Coxhead & Sargeant
(Harry Coxhead and Albert Sargeant)
Main South Road, Timaru and Tees Street, Oamaru
(Harry Coxhead and Albert Sargeant)
Main South Road, Timaru and Tees Street, Oamaru
succeeded James Iles in Oamaru about 1879
also see Albert Sargeant
also see Albert Sargeant
Huge Grain Stacks. — We were yesterday shown several capital photographs by Messrs Coxhead and Sargeant, of the huge piles of grain now stacked on Messrs P. Cunningham and Co.'s premises, comprising, in all, some 50,000 sacks. We understand that copies of these photographs are to be sent to the Sydney Exhibition, and they will go far towards giving foreigners an idea of our wonderful resources.
Congregational Sunday School. — An entertainment was given last evening in the Congregational Church, North street, consisting of dissolving views show by the aid of lime light. The representations were the Arctic Regions, Cruikshank's pictures of "The Bottle," views of the Holy Land, and a variety of beautiful bush and waterfall scones in the North Island (kindly lent by Messrs Coxhead and Sargeant), together with a variety of views of local interest. These were photographs of the Main South Road, the Timaru Breakwater, the new Congregational and St. Mary's Churches, the public school, the windmill, &c. Several hymns were sung by the scholars, and two hymns set to music on the canvas were sung by all present. Some pleasant surprise and amusement was caused by showing the portraits of two persons well known to be connected with the church and school. Hearty votes of thanks were given by the audience who seemed delighted with their evening's entertainment.
Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1454, 20 May 1879, Page 2
Congregational Sunday School. — An entertainment was given last evening in the Congregational Church, North street, consisting of dissolving views show by the aid of lime light. The representations were the Arctic Regions, Cruikshank's pictures of "The Bottle," views of the Holy Land, and a variety of beautiful bush and waterfall scones in the North Island (kindly lent by Messrs Coxhead and Sargeant), together with a variety of views of local interest. These were photographs of the Main South Road, the Timaru Breakwater, the new Congregational and St. Mary's Churches, the public school, the windmill, &c. Several hymns were sung by the scholars, and two hymns set to music on the canvas were sung by all present. Some pleasant surprise and amusement was caused by showing the portraits of two persons well known to be connected with the church and school. Hearty votes of thanks were given by the audience who seemed delighted with their evening's entertainment.
Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1466, 3 June 1879, Page 2
Timaru Herald, Volume XXXII, Issue 1728, 6 April 1880, Page 4

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