lady Nugent" to New Zealand in 1850, having as the only passengers Mr Godley and his secretary. He later became the first harbour master at Lyttelton [13].
6a. Nancy Bickerton born 4 June 1902, reg. 1902/10739, bapt 13 July 1902 St John's Church, Latimer Square, died 2002, reg. 2002/5080, married 1924, reg. 1924/200 at John's Church, Wellington, Arthur Gapes D.C.M. son of Mrs G. Gapes and the late Mr Gapes of Northland
6b. Richard Wynne Bickerton born 11 July 1903, reg. 1903/9242, bapt. 6 September 1903 St John's Church, Latimer Square, Christchurch, died 1982 Porirua, Wellington, reg. 1982/50807
6a. Nancy Bickerton born 4 June 1902, reg. 1902/10739, bapt 13 July 1902 St John's Church, Latimer Square, died 2002, reg. 2002/5080, married 1924, reg. 1924/200 at John's Church, Wellington, Arthur Gapes D.C.M. son of Mrs G. Gapes and the late Mr Gapes of Northland
6b. Richard Wynne Bickerton born 11 July 1903, reg. 1903/9242, bapt. 6 September 1903 St John's Church, Latimer Square, Christchurch, died 1982 Porirua, Wellington, reg. 1982/50807
6c. Bryan Henry Bickerton born 19 November 1909, reg. 1910/11397 died 1985 Auckland, reg. 1985/37151, married 20 June 1934 St Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Wellington, reg. 1934/4638 Amelia Emily Agnes Walling only daughter of Arthur Walling, Eastbourne
6d. Glen Bickerton born circa 1916, reg. 1916/3615
6e. Lois Bickerton
7. Jessie Bickerton born 25 January 1879, reg. 1879/2371, died 12 February 1879, buried Addington Cemetery plot 743A aged 2 weeks
6d. Glen Bickerton born circa 1916, reg. 1916/3615
6e. Lois Bickerton
7. Jessie Bickerton born 25 January 1879, reg. 1879/2371, died 12 February 1879, buried Addington Cemetery plot 743A aged 2 weeks
8. Alice Mabel Bickerton born 11 September 1880 at Antigua Street, Christchurch, reg. 1880/13116, died 27 January 1933 Saratoga, NSW reg. 4247/1933 Gosford, NSW.
Wainoni Park, Christchurch
Promenade, Wainoni Park, Christchurch
by an unknown photographer
Conservatory, Wainoni Park, Christchurch
[note there is a girl sitting on the left side of the balcony, behind the tree tree]
by an unknown photographer
Tram Entrance, Wainoni Park, Christchurch
by an unknown photographer
[1] Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7248, 7 January 1889
[2] Star, Issue 4946, 9 May 1894
[3] Star, Issue 4975, 13 June 1894
[4] Press, Volume LI, Issue 8900, 17 September 1894
[5] Star, Issue 5371, 24 September 1895
[6] Star, Issue 5442, 18 December 1895
[7] Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9323, 25 January 1896
[8] Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9906, 10 December 1897
[9] Star, Issue 6962, 28 November 1900
[10] Star, Issue 7192, 2 September 1901
[11] Colonist, Volume XLIV, Issue 10231, 15 October 1901, Supplement
[12] Press, Volume LXI, Issue 11882, 2 May 1904
[13] Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18560, 9 December 1925
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