Alexander Thomson
1870 - 1946
Alexander Thomson born 9 January 1870, reg. 1870/32909, son of Flora Black and John Thomson, died 13 January 1946 Dunedin aged 76 years, buried Anderson’s Bay Cemetery, block 65, plot 96, married 1stly 4 January 1905, at the St Andrew's Church Manse, High Street, Dunedin, by the Rev. Dr Waddell, reg. 1905/920, Lily Sarah Harriett Fisher, born circa 1876, died 19 January 1928, Christchurch, reg. 1928/11304, daughter of Harriett [died 11 December 1900, Clyde Street, Roslyn, Dunedin] and John Noakes Fisher, sister of Hartle, Hector and Horace Fisher.
[1] Hector Rewi Fay Thomson born 9 December 1905, reg. 1906/2751, died 14 June 1991, reg. 1991/35385, buried Ruru Lawn Cemetery, Christchurch, married 24 September 1930, reg. 1930/11348, Freda Damaris Watts
Thomson -
Fisher.— On the 4th of January, 1905, at the Manse, High street,
Dunedin, by the Rev. Dr Waddell, Alexander, eldest son of John Thomson,
Tahatika, to Lily, only daughter of John N. Fisher, California, America. Otago Witness, Issue 2653, 18 January 1905
On January 13, 1946, at Dunedin, Alexander, beloved husband of Agnes
Thomson, 407 Princes street, and eldest son of the late John and
Florence Thomson, Tahatika, Owaka; aged 76 years. “At rest.”—The Funeral
will leave our Chapel, 78 St. Andrew street, on Tuesday, the 15th
inst., at 2 p.m. (service at 1.45 p.m.), for the Anderson’s Bay,
Cemetery. — Hope and Kinaston, funeral directors. Evening Star, Issue 25690, 14 January 1946
Clutha Leader, Volume 14, Issue 1122, 14 February 1896, Page 4
1902 - 1908
Alexander Thomson
Portrait and Landscape Photographer
Ross Place, Lawrence
(Premises lately occupied by Mr W. R. Millar).
Photographs in various styles and on ornamental mounts from midgets to 15 x 12. Homesteads, groups, and animals taken in any part of the surrounding districts. Enlargements supplied from any photograph in black and white, opal, oils, or water colors. Portrait and Landscape Photographer
Ross Place, Lawrence
(Premises lately occupied by Mr W. R. Millar).
Gem Potographs (sic) taken in four different positions — 16 for one shilling.
Special inducement for one month only.
— Each purchaser of one dozen 15s cabinets will be presented with a beautiful black and white 12 x 10 enlargement, handsomely mounted; price, 15s.
All work finished at the shortest notice in the latest styles. Having had a long and extensive experience in all branches of photographic work, absolute satisfaction is guaranteed.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 4964, 31 May 1902, Page 2
Mr A. Thomson, photographer, Lawrence, met with a nasty spill coming down Raes Junction Hill the other day. He was just approaching an ugly bend in the decline, when his chain slipped off and his bike got out of control. Fortunately he struck a rut, which upset him before the most dangerous point was reached, and he escaped with a severe shaking and a few scratches about the face.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5426, 3 April 1907, Page 3
Photographic Notice.
12 Enamelled Cabinets .. 15/-
12 Nicely Mounted Half Plates .. 17/6
12 Nicely Mounted Whole Plates .. 25/-
A special platino matt bromide enlargement, handsomely mounted on a 14 x 18 mount, will be presented with each dozen. Proofs submitted to each customer, and two positions to choose from. Satisfaction guaranteed to all who have never had a good photograph.
Studio open only 2nd and 4th week in each month; 1st and 3rd week at Millers Flat. The above pictures framed at Dunedin Prices. Call and inspect samples of mouldings.
A. Thomson, Photographer, Lawrence.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5427, 6 April 1907, Page 4
Notice appears in the last issue of the New Zealand Gazette that Alexander Thomson, of Alexandra South, late of Lawrence, photographer, was adjudicated a bankrupt on his own petition in the District Court at Naseby, on the 4th instant.
Tuapeka Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5649, 16 June 1909, Page 3
Meeting of Creditors
Re Alexander Thomson.
A meeting of creditors in the estate of Alexander Thomson, photographer, of Alexandra, was held before the official assignee (Mr W. S. Fisher) on Tuesday, 15th inst. The bankrupt's scheduled statement showed total debts £157 17s; asset, £22 13s consisting of book debts (£12 12s) and furniture (£10). The principal unsecured creditors were Wilkie and Co. [printers and stationers] (£30), P. Hayman and Co. [chemists] (£20), Smith and Smith (£10). Ahlfeld Bros. (£5), Ward Bros. (£25 5s). The amounts due to other unsecured creditors, 24 in number, ranged from £6 downwards.The bankrupt's statement showed that he commenced business at Lawrence in 1902 with about £25 capital. The expense was too heavy, and his affairs began to go back steadily. He tried hard to get out of the place, but had not the necessary money. In 1908 he left Lawrence for Roxburgh, and thence went to Alexandra. Little business offered, and when an order on a judgment summons was taken out he was compelled to file. He had a wife and family dependent on him, and had a struggle to make a living. He had not the money for his fare to Dunedin, so could not attend the meeting.
The case was regarded as hopeless, and the meeting broke up without passing a resolution.
Otago Witness, Issue 2883, 23 June 1909, Page 13
a Carte de visite by A. Thomson
[purchased December 2021]

The sitter is believed to be James Lawrie Oliver. The studio setting particularly the patterned table cloth and carpet indicate this was taken in Allen's studio - see the carte de visite below.

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