Edward Percy Sealy
(sometimes Edwin/Sealey/Seeley etc)
born 23 August 1839
died 30 October 1903 aged 64 years.
buried Timaru Public Cemetery 2 November 1903
Photographer unknown:
Portrait of Edwin Percy Sealy 1839-1903.
Haast family: Photographs. Ref: PA2-2153. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New
Zealand. http://natlib.govt.nz/records/22861179
Edward Percy Sealy was the nephew of the early Wellington daguerreotypist Henry Bowman Sealy.
Edward Percy Sealy was the son of Thomas Henry Sealy, his father was born at Alstone Lawn in 1811. This was one of the largest residences in Cheltenham and stood in grounds of just over seven acres. He was to be a much-celebrated writer and poet in early Victorian times. He was editor of 'The Western Archaeological Magazine' for some years and also founded a weekly newspaper, the 'Great Western Advertiser' but unfortunately this brought him financial ruin with losses estimated at £12,000 - a considerable sum for those days. Not surprisingly, his health suffered and he died in 1848 aged only 37 years.
Edward Sealy came to New Zealand with his brother Henry John Sealy on the Clontarf (departed Plymouth 15 September 1858 arrived Lyttelton 5 January 1859), he was then aged 20 years. After a short stay in Canterbury, Edward and Henry Sealy departed on the Clontarf for Napier via Wellington on 4 February 1859.

"Mr Williams in the Bealey"
This photograph kindly provided by Smith's Bookshop, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch.
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/
This photograph kindly provided by Smith's Bookshop, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch.
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/
"Otira Gorge"
This photograph kindly provided by Smith's Bookshop, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch.
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/
March 1869, Scientific. — Dr Haast returned to Christchurch last night, from a trip of several weeks into the Central Alps, during which he revisited some of the principal localities round Mount Cook, first explored by him in 1862. The object of the journey of this year was to collect specimens in all branches of natural history, a work which, the public will be glad to learn, he has accomplished satisfactorily. He was accompanied by Mr Edward Seeley (sic), an amateur photographer of considerable eminence, who, under great difficulties and privations, obtained some magnificent views of the grand scenery of our Southern Alps. We understand that Mr Seeley (sic) intends to present, when it is completed, a full set of all his photographic views taken in the province. The value of such a gift will be readily and cordially appreciated by the public. The taxidermist of the Museum, M. F. Fuller, also accompanied Dr Haast, and greatly contributed to the success of the expedition, by procuring a number of valuable birdskins. Dr Haast informs us that, during the first six days of his stay near Mount Cook, the party was favoured with lovely weather — cloudless sky and little or no wind. This, unfortunately, was followed by a succession of strong gales from the nor'west, with heavy rain. It is hardly necessary to add that the Canterbury Museum will greatly benefit from Dr Haast's trip.
Star, Issue 273, 30 March 1869, Page 2
Mount Cook Exploration.— We hear that Mr E. P. Sealey is on his way to take a series of photographic views of Mount Cook and its glaciers. This gentleman's photographs of the glaciers, &c, at the head of the Ashburton and elswhere, have already attracted considerable attention, giving, as they do such a clear idea of the recesses, as it were, of our huge mountain chains. This is not the first time Mr Sealey has visited the Mount Cook regions of snow and ice, as we believe it was only last year that he was there some weeks, and took several most interesting photographs. At the period of his last visit, Mr Sealey endeavoured to get over an ice covered saddle to the west coast. In this he failed, but he was not far from obtaining his object. We hear he intends trying this saddle again this trip. To the ordinary amateur photographer, the notion of taking views amid the solitudes of ice-bound mountains is not very enticing, and Mr Sealey is deserving of considerable kudos for his untiring pluck and perseverance. We fancy that the exploring party alluded to in our Temuka Correspondent's letter must be that of Mr Sealey's on its journey westward.
Timaru Herald, Issue 502, 19 March 1870, Page 2
MAP of the Southern Alps. — Yesterday Mr McCardell completed a very excellent copy of Dr Haast's map of the Southern Alps, for transmission to the Vienna Exhibition. Twelve choice views among the Alps are illustrated by large photographs on the margin of the map, and the locale of each is marked with red ink. The photographs executed by Messrs Mundy, Sealey, and Pringall are beautiful specimens of the art. - Star , Issue 1533, 29 January 1873, Page 2
At the 1874 Exhibition held in Christchurch Sealy received a Bronze Medal for photography. The Star, Issue 1928, 9 May 1874, Page 2
This photograph kindly provided by Smith's Bookshop, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch.
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/

this image appears on page 79 of "A Canterbury Album" by Joan Woodward where it is further described as:
"Stonyhurst station, North Canterbury, 1868."
This photograph kindly provided by Smith's Bookshop, 3 Garlands Road, Woolston, Christchurch.
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/
refer to: http://www.smiths.bookshop.co.nz/
Art Exhibition, 1870 - Canterbury N.Z.
01. Mount Elie de Beaumont and Tasman Glacier by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
02. Mount Darwin, from Tasman Glacier by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
03. Mount Cook from Mueller Glacier by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
04. Mount Sefton, Moorhouse Range by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
05. Mount Tasman and Hochstettler Glacier by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
06. Rakaia Gorge by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
07. Rakaia Gorge by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
08. Rakaia Gorge by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
09. Rakaia Gorge by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
10. Rakaia Gorge by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
11. Otira Gorge, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
12. Otira Gorge, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
13. Otira Gorge, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
14. Otira Gorge, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
15. Waterfall in the Bealey, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
16. View in the Bealey, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
17. Otira Gorge, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
18. Mount Baidinger, from Tasman Glacier by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
19. Rakaia Gorge by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
20. Otira Gorge, West Coast Road by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
21. Mount Henry at the Head of the Bealey by E. P. Sealy. Exhibitor - E. P. Sealy
The Art Exhibition
Star, Issue 539, 10 February 1870, Page 2
Philosophical Institute
The monthly meeting ...... Dr. Haast read a very interesting paper upon the Geology of Mount Cook, but its details were too strictly scientific and volumiuous to permit of an intelligible abstract being published in this report. The paper was very attentively listened to, and evidently appreciated. Dr. Haast then read a letter from Mr E. P. Seeley descriptive of that gentleman's ascent over the Godley Glacier to a nevé saddle between Mount Petermann and the Keith — Johnston Range in the Southern Alps...
Star, Issue 587, 7 April 1870, Page 2
Philosophical Institute
Star, Issue 686, 4 August 1870, Page 2
The Vienna Exhibition
J. Gaul, Christchurch — Photographs, four frames, highly commended.
C. Martin, Christchurch — Three photographs, highly commended.
M'Cardell, Christchurch — Specimens of illuminating, highly commended.
F. Strouts — Maori fortifications, Ripa Island, commended.
Dr Hector — Sketch map of province of Nelson, with drawing by Gully, highly commended.
E. P. Sealy — Photographs, New Zealand scenery, fourteen frame by exhibitor, silver medal.
W. T. L. Travers — New Zealand scenery in North Island (Luke Guyon and creek scenes), by exhibitor, bronze medal.
D. L. Mundy — North Island scenery, forty-six photographs, highly commended.
It will be seen from the above list that Mr E. P. Sealy has secured the only silver medal awarded in the Fine Arts department. Amongst his photographs exhibited are those of Mount Cook and other principal peaks of the Southern Alps, and views of the Great Tasman, Mueller, Hooker, and Godley glaciers. This series is perfectly unique, as Mr Sealy is the only artist who has ever explored these scenes of wild grandeur, which he did on three separate occasions, viz. — the autumns of 1867, 1869, and 1870.
Timaru Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 852, 10 February 1873, Page 4
The annual report of the Chief Surveyor for this year, however, contains a special report, with maps, by Mr Brodrick, of the survey staff, on two passes by which he, at all events, managed to get over from South Canterbury into Westland. One of these was discovered by Mr E. P. Sealey in 1871, but we do not gather that Mr Sealey actually descended the western side.
This Mr Brodrick did in May 1888, and passed all the difficulties that lay between the pass and the Wataroa river. They were only a few miles from a track and a wire bridge, but the weather looked threatening, so they reluctantly turned back. Sealey Pass is reached from this side by going up Lake Tekapo to Lilybank station, thence up the Godley river and seven miles up Godley Glacier. This appears to be a very good past for those who like the roughest of travelling with perpetual thunder of avalanches around them, and, it seems, a dead certainty of more or less fog — when it is not snowing.
Its altitude is 5800 ft. The other pass is named the Huxley, as it is reached by going up one of the branches of the Huxley river, which again is a tributary of the Hopkins, the principal river flowing into Lake Ohau. Mr Brodrick describes the scenery on the Huxley as very pleasing and in endless variety; there is no glacier travelling on this route. The party took their horses and camped at a spot under five miles from the pass. One day they walked up to the pass to fix its position, "but when we got there the Landsborough river (of Westland) looked so near that we determined to visit it." They did so, but found the first portion of the descent steep and rather difficult. Mr Brodrick says "the track over the saddle could never be made anything but a passable footpath but without a very large outlay a packhorse could be taken to within a mile of the pass." The height of it is given at 5309ft. After all, if known, these two passes would not have helped South Canterbury to reach the West Coast market at the time of the rush.
Many years ago, when the Westland gold fields were newly discovered, and all Canterbury was more or less, generally more, excited over the question of ways of getting there personally, or of getting stock and goods over the mountains to supply the needs of the diggers, there were several meetings held in Timaru to discuss tho possibility of finding a direct pass from South Canterbury to the West Coast, to save going round by the Hurunui or the Waimakariri. We cannot recollect whether anyone over made the attempt to get over and blaze a practicable pass, but the conclusion was regretfully come to that there was no thoroughfare from South Canterbury to Westland.The annual report of the Chief Surveyor for this year, however, contains a special report, with maps, by Mr Brodrick, of the survey staff, on two passes by which he, at all events, managed to get over from South Canterbury into Westland. One of these was discovered by Mr E. P. Sealey in 1871, but we do not gather that Mr Sealey actually descended the western side.
This Mr Brodrick did in May 1888, and passed all the difficulties that lay between the pass and the Wataroa river. They were only a few miles from a track and a wire bridge, but the weather looked threatening, so they reluctantly turned back. Sealey Pass is reached from this side by going up Lake Tekapo to Lilybank station, thence up the Godley river and seven miles up Godley Glacier. This appears to be a very good past for those who like the roughest of travelling with perpetual thunder of avalanches around them, and, it seems, a dead certainty of more or less fog — when it is not snowing.
Its altitude is 5800 ft. The other pass is named the Huxley, as it is reached by going up one of the branches of the Huxley river, which again is a tributary of the Hopkins, the principal river flowing into Lake Ohau. Mr Brodrick describes the scenery on the Huxley as very pleasing and in endless variety; there is no glacier travelling on this route. The party took their horses and camped at a spot under five miles from the pass. One day they walked up to the pass to fix its position, "but when we got there the Landsborough river (of Westland) looked so near that we determined to visit it." They did so, but found the first portion of the descent steep and rather difficult. Mr Brodrick says "the track over the saddle could never be made anything but a passable footpath but without a very large outlay a packhorse could be taken to within a mile of the pass." The height of it is given at 5309ft. After all, if known, these two passes would not have helped South Canterbury to reach the West Coast market at the time of the rush.
Timaru Herald, Volume LI, Issue 4949, 23 September 1890, Page 4
Timaru Herald, Volume XXIX, Issue 1290, 7 November 1878, Page 3
Edward Percy Sealy
The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District] - Mr. Edward Percy Sealy was born in England in August, 1839, and was educated at Clifton near Bristol. He arrived at Lyttelton by the ship “Clontarf,” in January, 1859, and joined a relative on a run now known as Patoka station, about thirty miles from Napier. Two years later Mr. Sealy entered the survey department in Hawke's Bay, and after four years came to Canterbury, as district surveyor. He was first stationed in Ashburton and afterwards in North Canterbury. Since 1873 Mr. Sealy has been a resident of the Timaru district, where he has carried on extensive farming operations, and held at that time 2000 acres of land in the neighbourhood. He bought the Rockwood estate in the Tengawai district, and farmed it for about five years, and also acquired the Ellerslie estate, near Geraldine. During his term as district surveyor he did a good deal of exploration work in the Southern Alps, which, at that time had been visited only by Sir Julius (then Dr) Von Haast, who named Mount Sealy in his honour. Mr. Sealy took some of the first photographs of the Southern Alps, and a large assortment of these views, now (1903) nearly forty years old, has been preserved in excellent condition. Mr. Sealy travelled over the West Coast Road in 1868, when it was in course of construction, and a selection of the photographs he took were exhibited at the Vienna Exhibition, at which he was awarded the only gold medal for New Zealand photographs. He also presented a large number of views of glacial formation to the Royal Geographical Society. During his residence in the Ashburton district, Mr. Sealy made two expeditions to the Rangitata and Ashburton glaciers. Before leaving England, and during his residence in New Zealand, Mr. Sealy devoted his leisure to the study of Natural History, and has given special attention to the ornithology of Great Britain and New Zealand, and also to the investigation of tropical Lepidoptera. His collection of the largest and most brilliant examples of tropical butterflies from India, China, Japan, the islands of the Malay Archipelago, and South America, is probably the finest south of the Line. He has also formed wonderfully complete and well preserved collections of British, Australian, and New Zealand birds' eggs; the latter being probably the most complete collection extant of New Zealand species. Mr. Sealy was one of the early promoters of co-operation in South Canterbury, and has been a director, of the Farmers' Co-operative Association, on which he has occupied the position of vicechairman and member of the Finance Commitee for more than twenty years. He was married, in 1873, to a daughter of Mr. T. Sanderson, a well known North Canterbury runholder, and has five daughters and one son. - © 2008 Victoria University of Wellington
Mr E. P. Sealy.
The pioneers of the colony are rapidly diminishing in number, as its history is overtaking the allotted span of human life. Another line between the present and the early days was snapped last evening by the death of Mr Edward Percy Sealy. Mr E. P. Sealy.
Mr. Sealy had lived, at his pleasant residence Southerndown, near Timaru, a great many years — so long that many grown up, to manhood and womanhood since he settled there — yet he was already an old colonist when he came. A member of a family of ancient lineage, he received as a boy an old-fashioned classical education, and coming to New Zealand quite a young man, he became a member of the survey staff of the colony, in Hawke's Bay.
After doing useful work there, he came to Canterbury, and as a surveyor under the Provincial Government he did some memorable work as an alpine explorer. When surveying in the Mackenzie Country, Mr Sealy did some courageous mountaineering. He was the first man to explore the Tasman and Hooker glaciers, and in doing so he carried an old-fashioned full-plate camera, which with plates and accessories probably weighed 601bs. He obtained some very fine photographs of the glacier region, some of which may be seen in the Christchurch Museum; and others won for him a gold medal at an international exhibition in Vienna. These are worthy mention, less for the value of the pictures themselves, though this is not trifling, but more as showing the manner of man he was. The courage, determination and coolness required to pack a heavy photographic apparatus over the glaciers and make good use of it, in the days before Swiss guides, ropes and ice-axes were thought of in New Zealand, mark a man of the sterling stamp required for successful pioneering. On the abolition of the provinces, Mr Sealy retired from the Survey Department and took to farming, building his residence at Southerndown, and carrying on also for some years, and in partnership with his brother Henry, who is now in Australia, another farm or farms further inland, but this they unfortunately lost in the crash which followed the land boom of the later seventies, since when he has confined his attention to the homestead, and to the duties of a director of the Farmers' Co-operative Association.
He was one of the founders of this organisation, has been continuously a director, and at the last annual meeting, which illness prevented him from attending, the chairman, Mr John Talbot, eulogised the services which Mr Sealy had tendered to the Association, from its inception to that time.
Personally, Mr Sealy was of retiring disposition, but a most amiable friend, and an unusually well-informed and desirable companion, and no one in Timaru or South Canterbury was more highly respected. He began life with a good education, and kept himself abreast of the progress of thought, scientific and other, by varied and extensive reading.
He was an enthusiastic naturalist, and one of his hobbies was entomology, which he pursued with such zeal that his collection of moths and butterflies is said to be one of the finest private collections in the world. He made also a fine collection of birds' eggs, including some of the now extinct New Zealand quail. Mr Sealy was naturally a man of excellent constitution, but the severe exploration work he performed must have tried it and twenty-five years ago he met with an accident from the effects of which he never fully recovered. Latterly he suffered from an increasing and distressing form of paralysis, from which he was released by death yesterday at the not very advanced age of 64. He leaves a widow, one son, and several daughters, two of whom are married, to mourn the loss of husband and father.
Timaru Herald, Volume LXXIX, Issue 12210, 31 October 1903, Page 4
The funeral of the late Mr E. P. Sealy took place yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended by his friends. The hearse contained a number of floral offerings. Most of those following were in vehicles, but a good many, walked to the cemetery. The Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association stores and offices were closed during part of the afternoon, out of-respect to the late director, and most of the staff attended the funeral among them was Mr J. Mundell, who had arrived just in time to pay his last respects to the deceased gentleman. Several other business places, also closed for a short time, and flags were flown at half-mast at most of the flagstaffs in town.
Timaru Herald, Volume LXXIX, Issue 12212, 3 November 1903, Page 2
Glass Plates
Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14650, 18 January 1912, Page 8
Timaru Herald, Volume XCVII, Issue 15011, 3 April 1913, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XCVII, Issue 15014, 7 April 1913, Page 8
Glass Plates
Some of the difficulties overcome by the pioneer explorers who were photographic enthusiasts were described by Mr. A. P. Harper, A.C., at, the annual dinner of the New Zealand Alpine Club at Wellington.
Mr. Harper said that on one of his early expeditions, his camera had weighed 15lb. and the dry plates 20lb. This dead weight of 35lb had to be carried through incredibly rough country before food, tents, or blankets were thought about. The famous surveyor, Mr. Sealy, after whom the Sealy Range is named, had to make his own wet plates on the spot where he look the photographs, and had to take with him a light-proof tent, as well as a tremendous quantity of other gear.
To-day, Mr. Sealy’s plates, which are being kept, in the Canterbury Museum, are practically as good as the best modern photographs of the New Zealand glaciers,
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume LXIII, Issue 19022, 23 May 1936
Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14650, 18 January 1912, Page 8
Timaru Herald, Volume XCVII, Issue 15011, 3 April 1913, Page 1
Timaru Herald, Volume XCVII, Issue 15014, 7 April 1913, Page 8
part of Edward Percy Sealy's Will.
Here he bequeaths to his children his "photographic albums and miscellaneous photographs whether mounted or unmounted".
SEALY, Edwin Percy (1839-1903) born in England and educated at Clifton College, a surveyor, photographer and a keen naturalist, came to Lyttelton in the Clontarf in 1859. After some experience on sheep stations he entered the Provincial Survey Department in Hawkes Bay in 1862 and three years later went to Canterbury as a surveyor on the Provincial staff. In 1869 he was associated with Julius von Haast on the latters last expedition in the Mount Cook region. On retiring he farmed at Southern Downs, near Timaru. To perpetuate his memory - Mt Sealy (2557 metres, 8389 feet)
item 160a of Dunbar Sloane's catalogue dated 27 March 2013
The Sealy Family
Edward Percy Sealy, born 23 August 1839, birth registered Sept Quarter 1839 at St George Hanover Square, London, vol. 1, page 16, son of Thomas Henry Sealy and Julia Verity, arrived Lyttelton 5 January 1859 on the "Clontarf" aged 20 years, died 30 October 1903 aged 64 years, buried Timaru Cemetery 2 November 1903, married 13 October 1873 at Greta Peaks Station, Waikari, North Canterbury, Frances Sarah Sanderson, daughter of Thomas
Sanderson and Elizabeth Jane Jones, born 21 September 1855, reg. 1855/4964, died 4 January 1912 Timaru, buried Timaru Cemetery.
Timaru Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 960, 22 October 1873, Page 3
The Primate of New Zealand in 1873 was the Rt Rev Henry John Chitty Harper, DD (9 January 1804 – 28 December 1893)
The Primate of New Zealand in 1873 was the Rt Rev Henry John Chitty Harper, DD (9 January 1804 – 28 December 1893)
1. Violet Julia Sealy born 3 January 1875 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1875/6759, died 1 July 1926 at Anama Estate (1), reg. 1926/7032 aged 50 years, buried Mt Somers (2), married 21 December 1898, St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1898/5109 Charles James Peter, born 18 February 1867, reg. 1867/24810, son of Hon. William Spence Peter MLC of Anama (1818-1891), and Jane Seymour (daughter of H. C. Seymour of Adelaide), he may have died about 1926-1927 (5).
1a. Rosamund Peter born 3 June 1900, reg. 1900/13274, died circa 1989 reg. 1989/41951, buried Mt Somers (Mrs Addison), married 1 December 1927 London, Alexander Addison OBE of Strathbungo, Scotland (6), chief officer SS Orama (9).
Elizabeth V. H. Addison born circa 1928 England, reg. Dec 1928 Brentford vol. 3a page
197, married 31 August 1957 Arthur George Ryan
April R. Addison born circa 1930 England, reg. Jun 1930 Hollingbourne vol. 2a page
Colin Ian Sinclair Addison born 4 May 1933, Hazelwood, Kent, England (7), reg. Jun 1933 Hollingbourne vol. 2a page
1534, died 2011, reg. 2011/20286
son born 9 October 1940, Geraldine Maternity Hospital, South Canterbury (8)
1b. Ronald Charles Greville Peter born 13 January 1902, reg. 1902/3385, died 14 July 1952 Cannes, France.
1c. Edward Lynden Peter born 31 July 1903, reg. 1903/11858, died circa 1980, reg. 1980/30572, married circa 1927, reg. 1927/9762 Inez Cora Hoode Box, daughter of Mary Elizabeth Timms and William Ernest Box, born 21 August 1909, died circa 1979, reg. 1979/47803.
1b. Ronald Charles Greville Peter born 13 January 1902, reg. 1902/3385, died 14 July 1952 Cannes, France.
1c. Edward Lynden Peter born 31 July 1903, reg. 1903/11858, died circa 1980, reg. 1980/30572, married circa 1927, reg. 1927/9762 Inez Cora Hoode Box, daughter of Mary Elizabeth Timms and William Ernest Box, born 21 August 1909, died circa 1979, reg. 1979/47803.
1d. Judith Elinor Jane Peter, known as Juliet Peter, CNZM, artist, potter and printmaker, born 18 September 1915 or 18 September 1916 Anama, died 12 January 2010 Wellington, reg 2010/1367, ashes buried at Makara
Cemetery, married 1952 James Robson "Roy" Cowan CNZM MBE, potter, illustrator, and printmaker, born 5 January 1918 died 17 July 2006.
2. Frances Helen Mary Sealy born 21 November 1876 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1877/2946, died 10 June 1920 Geraldine, reg. 1920/1742 aged 44 years buried Mt Somers, married 18 February 1901 St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1901/631 John Patrick Peter, son of Hon. William Spence Peter MLC of Anama (1818-1891), and Jane Seymour (daughter of H. C. Seymour of Adelaide), born circa 1870, reg. 1870/31195, died 4 May 1957 Geraldine, buried Mt Somers, aged 87 years, plot 437. He married 2ndly about 1924, St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1924/7931 Norah Hinds Howell.
2a. Helen Jean Peter born circa 1902, reg 1902/4576, died circa 1919, reg. 1919/4555 aged 17 years, buried Mt Somers.
2b. Geoffrey Sealy Peter born 14 October 1903, reg. 1903/12076, died circa 1972, reg. 1972/29969, buried Waikari Cemetery, Canterbury, married Sybil Margaret ... born 1910 died 1984, buried Waikari Cemetery, Canterbury.
3. Edward Percy Verity Sealy, born 9 December 1878 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1879/12117, died 15 August 1942 Whanganui, reg. 1942/24398 aged 63 years, buried 17 August 1942 Aramoho Cemetery, Whanganui, Plot 548; Monument Area Block E, 9 .
He owned the painting "The Rock" by John Gully (refer Will dated 1942)
Mr. E. P. V. Sealy, who has been on the staff of the National Bank of New Zealand, at Timaru. for about 13 years has received word of his promotion to Wellington, the head office, and one of the most important banking centres of the Dominion. Mr Sealy will be much missed in many circles, chiefly the circles of amateur sport, angling, motoring, etc. He been an enthusiast in all these, and is a holder of many records.
Mr. E. P. V. Sealy, manager of the Wanganui branch of the National Bank of New Zealand for the past 10 years, will retire on superannuation at the end of the year, after completing nearly 42 years' service...
4. Gladys Verity Sealy born 3 December 1880 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1881/19094, died 10 July 1913 Okawa, Mount Somers, reg. 1913/4592 aged 32 years, buried Timaru Cemetery, row 1 plot 279.
5. Ruth Verity Sealy or Ruby Verity Sealy, born 10 November 1883 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1884/3402, died 21 July 1960 Geraldine, reg. 1960/28076, married 3 August 1910, St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1910/4823 William Percy D'Ewes Barker (of "Rocky Ridges" Gapes Valley) son of William Edward Barker and Louisa Gertrude Ellen Pritchett and grandson of Dr. Alfred Charles Barker, born 13 November 1882 Waikonini, Peel Forest, reg. 1883/4286, died circa 1965, reg. 1965/34658.
5a. Edward Percy Barker born 20 July 1911 Timaru, reg. 1911/22434, died circa 1991, reg. 1991/40967
5b. Ruth Mildred Barker (birth registered as Ruth Maud Barker) born 17 February 1913, reg. 1913/18525, died 30 August 2001 aged 88 years, reg. 2001/20104, buried Arundel Cemetery, married 27 January 1937, St Thomas's Church, Woodbury, Cotsford Carlton Burdon, born 1 July 1892 Mingo Flat, Braxton County, West Virginia, United States of America, son of Cotsford Matthews Burdon and Mildred Yatman, died 4 November 1977 aged 84, reg. 1977/48521, buried Arundel Cemetery, (he was the biographer of Dr. Barker - see obituary below and brother of the historian Randal Mathews Burdon).
Rowland David Burdon born 6 December 1937
Philip Ralph Burdon born 25 March 1939
William Giles Burdon born 1941
Virginia Ruth Burdon born 1944
Alyson Amanda Burdon born 1946
5c. Audrey Frances Gertrude Barker born 12 September 1914 "Rocky Ridges" Gapes Valley, died 11 February 1935, reg 1935/13882, buried Geraldine Cemetery row 444 plot 173 (cemetery records incorrectly record her date of death as 11 February 1934).
2. Frances Helen Mary Sealy born 21 November 1876 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1877/2946, died 10 June 1920 Geraldine, reg. 1920/1742 aged 44 years buried Mt Somers, married 18 February 1901 St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1901/631 John Patrick Peter, son of Hon. William Spence Peter MLC of Anama (1818-1891), and Jane Seymour (daughter of H. C. Seymour of Adelaide), born circa 1870, reg. 1870/31195, died 4 May 1957 Geraldine, buried Mt Somers, aged 87 years, plot 437. He married 2ndly about 1924, St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1924/7931 Norah Hinds Howell.
2a. Helen Jean Peter born circa 1902, reg 1902/4576, died circa 1919, reg. 1919/4555 aged 17 years, buried Mt Somers.
2b. Geoffrey Sealy Peter born 14 October 1903, reg. 1903/12076, died circa 1972, reg. 1972/29969, buried Waikari Cemetery, Canterbury, married Sybil Margaret ... born 1910 died 1984, buried Waikari Cemetery, Canterbury.
3. Edward Percy Verity Sealy, born 9 December 1878 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1879/12117, died 15 August 1942 Whanganui, reg. 1942/24398 aged 63 years, buried 17 August 1942 Aramoho Cemetery, Whanganui, Plot 548; Monument Area Block E, 9 .
He owned the painting "The Rock" by John Gully (refer Will dated 1942)
Mr. E. P. V. Sealy, who has been on the staff of the National Bank of New Zealand, at Timaru. for about 13 years has received word of his promotion to Wellington, the head office, and one of the most important banking centres of the Dominion. Mr Sealy will be much missed in many circles, chiefly the circles of amateur sport, angling, motoring, etc. He been an enthusiast in all these, and is a holder of many records.
Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14058, 16 November 1909, Page 3
Mr. E. P. V. Sealy, manager of the Wanganui branch of the National Bank of New Zealand for the past 10 years, will retire on superannuation at the end of the year, after completing nearly 42 years' service...
Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 257, 30 October 1938, Page 3
Obituary - Mr E. P. V. Sealy
Mr Edward Percy Verity Sealy, who died at Wanganui on Saturday, was the only son of the late Mr Edward Sealy, an early pioneer. He was educated in Timaru and subsequently joined the staff of the National Bank of New Zealand. During the Great War he left for England to join the Air Force, but when he failed to pass the medical test he gave voluntary service with the French ambulance and operated in France, Italy and the Balkan States. He was awarded the French Croix de Guerre with Bar and the Serbian Croix de Guerre. He had been manager of the National Bank in Wanganui for a number of years and retired at the end of 1939. Since then he had been attached to honorary staff of the Wanganui Museum.
Timaru Herald, Volume CLII, Issue 22353, 18 August 1942, Page 2
4. Gladys Verity Sealy born 3 December 1880 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1881/19094, died 10 July 1913 Okawa, Mount Somers, reg. 1913/4592 aged 32 years, buried Timaru Cemetery, row 1 plot 279.
5. Ruth Verity Sealy or Ruby Verity Sealy, born 10 November 1883 Southerndown, Timaru, reg. 1884/3402, died 21 July 1960 Geraldine, reg. 1960/28076, married 3 August 1910, St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1910/4823 William Percy D'Ewes Barker (of "Rocky Ridges" Gapes Valley) son of William Edward Barker and Louisa Gertrude Ellen Pritchett and grandson of Dr. Alfred Charles Barker, born 13 November 1882 Waikonini, Peel Forest, reg. 1883/4286, died circa 1965, reg. 1965/34658.
5a. Edward Percy Barker born 20 July 1911 Timaru, reg. 1911/22434, died circa 1991, reg. 1991/40967
5b. Ruth Mildred Barker (birth registered as Ruth Maud Barker) born 17 February 1913, reg. 1913/18525, died 30 August 2001 aged 88 years, reg. 2001/20104, buried Arundel Cemetery, married 27 January 1937, St Thomas's Church, Woodbury, Cotsford Carlton Burdon, born 1 July 1892 Mingo Flat, Braxton County, West Virginia, United States of America, son of Cotsford Matthews Burdon and Mildred Yatman, died 4 November 1977 aged 84, reg. 1977/48521, buried Arundel Cemetery, (he was the biographer of Dr. Barker - see obituary below and brother of the historian Randal Mathews Burdon).
Rowland David Burdon born 6 December 1937
Philip Ralph Burdon born 25 March 1939
William Giles Burdon born 1941
Virginia Ruth Burdon born 1944
Alyson Amanda Burdon born 1946
5c. Audrey Frances Gertrude Barker born 12 September 1914 "Rocky Ridges" Gapes Valley, died 11 February 1935, reg 1935/13882, buried Geraldine Cemetery row 444 plot 173 (cemetery records incorrectly record her date of death as 11 February 1934).
5d. David Hereward Barker born 28 April 1917, died circa 2000, reg. 2000/23709.
6. Edith Isabel Greville Sealy born 15 June 1888, reg. 1888/11443, died April 1973, reg. 1973/28170, buried 13 April 1973, Timaru Cemetery, row 1 plot 275.
The Auckland City Libraries have papers relating the the Sealy/Peter Family.
Henry John Sealy baptised 1838 Coity, Glamorgan, Wales, died 6 June 1925 at the residence of his son in-law, Professor Robert Harold Compton, Kirstenbosch, near Capetown, South Africa, married 17 July 1873 St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1873/11401, Emma Booker Askin eldest daughter of Emma and Walter Askin (died before 1873) of Ballyboy, County Meath, Ireland, died 15 July 1939 at 4 Ross Street, Croydon, Sydney, reg. 21201/1939.
Sealy - Askin.- On July 17th, at St Mary's Church, Timaru, by the Rev Geo. Foster, Henry John, eldest son of the late T. H. Sealy, Esq, of Clifton, Bristol, to Emma Booker, eldest daughter of the late Walter Askin, Esq, of Ballyboy, County Meath, Ireland.
1907 - H. J. Sealy, of Wahroonga, NSW.
SEALY. - June 6, 1925 at the residence of his son in-law, Professor R. H. Compton, Kirstenbosch, near Capetown, South Africa, Henry John Sealy, late of Sydney and New Zealand, in his 87th year.
MR. H. J. SEALY. News has been received from South Africa of the death of Mr. H. J. Sealy, who was for many years associated with the Lands and Stock Departments of New South Wales. Mr. Sealy came out from England with his brother, and settled in New Zealand in 1858, and with his uncle took up a sheep station in the Hawkes Bay district. After a few years he gave up pastoral life, and qualified as a surveyor, ultimately being responsible for the trigonometrical survey of South Canterbury. In 1885 Mr. Sealy came to New South Wales and was for some years connected with the Department of Lands. Later he became stock inspector in the Maitland district. About two years ago Mr. Sealy, accompanied by his wife, went to South Africa to be near two of their daughters, who had married and settled near the Cape, and it was at Capetown that he died at the age of 84.
1. Amy Verity Sealy born 28 March 1876 at Heathcliff, near Timaru (3), reg. 1876/17005 , (death - 2772/1964, Sydney, Boulton, Amy daughter of Henry and Emma B?)
2. Isabel Prideaux Sealy born 16 November 1877 at Heathcliff, near Timaru (4), reg. 1877/8667, died South Africa(?), married 16 November 1904 at All Saint's Church, Woollahra, reg. 10353/1904, Major William Francis Hole eldest son of late F. H. Hole of East Maitland, born circa 1879, died 29 April 1922 at De Aar, South Africa aged 48.
The death occurred recently at De Aar, South Africa, of Major William Francis Hole, who, after leaving Australia, had a distinguished career in Africa as a civil engineer.
Major Hole was the oldest son of the late Mr. F. H. Hole, a former headmaster of East Maitland Grammar School, where Major Hole received his earlier education, and whence he passed to the Sydney University, graduating B.E. in 1896. He also became a member of the Society of Civil Engineers.
From 1896 to 1903 he served with the construction engineering staff of the Natal Government railways. From 1903 to 1904 he acted as district engineer. Northern Transvaal; for the housing of the South African Constabulary; from 1905 to 1908 he was with the Johannesburg Municipal tramway engineers (surveying and laying tram lines); from 1909 to 1914 with the Nigerian Government in West Africa, acting as director of survey, during which time he was responsible for the compiling of a topographical map of South ern Nigeria. Finally, he became resident engineer at Lagos waterworks.
From 1915 to 1916 he was assistant in charge of the new docks at Bristol (England); from 1916 to 1919 he served during the war with the Royal Engineers, and for the last six months of the war he was in charge of the Government housing schemes at the national ship-yards. Major Hole joined the irrigation department, South Africa, in February 1920, and was engaged in the survey of the Hartebeostpoort canal system, becoming in March, 1921, resident engineer of canal construction. Major Hole was 48 years of age.
3. Nina Marguerite Haast Sealy born 15 April 1879 at Heathcliff, near Timaru, reg. 1879/5248, died circa 1958, reg. 23545/1958 Goulburn, NSW, married 5 June 1907 at St Paul's Church, Wahroonga, NSW, by the Rev E. Langford Smith, reg. 4193/1907, William Vigors Hewitt born 1879 New South Wales, farmer, second son of Henry Vigors Hewitt, of Dunsden, Baulkham Hills and Mary Simmons, died circa 1958, reg. 23539/1958 Goulburn, NSW. (Henry Vigors Hewitt's first wife was Minnie (Maria) Hallen a grand daughter of William Lawson (1774-1850), the Australian explorer and pastoralist).
seven children:
3a. Hope Verity Hewitt born on 12 December 1908 at Glen Innes, New South Wales, reg. 3566/1909 Glen Innes, NSW - died 23 June 1986 Canberra, teacher and bookseller, (Mrs Fitzhardinge - http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/fitzhardinge-hope-verity-12499)
3b. Glen Henry Vigors Hewitt born circa 1910, reg. 26445/1910 Glen Innes, NSW, married circa 1942, reg. 700/1942 Sydney, Shelia South.
3c. William Vigors Hewitt born circa 1912, died 2002.
3d. Geoffrey Vigors Hewitt born circa 1914, killed in 1941 during WWII aged 27.
3e. Mary Cotgrave Hewitt born circa 1915.
3f. Helen June Hewitt born circa 1919 (Mrs Lombard).
3g. Thomas Cotgrave Hewitt born circa 1921.
4. Kathleen Askin Sealy born circa 1887, reg. 10379/1887 Randwick, died South Africa (?), married 15 February 1915 at St Augustine's Church, Neutral Bay, NSW to Robert Harold Compton son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Compton of Tewkesbury, England, born 6 August 1886, Tewkesbury, died 11 July 1979 Cape Town.
4a. Phyllida Sealy Compton born 2 January 1919 Hillside, Cadgwith, Cornwall, England, reg. Mar 1919 Helston vol. 5c page 195.
COMPTON ( nee Sealy) January 2, 1919, at Hillside, Cadgwith, Cornwall, England, to Kathleen, wife of Professor R. H. Compton, a daughter
Phyllida Compton studied at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris during the early 1930s.
4b. son
Professor R.H. Compton, formerly a Professor of Botany at the University of Cape Town and Director of the National Botanical Gardens in South Africa.
6. Edith Isabel Greville Sealy born 15 June 1888, reg. 1888/11443, died April 1973, reg. 1973/28170, buried 13 April 1973, Timaru Cemetery, row 1 plot 275.
The Auckland City Libraries have papers relating the the Sealy/Peter Family.
Timaru Herald, Volume XCIV, Issue 14668, 8 February 1912
above - examination report dated 1902 for Edith Isabel Greville Sealy
Henry John Sealy baptised 1838 Coity, Glamorgan, Wales, died 6 June 1925 at the residence of his son in-law, Professor Robert Harold Compton, Kirstenbosch, near Capetown, South Africa, married 17 July 1873 St Mary's Church, Timaru, reg. 1873/11401, Emma Booker Askin eldest daughter of Emma and Walter Askin (died before 1873) of Ballyboy, County Meath, Ireland, died 15 July 1939 at 4 Ross Street, Croydon, Sydney, reg. 21201/1939.
Sealy - Askin.- On July 17th, at St Mary's Church, Timaru, by the Rev Geo. Foster, Henry John, eldest son of the late T. H. Sealy, Esq, of Clifton, Bristol, to Emma Booker, eldest daughter of the late Walter Askin, Esq, of Ballyboy, County Meath, Ireland.
Wellington Independent, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3865, 24 July 1873, Page 2
1907 - H. J. Sealy, of Wahroonga, NSW.
SEALY. - June 6, 1925 at the residence of his son in-law, Professor R. H. Compton, Kirstenbosch, near Capetown, South Africa, Henry John Sealy, late of Sydney and New Zealand, in his 87th year.
The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 25 July 1925 p 14
MR. H. J. SEALY. News has been received from South Africa of the death of Mr. H. J. Sealy, who was for many years associated with the Lands and Stock Departments of New South Wales. Mr. Sealy came out from England with his brother, and settled in New Zealand in 1858, and with his uncle took up a sheep station in the Hawkes Bay district. After a few years he gave up pastoral life, and qualified as a surveyor, ultimately being responsible for the trigonometrical survey of South Canterbury. In 1885 Mr. Sealy came to New South Wales and was for some years connected with the Department of Lands. Later he became stock inspector in the Maitland district. About two years ago Mr. Sealy, accompanied by his wife, went to South Africa to be near two of their daughters, who had married and settled near the Cape, and it was at Capetown that he died at the age of 84.
The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 September 1925 p 16
1. Amy Verity Sealy born 28 March 1876 at Heathcliff, near Timaru (3), reg. 1876/17005 , (death - 2772/1964, Sydney, Boulton, Amy daughter of Henry and Emma B?)
2. Isabel Prideaux Sealy born 16 November 1877 at Heathcliff, near Timaru (4), reg. 1877/8667, died South Africa(?), married 16 November 1904 at All Saint's Church, Woollahra, reg. 10353/1904, Major William Francis Hole eldest son of late F. H. Hole of East Maitland, born circa 1879, died 29 April 1922 at De Aar, South Africa aged 48.
The death occurred recently at De Aar, South Africa, of Major William Francis Hole, who, after leaving Australia, had a distinguished career in Africa as a civil engineer.
Major Hole was the oldest son of the late Mr. F. H. Hole, a former headmaster of East Maitland Grammar School, where Major Hole received his earlier education, and whence he passed to the Sydney University, graduating B.E. in 1896. He also became a member of the Society of Civil Engineers.
From 1896 to 1903 he served with the construction engineering staff of the Natal Government railways. From 1903 to 1904 he acted as district engineer. Northern Transvaal; for the housing of the South African Constabulary; from 1905 to 1908 he was with the Johannesburg Municipal tramway engineers (surveying and laying tram lines); from 1909 to 1914 with the Nigerian Government in West Africa, acting as director of survey, during which time he was responsible for the compiling of a topographical map of South ern Nigeria. Finally, he became resident engineer at Lagos waterworks.
From 1915 to 1916 he was assistant in charge of the new docks at Bristol (England); from 1916 to 1919 he served during the war with the Royal Engineers, and for the last six months of the war he was in charge of the Government housing schemes at the national ship-yards. Major Hole joined the irrigation department, South Africa, in February 1920, and was engaged in the survey of the Hartebeostpoort canal system, becoming in March, 1921, resident engineer of canal construction. Major Hole was 48 years of age.
The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 July 1922 page 5
3. Nina Marguerite Haast Sealy born 15 April 1879 at Heathcliff, near Timaru, reg. 1879/5248, died circa 1958, reg. 23545/1958 Goulburn, NSW, married 5 June 1907 at St Paul's Church, Wahroonga, NSW, by the Rev E. Langford Smith, reg. 4193/1907, William Vigors Hewitt born 1879 New South Wales, farmer, second son of Henry Vigors Hewitt, of Dunsden, Baulkham Hills and Mary Simmons, died circa 1958, reg. 23539/1958 Goulburn, NSW. (Henry Vigors Hewitt's first wife was Minnie (Maria) Hallen a grand daughter of William Lawson (1774-1850), the Australian explorer and pastoralist).
seven children:
3a. Hope Verity Hewitt born on 12 December 1908 at Glen Innes, New South Wales, reg. 3566/1909 Glen Innes, NSW - died 23 June 1986 Canberra, teacher and bookseller, (Mrs Fitzhardinge - http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/fitzhardinge-hope-verity-12499)
3b. Glen Henry Vigors Hewitt born circa 1910, reg. 26445/1910 Glen Innes, NSW, married circa 1942, reg. 700/1942 Sydney, Shelia South.
3c. William Vigors Hewitt born circa 1912, died 2002.
3d. Geoffrey Vigors Hewitt born circa 1914, killed in 1941 during WWII aged 27.
3e. Mary Cotgrave Hewitt born circa 1915.
3f. Helen June Hewitt born circa 1919 (Mrs Lombard).
3g. Thomas Cotgrave Hewitt born circa 1921.
4. Kathleen Askin Sealy born circa 1887, reg. 10379/1887 Randwick, died South Africa (?), married 15 February 1915 at St Augustine's Church, Neutral Bay, NSW to Robert Harold Compton son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Compton of Tewkesbury, England, born 6 August 1886, Tewkesbury, died 11 July 1979 Cape Town.
4a. Phyllida Sealy Compton born 2 January 1919 Hillside, Cadgwith, Cornwall, England, reg. Mar 1919 Helston vol. 5c page 195.
COMPTON ( nee Sealy) January 2, 1919, at Hillside, Cadgwith, Cornwall, England, to Kathleen, wife of Professor R. H. Compton, a daughter
Phyllida Compton studied at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Paris during the early 1930s.
4b. son
Professor R.H. Compton, formerly a Professor of Botany at the University of Cape Town and Director of the National Botanical Gardens in South Africa.
Henry John Sealy's Timaru residence was sold to H. J. Le Cren in 1881 and subsequently known as "Craighead"
The bell of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo was given in the memory of Audrey Frances Gertrude Barker and her grandfather Edward Percy Sealy
The Art Exhibition ... The magnificent collection of butterflies and birds' eggs, lent by Miss Sealy and Mr E. P. V. Sealy, continue to be one of the biggest attractions at the Exhibition. This is only to be expected as nothing so fine has even been seen in Timaru before. Many big museums have nothing to equal this collection. It may be mentioned that one of the moths has the extraordinary wing-spread of ten inches. There are a number of wonderful examples of protective mimicry and colouring among the butterflies. Prominent among these are various members of the family which are gorgeously coloured on the upper wing surface, but which are curiously marked on the under surface with, two large round spots. When pursued by a predatory bird, this extraordinary moth will fly to a branch and cling upside down, when it has the appearance of an owl, and this puts the pursuing bird to flight. Another has the under wing surface mottled like a dead leaf which is a very effective protection against its many enemies. There is a particularly fine example of the stick insect on view, and altogether the collection is full of interest.
Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 15178, 23 October 1913, Page 5
The old Anama Estate, the homestead block of which has been held by the Peter family ever since its acquirement from the Crown, has recently changed hands. The late Hon. W. S. Peter was the original selector,, and Mr C. J. Peter is at present in possession. The homestead block, comprising 1092 acres, has been sold to Mr A. E. Bussell, the price, being in the neighbourhood of £30,000. Possession will not be given until the beginning of April. Previously the property had been offered to the Government, but departmental delays ended in the present sale being, made through the agency of Dalgety and Co., Ltd.
Ashburton Guardian, Volume XLI, Issue 9322, 22 September 1920, Page 4
Hon. William Spence Peter MLC
The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, vol 3. Canterbury Provincial District
Mr C. C. Burdon was farmer and author
The death occurred at Timaru recently of Mr Cosford Carlton Burdon, a writer, broadcaster, and farmer, who had lived in South Canterbury since 1924.
Mr Burdon was born in Virginia, United States, where his English father had temporarily settled before bringing his family to live at Parkhurst, Woodbury. After his primary education in New Zealand, Mr Burdon had his post-primary education in England at Wellington College, from where he won a history scholarship to Exeter College, Oxford.
World War I ended his promising academic career. He gained a Commission in the King's Royal Rifle Corps, and served as a Regular after the war ended.
By 1924, he had resigned his commission and bought Mount Potts, a high-country station at the head of Rangitata Gorge, near Samuel Butler's historic Mesopotamia station.
Mr Burdon married, in 1937, Miss Ruth Barker, a great- granddaughter of Christchurch's first doctor, Dr Alfred Barker, and afterwards built his, home, "Capricorns," beside the Orari River, not far from Geraldine.
With careful tree planting, Mr Burdon developed his home farm into a place of great beauty.
In 1974, he published at biography, "Dr A. C. Barker, 1819-1873, Photographer, Farmer, Physician,". which added to the historical material about the Canterbury settlement.
Mr Burdon's talent, however, was better known through his early broadcasts and book reviews.
In his earlier years, Mr Burdon played cricket and tennis at Geraldine, and was a patron of the Geraldine Cricket Club. He was a Geraldine County councillor from 1947 to 1950, and played an important part in alerting the district to the need for adequate protection from the Orari River after the big floods of 1945.
Mr Burden served for about 20 years on the Geraldine District Hospital Committee, and played an important part in the effort to obtain hospital care in the district for the aged.
He is survived by his wife, three sons, and two daughters.
Mr Burdon was born in Virginia, United States, where his English father had temporarily settled before bringing his family to live at Parkhurst, Woodbury. After his primary education in New Zealand, Mr Burdon had his post-primary education in England at Wellington College, from where he won a history scholarship to Exeter College, Oxford.
World War I ended his promising academic career. He gained a Commission in the King's Royal Rifle Corps, and served as a Regular after the war ended.
By 1924, he had resigned his commission and bought Mount Potts, a high-country station at the head of Rangitata Gorge, near Samuel Butler's historic Mesopotamia station.
Mr Burdon married, in 1937, Miss Ruth Barker, a great- granddaughter of Christchurch's first doctor, Dr Alfred Barker, and afterwards built his, home, "Capricorns," beside the Orari River, not far from Geraldine.
With careful tree planting, Mr Burdon developed his home farm into a place of great beauty.
In 1974, he published at biography, "Dr A. C. Barker, 1819-1873, Photographer, Farmer, Physician,". which added to the historical material about the Canterbury settlement.
Mr Burdon's talent, however, was better known through his early broadcasts and book reviews.
In his earlier years, Mr Burdon played cricket and tennis at Geraldine, and was a patron of the Geraldine Cricket Club. He was a Geraldine County councillor from 1947 to 1950, and played an important part in alerting the district to the need for adequate protection from the Orari River after the big floods of 1945.
Mr Burden served for about 20 years on the Geraldine District Hospital Committee, and played an important part in the effort to obtain hospital care in the district for the aged.
He is survived by his wife, three sons, and two daughters.
cutting from un-named newspaper dated November 1977
1. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18733, 2 July 1926
2. Ashburton District Council records incorrectly show the year of burial as 1927
3. Timaru Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 1379, 29 March 1876
4. Timaru Herald, Volume XXVII, Issue 1888, 17 November 1877
5. by the time Juliet Peter was aged 11 both her parents had died - Juliet Peter: A major influence in the New Zealand Art Scene - July 9, 2012
6. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19211, 18 January 1928
7. Press, Volume LXIX, Issue 20886, 20 June 1933
8. Press, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23148, 11 October 1940
9. Supplement to London Gazette, 20 November 1945 – award of OBE to Alexander Addison, chief officer SS Orama.
It is Ruth Mildred Barker not Maud. she was my mother.
industrious - talented- al round.
Hi, I have checked the Department of Internal Affairs website - Births, Deaths and Marriages this morning, the records there show her name was registered as Ruth Maud Barker. A search shows there was no child registered with the name Ruth Mildred Barker between 1910 and 1915. Therefore the Internals Affairs Department is incorrect or this was her registered name but she never used it. Do you have a copy of her birth certificate? I will in the meantime make an adjustment to the website.
With Sealy and Barker genes it certainly does not surprise me that your mother was talented and industrious.
Should you ever be in Smith's Bookshop, Christchurch introduce yourself to Barry, the owner, he is an authority on your gifted great grandfather Edward Percy Sealy.
kind regards
Registration Number: 1913/18525
Family Name:Barker
Given Name(s): Ruth Maud
Mother's Given: Ruth Verity
Name(s) Father's Given Name(s):William Percy D'Ewes
the website referred to is: https://www.bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.govt.nz/search/search?path=%2FqueryEntry.m%3Ftype%3Dbirths
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