Malcolm Ries
Malcolm Ries born circa 1835 Tasmania, Australia the son of Elizabeth and Philip G. Ries, died May 1900 New Zealand. His father Philip G. Ries of Hesse Cassel, born circa 1783, died
26 March 1857 at his residence, "Boxwood Forest", Victoria in his 74th
year, reg. no 54/1857 Victoria, son of Bernard Ries, Esq., Councellor, Hesse Cassel and cousin
to His Excellency, Francis Von Ries, Esq. of Frankfurt, Germany. His mother Elizabeth Jennings born circa 1806, died 12 June 1871 at her residence, Stafford Street, Dunedin aged 65 years, reg. 1871/6331. His parents, with one child departed the Downs on 14 April 1824 on the ship "Denmark Hill" arrived Hobart Town, Tasmania on 31 August 1824, a second child was born on the voyage [1].
the 12th June, at her residence, Stafford street, Elizabeth Ries, wife
of the late Philip Ries, aged 65 years. Melbourne papers please copy.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 2917, 13 June 1871
In June, 1857, at Hesse Cassel, in the 77th year of his age, His Excellency Francis von Ries, Esq., Privy Councillor, Hessian Minister, &c., at Frankfort, Germany, first cousin to the late Mr. P. Ries, Boxwood Forest, Pentridge. Much and deeply regretted by all his friends and relations.
The Argus (Melbourne), Wed 3 Feb 1858, Page 4
issue of Elizabeth and Philip G. Ries:
[1.] William Philip George Ries born 1823, baptised 2 April 1823 St Stephen's Church, Coleman Street, London, died 1867 New Zealand, reg. 1867/10182 aged 43 years
[2.] Mary Salania Ries or Maria Salacia Ries born 1824, died 20 October 1874 New Zealand, reg. 1874/15974 aged 50 years, buried Southern Cemetery, Dunedin, block 4P, plot 123
[3.] James Dunnell Ries
[4.] Frances Mathilde Ries married 4 October 1870 Sandridge by Dr Plummer, Frederick Richard Ferrar eldest son of Frederick Ferrar, Esq., of London
[5.] Malcolm Ries
[6.] Henry Ries died 1920, reg. 1920/1195 aged 83 years
Mr Henry Ries, an old resident of the town, died at the hospital on Sunday morning and was buried on Tuesday. He had acted as gearman for the Fire Brigade for about 18 years, and was accorded a fireman's funeral. The Rev. A. D. Kirkland conducted the funeral service, and Capt. K. Marshall read the customary Fire Brigade ritual. Mr Ries was 83 years of age, a native of Richmond, Tasmania, and had been in New Zealand for about 60 years.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XLV, Issue XLV, 30 July 1920
Ries.— On October 20, 1874, at her residence, Maria Salacia Ries,
sister of Mr Malcolm Ries, photographer, Princes street, Dunedin, aged
50 years.
Evening Star, Issue 3639, 21 October 1874
Ries and Co.,
American Photograph Gallery
Otago Daily Times, Issue 2516, 28 February 1870 [this notice continued in the Otago Daily Times until 5 March 1870]
Ries and Thomson
[Malcolm Ries and Henry E. Thomson]
George Street, Dunedin
Evening Star, Issue 3182, 2 May 1873
Otago Daily Times, Issue 3584, 31 July 1873
Ries and Co.
North Otago Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1200, 16 February 1876
Ries and Co.
Colonsay Street, Lawrence
Tuapeka Times, Volume IX, Issue 589, 9 August 1876
Ries v. Campbell.
(To the Editor.)
— About two months ago I was sent for in great haste to photograph the
dying daughter of a railway employe (sic) named Campbell, residing at
Paddy's Point - a distance of some six or seven miles from Lawrence. I
obeyed the summons though it was half-past three o'clock on a Sunday
afternoon; and without observing the golden rule among most
photographers - namely, payment in advance. I arrived at Campbell's
residence about half-past five; had then to construct from his
drawing-room what is technically called a dark-room for chemical
purposes; took three negatives of the girl whom I found in bed propped
up with pillows, her head leaning on her hands, swaying to and fro,
unable to speak or keep still for more than a second or two at a time.
This part of the work took me fully two hours. I then walked to
Havelock, engaged an express for the return journey to Lawrence, which I
did not reach before twelve that night, and at a cost of ten shillings.
I supplied to Campbell from the best of the three negatives I had taken
a dozen and a half of very fair Cartes de Visite (under the
circumstances) of his dying child, and half a dozen at his own request
from one of the two others, and which were the ones he returned after
being summoned and three weeks after having previously seen proofs from
all three. When this troublesome and unpleasant work had been performed,
I applied to Mr Campbell for payment of my bill, which was only £3,
including travelling expenses. All I could obtain from him was one pound
for which I had to go again to Paddy's Point, entailing on me more
travelling expenses. Well, sir, at this stage of the proceedings applied
to the Magistrate's Court at Lawrence for redress, and they awarded me
£1 more; so that in reality I obtained less than 30s, deducting expenses
for the second journey to Paddys Point. Poor remuneration truly! What a
pity for me the Magistrates had not known the trouble of making
photographs under such circumstances. - I am, &c,
Ries, Edinburgh Photograph Company. P.S.- It is not true that I agreed
to give Campbell two and a half dozens of photo, for £2 10s. M. R.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XIII, Issue 612, 6 March 1880, Page 3
Edinburgh Photo Co.
St Bathans
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XII, Issue 686, 2 December 1882
Edinburgh Photo Co.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XII, Issue 696, 8 February 1883
Mr Ries of the Edinburgh Photo Company, is still in Naseby, doing a very fair business. He will remain here probably a fortnight longer, when he will take his departure for fresh fields and pastures new. We have been shown several photographic views, etc., taken by Mr Ries, and we have no hesitation in saying that they reflect the highest credit upon his skill as an artist. Our friends should give him a call ere he leaves the town.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XIII, Issue 701, 15 March 1883
The courts.
Resident Magisrates's Court, Naseby.
Monday, April 16th. Before John S. Hickson, Esq., Warden,
Indecent Language.
On the information of Sergeant Carlyon, Malcolm Ries, photographer, was charged with that he did, at Naseby, on April 10 unlawfully use certain indecent language within the hearing of Mrs Andrew White then and there passing in a certain public place—to wit, Leven-street, Naseby.
Sergeant Carlyon prosecuted; Mr Ries conducted his own case, and pleaded "Not Guilty."
Mrs Andrew White, of Home Gully, Naseby, being sworn, deposed: Some time since I gave an order to Mr Ries for some half-a-dozen photographs. On April 10 I was shown a proof of the likeness. I remarked that they had not been satisfactorily taken, and of course I took exception to them, upon which defendant lost his temper and became very rude to me. I then left the shop, and Ries followed me to the door, and abused me on the public street. He told me I wanted kicking, interspersing this threat with some choice language.
Cross-examined by defendant: I will swear positively I was standing on the footpath when you told me I wanted kicking I did not use any provoking language to you. I believe I did call you a mad fool. I also said, :if I believe in ghosts and spirits as you do, I would shoot or hang myself."
By Sergeant Carlyon: I made the remark about the ghosts and spirits when I was out on the foot-path.
Constable Rasmussen deposed: I saw Mrs White in Ries' shop on the 10th instant. I heard him threaten to kick her. I did not hear the whole of the dispute. When I first entered the shop, Mrs White was looking at some photographs and she said, "They are very dim." Ries replied with an oath and told her to clear out, asking what she meant by coming there to find fault with his work. Mrs White asked, "What have I done to be insulted in this manner?"
Before she reached the door defendant again swore at her upon which Mrs White said,- "You must be mad." After she reached the street, defendant threatened to kick her, when she said "If I believed in ghosts or spirits, I would shoot or hang myself."
Defendant (to witness).: Now, sir, remember that you are in the witness-box, and take care that you do not perjure yourself. On you oath Will you positively and truthfully swear that the statement you have just given is true in every particular?
Constable Rasmussen: Yes, I swear it Mrs White did not mention anything about the ghost until you used improper language to her. I swear positively she was on the street when you threatened to kick her. You went to the door and used the language; you were not standing behind the counter at the time.
This was the case for the prosecution.
For the defence, Mr Ries called. S. J. Evans, chemist, Naseby, who deposed: I heard the altercation that took place on April 10 between Mrs White and defendant. When I went into the shop I saw Ries was engaged with Mrs White, so I retired into a back room. I heard Mrs White call defendant a mad fool, and tell him that if she believed in ghosts or spirits she would shoot or hang herself. Defendant (who is evidently a Spiritualist): Now, Mr Evans, don't you think that the greatest insult that could be offered to me?
Mr Evans: Well, I could hardly say, Mr Ries.
Sergeant Carlyon: Oh, go on with the evidence, Mr Ries. Surely you haven't brought Mr Evans ' here as an expert on the subject of ghosts and spirits. (Laughter.)
Mr Evans (evidence continued); I swear positively that when defendant threatened to kick complainant he was standing behind the counter, Mrs White being at the time about two yards from she door. I am positive of this. Defendant did not use improper language till complainant provoked and aggravated, him.
Cross-examined : I heard Ries threaten to kick complainant. When he used the threat, Mrs White was not standing on the foot-path, neither had she left the shop. Defendant said something at the door about "damning her eyes," but this was addressed more to himself than to complainant. Defendant lost his temper during the dispute, and behaved in an ungentlemanly manner to complainant.
By defendant : You did not act in an ungentlemanly manner till you were provoked. You indulged in a little profanity after the door was shut.
Re-cross-examined: Mrs White could not have gone ten yards before defendant "damned." her eyes. . Ries looked out of the door after complainant had left the shop; he then closed the door, and made use of some profane language.
By His Worship: The bad language could have been heard by passers-by.
Mr Ries then entered the witness-box, and took the oath in the usual manner, although evidently very much averse to doing so. He said: About ten days ago Mrs White came to my studio and had her likeness taken. She gave instructions for a full length photo. I showed complainant a proof of the picture, when she expressed herself satisfied with it, and forthwith ordered half-a-dozen copies. Mrs White came to the shop on the, 10th instant, and when shown the photos, she found fault with them, and said I had taken them wrong — that I should have taken her bust only. She also said that the face was out of all proportion to the body," and, taking up a photo, of Miss King — a young lady, of Naseby, aged 18, your Worship — said, That's the way I wanted it taken." I replied, "Oh, you are foolish. You surely don't want to be taken like that. I can't make a young girl of you. (Laughter) Hereupon Mrs White called me a lot of bad names. She said I was a mad fool, and told me that if she was a madman like me and believed in ghosts and spirits, she would hang herself. She had no right to say that to me your our Worship, and she insulted me saying it. I state positively that I did not swear at Mrs White when she was on the foot-path.
Cross-examined: I did not swear at Mrs White till she provoked me.
His Worship : I am inclined to believe the evidence of Constable Rasmussen and Mrs White in preference to that of Mr Evans and defendant. No doubt defendant was very angry,and used improper language; and I can readily understand that Mr Evans is right in his mind, as to the truth of his statement. The ease does not call for extreme measures, and I think if I convict defendant and fine him in a nominal amount he' will be sufficiently punished. I hope that on a future occasion, when he has a female to deal with, he will learn to curb his temper and his tongue. Mr Ries, you are fined 10s and costs of case, 14s.
Mr Ries then took two £l notes from his pocket-book, and proffered them to the Clerk of the Court in payment of the fine and costs.
Mr Garvey: I want stamps, please Mr Ries—stamps to the value of 19s, and 5s in money.
Mr Ries: But I haven't stamps, so you'll have to take the money!
Mr Garvey: But, surely you know the road to the Post Office.
Mr Ries: Well, yes. I say, what'll you have? Do you perfer sixpenny, threepenny, twopenny or half-penny stamp? I suppose half-pennies will do?
Mr Garvey: Please get them large as you can.
Mr Ries then obtained the stamps, handed them to Mr Garvey, and left the Court, evidently not rejoicing.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XIII, Issue 706, 19 April 1883
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XVIII, Issue 1020, 22 June 1889
Mr Malcolm Reis [sic], photographer, has forwarded to the Exhibition a panorama of Naseby. The views have been very well taken, and include the whole of the township, winter- scenes, and,the principal buildings. They have been nicely arranged in a frame, and form a very creditable production.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XVIII, Issue 1042, 21 November 1889
A number of photographic views in connection with the recent encampment of the Naseby Rifle Volunteers are on view in Mr. R. Hosie's window. They are exceedingly well finished, and reflect credit on the photographer, Mr. Ries, who is prepared to receive orders for any number.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 23, Issue 1170, 5 May 1892
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 24, Issue 1264, 15 February 1894
Mr Malcolm Ries, photographer announces in this issue that he has reduced his charges, and people may now get their photos taken at prices hitherto unheard of in this district. A number of photos by Mr Ries are on view at the Oddfellows' Hall, and they are certainly creditable specimens of the art. For brilliancy, roundness, and neatness of finish they are hard to beat, and are also very skillfully retouched.
Prominent among the collection are a number of our townspeople, among them being one or two in Masonic regalia, which are really well done and artistically finished.
Mr Ries has now been a resident in the town for a number of years; and his work is so well known in the district that it needs no comment from us, suffice it to say that Mr Ries seems to thoroughly understand his business. Mr Ries's studio is at the rear of the Oddfellows' Hall, entrance to which may be had through the door fronting Derwent-street.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 24, Issue 1264, 17 February 1894
A well-known resident of Naseby, Mr Malcolm Ries, photographer, died at the hospital early on Tuesday morning after a few weeks' illness. Deceased, who was about 65 years of age at the time of his death, was buried on Wednesday afternoon.
Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 31, Issue 9218, 25 May 1900
photograph by The Edinburgh Photo. Co., Otago, N.Z.
[purchased August 2020]
photograph by The Edinburgh Photo. Co., Otago, N.Z.
[purchased August 2020]
photograph by The Edinburgh Photo. Co., Otago, N.Z.
[purchased August 2020]
photograph by The Edinburgh Photo. Co., Otago, N.Z.
[purchased August 2020]
photograph by The Edinburgh Photo. Co., Otago, N.Z.
[purchased August 2020]
M. Reis
Ries and Co.
Artists and Photographers
Ries and Co.
Blue Spur

North Otago Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1200, 16 February 1876, Page 3
[1] Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, Fri 3 Sep 1824, Page 2