Niels Peter Schourup (pictured left) was born 13 November 1837 in Nykøbing Mors, Denmark, the son of Frederik Schourup (1805-1880) and Bolette Sophie Petersen (1805-1877) [1]. He had an older brother Theodor Schourup who was a timber merchant in Nykøbing and two younger brothers, Christian Benjamin Schourup, who may have died young and Hans Frederik Schourup, later a mechanic in New York. His sister Anna Catherina Schourup married Hans Christian Andersen [not the Danish author] and lived in New Jersey [2].
Adelaide, South Australia
January 1863 - March 1873
Peter Schourup arrived in Adelaide, South Australia on 7 January 1863 on the ship "William Jackson" from Söderhamn, Sweden as one of three passengers [20]. He was employed for a time by the photographer "Professor" Robert Hall as an artist to colour his photographs. Later Schourup opened his own photographic studio at Port Adelaide, it is likely he learnt the art of photography while working at the Professor’s studio [3].
We had an opportunity on Saturday of inspecting some beautiful specimens of art at Professor Hall's studio in Hindley-street. They are portraits taken by the ordinary photographic process, and afterwards painted in oils on the glass with great skill. The likenesses are correct and faithful, as photographic portraits must be; and the subsequent oil colouring has an excellent effect. The artist employed by Professor Hall is a young Dane, lately arrived in the colony, and the portraits painted by him are very clever, and well worth inspection.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Monday 19 January 1863, Page 3
Port Adelaide Photographic Gallery. - Open Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Superior Carte de Visites in any style 17s. 6d. the Dozen.
The Public are respectfully invited to call and inspect Specimens.
P. Schourup.
Aquatics.— There are a few spirited men at the Port who cannot resist the temptation to raise a match, even with the prospect of the regatta at the end of the month. On Thursday morning Mr. Schourup rowed to the North Arm and back, and on Saturday Mr. Braddock took the sculls over the same course. The latter gentleman was the favourite, and several bets were made.
H.M.S. Galatea.- During the whole of Friday there was not the slightest perceptible diminution in the number of visitors to the Galatea. There were extra vessels bid on, and all were equally crowded. The Semaphore Jetty was a favorable place for embarkation with those who disliked the rush to the steamers, and every available means were employed in transporting the pleasure-seekers, Mr. Schourup, the photographic artist, took up a position abeam of the frigate, and from the paddle box of the tug produced a most excellent photograph of the ship, the stillness of the sea rendering the day a most propitious one for the purpose. From 8 o'clock a.m. till sundown the noble vessel was crowded, and all ware unanimous in speaking favorably of the courtesy received. Some of the youngsters invaded the shrouds and topmast rigging, while one more adventurous than the rest clambered away to the main truck, the loftiest position gained for some time. All was good humor, and not a single instance of misconduct has transpired, although the steamers were crowded with motley groups.
The Public are respectfully invited to call and inspect Specimens.
P. Schourup.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Vol. IX - No. 2,473, Thursday 13 September 1866
Aquatics.— There are a few spirited men at the Port who cannot resist the temptation to raise a match, even with the prospect of the regatta at the end of the month. On Thursday morning Mr. Schourup rowed to the North Arm and back, and on Saturday Mr. Braddock took the sculls over the same course. The latter gentleman was the favourite, and several bets were made.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA) Monday 17 December 1866, page 2.
The Aggie M.— The riggers have commenced to dismantle this very fine vessel, the sheers for getting out the lower mast being on end on Thursday. It is purposed to take her on to Mr. Fletcher's new slip to overhaul the bottom, but it is not yet definitely decided as to the disposal of the cargo. Mr. Schourup, the Port photographer, succeeded in taking an admirable likeness of the vessel as she appeared under jury spars, immediately after arrival. The picture will eminently prove the ability of the master in bringing the vessel to port in suck a crippled state.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Friday 8 February 1867, page 2.
H.M.S. Galatea.- During the whole of Friday there was not the slightest perceptible diminution in the number of visitors to the Galatea. There were extra vessels bid on, and all were equally crowded. The Semaphore Jetty was a favorable place for embarkation with those who disliked the rush to the steamers, and every available means were employed in transporting the pleasure-seekers, Mr. Schourup, the photographic artist, took up a position abeam of the frigate, and from the paddle box of the tug produced a most excellent photograph of the ship, the stillness of the sea rendering the day a most propitious one for the purpose. From 8 o'clock a.m. till sundown the noble vessel was crowded, and all ware unanimous in speaking favorably of the courtesy received. Some of the youngsters invaded the shrouds and topmast rigging, while one more adventurous than the rest clambered away to the main truck, the loftiest position gained for some time. All was good humor, and not a single instance of misconduct has transpired, although the steamers were crowded with motley groups.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA ) Friday 8 November 1867
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 17 October 1868, Page 1
The lifeboat, which was made in model by Mr. Cammel, and presented by Captain Douglas to the Duke of Edinburgh, has been fitted with a very handsome case, prior to being forwarded to His Royal Highness. During the past week Mr. Schourup, the photographist, has taken a very fine picture of the whole concern, in which the details of rigging, sails and gear are most admirably brought out. He is particularly happy in maritime photography, selecting such a point of view as gives a good idea of the vessels to be delineated.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA), Saturday 24 October 1868, Page 2
South Australian Register (Adelaide), Thursday 4 January 1872, page 1
Views of Port Adelaide.— Mr. Schourup has made it a speciality of his profession to pay particular attention to photographing nautical scenes, and the positions of some of his ships are excellently chosen.
Lately he has taken several views of the Port as it is seen from the opposite river bank, and the number of vessels in harbour gives an important aspect to the place. Should the views stand the lapse of time, in a few years hence they will prove interesting records of the past.
The first picture embraces points from Hart's Mill chimney to Levi's Wharf. It gives a sight of the Orient liner Yatala as she lay in the stream berth ready for sea. The Orient is easily recognisable at Prince's Wharf, and the Craigendarroch still further down. The Beltana is rather hidden by vessels in inside berths, but the South Australian is visible at the Company's Wharf. The brigantine William unceremoniously destroyed the sight of the Town Hall Tower by abstracting the view with her mainmast, but Messrs. Newman's store and several prominent buildings are well represented. In the foreground is seen a boat which in years past earned for herself a good name by being of service at the wreck of the Admella.
The second of the series shows more of the opposite bank, beginning at the left hand, with the old Revenue Station and Fletcher's Shipyard. The Beltana has here a prominent place on the cradle, and on the right the Gothenburg, steamer, is shown lying at the Company's Wharf.
The third view extends further towards the bridge, the extreme right being occupied by the Government Yard, with the steam launch on the slip for overhaul. Hawker's Creek has half a dozen well-known wood boats in it, and the Engelbert occupies the stream berth off Fletcher's Slip. The broadside view of the Yatala at Prince's Wharf gives an admirable idea of a fine ship, and the Town Hall tower is here shown to perfection. Altogether the pictures are gems of art reflecting great credit on the photographer.
Lately he has taken several views of the Port as it is seen from the opposite river bank, and the number of vessels in harbour gives an important aspect to the place. Should the views stand the lapse of time, in a few years hence they will prove interesting records of the past.
The first picture embraces points from Hart's Mill chimney to Levi's Wharf. It gives a sight of the Orient liner Yatala as she lay in the stream berth ready for sea. The Orient is easily recognisable at Prince's Wharf, and the Craigendarroch still further down. The Beltana is rather hidden by vessels in inside berths, but the South Australian is visible at the Company's Wharf. The brigantine William unceremoniously destroyed the sight of the Town Hall Tower by abstracting the view with her mainmast, but Messrs. Newman's store and several prominent buildings are well represented. In the foreground is seen a boat which in years past earned for herself a good name by being of service at the wreck of the Admella.
The second of the series shows more of the opposite bank, beginning at the left hand, with the old Revenue Station and Fletcher's Shipyard. The Beltana has here a prominent place on the cradle, and on the right the Gothenburg, steamer, is shown lying at the Company's Wharf.
The third view extends further towards the bridge, the extreme right being occupied by the Government Yard, with the steam launch on the slip for overhaul. Hawker's Creek has half a dozen well-known wood boats in it, and the Engelbert occupies the stream berth off Fletcher's Slip. The broadside view of the Yatala at Prince's Wharf gives an admirable idea of a fine ship, and the Town Hall tower is here shown to perfection. Altogether the pictures are gems of art reflecting great credit on the photographer.
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA), Friday 5 January 1872, page 5
Mr. P. Schourup, of Port Adelaide, has just completed a splendid photograph of the Sailors' Home, Port Adelaide. It is certainly one of the best specimens of the photographic art we have ever seen, and evinces the care bestowed upon the production. The building is nearly completed on the outside, wanting only approaches to doors and frames to the windows. The artist has taken a front side view of the edifice, which is certainly a very fine structure, and every line and mark is reproduced in the picture with remarkable fidelity. The Committee of the Sailors' Home intend to forward copies to England for sale, not forgetting some for Her Majesty and Miss Burdett Coutts.
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA), Wednesday 7 February 1872, Page 2
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide), Wednesday 15 May 1872, page 1
Photography.— Mr. P. Schourup, of Port Adelaide, who has long been favourably known to the public because of his artistically arranged shipping views as well as the clearness of the portraits he takes, has lately made several improvements in his photographic studio, and by an ingenious arrangement of curtains imparts a softness of light and shade that greatly increases the effect of his productions.
Evening Journal (Adelaide), Wednesday 29 May 1872, page 2
Photography.— Mr. Schourup, of Port Adelaide, has made vessels a special study, but has seldom produced as good a picture as one just taken of the Bundaleer. She is represented as on the morning after her arrival with all sails loosed to dry, preparatory to unbending. In the majority of instances ships put on a fresh appearance when the photographer is requested to take likenesses of them, but in this particular instance an excellent result has been produced by taking the clipper in her ordinary state.
Evening Journal (Adelaide), Wednesday 7 August 1872, page 2
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide), Tuesday 4 March 1873, page 1
In March 1873 Edmund Lyne Sands [21], second son of Robert Sands, Trinity Square, London [22], had taken over the business.
by Peter Schourup
albumen-silver photograph, R. J. Noye Collection. Gift of Douglas and Barbara Mullins 2004, Accession number: 20041RJN2233
Art Gallery of South Australia
albumen-silver photograph, R. J. Noye Collection. Gift of Douglas and Barbara Mullins 2004, Accession number: 20041RJN2233
Art Gallery of South Australia
[purchased January 2022]
above - unknown child photographed by by Peter Schourup, Artist and Photographer, Port Adelaide.
[purchased Maylands, South Australia, June 2023]
above - unknown woman by Peter Schourup, Artist and Photographer, Port Adelaide.
[purchased August 2021]
above - unknown couple with two children by Peter Schourup, Artist and Photographer, Port Adelaide.
above - unknown man by Peter Schourup, Artist and Photographer, Port Adelaide.
above - unknown child photographed by by Peter Schourup, Artist and Photographer, Port Adelaide.
[purchased Edithburgh, South Australia April 2022]
above - unknown woman and child photographed by by Peter Schourup, Artist and Photographer, Port Adelaide.
[purchased Maylands, South Australia, June 2023]
This carte de visite by Peter Schourup was sold on eBay in 2021
unidentified man photographed by Peter Schourup, Portrait Painter and Photographer, Port Adelaide -State Library of Victoria
1873 and 1874
Peter Schourup [as Mr. Schorup] departed Adelaide on 27 March 1873 as the only passenger on the "Charles Bal" for Falmouth, England, this vessel arrived on 29 July 1873. He returned to Adelaide from Southampton on the "Nubia" in 1874.
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA), Monday 24 March 1873, Page 2 and Thursday 27 March 1873, Page 2
He departed Adelaide on 22 September 1875 and arrived Melbourne on 25 September on the "Claud Hamilton", he returned to Adelaide on 3 December on the steamer "Aldinga". On 16
December 1874 while in Adelaide he was married at St Paul's Church by the Rev. S. Green to Sophia Louisa Hustler, she was the daughter of Louisa and Frederick Hustler [chemist]; there were no children of the marriage. Peter and
Sophia Schourup departed Adelaide on the "Aldinga" and arrived in Melbourne on 24 December. They departed Melbourne on the s.s. "Omeo" on 4 January 1875 [19] and settled in Christchurch.
Frederick Feast Hustler
Fifty Years of the Port Adelaide Institute by F. E. Meleng, Adelaide: Vardon and Pritchard, 1902.
Christchurch, New Zealand
Peter Schourup and his wife Sophia Schourup arrived at Lyttelton as passengers on the s.s. Omeo on 14 January from Melbourne via Bluff and Dunedin.
Press, Volume XXIII, Issue 2934, 15 January 1875, Page 2
Peter Schourop's studio located on the east side of Colombo Street between Lichfield and Cashel Streets, opposite E. Reese & Sons.
Mr Schoroup (sic), photographer, Colombo street, has adopted a new
process for improving the appearance and durability of photographs. It
is both simple and effective. After a photograph has been mounted, it is
placed in a solution of gelatine, which
imparts a beautiful glaze to the surface, alike improving the
appearance of the picture and affording excellent protection to it from
the air.
The Star, Issue 2305, 6 August 1875, Page 2
Press, Volume XXIV, Issue 3106, 6 August 1875, Page 1
Press, Volume XXIV, Issue 3224, 31 December 1875, Page 4
Christchurch Through the Stereoscope
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 5048, 25 April 1877, Page 1
[this notice first appeared in the Lyttelton Times on 13 April 1877]
[this notice first appeared in the Lyttelton Times on 13 April 1877]
Star (Christchurch), Issue 2840, 10 May 1877, Page 4
Artistic Photography.- A large series of stereoscopic slides of local scenery is now being published by Mr P. Schourup, many of them being really admirable specimens of photographic art. There are a number of exquisite little bits taken along the river-bank and in the Domain and Gardens which will well repay inspection, and, either as additions to collections or for transmission to friends, they are certain to be in great demand.
Almost as a matter of course there are in the series some pictures which possess greater charms than others, but it most be confessed that the more prosaic subjects have been very skillfully treated, and Tattersall's, the Chester street Fire Brigade Station, the Bank of New Zealand, the Public Library, and some of the churches, may be instanced as cases in point. Among the little bits referred to there are one or two of which a lengthened notice, might be easily written.
The beautiful foliage of the trees and shrubs which are to be found in the gardens is brought out with great clearness, even in the shadows, a point of no small importance in stereoscopic pictures; and the figure which have been occasionally introduced have been made subsidiary instead of obtrusive. The mounting, also, has been carefully superintended, so that there is a certainty of obtaining in the stereoscope well defined results from any of the slide.
Mr Schourup is also exhibiting some fine examples of patient work both in hatching and stippling, the latter process being adopted with excellent effect in highly finished cartes de visite, and in these pictures, which probably will always be the popular size for photographic portraits, there are some novelties in backgrounds and accessories, which are very welcome after the monotonous details which people have so long been accustomed to see. An enumeration of these effects would occupy more space than we have at command, add it must, therefore, suffice to say that they include woodland, garden, and marine scenery, and that in each case the background is so toned down that, while the figure is prominently brought out, the charm of the picture is greatly enhanced.
Mr Schourup is also exhibiting some fine examples of patient work both in hatching and stippling, the latter process being adopted with excellent effect in highly finished cartes de visite, and in these pictures, which probably will always be the popular size for photographic portraits, there are some novelties in backgrounds and accessories, which are very welcome after the monotonous details which people have so long been accustomed to see. An enumeration of these effects would occupy more space than we have at command, add it must, therefore, suffice to say that they include woodland, garden, and marine scenery, and that in each case the background is so toned down that, while the figure is prominently brought out, the charm of the picture is greatly enhanced.
Lyttelton Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 5149, 21 August 1877, Page 2
Christchurch, Jan. 13.
A fire broke out on the premises of a Chinaman, Ah Ting, in Colombo street, through the explosion of crackers, which formed part of the stock. Though in a dense block of buildings the fire was confined to the house where it began. Much damage, however, was done to other houses and goods in them, partly by necessary measures for extinguishing the fire, and partly by the carelessness of volunteers in removing goods. Ah Ting's total loss is supposed to be L300. Many others lost heavily, a photographer named Schouruss (sic), to the extent of L800, being the largest loser.
Grey River Argus, Volume XXII, Issue 3248, 14 January 1879, Page 2
He re-opened for business on 4 February in a temporary studio in Colombo street opposite the City Hotel, formerly occupied by John Gaul. He advertised that any negatives destroyed in the fire would be retaken free of charge [14]. The studio would be open daily from 9am to 4pm, or for young children from 11am to 2pm [15].

Sydenham Borough Views for Sydney Exhibition.
There is now on view at the shop of Messrs H. Fisher and Son, Hereford street, a set of views of the principal buildings within the borough boundaries, taken by Mr P. Schourup, for the Sydenham Council. The various buildings are clearly brought out in the pictures, but were evidently taken in dull weather, making the shading rather dark. They comprise the following: "Addington Gaol," "Gas Works," "Railway Terminus," "Railway Goods Sheds," "Colombo Road Wesleyan Church," Colombo road School," "Mr C. W. Turner's large grain store," and the "Addington United Free Methodist Church."Each view is surrounded by ornamental scroll work which forms a frame, and the centre panel contains the following statistical information of the Borough worked in illuminated text "Borough of Sydenham, incorporated 20th September, 1877. Number of inhabitants, 7000 street mileage, 32; area of Borough, 1163 acres churches and schools, 8 number of names on burgess roll, 1175. Mayor, G. Booth. Councillors Andrew, Brown, Charters, Foster, Hall, Jones, Langdown, Pavitt, White."
The mountings are enclosed in a handsome gilt Alhambra frame, manufactured by Messrs Fisher and Son, bearing a gilt tablet on the lower portion, with the words, "Sydenham, New Zealand."
Star, Issue 3524, 28 July 1879, Page 2
City Improvements. — Mr Schourup has recently completed his new studio in Cashel street [sic] , into which he has introduced many novel features for the securing of effect in photography. The building comprises on the ground floor, reception room, artist's coloring room, and printing room, which have all been designed with a view to special fitness for their respective objects. On the upstairs floor is the studio proper, 40 x 16, in which Mr Schourup has been at some considerable pains to arrange the light so as to enable him to produce with exactitude the effects required. The skylight is semi- circular, and is shaded with curtains so fixed as to exclude all or any portion of light at the will of the operator. Here is also a very handsomely fitted dressing room, and the whole studio is exceedingly complete. There is one very ingenious invention in the shape of a pneumatic attachment to one of the cameras used for children's portraits, by which the covering can be lifted at a distance, so that the operator can keep the child amused and at the same time work the camera.
Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4398, 4 September 1879, Page 2
Mr. Schourup, photographer, who some time since was ejected by fire from his establishment in Colombo street, has now returned to his old location, where new premises have been erected. Mr. Schourup has taken care to have the building so arranged as to meet his special requirements, and he has succeeded in making his compact little establishment quite a model. The studio, which is about 40 feet long, has evidently had much thought bestowed upon it, and the arrangements which have been made for securing and desired amount of light are as perfect as they are simple. The adjoining dressing room has been fitted with just that taste which might have been anticipated in an ex-student of the Copenhagen School of Art, and generally the fittings of the various rooms are excellently managed. On the ground floor there is a reception room, a store for chemicals, &c, a studio for the colourist, and a printing room, the last mentioned opening into a yard fitted with inclined racks for the exposure of negatives. It need scarcely be said that in the various rooms some fine specimens of photography are being exhibited, not the least meritorious of these being some of the now well-known carbon pictures.
Star, 6 September 1879, Page 3
H. Readman, the Manager of the Christchurch Photographic Company's Studio was for three years an assistant to Peter Schourup
Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4404, 11 September 1879, Page 1

In June 1881 the West Coast Times reported that Mr Schourup had just completed an “artistic and very touching memento” of the S.S. Tararua disaster. The Tararua was a passenger steamer that struck the reef off Waipapa Point in the Catlins on 29 April 1881, and sank the
next day, in the worst civilian shipping disaster in New Zealand's history. This memento consisted of a large photograph in two parts, the lower portion of the picture showed an “excellently executed portrayal” of the wreck and the upper portion showed a group of the survivors (5).

At the Christchurch International Exhibition held in Hagley Park in 1882 Peter Schourup was awarded a gold medal for artistic portrait photography - advert, The Star, 6 December 1883, page 2
In December 1883 at was reported that Mr. P. Schourup, photographer, of Colombo Street had photographed His Excellency the Governor, Sir William Jervois. (6)
Mr. P. Schourup, photographer, of Colombo street, took an excellent likeness of His Excellency the Governor, during the recent visit of the latter here.
Happening to pass by Mr. Schourup's establishment the other day, I closely examined the specimens in his window of his new style of photography (the name of which has slipped my memory), and I am by no means sure that I admire it, excellent as the productions are, so far as the photography goes. Young ladies smiling on you from the centre of elaborate china plates may be all very well, indeed one can imagine that the vision of a lovely face slowly emerging from the depths of one's soup might not be altogether unpleasant, and might furnish food for the mind while the body was receiving its nourishment; but the sight of the Hon. Mr. Rolleston, looking preternaturally solemn (and hideous) on a good-sized vase, is quite another thing, oh!
New Zealand Tablet, Volume XI, Issue 32, 7 December 1883, Page 19
In an exhibition held in Wellington in August 1885 Mr. Schourup, of Christchurch exhibited in the “department of portraiture” along with Mr. Morris, of Dunedin and Hemus and Hanna, of Auckland. The Evening post reported that – “From Mr. Schourup's studio we find some first-class specimens of his work, amongst which are a number of photographs on opal. This appears to be a specialty of this artist’s, and by it he produces some beautifully clear and faithful likenesses” [7].
Employment of Females and Others Act.
Peter Schourup was accused of employing a female on Saturday. The Inspector said he had found a young lady painting at defendant's establishment after 2 p.m. Mr M'Connell appeared for defendant, and after the police case had been closed, pointed out that there was no proof that the young lady was a female under the Act. The definition of female in the Act referred to those above eighteen years of age; those below this age came within the definition of young persons. The information was therefore bad. Inspector Pender proposed to remedy the omission by calling the young lady in for the Bench to judge her age. This was done "Well," said Mr Beetham to Inspector Pender, "What have you gained by that ?" Inspector Pender: "It's for your Worship to judge whether she is eighteen or not." Mr Beetham (after the young lady had withdrawn.) "Oh ! I think she's about sixteen, and a very pretty girl too." The information was dismissed.
Star, Issue 5387, 13 August 1885, Page 3
At the Industrial Art Conversazione held in August 1886 Peter Schourup exhibited some fine carbon photographs on porcelain and Messrs Donovan and Meers exhibited a number of very good photographs.
Star, Issue 5996, 13 August 1886, Page 3
In October 1886 Peter Schourup and Eden George, another Christchurch photographer, were both called as witnesses in the sensational trail of Thomas Hall for the attempted murder of his wife Kate Hall by poisoning with antimony. Schourup stated that he had been “carrying on the art” of photography for 20 years and went on to give some evidence on antimony. After a protracted trial, Hall was sentenced to penal servitude for life for attempting to poison his wife with antimony. Hall was also charged with the murder of his father-in-law Captain Cain [9] and [10].
an unknown woman and child photographed by Peter Schourup
On 24 January 1887 Peter Schourup was found dead in his shop. A medicine measure, containing some white crystals was lying beside him. He had purchased chloral hydrate the previous night. At an inquest Dr. Thomas deposed that the deceased's liver was much diseased. No signs of poison could be detected. Other witnesses stated that he had been very unwell lately, and much depressed by the hot weather. He purchased chloral on Monday, but no trace of the bottle could be found. A verdict of death from natural causes, probably accelerated by an overdose of chloral, was returned (11 and 12).
He died on 24 January 1887 aged 49 years and is buried in the Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch (block 2, plot 38). At the time of his death his residence was in Merivale, Christchurch (13).
He died on 24 January 1887 aged 49 years and is buried in the Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch (block 2, plot 38). At the time of his death his residence was in Merivale, Christchurch (13).
Peter Schourup's headstone and grave in Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch.
(photographed 30 August 2008)
(photographed 30 August 2008)
His friends Ludwig Bergh, an ironmonger, born in Norway [of Ashley, Bergh and Co., Ltd.] and Niels Schwartz, [Neils Heinrich August Schwartz] an accountant born in Denmark, were appointed as trustees of his estate following his death, they both died 1895.
Thomas Sankey Tolputt, later a photographer at Rangiora worked for him.
Adolf Fischer
was for almost seven years (18) the “operator and retoucher” in Mr
Schourup's studio, before taking over William’s Portrait Rooms in
Greymouth in December 1885 (8).
Frank Berry Standish worked for Schourup prior to the establishment of Standish and Preece in 1885.
The photographer Charles
Manning who had previously worked for George and Walton purchased the
photographic business from the trustees of Peter Schourup (16). In 1897 Standish and Preece purchased the negatives.
Standish and Preece having purchased, all the negatives taken during the past twenty years by the late P. Schorup [sic], C. H. Manning, [also see C. H. Manning & Co] and also L. W. Appleby, are supplying photos and enlargements from them at special rates. Studio, High-Street,
Lyttelton Times, Volume XCVIII, Issue 11459, 23 December 1897, Page 4
Sophia Louisa Schourup
Schourup.- On the 6th May (1905), at the residence of her mother,
Marion-street, New Parkside, Sophia Louisa, widow of the late Peter
Schourup, and eldest daughter of the late Frederick Hustler, aged 53
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Monday 8 May 1905 page 4.
The Friends of the late Mrs. Sophia Louisa Schourup are respectfully informed that her Remains will be removed from her late residence, Marion-street, New Parkside, on Monday, at 10.30 a.m., for interment in the Woodville Cemetery.
William Jarvis, Undertaker. Telephone 1,332. King William-road, Unley.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), Monday 8 May 1905 page 4.
The Friends of the late Mrs. Sophia Louisa Schourup are respectfully informed that her Remains will be removed from her late residence, Marion-street, New Parkside, on Monday, at 10.30 a.m., for interment in the Woodville Cemetery.
William Jarvis, Undertaker. Telephone 1,332. King William-road, Unley.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Monday 8 May 1905, page 2.
Hustler. - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Bell, Hamley
Bridge, Louisa Hustler, widow of the late Frederick Hustler, of Port
Adelaide, aged 80 years.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Friday 9 September 1910 page 6

2. Probate records, National Archives of New Zealand, Christchurch.
3. Art Gallery of South Australia
4. Papers Past - Otago Witness, Issue 1417, 18 January 1879, Page 19
5. Papers Past - West Coast Times, Issue 3807, 21 June 1881, Page 2
6. Papers Past - New Zealand Tablet, Volume XI, Issue 32, 7 December 1883, Page 19
7. Papers Past - Evening Post, Volume XXX, Issue 29, 3 August 1885
8. Grey River Argus, Volume XXXII, Issue 5372, 17 December 1885, Page 2
9. Otago Witness, Issue 1822, 22 October 1886, Page 9
10. Timaru's 1886 Sensational Poisoning Cases -
11. Evening Post, Volume XXXIII, Issue 21, 26 January 1887, Page 2
12. Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVI, Issue 7281, 26 January 1887, Page 2
13. Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database
14. The Star - 3 February 1879, page 4
15. The Star - 4 February 1879, page 4
16. the Star 14 September 1887 page 4
17. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIII, Issue 1821, 23 July 1880, page 2
18. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3852, 8 February 1887, Page 1
19. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.) Tuesday 5 January 1875. Departed Melbourne 4 Jan 1875 arrived Lyttelton 14 Jan 1875 via Bluff and Port Chalmers, passengers Mrs Schomp aged 31 and Mr Schonap aged 26 (he would have then been aged 37 not 26) He may have also come to New Zealand about September 1874 - refer Mr Schourap aged 36 on the Alhambra - Public Record Office Victoria - Index to Outward Passengers to Interstate, U.K. and Foreign Ports, 1852-1896.
20. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA) Thursday 8 January 1863 page 2.
21. Obituary - The Inverell Times (NSW), Tue 1 Jul 1919, Page 2
22. Marriage notice The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), Wed 25 Oct 1876, Page 4
above right - Strangely this carte de visite, apparently by P. Schourup also has the name of C H Manning faintly visible upside down at the top of the card. (the reverse of this card is a scan of a photocopy)
purchased April 2022, Devon, England
"Emily Smythe"
Sir Johann Franz Julius von Haast KCMG FRS (1 May 1822 – 16 August 1887)
Photographed by Peter Schourup
reverse inscription: "Dr Beccari with Julius von Haasts best wishes Chch NZ March 4. 1878"
reverse inscription: "Dr Beccari with Julius von Haasts best wishes Chch NZ March 4. 1878"
[purchased July 2023]
[purchased June 2023]
above - James Cordy, farmer Hororata, eldest son of John Cordy [see below]
identified from The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, Canterbury page 751
above - John Cordy, Hororata Station
identified from The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, Canterbury page 751
William Henry Wynn-Williams
born 1828 - died 27 October 1913
Emily Wynn-Williams nee Coward
born 12 December 1841, Shoreditch, Middlesex, England
died 17 November 1911, Latimer Square, Christchurch, New Zealand
Constance Emily Olivia Flockton, born circa 1867 New Zealand, reg. 1867/24942 the daughter of Emma and Charles Flockton, married circa 1889, reg. 1889/885 Alexander Mouet Foster [Mouatt, Moutt etc]
Constance Emily Olivia Foster died aged 78 years, ref. 1945/23611

Dr. William Donald, died 30 June 1884 at his residence, Winchester Street, Lyttelton aged 68 years

"Rosie" born 27 November 1874
Johanna Margaret Rose Macdonald birth reg. 1875/6681
daughter of Mary Helen Hislop and Hugh Macdonald
daughter of Mary Helen Hislop and Hugh Macdonald

"Bob" born 18 November 1875
Robert Duncan Macdonald birth reg. 1876/3820
son of Mary Helen Hislop and Hugh Macdonald
John George Macdonald born 16 May 1877 taken 18 October 1877
John George Macdonald birth reg. 1877/11351
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection

Claude Marshall Henning taken 28 June 1883 the day before his 6th Birthday
Son of William Henry Henning and Lucy Nalder
Claude Marshall Henning taken 28 June 1883 the day before his 6th Birthday
Son of William Henry Henning and Lucy Nalder

Miss Eveleen Rayne original photograph by Elliott and Fry, 55 and 56 Baker Street, London
copied by Peter Schourup
"Miss Rayne"
[purchased April 2022]
[purchased 2024]
[purchased 2024]
"Dr Campbell and family all drowned in the Tararua 1881 wrecked"
The Late Dr Campbell.
— The many friends of the late Dr Campbell will be glad to learn that a
more than ordinarily successful portrait — almost life-size — has been
produced. He artist is Mr Cambridge, who, in producing the fine
oil-painting under notice, has been aided by a series of photographs,
and by his personal knowledge of the unfortunate gentleman. It may be
said without hesitation that in this work Mr Cambridge has acquitted
himself in a manner that must do more than uphold his reputation.
Regarded as an example of manipulative skill, the picture takes high
rank, but as a "speaking" likeness it occupies a far higher place. Mr
Cambridge will have the portrait on view in his studio for a few days,
and doubtless many visitors will be attracted.
Cards after 1882
[photographs showing the studio address as 150 Colombo Street, probably date from after 1882 when street numbers appear to have been adopted in Colombo Street]
McMillan (1836 – 6 July 1904) was a 19th-century Member of Parliament
in the Canterbury region of New Zealand. He came to New Zealand on the
Rose of Sharon in 1857 and settled near Southbridge. From 1874, he held
various local political roles. He was on the Selwyn County Council from
the beginning and chaired the body for 11 years. He represented the
Coleridge electorate from 1881 to 1887, when he retired. In 1900, he
visited his native Scotland. He died on 6 July 1904 and was buried at
Ellesmere Cemetery.
[purchased August 2023]
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
[purchased September 2023]
I have a photograph from my grandmother by P. Schourup and would like to identify it. It is of a young woman with her hair braided round her head in a dress with lots of lace and ribbon looking at a book on a chair. How do I identify it? CRJ
I would think that if the person's name is not written on the reverse of the photograph and your grandmother didn't know who she was, it would be almost impossible to identify after over 120 years who she was.
Can you date approximately a photo of my great uncle by P Schourup which has a relatively plain reverse with crown in middle, same as several above?
Peter Schourup arrived in New Zealand in 1875 from South Australia. He used a very similar crown motif on his cards in Australia so it can be assumed his New Zealand cards with this motif will date from immediately after his 1875 arrival.
I don’t know how long he continued using this card but one photograph I have dated 1880 shows a very different style of card. So certainly your card will date from after 1875 and probably before 1880.
How does this fit with information you know already about your great uncle?
I have a P Schourop photo on the back of which is his name, then "Artist Photographer" "Christchurch" surrounded by decorative vines and trellis which can definitely be dated to 1878 by ages of children in photo. Hope this helps.
Is it possible to narrow down the date of a photo by P Shourup, using the design on the back of the photo? I have a photo of a couple (I think my great grandparents) and the design on the back has a trellis design with a vine entwined. It has P Schourup, Artist Photographer, Christchurch as the main wording. It doesn't mention Colombo Street at all. I would appreciate any guidance please. Many thanks.
I have one photograph with the "trellis design" dated 28 June 1883 so perhaps he used this design from late 1870's to early 1880's. Generally unless the photo has a date written on it, it would be impossible to known the exact date it was taken. None of his records have survived so the only evidence available are the photographs themselves. Also the photograph could have been taken at an earlier date, and the customer has asked for more copies. The photographer would use is currently available card. The design might have changed since the original photograph was taken.
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