Robin Smith Photography
Robin Vaughan Francis Smith
or Robin Vaughan Francis-Smith
Tisdall's Building, 91A Cashel Street, Christchurch.
Robin Vaughan Francis Smith
or Robin Vaughan Francis-Smith
Tisdall's Building, 91A Cashel Street, Christchurch.
of Mr Robin Smith [photographer]. Evening Post (Newspaper. 1865-2002):
Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post newspaper.
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Robin Vaughan Francis Smith born 5 October 1927 Timaru, New Zealand, died 3 September 2022 Sydney, Australia aged 94 years.
Robin Smith grew up in rural New Zealand, and studied arts and fine arts at Canterbury University before beginning to write and illustrate adventure and natural history stories. In 1951, following a stint as a commercial artist and reporter, he bought a camera. Just as his book on big game hunting was published in 1952, he began to gain photographic assignments with National Geographic, Outdoor Life, Field and Stream and various English and continental publications. In 1956 he won an international photographic competition, and two years later he travelled on assignment to photograph Antarctica. Through the 1960s and 1970s he published some 25 best-selling books on Australia and New Zealand and undertook covers for Readers Digest and calendar work for John Sands Pty Ltd. His photographs are in archival collections across Australia and in the National Library. He has exhibited pictures of Antarctica and New Guinea at the Josef Lebovic Gallery.
National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, Australia.
1958 photographs by appeared in the "New Zealand Holiday"
the journal of the New Zealand Travel and Holidays Association Inc.,
pages 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22 and 29.
[purchased October 2021]

This photograph shows two of the Boarding Houses; Jacobs House is on the right and School House, with the observatory on top and the Memorial Library Building adjoining it.
Robin Smith Photography
postcard published and distributed by A. H. & A. W. Reed
Kiwi SR 300
reverse message dated 22 August 1980 photograph by Robin Smith Photography Ltd
postcard published and distributed by A. H. & A. W. Reed
Kiwi SR 554
[reverse message dated 24 February 1973]
Some books by Robin Smith:
A Portrait of New Zealand, Warren Jacobs & Robin Smith.
Australia, A Celebration, Robin Smith, Robin Bromby, 1984
A Portrait of New Zealand, Warren Jacobs & Robin Smith.
Australia, A Celebration, Robin Smith, Robin Bromby, 1984
Australia in Colour, Robin Smith, 1963
Australia’s Eucalypts, Robin Smith, 1980
Australia’s Historic Heritage the Birth of a Nation, Robin Smith
Australia's Red Centre, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, 1980
Australia’s Eucalypts, Robin Smith, 1980
Australia’s Historic Heritage the Birth of a Nation, Robin Smith
Australia's Red Centre, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, 1980
Beautiful Australia, Robin White , Michael Morcombe and others, 1970
Crow's Nest History, Robin Smith
Historic Australia, Robin Smith, Alan Johnson 1976
Historic Australia, Robin Smith, 1980
Historic New Zealand, Warren Jacobs, Lloyd Park and Robin Smith, 1980
Looking at New Zealand, Robin Smith & Marie Tidy, 1963
New Guinea, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, 1961
New Guinea, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, Lansdowne Press Pty Ltd, 1969, 168 pages
Historic Australia, Robin Smith, 1980
Historic New Zealand, Warren Jacobs, Lloyd Park and Robin Smith, 1980
Looking at New Zealand, Robin Smith & Marie Tidy, 1963
New Guinea, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, 1961
New Guinea, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, Lansdowne Press Pty Ltd, 1969, 168 pages
New Guinea, A Journey Through 10,000 Years, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, 1972
New Zealand, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs and Lloyd Park, 1980
New Zealand, South Island Greetings, Robin Smith, 1960
New Zealand - A Celebration, Robin Bromby, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs, 1984
Pictorial New Zealand, Warren Jacobs and Robin Smith 1982
New Zealand, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs and Lloyd Park, 1980
New Zealand, South Island Greetings, Robin Smith, 1960
New Zealand - A Celebration, Robin Bromby, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs, 1984
Pictorial New Zealand, Warren Jacobs and Robin Smith 1982
Pioneer Australia, Robin Smith, 1981
Portrait of Australia, Robin Smith, 2000
Robin Smith's Australia in Colour, Robin Smith, 1979
Portrait of Australia, Robin Smith, 2000
Robin Smith's Australia in Colour, Robin Smith, 1979
Rifle Sport in the South Island, Robin Smith, 1952
Sydney in Colour and Black-in-White, Robin Smith, 1964
The Beauty of Australia, Robin Smith, Osmar White, 1970
The Beauty of New South Wales, Robin Smith, Alan Johnson, 1978
The Beauty of New Zealand, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs and Errol Brathwaite, 1974
The Beauty of New Zealand's North Island, Warren Jacobs, Robin Smith, Errol Brathwaite, 1982
The Beauty of Australia, Robin Smith, Osmar White, 1970
The Beauty of New South Wales, Robin Smith, Alan Johnson, 1978
The Beauty of New Zealand, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs and Errol Brathwaite, 1974
The Beauty of New Zealand's North Island, Warren Jacobs, Robin Smith, Errol Brathwaite, 1982
The Beauty of Queensland, Robin Smith, Alan Johnson 1976
The Beauty of Tasmania, Robin Smith Alan Johnson, 1977
The Beauty of Tasmania, Robin Smith Alan Johnson, 1977
The Beauty of Waikato - Bay of Plenty incorporating Rotorua and Taupo, Warren Jacobs, Robin Smith and Errol Brathwaite
The Birth of a Nation : Australia's historic heritage, from discovery to nationhood, Robin Smith, 1987
The Birth of Australia, Robin Smith, Geoffrey Blainey, 1978
The Birth of a Nation : Australia's historic heritage, from discovery to nationhood, Robin Smith, 1987
The Birth of Australia, Robin Smith, Geoffrey Blainey, 1978
The Heritage of Australia, Robin Smith, Cedric Flower, 1987
The New Zealanders, Graham Billing Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs, 1975
The New Zealanders, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs, Graham Billing, 1985
The New Zealanders, Graham Billing Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs, 1975
The New Zealanders, Robin Smith, Warren Jacobs, Graham Billing, 1985
The Red Centre, Robin Smith, Keith Willey, 1967
The Splendour of Australia, Robin Smith, 1975
Treasures of Australia, Robin Smith and Cedric Flower, 1983
Treasures of Australia, Robin Smith and Cedric Flower, 1983
Electoral Rolls:
1949 Selwyn - Robin Vaughan Francis Smith,"Broadgate," Darfield, farmhand
1963 Christchurch Central - Robin Vaughan Francis Smith, 42A Park Terrace, photographer
1963 Christchurch Central - Robin Vaughan Francis Smith, 42A Park Terrace, photographer
November 1962 - Telephone Directory Christchurch and District
Smith Robin Photography Tisdall Building, 91a Cashel Street, City 76 588
1964 - Christchurch Telephone Directory
Smith Robin Photography Ltd, Tisdalls Bldg, 91a Cashel St, City 76 588
1970 - Christchurch Telephone Directory
Smith Robin Photography Ltd, 59 Cambridge Terrace 1, 40775
Smith Robin Photography Tisdall Building, 91a Cashel Street, City 76 588
1964 - Christchurch Telephone Directory
Smith Robin Photography Ltd, Tisdalls Bldg, 91a Cashel St, City 76 588
1970 - Christchurch Telephone Directory
Smith Robin Photography Ltd, 59 Cambridge Terrace 1, 40775
1 comment:
Robin Smith Photography also produced images that were published as colour postcards, one such is in the"Kiwi" series from the mid- to late-1960s.
I have uploaded a scan of one of these cards at
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