The Cornwall Chronicle, Launceston, Tasmania, Wednesday 23 June 1858, page 7
Launceston Examiner (Tasmania), Thursday 9 December 1858, page 1
Launceston Examiner (Tasmania), Tuesday 27 November 1860, page 1
Fine Arts.— Mr. Henry Albert Frith, the distinguished photographist, who has been a resident amongst us for upwards of two years, took his departure yesterday for Melbourne by the steamer 'Black Swan.' During his sojourn here, Mr. Frith not only gained golden opinions through the excellence of his artistic achievements, but he also endeared him self in private life by his social amenities, and the gift of adapting himself to association with all classes with a facility possessed by few. Mr. Frith is invited to join his brother, who is pursuing a prosperous career in Melbourne as a photographist, and we, with a very extensive circle of his personal friends and admirers, wish him every success in the sister colony.
The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tasmania), 15 October 1862 page 5
New Zealand
Possibly the Mr Frith who arrived at Auckland from Sydney on the s.s. "Airedale" on 24 November 1859.
New Zealander, Volume XV, Issue 1420, 26 November 1859
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVI, Issue 1276, 6 December 1859, Page 2
(repeated in the Daily Southern Cross until 16 December 1859)
Photography. — Few towns even in the “old world” are better supplied with photographic artists than Auckland is at the present time. First we have Mr. Crombie - then Mr. Hamel - then Mr. Holmes - and now Mr. Frith, a gentleman long connected with art and recently arrived from Hobart Town. We have paid a visit to Mr. Frith’s atelier, and have had great gratification in examining his collection of views taken in Launceston, Hobart Town, and elsewhere. They are of the largest size we have yet seen, and are distinguished by great sharpness of detail and warmth of tone. We can cordially recommend our reader's to pay Mr. Frith a visit.
New Zealander, Volume XV, Issue 1424, 10 December 1859
Photography.— We have had great pleasure in looking over the atelier of Mr. Frith, of Shortland Crescent, a new arrival from the neighbouring colonies. His views of the towns of Hobarton and Launceston and their vicinity are master pieces of photographic art, and those which he has taken during his sojourn in Auckland, render the metropolitan city of New Zealand faithfully and minutely. The size of Mr. Frith's cameras, and the evident knowledge which he possesses of the manipulations of the art, enable him to produce a photograph of a landscape which cannot easily be surpassed, for correctness in general effect, or in minutiae of details.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVI, Issue 1278, 13 December 1859
Photography.— We have before noticed the addition to our Photographic corps by the arrival of Mr. Frith in Auckland. In this day’s paper will be seen his announcement of his “Paper Photography,"— by which we understand him to mean his views of Auckland, as well as of various parts of Tasmania, printed on paper from negative photographs. In this department of the profession, Mr. Frith has printed the largest and most perfect views of this City, and the Harbour, North Shore, and Gulf of Houraki [sic], that have yet been taken.
New Zealander, Volume XVI, Issue 1443, 15 February 1860
New Zealander, Volume XVI, Issue 1443, 15 February 1860
The late Fire.— The occupants of the block destroyed by fire last Monday have announced their engagement temporary or otherwise, of other offices ... Mr. Frith, photographer, has removed to the atelier in Shortland crescent, formerly occupied By Mr. Crombie and then by Mr. Hamel in the same vocation...
New Zealander, Volume XVI, Issue 1456, 31 March 1860
Possibly the Mr Frith who departed Auckland on 28 June 1860 on the "Lord Worsley" for Sydney.
New Zealander, Volume XVI, Issue 1482, 30 June 1860
1860-about 1866
Launceston Examiner (Tasmania), Tue 27 Nov 1860, Page 1
The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tasmania), Sat 1 Dec 1860, Page 6
Fine Arts.— Mr. Henry Albert Frith, the distinguished photographist, who has been a resident amongst us for upwards of two years, took his departure yesterday for Melbourne by the steamer 'Black Swan.' During his sojourn here, Mr. Frith not only gained golden opinions through the excellence of his artistic achievements, but he also endeared himself in private life by his social amenities, and the gift of adapting himself to association with all classes with a facility possessed by few. Mr. Frith is invited to join his brother, who is pursuing a prosperous career in Melbourne as a photographist, and we, with a very extensive circle of his personal friends and admirers, wish him every success in the sister colony.
The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tasmania), Wed 15 Oct 1862, Page 5
Mr. James Henry, Photographic Artist, has removed his Chromatype Portrait Gallery from George-street, to those eligible premises lately occupied by Mr. H. A. Frith in Central Charles-street. These have been thoroughly repaired, improved, and neatly fitted up, and now form the most complete photographic gallery in Launceston. Mr. Henry has been engaged to take a photographic view of the Northern Volunteers when they assemble on the plains of New Town, on the approaching great holiday, on Monday week.
The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tasmania), Sat 25 Oct 1862, Page 5
about 1866 - about 1868
(repeated in the Otago Daily Times until 27 July 1866)
Yesterday being the Anniversary of the Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen, the members of the 1st Battalion of Otago Volunteers mustered in front of the Custom House, to do honor to the occasion ... The battalion, under the command of Major Bathgate and Capt. and Adjutant Atkinson, marched to Manse street, where a halt was called, and a photograph was taken by Mr Frith. This photograph will form the first of a series of new views, to be embodied in a Photographic Album ...
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1685, 25 May 1867
Mr B. Riemann [Bruno Riemann] is producing a Photographic Album of Scenery in Otago. Two photographic views, taken by Mr Frith, have already been issued. The first is that of Manse street, Dunedin, taken on the Queen's Birthday, with the Volunteers drawn, up in order, ready for marching. It forms a very effective picture. The other view is the "Water of Leith," from the Acclimatisation Society's Grounds, where the landscape is beautifully diversified. The portfolio in which they are enclosed is very neatly bound and lettered, and should Mr Riemann succeed in his proposal to publish two scenes monthly, the collection will be valuable as illustrations of Otagan Scenery.
We yesterday had the opportunity of examining some excellent photographs, on a large scale, taken by Mr Frith. There are two views of the Botanic Gardens, two of North Dunedin, one of a portion of Heriot Row, two of Princes street from the north, and one of the Acclimatisation Society's ground, including tho breeding pond. Each of these is excellent in its way; the street views in their architectural beauty, and the rural scenery in the representation of rocks, woods, water, and trees. It is seldom that scenery is brought out to such perfection on so large a scale, the pictures being each about 15 inches by 11 or 12.
An interesting series of photographic views of Dunedin and its vicinity have been published by Mr B. Riemann, the last views taken being those of Vauxhall Gardens and Port Chalmers. At the request of subscribers he purposes issuing country views for a further period of three months. Mr Frith, photographer, has also lately published some excellent photographs, on a large scale, of some of the picturesque surroundings of the city.
Captain Fraser and Mr Herbert Julius left by the steamer yesterday for Melbourne. They have been appointed by the Provincial Government, Commissioners to urge His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to pay a visit to Otago. They carry with them an address beautifully illuminated on parchment, by Mr Spreat, of the Lithographic Department, and a nice collection of views of Otago and Dunedin, photographed by Messrs Burton, Frith, and Rieman...
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1707, 20 June 1867
We yesterday had the opportunity of examining some excellent photographs, on a large scale, taken by Mr Frith. There are two views of the Botanic Gardens, two of North Dunedin, one of a portion of Heriot Row, two of Princes street from the north, and one of the Acclimatisation Society's ground, including tho breeding pond. Each of these is excellent in its way; the street views in their architectural beauty, and the rural scenery in the representation of rocks, woods, water, and trees. It is seldom that scenery is brought out to such perfection on so large a scale, the pictures being each about 15 inches by 11 or 12.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1799, 5 October 1867
An interesting series of photographic views of Dunedin and its vicinity have been published by Mr B. Riemann, the last views taken being those of Vauxhall Gardens and Port Chalmers. At the request of subscribers he purposes issuing country views for a further period of three months. Mr Frith, photographer, has also lately published some excellent photographs, on a large scale, of some of the picturesque surroundings of the city.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1811, 19 October 1867
Captain Fraser and Mr Herbert Julius left by the steamer yesterday for Melbourne. They have been appointed by the Provincial Government, Commissioners to urge His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh to pay a visit to Otago. They carry with them an address beautifully illuminated on parchment, by Mr Spreat, of the Lithographic Department, and a nice collection of views of Otago and Dunedin, photographed by Messrs Burton, Frith, and Rieman...
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1859, 14 December 1867
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1892, 23 January 1868
Portrait of an unidentified man by Henry Albert Frith, Dunedin.

Pollen Street, Shortland
about 1872 to 1878
Some excellent photographic sketches of the Volunteer Representative Camp at Parawai, from large-sized plates, have been secured by Mr Frith, and may be seen at his studio in Pollen-street, Shortland. The sketches are from 10 x 12 plates, mounted and framed, and make a very neat souvenir of the visit of the colonial representatives to the Thames. There is some exquisite scenery on the sketches, in addition to the view of the Kauwaeranga stream, with its picturesque winding, the camp, the 600 yards range and the groups of men firing, the butts, and the high ranges beyond. There is another view of the short range, at which the Volunteers are firing. Mr Frith has likewise taken some excellent pictures of the booms, embracing the scenery along the Kauwaeranga valley, which is perhaps unsurpassed for beauty by any other views in the neighbourhood.
Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 1960, 4 February 1875
Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2204, 20 November 1875, Page 2
(repeated in the Thames Advertiser until 7 June 1876)
Portrait of unidentified Maori girl, 1873.
Frith, Henry fl 1867-1873. Frith, Henry fl 1867-1873 : Portrait of unidentified Maori young girl 1873. Ref: PA2-0748. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Mr. H. A. Frith, photographer, of Pollen-street, has succeeded in taking some splendid views of the great Maori encampment at the Kauwaeranga, although not without considerable difficulty. Many of the natives, especially the old chiefs and the old women, have a very strong objection to being photographed, and they even tried to prevent Mr Frith from taking a view of the encampment from a distant point, where it would be impossible to recognise faces. In one case, where he tried to take a view of the natives at close quarters, he was literally mobbed by five or six old and ugly native women, who had been watching and following him, for some hours before. However, by going into the bush and watching a favourable opportunity, Mr Frith succeeded in taking three splendid views, which may to seen at his studio.
Thames Advertiser, Volume IX, Issue 2355, 12 May 1876, Page 2
Thames Advertiser, Volume IX, Issue 2341, 12 June 1876
[this notice first appeared in the Thames Advertiser on 7 June 1876]
Thames Advertiser, Volume IX, Issue 2341, 12 June 1876
[this notice first appeared in the Thames Advertiser on 7 June 1876]
Mr. Firth [sic], photographer, of the Thames, has been exhibiting in Auckland a collection of photographs made in the Thames district during the nine years which he has resided there. Some of them show the township in the very early days, while others represent the scenes of to-day. These photographs must be interesting to those who have formerly resided at the Thames.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XIV, Issue 4994, 17 November 1877
Portrait of an unidentified woman by Henry Albert Frith, taken at Pollen Street, Shortland, Thames Goldfield, New Zealand.
Portrait of an unidentified man by Henry Albert Frith, taken at Pollen Street, Shortland, Thames Goldfield, New Zealand.
Portrait of an unidentified child by Henry Albert Frith, taken at Pollen Street, Shortland, Thames Goldfield, New Zealand.
[purchased February 2022]
Thames Advertiser, Volume X, Issue 2809, 13 December 1877
Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 2861, 16 February 1878
Mr Frith, the old-established photographer and photographic artist of Pollen-street, is about to leave the district, and announces that the views and other photographs which have accumulated during his long residence amongst us will be submitted to sale by auction at his studio this morning.
Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 2861, 18 February 1878
Mr Frith intimates that, prior to leaving, he will dispose of Thames views and Maori cartes at reduced prices.
Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 2866, 25 February 1878
Mr Frith, photographer, Pollen street, calls attention to his cheap sale of Thames Views and Maories, which is still going on. Mr Frith has some of the oldest views of the Thames by photography, and these will soon be hard to get. As he is the only one who has given attention to Maori portraiture he has a large stock to select from. The price is very low, and Mr Frith is also reducing the price of ordinary photographs, for particulars of which see advertisement.
Thames Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2824, 4 March 1878
Thames Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2824, 4 March 1878
To-day we had the pleasure of inspecting some splendidly execute d photographic view,s of New Zealand forest scenery at the studio of Mr Frith, photographer, Pollen street. Many of them have been taken in the lovely Kauaeranga Valley, the beauty and variety of the scenery in which are but little known to our citizens. One of the picture represents Messrs Kilgour and Coombes' settlement, situated in a fertile little basin several miles up the river; and this, perhaps, is one of the most taking in the collection, as the combination of the sparkling river, back ground of forest-clad hills and neat little homesteads, give to the view a charm peculiarly its own. There are also pictures illustrating the method by which the forest giant are conveyed from the heart of the bush to the river, there to remain till they are swept by a fresh to the booms at Parawai. Long skids, rolling roads, and dams are all shown and, taken in order, affords a very good idea of the method of getting timber out of the bush. Amongst the views we noticed several taking in sections of the water race, and also a few choice pictures of forest scenery, these latter being exquisitely done, all the minute detail of the foliage being well brought out. Mr Frith has sold about £30 worth of these views to one gentleman alone and their merit should soon cause the remainder to quickly go off his hands.
Thames Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2926, 2 July 1878
about 1878 to 1897
New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6311, 8 February 1882, Page 4
The presence of the flagship, H.M.S. Orlando, in Calliope Dock, when being cleaned recently, has been taken advantage by the local photographers to get a picture of her as she sat in the dock. Mr. H. A. Frith, photographer, Parnell Rise, has shown us two large views, taken on plates 12 inches by 16 inches, showing the vessel from two different points of view. The lines of the vessel and the proportions of the dock are admirably brought out, and when prints were shown to the Admiral, he stated that they were the best photographs had yet seen of the vessel.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9259, 12 January 1889, Page 4
Mr. Firth [sic], photographer, has produced some excellent plates commemorative of the arrival of His Excellency the Earl of Glasgow in Auckland. They are large plates — 12 by 16 inches. One is a view of the reception at the platform, Queen-street Wharf, and the other a view of the grandstand at Ellerslie racecourse, taken at the Pakuranga Hunt Club races from a point near the judges' stand. Both photos are excellent in detail, and will prove pleasing reminiscences of the first visit of Lord Glasgow to Auckland.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 9022, 29 October 1892
Some well-finished panoramic photographs of the Thames goldfield, which were placed on view by Mr. Firth [sic], photographer, in the Exchange, on Saturday, attracted a good deal of attention, especially from old Thames residents. There are two picture, each about two feet six inches in length. One embraces the foreshore and hills in the background of the whole area extending from Tararu wharf to Parawai. The other is a nearer view of the goldfield, taken from the Goods wharf, and showing all the leading features, batteries, etc., along the foreshore.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 9860, 1 July 1895
Mr Frith, photographer, announces that he will sell by auction through Messrs Cochrane and Son, to-morrow, the whole of his photographic gallery. He is selling off previous to leaving for Melbourne, and will probably retire from the business after fifty years of labour.
Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 207, 6 September 1897
Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 207, 6 September 1897
Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 207, 6 September 1897