Samuel Hall
Samuel Hall, born 7 September 1893 Whangarei, New Zealand, son of Edwin Hall (bushman) and Ellen Maud Cheshire (marriage registered 1883/2542), died 13 September 1971 Silverstream, Upper Hutt, New Zealand,
married 16 July 1919 Wellington, reg. 1919/5334, Eleanor Rose Kay, "Nello or Nella", daughter of Harry Bromley Kay and Edith Margurite Mary Gaze, born 31 August 1893, reg. 1893/17747, died circa 1982 aged 89 years, reg. 1982/50978.
Winnie, Ellen Maud Hall (nee Cheshire) Ted, Toss and Samuel Hall
by Samuel Hall, A.R.P.S
"Golden Sunset"
by Samuel Hall, 1945
by Samuel Hall, 1945
New Zealand birth and death records show Samuel Hall was born in 1893 to Edwin and Ellen Hall (reg. 1893/16341).
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12107, 29 October 1902, Page 8
Hall v. Hall. Mr. Myers appeared for the petitioner, and respondent did not appear. Petitioner, Ellen Maud Hall, living at Carterton, said she was married to the respondent, Edwin Hall, in 1883. They lived together for about eleven years, going to Carterton about seven years ago. She had not heard of him for some years, he having left her. There were seven children of the marriage. His Honour deferred giving a decision until proof of substituted service had been given. (Left sitting.)
Evening Post, Volume LXIV, Issue 144, 15 December 1902, Page 5
Carterton News.
Our Own Correspondent. Mr S. Hall, who was for some time on the staff of the local Post Office, and who has since been attached to the Wanganui Post Office, has been transferred to Wellington as cadet draughtsman in the laboratories.
Wairarapa Age, Volume XXV, Issue 10713, 14 April 1913, Page 7
His service records from World War One show he was born on 7 September 1893 at Whangarei. When he enlisted he was an draughtsman for the NZ Government, his next-of-kin was his mother Mrs E. Hall of Greytown.
Star, Issue 11658, 27 March 1916, Page 7
Newspaper and marriage records show he married Eleanor "Nello" Rose Kay at Wellington on 16 July 1919 (reg. 1919/5334).
HALL - KAY.—On the 16th July, 1919, at Wellington, Rev. Knowles Smith officiating, Samuel Hall, youngest son of Mrs. E. Hall, Carterton, to Nello Kay, younger daughter of Mr. H. B. Kay (3), of Christchurch.
Camera Club
At this week's meeting of the Camera Club a competition of coloured photographs was held. Mr. P. N. Denton presided over a large attendance.
Twenty tinted photographs of a high standard were hung, and Mr. S. Hall, who had previously given a practical demonstration on the art of colouring photographs, judged the entries. The result of the competition was as follows:—
A section, Mr. J. W. Johnson, first, second, and third.
B section, Mr. J. W. Stubbs, first and second, Miss H. Davidson third.
C Section, Mr. J. E. Tunnington, first.
Mr. Hall advised the use of a panchromatic or colour-corrected plate or film to obtain best tone value, and sepia toning of the print to give warmth and a more pleasing effect. The object was to portray as nearly as possible the effect which would be rendered by the three-colour process, and not to attempt to disguise a photograph as an oil-painting.
Evening Post, Volume CXV, Issue 117, 20 May 1933, Page 5
Camera Club
"Coloured Photographs" was the subject of a competition recently held by the Wellington Camera Club. Seventeen pictures were exhibited ...
... Mr. S. Hall, the lecturer, said that colour photography to a large extent was a matter of personal choice. It was not satisfactory to colour black and white prints. A warm tone such as a sepia tone was preferred for a start. The colour should not be smeared on until the pigment was hidden, but if one could disguise one's photograph to give a natural effect of colour without visible means as to how it got there the photographer had obtained the most pleasing effect. Part of the art of colouring was knowing what not to colour, and to choose a subject which lent itself to colouring. Good gradation in portraiture work was essential when colour work was being done. New Zealand bush, Mr. Hall said, was very sombre and when colouring this subject it needed touching up with brown.
Mr. Hall gave many useful tips regarding big enlargements and aids to getting the colour to hold. A hearty vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. J. K. MacKay to Mr. Hall for his interesting talk, and carried by acclamation.
Evening Post, Volume CXVIII, Issue 20, 24 July 1934, Page 5
In 1937, Samuel Hall was used as a handwriting expert in the trial of Joseph Stephenson Skinner, charged with making false statements.
Work on Wharves
Under Another Name
"This is another instance of a man drawing sustenance under his own name and working on the wharves under another name," said Mr. E. A. Selman, district employment officer, when Joseph Stephenson Skinner was charged before Mr. J. H. Luxford, S.M., in the Magistrate's Court today with three offences of making false statements for the purpose of obtaining benefit under the Employment Promotion Act, 1936. The defendant wrote to the Court and pleaded guilty.Work on Wharves
Under Another Name
Mr. Selman explained that the defendant had earned substantial wages and was on the books of the Wellington Harbour Board. For the three weeks referred to in the charges, the defendant's wages from the board were £5 10s 10d, £2 1s 2d, and £5 8s 2d respectively. The highest amount declared to the Department was 18s.
Mr. J. J. McLean said that during a period of four months there was only one man on the Harbour Board books known as Stringer.
Mr. S. Hall, of the Post and Telegraph Department, handwriting expert, said that the "J. Stringer" signed in the Harbour Board books, and the "J. S. Skinner" in the Department's records were signed by the same man.
The Magistrate: This case is bad enough to have been brought under the criminal law.
Mr. Selman: The defendant would have been so charged, your Worship, except for the expense involved in bringing the man down from Auckland, where he is at present on sustenance, or conducting the case up there.
The defendant was convicted and fined £5 and costs on each, of the three charges.
Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 26, 30 July 1937, Page 11
"Spring Idyll"
by Samuel Hall A.R.P.S
Photograph courtesy of Historic Wakatipu
"In Arrowtown"
by Samuel Hall A.R.P.S
Photograph courtesy of Historic Wakatipu
Stamp Designs
Samuel Hall designed the 1935, 1939 and 1942 issues of New Zealand Health Stamps and the 1938 issue was based on an idea by him and G. Bull, both of the Post and Telegraph Department (2). The 1935 health stamp campaign will be officially inaugurated next Sunday evening by his Excellency the Governor-General, Viscount Galway, who as its patron will commend the movement to the people of the Dominion in a radio address from all national stations.
The aim is to raise at least £10,000 for health camp organisations, which for some years have been doing splendid work throughout the Dominion. This year's health stamp "1d for postage, 1d for health" — is a competitive design by Mr. S. Hall, of Wellington. It is twice the size of the ordinary penny stamp, and the design, in a vertical panel with a key pattern border, emphasises that the key to health is sunshine. Within the key-shaped central panel appears a happy child in a bathing costume, playing at the seaside...
Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 73, 23 September 1935, Page 11
Newspaper Advert
Evening Post, Volume CXX, Issue 84, 5 October 1935, Page 29
The Health Stamp issued on 1 October 1938. Mr. J. Berry prepared the design from suggestions and material supplied by Messrs. G. Bull and Samuel Hall.
Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1939 Session I, F-01 Page 15
...With the object of widening the opportunities for helping the health camps, two health stamps will be issued this year. One denomination is to be printed in green, having a postage value of a halfpenny and costing a penny, so that half the value can be applied to health camp funds. Thus contributions may bo made by those persons who use the mails for receipts, post-cards, newspapers bearing the halfpenny rate, and many commercial papers. The second stamp, which conforms to the familiar slogan of "A Penny for Health and a Penny for Postage," will be sold at 2d and carries a postage value of a penny. By combining the two health stamps, the public will be able to utilise them for overseas mails on the Empire air-mail service at the l½d a half-ounce rate.
This year's design, which is being utilised on both denominations, depicts three lusty boys vigorously keeping high in the air a medicine ball inscribed "health." They are playing in a field, obviously enjoying this healthy recreation, which the health stamp makes available to so many children each year. The design was prepared by Mr. S. Hall, of Wellington, and the stamps have been effectively printed by the note printing branch of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23441, 2 September 1939, Page 17
This year's Health Stamps, which will be issued early in October, will be of the usual two denominations, but in a new design. This has been prepared by Mr. S. Hall, of Wellington, and depicts two children sitting on a swing. The format will be vertical, the stamps being similar in shape and size to the 1939 Health Stamps. The sales of Health Stamps last year totalled 349,543 of the lower denomination and 434,855 of the higher. This represented a sum of £2540 2s 2½d for Health purposes.
Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 15, 17 July 1942, Page 4
Health Stamps issued on 1 October 1942, designed by Samuel Hall.
At least two photographs by Samuel Hall appeared in
"Making New Zealand - Pictorial Surveys of a Century."
"Making New Zealand - Pictorial Surveys of a Century."
no. 25 - Recreation, page 3.
no. 26 - Summer Sports, page 19.
In 1945 Samuel Hall joined the Royal Photographic Society and gained a Society Associate in that year. His address was given in 1947 as Architectural Branch, Property Division, GPO, Wellington. Another private address is given from the mid-1950s, again in Wellington. He resigned from the Royal Photographic Society in 1960 (1).
He died on 13 September 1971 Silverstream aged 78 years. At the time of his death he was a retired Civil Servant, his wife was then living at 25 Tainui Street, Paraparaumu.
As part of the THE SIMON MANCHESTER COLLECTION, Dunbar Sloane auctioned 12 Hall photographs in 2011, one (no. A103) is titled "Basrah Water Carrier", the army file indicates that Samuel Hall was in Basrah during WW1. The auctioned photographs were:
Towards Lake Taupo New Zealand
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A100 S.C. HALL
Golden Sunset
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 46 x 36cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A101 S.C. HALL
Silver Birches, Lake Kanieri.
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A102 S.C. HALL
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A100 S.C. HALL
Golden Sunset
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 46 x 36cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A101 S.C. HALL
Silver Birches, Lake Kanieri.
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A102 S.C. HALL
A Peaceful Haven
Hand coloured photo.
Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A103 S.C. HALL
Hand coloured photo.
Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A103 S.C. HALL
Basrah Water Carrier
Hand coloured photo.
Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A104 S.C. HALL
Hand coloured photo.
Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A104 S.C. HALL
Hand coloured photo.
Signed & entitled. 47 x 35cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A105 S.C. HALL
Hand coloured photo.
Signed & entitled. 47 x 35cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A105 S.C. HALL
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 38 x 48cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A106 S.C. HALL,
At Eventide
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200.
A107 S. C. HALL
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 34cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A108 S. C. HALL
Early Morn, Lake Wakatipu
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A109 S. C. HALL
Restless Sea
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 41 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200
A110 S. C. HALL
Hand coloured photo. Signed & entitled. 47 x 37cm, (FR).
Est. $100-200(1) Michael Pritchard, RPS
(2) https://stamps.nzpost.co.nz/about-stamps-collecting
(3) Harry Bromley Kay, 1922 - Telegraphist of 40 Warwick Street, Richmond, Christchurch
Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 17629, 5 December 1922, Page 4. Died circa 1958 reg. 1958/26754 aged 86 years
1997/53769 McIntyre Ronald McLean 27/12/1913 83Y
1990/34397 McIntyre Valerie Nella 13/8/1920 70Y
On Wednesday afternoon at Greytown, the marriage was solemnised of Miss Lilian Florence ("Lil") Wenden, second daughter of Mr and Mrs R. Wenden, of Greytown, and Mr William Hall, third son of Mrs E. Hall, of Carterton. The ceremony was performed at St. Luke's Church, Greytown, in the presence of a large assemblage. The officiating minister was. the Rev. A. T. B. Page.
Wairarapa Age, Volume XXXII, Issue 10648, 1 June 1912, Page 5
I believe that Samuel Hall wrote an article called, 'Nags' on page 152 of a book called 'With Horse and Morse in Mesopotamia', The Story of ANZACS in Asia. Edited by Keast Burke 1927 printed by Arthur NcQuitty & Co. Sydney, Australia. my copy has his name added in ink by the title and my copy of the book have been owned by him. It is a humorous story of how the horses affected his life.
Samuel Hall was my grandad! How many pages is his article called ‘Naga’? Might you photo and email the srticle to me?
Every day I use the silver napkin ring he had made while he was on campaign in ‘Mesopotamia’. Iraq! Maybe I can send you photos of the napkin ring? Hope to hear from you. My name is Claire.
He is my grandad and I use his silver napkin ring, hand made in Mesopotamia, every day! May I have email of his story ‘Nags’ please and I can snd photos of napkin ring. My email address is clairevmiles@gmail.com.
My mother was his daughter Valerie Nella Hall.
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