Frank Arnold Coxhead, born 30 November 1851 London, England, son of Frederick Coxhead (customs house agent in Otago), arrived Otago, New Zealand on the Palmyra, 706 tons aged about 5 years 11 months. The Palmyra departed Gravesend on 28 October 1857 and arrived Otago 14 February 1858 with Frederick Coxhead his wife and 6 children (1), departed New Zealand about July 1893 for California, died 8 March 1908 Berkeley, California, USA aged 56 years (2), married 7 December 1876 at St John's Church, Invercargill by the Rev. W. P. Tanner, Annie Maria Baker eldest daughter of Phoebe Ann Openshaw and George Baker, Invercargill, born 29 September 1854 Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, died 28 April 1937 Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA.
1. Rose Anne Coxhead born 10 October 1877, Invercargill, reg. 1877/9509, died 26 September 1919, Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
2. Franklin George Coxhead born 7 October 1879 Invercargill, reg. 1879/18095, died 5 June 1924 Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA.
3. Edith Phoebe Coxhead born 14 February 1884 at his residence Leith Street, Dunedin, reg. 1884/13305, died 12 March 1943 Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
4. Edward Percival Coxhead born 17 February 1899, Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA, died 20 Jan 1960, Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
(source -
1. Rose Anne Coxhead born 10 October 1877, Invercargill, reg. 1877/9509, died 26 September 1919, Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
2. Franklin George Coxhead born 7 October 1879 Invercargill, reg. 1879/18095, died 5 June 1924 Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA.
3. Edith Phoebe Coxhead born 14 February 1884 at his residence Leith Street, Dunedin, reg. 1884/13305, died 12 March 1943 Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
4. Edward Percival Coxhead born 17 February 1899, Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA, died 20 Jan 1960, Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA
(source -
Frederick Coxhead
Frederick Coxhead, Custom-house agent, Dunedin. Debts, L 252 16s; assets, L83; deficiency, L169 16s. Causes of insolvency: Sickness in his family, depression in business, pressure of creditors, and fear of arrest. MacGregor and Harvey, Dunedin, solicitors. Petition filed, 6th inst.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 1175, 7 October 1865, Page 5
DEATH. On the 13th September, at his residence, Duncan street, Dunedin, Frederick Coxhead, aged 48 years, after a painful and lingering illness, borne with Christian patience. Deeply regretted.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 2062, 14 September 1868, Page 2
Yesterday, flags were hoisted half-mast high on the vessels lying at the wharves and in the bay, and at many of the offices of the shipping agents, in consequence of the death of Mr Frederick Coxhead, who was for many years a Custom House Agent at this Port.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 2063, 15 September 1868, Page 2
Coxhead v. Campbell.— Mr Haggitt for complainant, Mr Ward for the defence. Another assault case under the following circumstances. A boy of defendant's had been hunting some fowls and complainant caught him in the act. Owing to this defendant flew into a violent passion and struck complainant a blow on the head which knocked him down. The defendant was fined L 3 and costs.
Abusive Language.— John Campbell was charged with using threatening and abusive language to F. Coxhead. The magistrate thought that threatening language had been used, but not of sufficiently grave character to justify more than a nominal fine of a shilling.
F. Coxhead, a boy of ten years of age, was then charged with assaulting the boy referred to in the previous case. The assault was merely catching hold of complainant by the arm, after the latter had been hunting fowls with two other boys. The case was dismissed.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 684, 26 February 1864, Page 5
Tourists visiting Otago will find a very choice collection of Lake and Mountain scenery at the galleries of Coxhead Brothers, Portrait and Landscape Photographers, Esk street, Invercargill, and Princes street, Dunedin,— Advt.
Town Improvements. How the town is progressing has been made manifest of late in a variety of ways, but chiefly by the rapid increase of the value of all kinds of property, the erection of new buildings, and the extension of others... We notice also that Mr Coxhead's photographic establishment in Esk street is to undergo enlargement by the addition of another storey. Mr Burwell, who is the architect of Langlands's block, acts in a similar capacity for Mr Coxhead. The great increase of the latter's business compels him to enlarge, and that is saying a great deal for the town and district.
In Esk street, another story is arranged to be added to Messrs Coxhead's Photographic establishment, to consist of a gallery and suite of rooms that are intended to place the firm second to none in the island, so far as appliances are concerned. The particular speciality here will be the peculiar set of the glass roof. This, it is said, utilises the light to the greatest advantage. Mr Little is the contractor, and Mr Burwell is architect.
Photographic Art. Mr Coxhead, photographer, has by means of his art produced a splendid picture of that handsome block of buildings which adorns the east side of Dee street, near to its junction with Esk street. The photograph is on a larger scale than any hitherto produced in this town, and it faithfully represents the whole of the block in question, together with its immediate concomitants.
The outlines are fairly sharp and clear, and the tint is warm and pleasing to the eye, while the light in which the photograph has been taken must have been an exceptionally favourable one. Mr Coxhead must have a perfect knowledge of photography to enable him to produce so excellent a picture, and it is to be hoped that his powers will be exercised on some of the many other excellent views in the town and its suburbs.
Lake Manipori.— We have had the pleasure of examining a scries (sic) of photographic views of the beautiful scenery of Lake Manipori, taken by the local artist, Mr Coxhead. Mr Coxhead undertook a journey to the Lake, and, was absent nearly a fortnight, and succeeded in obtaining several choice delineations of the more striking features of Manipori and its surroundings. They are excellent efforts of the photographers' art, and are open to the inspection of the public at Mr Coxhead's establishment in Esk street.

Visits to the West Coast Sounds
Between 1884 and 1893 Frank Coxhead made at least 13 visits to the West Coast Sounds on the s.s. Tarawera, both in 1892 and 1893 he was on all three trips the Tarawera made.
1883 - not on passenger list
1884 - departed from Port Chalmers on 11 January 1884, A. H. Burton was also a passenger (9).
1885 - departed from Port Chalmers on 26 January 1885. Other passengers included the Port Chalmers' photographer David De Maus (8). This was the Union Company's ninth annual excursion to the Sounds. The Tararewa arrived back on 4 February 1885.
1886 - departed from Port Chalmers 13 January and returned 23 January 1886 (20)
1887 - departed from Port Chalmers 12 January (6) and returned on 22 January 1887 (7). Other passengers included David De Maus (6).
1889 - departed from Port Chalmers about 17 January 1889 (12).
1890 - departed from Port Chalmers 20 January 1890 (10) returned 29 January 1890 (11).
1890 - departed from Port Chalmers 29 January 1890 (11).
1891 - departed from Port Chalmers about 10 February 1891 (13).
1893 - departed from Port Chalmers 6 February 1893 (17).
February 1884 - the steamer Tarawera picked up Mr Burton, the photographer, in Dusky Sound, and Mr Coxhead at Milford Sound.
In 1886 the Tarawera visited Preservation Inlet, Long Sound, Cuttle Cove, Dusky Sound, Wet Jacket Arm, Doubtful Sound, Smith's Sound, Thomson's Sound, Caswell Sound, George's Sound and Milford Sound viewing Mitre Peak and Mount Pembroke.
Old Dunedin residents will learn with regret of the death of Mr William Meluish, who will be well remembered as carrying on a photographic business in Princes street for many years. Mr Meluish died at his residence, 3 Gipsy Hill, Upper Norwood, London, on the 28th October last, of paralysis.
Mr Muluish arrived in Dunedin in 1859, and commenced business in a shop on the site now occupied by the Australian Mutual Provident Society's new premises. Mrs Meluish was a most able assistant to her husband in his business, and took a very active part in it. They took many "Old Dunedin" views, numbers of which are still great favourites of the public, and the negatives of which are now in the possession of Mr F. A. Coxhead.
Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the weather, the Public Hall was crowded last night, especially in the circle, and those present had no cause to regret turning out in the cold and the rain. The entertainment on the boards was a lime light exhibition given by Mr Coxhead, of Dunedin, and the views exhibited were chiefly photographs taken by Mr Coxhead himself during a visit which he made some time ago to Rome, and during repeated sojourns amongst the West Coast sounds of New Zealand.
It was an exhibition of very great interest, for Rome furnishes examples of some of the most wonderful works of man, and the scenes amongst the West Coast sounds are certainly not the least remarkable of nature's wonders. The Sutherland Falls, Lake Ada, and other scenes remarkable for beauty or grandeur were heartily applauded by the audience.
Mr Coxhead also exhibited a view of the Yosemite Falls in California for the purpose of enabling the audience to form their own opinions as to the relative magnificence of the two - the Sutherland Falls and the Falls of Yosemite and unless photographs are not to be trusted in such cases and we all know the American proverb, "the machine can't lie, stranger " — New Zealand's wonder surpasses in greatness and beauty that of California.
Views of some of the scenery about Lake Wakatipu of the neighborhood of Dunedin and Dunedin itself, including the Exhibition buildings and of Oamaru, were also exhibited by Mr Coxhead, whose entertainment reflected much credit on himself as a photographic artist, while it interested and delighted the audience. The proceeds of the entertainment will be handed over to St. Luke's Sunday School, and as the attendance was large the school must become a very considerable gainer.
At the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1889 Frank Coxhead was awarded a bronze medal for photographs.

New Photo Establishments.
Mr Coxhead's, Princes Street
Mr F. A. Coxhead, who recently removed his photographic studio from the old site near the Octagon into the Colonial Mutual Assurance Society's new building at the corner of Princes and High streets, now finds himself in possession of premises which for convenience and spaciousness leave nothing to be desired.
The entrance is from Princes street, where from a lofty vestibule, flanked by show cases containing a selection of examples of portraits; landscape photography, and enlargements, the visitor may take his choice of proceeding to the gallery either by elevator or by ascending the stairs. The former alternative will almost certainly be chosen, and, stopping at the first floor, the visitor will find facing him, as he leaves the elevator, a well-appointed office, where Mr Coxhead's views are on sale. This office is in communication by speaking tubes and by a parcel lift with the third floor of the building, the whole of which occupied by Mr Coxhead.
A awing door opens into a well-lighted and tastefully furnished waiting room, upon the walls of which are displayed a large variety of neatly framed photographs and views, some of them being of an unusually large size. Among the large-sized specimens of portraiture, taken direct, a family group, comprising no fewer than 25 persons, may be specially mentioned, as it is indeed seldom that a photograph is seen embracing so many "sitters."
The waiting room opens on the right into the dressing room, connected with which is a lavatory — the latter being a convenience that is too rarely provided, there not being another one, we are informed, in a photographic establishment in this colony. On either side of the passage from the waiting room are the "retouchers'" room and the "mounting" and "burnishing" room, while at the end of the passage is a commodious room — at the angle of the building — which Mr Coxhead calls the tourists' room, his object being to make it a place of resort from which tourists will be able to take stock of their surroundings. The view that is obtained from this room is a splendid one, and only inferior to the unrivalled panorama that stretches beneath the visitor from the roof of the building, access to which is attained through a door on the fourth floor. On the latter floor is the photographic gallery, which is the largest in the colony, and is lighted from the south-east—the light from that quarter being, we are informed, the light that is essentially necessary for the production of good work.
The plans for the galleries embodied the ideas suggested to Mr Coxhead by visits to all the principal studios of the old and new world, and the arrangements appear to an unprofessional eye to be as complete as they possibly could be3. On this floor are also the printing and enlarging rooms. These are quite separate from the gallery — a feature of the premises being that the public and private rooms are kept absolutely distinct — and in an angle of the building on this floor is a room which Mr Coxhead is having fitted up on a new principle for enlarging purposes. As already mentioned, the whole of the premises are very convenient, and they are a credit to Dunedin.

An entertainment was given last evening in St. Andrew's Church Hall for the purpose of raising funds to assist the "Friendly Aid Society." ... Mr Coxhead exhibited by limelight a series of beautiful views showing the architectural wealth of Rome, and views of Naples, Fort Said, Sydney, and Melbourne ... The entertainment was brought to a close after the exhibition of a number of Mr Coxhead's excellent photographs of West Coast scenery.
The Pall Mall Budget of May 28 reproduces four excellent views of the West Coast Sounds, from negatives by Mr F. A. Coxhead, of this city. These are a view of George Sound, Mitre Peak, Mount Pembroke, and "the regatta" which always forms part of the Tarawera's excursion trips. The letterpress is by Mr George A. Mitchell.
Lime Light Exhibition. In the Lyceum Hall last night Mr F. A. Coxhead, of Dunedin, gave a lime-light exhibition of photographs taken by him daring his recent journey to Italy. They comprised views of Melbourne and Sydney, the Suez Canal and Rome, and coming back to New Zealand, a fine series of pictures of the West Coast Sounds, which were very good. The lantern was worked by Mr Crook in his usual able manner.
Mr F. A. Coxhead, the Dunedin photographer, whose name is “familiar in our mouths as household words,” as a leading artist in his line, is now displaying there a large number and variety of the productions of his camera and dark room and the windows full of excellent pictures arrest the steps of all passers-by.
Mr Coxhead is visiting Timaru for the purpose of making his views known, and is also selling them much cheaper than usual, also for advertising purposes.
He has been all over Mew Zealand in search of material for good pictures, and the results of his labours show all the variety that this land of scenic beauty can give. Mountain scenes appear to be Mr Coxhead's favourites, and he has magnificent views of the ranges of interior Otago and the lakes, and still more - obtained with much difficulty and no little hardship - of the famous southern sounds. A number of these 18 by 16 inches taken direct (not enlargements) are the largest taken in the colony, and a selection from them gained the first prize at the Melbourne exhibition. He has numberless views of all descriptions, of mountain and plain, glacier and geyser, of whole plate or standard size, and others smaller. He has also a good collection of stereoscopic views of scenery and interiors, that are excellent of their kind, and, as giving a truer idea of perspective, that kind is superior to the single view.
We cannot pretend to enumerate the subjects, nor to offer opinions as to which are the best. Each person has his or her own taste in photographic views, and that must be a fastidious or vitiated taste indeed, which does not find pleasure in looking over Mr Coxhead's collection. He only stays here a day or two.
We understand that Frank A. Coxhead, assisted by Mr John Beauchamp, is now taking enamelled cabinet portraits at the small price of 10s 6d per dozen, for one month only. A free invite to all to inspect his magnificent premises in Princes street, opposite Colonial Bank. Take the elevator —[Advt.]
Tourists visiting Otago will find a very choice collection of Lake and Mountain scenery at the galleries of Coxhead Brothers, Portrait and Landscape Photographers, Esk street, Invercargill, and Princes street, Dunedin,— Advt.
Southland Times, Issue 1988, 25 September 1874, Page 3
Town Improvements. How the town is progressing has been made manifest of late in a variety of ways, but chiefly by the rapid increase of the value of all kinds of property, the erection of new buildings, and the extension of others... We notice also that Mr Coxhead's photographic establishment in Esk street is to undergo enlargement by the addition of another storey. Mr Burwell, who is the architect of Langlands's block, acts in a similar capacity for Mr Coxhead. The great increase of the latter's business compels him to enlarge, and that is saying a great deal for the town and district.
Southland Times, Issue 3161, 30 July 1878, Page 2
In Esk street, another story is arranged to be added to Messrs Coxhead's Photographic establishment, to consist of a gallery and suite of rooms that are intended to place the firm second to none in the island, so far as appliances are concerned. The particular speciality here will be the peculiar set of the glass roof. This, it is said, utilises the light to the greatest advantage. Mr Little is the contractor, and Mr Burwell is architect.
Southland Times, Issue 3183, 26 August 1878, Page 2
Photographic Art. Mr Coxhead, photographer, has by means of his art produced a splendid picture of that handsome block of buildings which adorns the east side of Dee street, near to its junction with Esk street. The photograph is on a larger scale than any hitherto produced in this town, and it faithfully represents the whole of the block in question, together with its immediate concomitants.
The outlines are fairly sharp and clear, and the tint is warm and pleasing to the eye, while the light in which the photograph has been taken must have been an exceptionally favourable one. Mr Coxhead must have a perfect knowledge of photography to enable him to produce so excellent a picture, and it is to be hoped that his powers will be exercised on some of the many other excellent views in the town and its suburbs.
Southland Times, Issue 3217, 10 October 1878, Page 2
Lake Manipori.— We have had the pleasure of examining a scries (sic) of photographic views of the beautiful scenery of Lake Manipori, taken by the local artist, Mr Coxhead. Mr Coxhead undertook a journey to the Lake, and, was absent nearly a fortnight, and succeeded in obtaining several choice delineations of the more striking features of Manipori and its surroundings. They are excellent efforts of the photographers' art, and are open to the inspection of the public at Mr Coxhead's establishment in Esk street.
Southland Times, Issue 3339, 4 March 1879, Page 2
Succeeded in Invercargill by Joseph Thomson Henry about April 1880.
Southland Times , Issue 3677, 6 April 1880, Page 3

Visits to the West Coast Sounds
1883 - not on passenger list
1884 - departed from Port Chalmers on 11 January 1884, A. H. Burton was also a passenger (9).
1885 - departed from Port Chalmers on 26 January 1885. Other passengers included the Port Chalmers' photographer David De Maus (8). This was the Union Company's ninth annual excursion to the Sounds. The Tararewa arrived back on 4 February 1885.
1886 - departed from Port Chalmers 13 January and returned 23 January 1886 (20)
1887 - departed from Port Chalmers 12 January (6) and returned on 22 January 1887 (7). Other passengers included David De Maus (6).
1889 - departed from Port Chalmers about 17 January 1889 (12).
1890 - departed from Port Chalmers 20 January 1890 (10) returned 29 January 1890 (11).
1890 - departed from Port Chalmers 29 January 1890 (11).
1891 - departed from Port Chalmers about 10 February 1891 (13).
1892 - departed from Port Chalmers about 11 January 1892 (14).
1892 - departed from Port Chalmers 21 January 1892 (18).
1892 - departed from Port Chalmers 1 February 1892 (19).
1893 - departed from Port Chalmers 18 January 1893 (15).
1893 - departed from Port Chalmers 28 January 1893 (16).1892 - departed from Port Chalmers 21 January 1892 (18).
1892 - departed from Port Chalmers 1 February 1892 (19).
1893 - departed from Port Chalmers 18 January 1893 (15).
1893 - departed from Port Chalmers 6 February 1893 (17).
February 1884 - the steamer Tarawera picked up Mr Burton, the photographer, in Dusky Sound, and Mr Coxhead at Milford Sound.
Otago Witness, Issue 1680, 2 February 1884, Page 12
In 1886 the Tarawera visited Preservation Inlet, Long Sound, Cuttle Cove, Dusky Sound, Wet Jacket Arm, Doubtful Sound, Smith's Sound, Thomson's Sound, Caswell Sound, George's Sound and Milford Sound viewing Mitre Peak and Mount Pembroke.
Otago Witness, Issue 1784, 30 January 1886, Page 12
Jubilee Cabinet - above and below

Otago Daily Times, Issue 7830, 26 March 1887, Page 3
In 1887 Frank Coxhead and his wife went on a world tour departing from Auckland on 20 June 1887 on the Mariposa for Honolulu and San Francisco. Photographs that Coxhead offered for sale on his return indicate they travelled through America and then on to Great Britain, France and Italy. Places visited probably included Yosemite Falls in California, Rome and photographic studios in America and Europe. The return voyage was via Australia and they arrived in Port Chalmers from Melbourne on the s.s. Waihora (5) via the Bluff on 26 December 1887.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 8070, 4 January 1888, Page 1

In 1887 Frank Coxhead and his wife went on a world tour departing from Auckland on 20 June 1887 on the Mariposa for Honolulu and San Francisco. Photographs that Coxhead offered for sale on his return indicate they travelled through America and then on to Great Britain, France and Italy. Places visited probably included Yosemite Falls in California, Rome and photographic studios in America and Europe. The return voyage was via Australia and they arrived in Port Chalmers from Melbourne on the s.s. Waihora (5) via the Bluff on 26 December 1887.
Old Dunedin residents will learn with regret of the death of Mr William Meluish, who will be well remembered as carrying on a photographic business in Princes street for many years. Mr Meluish died at his residence, 3 Gipsy Hill, Upper Norwood, London, on the 28th October last, of paralysis.
Mr Muluish arrived in Dunedin in 1859, and commenced business in a shop on the site now occupied by the Australian Mutual Provident Society's new premises. Mrs Meluish was a most able assistant to her husband in his business, and took a very active part in it. They took many "Old Dunedin" views, numbers of which are still great favourites of the public, and the negatives of which are now in the possession of Mr F. A. Coxhead.
Otago Witness, Issue 1941, 31 January 1889, Page 11
Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the weather, the Public Hall was crowded last night, especially in the circle, and those present had no cause to regret turning out in the cold and the rain. The entertainment on the boards was a lime light exhibition given by Mr Coxhead, of Dunedin, and the views exhibited were chiefly photographs taken by Mr Coxhead himself during a visit which he made some time ago to Rome, and during repeated sojourns amongst the West Coast sounds of New Zealand.
It was an exhibition of very great interest, for Rome furnishes examples of some of the most wonderful works of man, and the scenes amongst the West Coast sounds are certainly not the least remarkable of nature's wonders. The Sutherland Falls, Lake Ada, and other scenes remarkable for beauty or grandeur were heartily applauded by the audience.
Mr Coxhead also exhibited a view of the Yosemite Falls in California for the purpose of enabling the audience to form their own opinions as to the relative magnificence of the two - the Sutherland Falls and the Falls of Yosemite and unless photographs are not to be trusted in such cases and we all know the American proverb, "the machine can't lie, stranger " — New Zealand's wonder surpasses in greatness and beauty that of California.
Views of some of the scenery about Lake Wakatipu of the neighborhood of Dunedin and Dunedin itself, including the Exhibition buildings and of Oamaru, were also exhibited by Mr Coxhead, whose entertainment reflected much credit on himself as a photographic artist, while it interested and delighted the audience. The proceeds of the entertainment will be handed over to St. Luke's Sunday School, and as the attendance was large the school must become a very considerable gainer.
North Otago Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6900, 15 November 1889, Page 2
At the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1889 Frank Coxhead was awarded a bronze medal for photographs.
Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 309, 31 December 1889, Page 5

New Photo Establishments.
Mr Coxhead's, Princes Street
Mr F. A. Coxhead, who recently removed his photographic studio from the old site near the Octagon into the Colonial Mutual Assurance Society's new building at the corner of Princes and High streets, now finds himself in possession of premises which for convenience and spaciousness leave nothing to be desired.
The entrance is from Princes street, where from a lofty vestibule, flanked by show cases containing a selection of examples of portraits; landscape photography, and enlargements, the visitor may take his choice of proceeding to the gallery either by elevator or by ascending the stairs. The former alternative will almost certainly be chosen, and, stopping at the first floor, the visitor will find facing him, as he leaves the elevator, a well-appointed office, where Mr Coxhead's views are on sale. This office is in communication by speaking tubes and by a parcel lift with the third floor of the building, the whole of which occupied by Mr Coxhead.
A awing door opens into a well-lighted and tastefully furnished waiting room, upon the walls of which are displayed a large variety of neatly framed photographs and views, some of them being of an unusually large size. Among the large-sized specimens of portraiture, taken direct, a family group, comprising no fewer than 25 persons, may be specially mentioned, as it is indeed seldom that a photograph is seen embracing so many "sitters."
The waiting room opens on the right into the dressing room, connected with which is a lavatory — the latter being a convenience that is too rarely provided, there not being another one, we are informed, in a photographic establishment in this colony. On either side of the passage from the waiting room are the "retouchers'" room and the "mounting" and "burnishing" room, while at the end of the passage is a commodious room — at the angle of the building — which Mr Coxhead calls the tourists' room, his object being to make it a place of resort from which tourists will be able to take stock of their surroundings. The view that is obtained from this room is a splendid one, and only inferior to the unrivalled panorama that stretches beneath the visitor from the roof of the building, access to which is attained through a door on the fourth floor. On the latter floor is the photographic gallery, which is the largest in the colony, and is lighted from the south-east—the light from that quarter being, we are informed, the light that is essentially necessary for the production of good work.
The plans for the galleries embodied the ideas suggested to Mr Coxhead by visits to all the principal studios of the old and new world, and the arrangements appear to an unprofessional eye to be as complete as they possibly could be3. On this floor are also the printing and enlarging rooms. These are quite separate from the gallery — a feature of the premises being that the public and private rooms are kept absolutely distinct — and in an angle of the building on this floor is a room which Mr Coxhead is having fitted up on a new principle for enlarging purposes. As already mentioned, the whole of the premises are very convenient, and they are a credit to Dunedin.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 8893, 26 August 1890, Page 3

An entertainment was given last evening in St. Andrew's Church Hall for the purpose of raising funds to assist the "Friendly Aid Society." ... Mr Coxhead exhibited by limelight a series of beautiful views showing the architectural wealth of Rome, and views of Naples, Fort Said, Sydney, and Melbourne ... The entertainment was brought to a close after the exhibition of a number of Mr Coxhead's excellent photographs of West Coast scenery.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 9110, 8 May 1891, Page 2
The Pall Mall Budget of May 28 reproduces four excellent views of the West Coast Sounds, from negatives by Mr F. A. Coxhead, of this city. These are a view of George Sound, Mitre Peak, Mount Pembroke, and "the regatta" which always forms part of the Tarawera's excursion trips. The letterpress is by Mr George A. Mitchell.
Otago Witness, Issue 1952, 23 July 1891, Page 31
Lime Light Exhibition. In the Lyceum Hall last night Mr F. A. Coxhead, of Dunedin, gave a lime-light exhibition of photographs taken by him daring his recent journey to Italy. They comprised views of Melbourne and Sydney, the Suez Canal and Rome, and coming back to New Zealand, a fine series of pictures of the West Coast Sounds, which were very good. The lantern was worked by Mr Crook in his usual able manner.
Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7930, 1 August 1891, Page 5
Mr F. A. Coxhead, the Dunedin photographer, whose name is “familiar in our mouths as household words,” as a leading artist in his line, is now displaying there a large number and variety of the productions of his camera and dark room and the windows full of excellent pictures arrest the steps of all passers-by.
Mr Coxhead is visiting Timaru for the purpose of making his views known, and is also selling them much cheaper than usual, also for advertising purposes.
He has been all over Mew Zealand in search of material for good pictures, and the results of his labours show all the variety that this land of scenic beauty can give. Mountain scenes appear to be Mr Coxhead's favourites, and he has magnificent views of the ranges of interior Otago and the lakes, and still more - obtained with much difficulty and no little hardship - of the famous southern sounds. A number of these 18 by 16 inches taken direct (not enlargements) are the largest taken in the colony, and a selection from them gained the first prize at the Melbourne exhibition. He has numberless views of all descriptions, of mountain and plain, glacier and geyser, of whole plate or standard size, and others smaller. He has also a good collection of stereoscopic views of scenery and interiors, that are excellent of their kind, and, as giving a truer idea of perspective, that kind is superior to the single view.
We cannot pretend to enumerate the subjects, nor to offer opinions as to which are the best. Each person has his or her own taste in photographic views, and that must be a fastidious or vitiated taste indeed, which does not find pleasure in looking over Mr Coxhead's collection. He only stays here a day or two.
Timaru Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 5253, 30 September 1891, Page 2
We understand that Frank A. Coxhead, assisted by Mr John Beauchamp, is now taking enamelled cabinet portraits at the small price of 10s 6d per dozen, for one month only. A free invite to all to inspect his magnificent premises in Princes street, opposite Colonial Bank. Take the elevator —[Advt.]
Otago Daily Times, Issue 9380, 21 March 1892, Page 2

Otago Daily Times, Issue 9777, 29 June 1893, Page 4
Photography. A gentleman who was at at one time a resident of this town has, after a lapse of some 14 years, returned and cast in his lot with the people of Invercargill for good. We refer to Mr Thomas Muir, who at the period referred to was in charge of the telegraph department here, before the amalgamation of that branch of the public service with the Postal Department. Mr Muir is in a different business, however, now, having during his long absence pursued the art of the photographer, and been for a number of years a partner in the well known farm of Burton Brothers, Dunedin. Mr Muir has succeeded Mr Coxhead, who has left the colony for California, and proofs of his Mr Muir's proficiency with the camera and plates may be inspected in the show cases in the premises, Esk street. A number of excellent pictures can be seen without the trouble of going upstairs even, in the entrance to the studio, and for several days these have attracted the notice of passers. They are the work of the new proprietor, and bear out his reputation for grouping and posing. The lighting is also very soft and varied, some bold Rembrandtesque effects being conspicuous.
Photography. A gentleman who was at at one time a resident of this town has, after a lapse of some 14 years, returned and cast in his lot with the people of Invercargill for good. We refer to Mr Thomas Muir, who at the period referred to was in charge of the telegraph department here, before the amalgamation of that branch of the public service with the Postal Department. Mr Muir is in a different business, however, now, having during his long absence pursued the art of the photographer, and been for a number of years a partner in the well known farm of Burton Brothers, Dunedin. Mr Muir has succeeded Mr Coxhead, who has left the colony for California, and proofs of his Mr Muir's proficiency with the camera and plates may be inspected in the show cases in the premises, Esk street. A number of excellent pictures can be seen without the trouble of going upstairs even, in the entrance to the studio, and for several days these have attracted the notice of passers. They are the work of the new proprietor, and bear out his reputation for grouping and posing. The lighting is also very soft and varied, some bold Rembrandtesque effects being conspicuous.
Southland Times, Issue 12654, 25 July 1893, Page 2
There are now on view at D. Tonks and Co.'s mart a very fine collection of large photographs of the gems of Southern Alps and Sounds scenery. The photos are from the studio of Mr F. A. Coxhead, of Dunedin, and are to be sold by auction to-morrow, at 2 o'clock p.m.
Word has been received by the San Francisco mail from Mr F. A. Coxhead, for many years a resident of this city, and now residing in Berkeley, California, that he and his family are all safe. Mr Coxhead is with Messrs Folger and Co., provision merchants, whose warehouse is one of the few of its kind left standing unharmed.
Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 164, 13 July 1893, Page 4
Word has been received by the San Francisco mail from Mr F. A. Coxhead, for many years a resident of this city, and now residing in Berkeley, California, that he and his family are all safe. Mr Coxhead is with Messrs Folger and Co., provision merchants, whose warehouse is one of the few of its kind left standing unharmed.
Otago Witness, Issue 2725, 30 May 1906, Page 29
Otago Witness, Issue 2823, 29 April 1908, Page 25
Frederick Coxhead's daughter born 1 April 1858 at Alma Cottage, Upper Harbour (3)
Mercy Coxhead died 7 August 1892 at the residence of her son Edward Coxhead aged 69 years. (4)
(1) Otago Witness, Issue 325, 20 February 1858, Page 4(2) Otago Witness, Issue 334, 24 April 1858, Page 4
(4) Southland Times , Issue 12096, 8 August 1892, Page 2
(5) Index to Outward Passengers to Interstate, UK, NZ and Foreign Ports 1852-1915
(6) Otago Daily Times , Issue 7769, 13 January 1887, Page 2
(7) Otago Daily Times, Issue 7778, 24 January 1887, Page 2(8) Otago Witness, Issue 1732, 31 January 1885, Page 9
(9) Otago Witness, Issue 1677, 12 January 1884, Page 15
(10) Otago Witness , Issue 1980, 23 January 1890, Page 11
(12) Otago Daily Times, Issue 8393, 17 January 1889, Page 1
(13) Otago Daily Times , Issue 9035, 10 February 1891, Page 1
(14) Otago Daily Times , Issue 9321, 12 January 1892, Page 1
(15) Otago Daily Times, Issue 9637, 17 January 1893, Page 3(16) Otago Daily Times, Issue 9646, 27 January 1893, Page 2(17) Otago Daily Times, Issue 9653, 4 February 1893, Page 4
(18) Otago Daily Times , Issue 9329, 21 January 1892, Page 1(19) Otago Daily Times , Issue 9337, 30 January 1892, Page 1
(20) Otago Witness , Issue 1782, 16 January 1886, Page 10 and Otago Witness , Issue 1784, 30 January 1886, Page 12
unknown women photographed by Frank Arnold Coxhead, Dunedin and Invercargill
[purchased November 2020]
[purchased November 2020]
"The Camp"
Larnach's Castle, Otago
by Frank Arnold Coxhead
190mm x 134mm
[purchased August 2020]
Larnach's Castle, Otago
by Frank Arnold Coxhead
190mm x 134mm
[purchased August 2020]
by Frank Arnold Coxhead
190mm x 138mm
[purchased September 2020]
by Frank Arnold Coxhead
[purchased March 2023]
Frank A. Coxhead
Esk Street, Invercargill