Born circa 1848 Chelsea, London the son of Caroline and Joseph Francis Manning, a servant, birth registered - July-Sept 1848 Chelsea vol. 3 page 40, arrived New Zealand between September 1883 and May 1885, died 10 September 1895 at Christchurch, New Zealand aged 47 years, buried Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch on 11 September 1895, block 23, plot 55 (1), married 16 April 1875 at St Paul's Church, Adelaide by the Rev. Dean Russell, Emma Louisa Noble daughter of Thomas Noble of Melbourne (2) and Emma Louisa Stoessiger, born 17 December 1857 Ararat, Victoria, Australia, died 12 November 1905 aged 47 years, buried Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch on 14 November 1905, block 23 plot 55 (1).
worked for:
Hughes Bros., Madras, India
Johnston, O'Shaunessy and Co., Melbourne
Tuttle and Co., Sydney Adelaide, South Australia
Nixon and Manning,
Stephen Edward Nixon and Charles Henry Manning
66 & 68 King William Street, Adelaide.
previously T. Duryea (Townsend Duryea)
this studio operated from about November 1875 to about April 1878.
April 1878 to June 1881 - C. H. Manning, King William Street, Adelaide
June 1881 to 1882 - C. H. Manning, 150 Rundle Street, Adelaide
1882 - Manning and Pang, 150 Rundle Street, Adelaide
about June 1882 succeeded by Rushton and Just
(John Charles Rushton and Elizabeth Ann Just)
above - a carte de visite by Nixon and Manning, 66 & 68 King William Street, Adelaide.
Charles Henry Manning, Manager.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 25 November 1875, page 3
The late Mrs. R. D. Ross — Two portraits of the late Mrs. R. D. Ross have just been finished at Mr. Duryea's studio, and may be seen there. One is an oil painting by Mr. K. Bull, who has succeeded in catching the ani mated and amiable expression of the deceased lady's features to perfection. The other is a water-colour portrait by Mrs. Manning, and it is difficult to say which is the better likeness. Both have been carefully taken and enlarged from a carte de visite which is a faithful portrait.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 6 April 1876, page 5
General Servant Wanted. Apply to Mrs. C. H. Manning, Halifax-street, near St. John's Church.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 7 September 1877, page 1
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 7 December 1877, page 2
Notice.— For the correctness of the Advertisement of Mr. Nixon's I can vouch, but at the same time must inform the Public that it is at MY OWN PARTICULAR REQUEST that my name has been disconnected with all transactions referring to the above Establishment, as it is not at all to my interest to be connected in any way with matters of the Firm except as Operator.
C. H. Manning, Photographer, Adelaide.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 8 December 1877, page 2
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 8 December 1877, page 2
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 5 April 1878, page 2
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 17 April 1878, page 2
Edward P. Nesbit and John T. Lunn v. Stephen E. Nixon.— £20, for work and labour done. Mr. Symon for the plaintiffs ; Mr. A. G. Downer for the defendant. It appeared that the defendant entered into certain negotiations with Mr. Nesbit, who is a commission agent, with a view to the disposal of defendant's photographic business (late Duryea's). The business was transferred to Mr. Manning, formerly in defendant's employ, who entertained the contemplation of purchasing it through the intervention of Mr. Nesbit. Verdict for the amount claimed.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 26 April 1878 page 3
The Late John Howard Clark.— An excellent portrait of this gentleman has been executed at the studio of Mr. C. H. Manning, where it is now on view. It is a life-size bust, and was enlarged from a small negative taken in the same establishment. The likeness is very striking, and the artist has succeeded in catching Mr. Clark's happiest expression — the quiet smile, which his friends so well know, and which beginning at the eyes lit up his whole face.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 11 June 1878, page 5.
Photography - We have received from Mr C. H. Manning, of Duryea's studio, an excellent photographic likeness of Mr. H. Scott , the Mayor of Adelaide.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 6 September 1878, page 6
Photography - We have received from Mr. C. H. Manning a very excellent photographic likeness of his Excellency the Governor.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 13 September 1878, page 5.
Mr. C. H. Manning, the photographer, of King William-street, has sent us a number of cabinet and carte-de-visite photographs of Sir William Jervois, taken in his uniform as Major-General, with the insignia of the Orders of the Bath and St Michael and St. George. These photographs are another evidence, if such were necessary, of the high class photography which can be turned out in Adelaide.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 23 September 1878, page 5
Mr. C. H. Manning, of King William-street, has forwarded to us a copy of a photograph, taken at his studio, of Mr. J. L.Hall. The portrait is of cabinet size, and not only is it an excellent likeness of the talented comedian, but it is a first-rate specimen of photographic art.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 5 November 1878, page 5.
Lord Harris.— We have received from Mr. C. H. Manning two fine cabinet portraits of Lord Harris, the captain of the team of gentlemen cricketers.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 9 December 1878, page 5
Mr. C. H. Manning, photographer, has now on view at his establishment, in King William-street, a copy of Sir Wm. Jervois's coat of arms, which His Excellency has recently received from England. The work has been skilfully executed in oils by Mr. Nelson on canvas, 6 feet by 4 feet. The arms contain figures of a sapper and miner; also the Jervois shields, and the following mottoes- "Honor veretas praemium;" and "auspicium melioris aevi." Mr. Manning intends to place the coat of arms in a conspicuous place in front of his establishment.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 21 December 1878, page 4
At the Grand February Show - There was quite a host of portraits of His Excellency the Governor, done in oil colours or by the photographer, and one of these painted by Mr. C. H. Manning was regarded by the Judges as the best in the room. It is the one in which Sir William Jervois is represented in the dress of an ordinary citizen.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 28 February 1879, page 3S
At the Chamber of Manufactures ... Mr. Saul Solomon wrote, protesting against the award being made to Mr. C. H. Manning for pictures in oils, on the ground that they were not executed by the exhibitor or any one in his employ. The Secretary to forward a copy of Mr. Solomon's letter to Mr. Manning, with a request that be will answer the allegations made in it.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 12 March 1879, page 6
We have seen at Mr. C. H. Manning's photographic studio, King William-street, a fine portrait in oils of the late Mr. G. F. Angas, painted from a bust photograph taken a few years before his death. The picture is 22 inches by 18. The likeness of this venerable pioneer is faithfully reproduced, and the portrait will be prized as a fine representation of one to whose services the colony of South Australia owes so much.
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 21 May 1879 page 4
The Royal Princes
Saturday was the last day but one of their Royal Highnesses [Prince Albert Victor and Prince George] stay in Adelaide, and nearly the whole of their time was occupied in per forming some public act or attending some amusement arranged specially on their behalf. In the morning they visited Mr. C. H. Manning's studio in King William-street, and had their photographs taken, and the remainder of the day's doings will be found chronicled below. During their stay at Government House each of the Princes has planted a tree in the Domain Garden.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), Monday 20 June 1881 page 5
South Australian Register (Adelaide), Thursday 5 January 1882, page 7
(this notice first appeared in the South Australian Advertiser on 11 July 1881)
South Australian Register (Adelaide, 10 January 1882, page 6
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 15 June 1882, page 7
Respectable young girl wanted as nursemaid. Apply Mrs. C. H. Manning, Sun-street, Marryatville.
South Australian Register (Adelaide), 12 October 1883, page 1
Mrs. C. H. Manning (Emma Louise) Melbourne photo-colourist (nee Noble) who married photographer Charles Henry Manning (q.v.) at Moonta in April 1875. Later that year her husband and Stephen Nixon (q.v.) moved into Townsend Duryea’s studio in King William Street, Adelaide, where she became the studio’s artist in watercolours. She was described as a ‘skilful lady artist’ when an enlarged portrait of the late Mrs R.D. Ross she had coloured was displayed at the studio in 1876. - R.J. Noye, 22 June 1998 - archived by the Art Gallery of South Australia
Christchurch, New Zealand
also see:
The Early Settlers of Canterbury
C. H. Manning & Co.
initially worked in Christchurch for George and Walton as an Operator and Finisher
previously P. Schourup, 150 Colombo Street, Christchurch
succeeded by C. H. Manning & Co., about October 1895 (Emma Louisa Manning and Leonard Whithave Appleby).
C. H. Manning & Co.
initially worked in Christchurch for George and Walton as an Operator and Finisher
previously P. Schourup, 150 Colombo Street, Christchurch
succeeded by C. H. Manning & Co., about October 1895 (Emma Louisa Manning and Leonard Whithave Appleby).
Mr G. H. Manning [sic], photographer, formerly in the employ of Messrs George and Walton, has purchased the business carried on by the late Mr P. Schourup in Colombo street south.—[Advt.]
Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8219, 12 July 1887
Charles Manning purchased the studio formerly occupied by Peter Schourup at 150 Colombo Street, Christchurch in July 1887. Peter Schourup had died at the studio six months previously. He announced in The Star on 28 July 1887 the purchase:
C. H. Manning Photographer
By command to their Royal Highnesses The Princes Albert Victor and George of Wales, and also by special appointment to His Excellency Sir W.P.D. Jervois, &c. Wishes to notify to the Public that he has purchased from the Executors that old-establishedphotographer's business recently carried on by the late Mr P. Schourup, 150, Colombo Street South. Mr Manning having had sixteen years' experience in the art part of which time he was engaged by those eminent artists, Messrs Hughes Bros., of Madras, India, Messrs Johnston, O'Shaunessy and Co., Melbourne, and Messrs Tuttle and Co., Sydney, can thoroughly guarantee all work executed by himself.
Proofs of all portraits taken at the Studio will be submitted to the sitter for approval, and, if not approved, a re-sitting will be arranged for until satisfaction is given. Mr Manning also wishes to state that for one month only he will present to the Sitter who orders One Dozen Enamelled Cabinet Photographs, a magnificent ivory type painting, Cabinet Size, framed, value £2 2s, and to each person who orders One Dozen Enamelled Carte de Visites he will present an ivory type, Value 30s.
Mr. Manning has engaged that Eminent Artist Professor P. A. Brookes, whose abilities are well known to the public, to execute the work. This, as will be seen, is a genuine present. Specimens of the Ivory Types on view at the Studio. During Mr Manning's long experience, he has made a PARTICULAR STUDY of PHOTOGRAPHING CHILDREN and BABIES, and has no hesitation in saying that he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to parents and relations.
Residences, &c., photographed by appointment. Price List of other work to be seen at the Studio. C. H. MANNING, 150, COLOMBO STREET SOUTH. (Late Operator and Finisher to Messrs George and Walton).
Proofs of all portraits taken at the Studio will be submitted to the sitter for approval, and, if not approved, a re-sitting will be arranged for until satisfaction is given. Mr Manning also wishes to state that for one month only he will present to the Sitter who orders One Dozen Enamelled Cabinet Photographs, a magnificent ivory type painting, Cabinet Size, framed, value £2 2s, and to each person who orders One Dozen Enamelled Carte de Visites he will present an ivory type, Value 30s.
Mr. Manning has engaged that Eminent Artist Professor P. A. Brookes, whose abilities are well known to the public, to execute the work. This, as will be seen, is a genuine present. Specimens of the Ivory Types on view at the Studio. During Mr Manning's long experience, he has made a PARTICULAR STUDY of PHOTOGRAPHING CHILDREN and BABIES, and has no hesitation in saying that he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to parents and relations.
Residences, &c., photographed by appointment. Price List of other work to be seen at the Studio. C. H. MANNING, 150, COLOMBO STREET SOUTH. (Late Operator and Finisher to Messrs George and Walton).
Star, Issue 5991, 28 July 1887, Page 2.
Early the following year he announced a large reduction in prices:
C. H. MANNING, Photographer, NOW OFFERS THE PUBLIC an opportunity of OBTAINING GUARANTEED HIGH-CLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK at prices compatible with the times. From the 1st of January, 1888, he will issue Cabinet Photographs at 15s per dozen, and C.D.V.'s at 7s 6d per dozen. All work guaranteed. Every sitter must be satisfied, or no charge made. Note the address: C. H. MANNING, (Late Schourup), 150, COLOMBO STREET.Later in 1888 he advertised a house to let:
Wanted to let, eight roomed house, 175 Worcester street, next Canterbury Club. Apply, C. H. Manning, Photographer.
Star, Issue 6232, 8 May 1888, Page 3
In February 1889 he photographed Rear-Admiral Fairfax the commanding officer of the Australian Squadron.
Star, Issue 6477, 21 February 1889, Page 3.
In September 1888 he photographed the Roman Catholic Bishop of Christchurch:
The Right Rev Dr Grimes. — It is not often that a photographer has such an opportunity for producing effective pictures as Mr C. H. Manning has recently had. This is the "taking" of the Right Rev Dr Grimes, Roman Catholic Bishop of Christchurch. The Right Rev Prelate is taken in his episcopal robes, such as he wears when taking part in grand functions, as also in the less sumptuous cassock, rochet, and pallium. The photographs are in various sizes, from "panels" downwards, and no doubt will be in great demand, especially among the members of his Lordship's flock.
Star, Issue 6660, 27 September 1889, Page 3
He later added to his newspaper adverts that he had photographed the King of Siam (while in India) Sir Anthony Musgrave, Sir William Robinson, Sir F. Broome and the elite of Australia and New Zealand.
Star, Issue 6714, 29 November 1889, Page 1
Thomas Parry was employed as a photographer for Manning - The Star, Issue 6987, 16 October 1890, page 3
Following damage to Eden George's studio in 1890 the photographers Charles Manning, Carl Gerstenkorn and Robert Meers were implicated by George in the brake in, however it was suspected that Eden George had done the damage himself to discredit the other photographers.
He photographed 35 staff members of The Star and Lyttelton Times newspapers in 1891 - "all excellent specimens of the photographer's art, and quite equal to the usual high class of work turned out from Mr Manning's studio ..." The Star, Issue 7111, 12 March 1891, Page 3
C. H. Manning, having just imported from Europe new backgrounds, accessories, and other modern photographic appliances, is capable of now producing even superior work (if possible) than heretofore, at the same moderate prices; any kind of weather suitable, owing to him using the Prize Plates of England, they being exquisitely sensitive.
Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7916, 16 July 1891, Page 5
Press, Volume L, Issue 8502, 6 June 1893, Page 5
Press, Volume L, Issue 8667, 16 December 1893, Page 4
Oxford Observer, Volume V, 5 May 1894, Page 1
INTERPROVINCIAL. Auckland, May 22. Charles Henry Manning of Christchurch, was charged with damaging shop cases and easels belonging to Wrigglesworth and Binns. The solicitor for the informant did not offer any evidence, and the case was dismissed. Manning arrived here on Sunday from Sydney and intended proceeding south yesterday but was arrested on the wharf.
Timaru Herald, Volume LVII, Issue 5972, 23 May 1894, Page 3
Mr C. H. Manning.
A very painful impression was produced in town this morning by the news that Mr C. H. Manning, photographer, had committed suicide at his studio in Colombo Street. It appears that about 8 a.m. the deceased's son, Mr Lionel Manning, went to open the studio, and found his father lying dead on a couch in a small room upstairs. On a table beside him was an empty bottle labelled, "Nitrate of Silver," which it had evidently contained. There were also a medicine glass, a bottle containing whiskey mixed with something not determined, and a few pieces of cardboard, on which were written messages to the deceased's wife. Young Manning, on finding the body, called in Mr W. Congreve, ironmonger, whose shop is opposite the studio, a telephone message was sent to the Police Station, and Constables Bosworth and Ramsay went to the premises and took charge of the body, locking it up in the room in which it was found. It is supposed that Mr Manning's mind had been affected by financial troubles. The matter was reported to Mr H. W. Bishop, coroner, who ordered an inquest to be held at the A1 Hotel, at 2.30 p.m. to-day.
One of the messages in the deceased's handwriting on the pieces of cardboard was dated from "Fated Studio," and asked his wife's forgiveness. It was dated 5 a.m., 10.9.95. Another contained the words "New Brighton cemetery, please." A third was a list of names of business firms and sums of money, presumably debts, amounting in the aggregate to £17 18s, with the words "It's these that have killed me. God bless and protect my darling and lovable wife and family."
There were one or two other memoranda, referring principally to business matters, the last being dated "10-9-95," and signed "C.H.M." It is a coincidence that the former tenant of the studio, Mr P. Schourup, also poisoned himself there.
An inquest was held this afternoon at the A1 Hotel, before Mr H. W. Bishop, coroner. Sergeant-Major Mason conducted the inquiry. Dr Irving stated that he had made a post mortem examination of the body. He found evidences of old-standing disease of the membranes of the brain. The stomach contained about six ounces of a dark liquid, and showed unmistakable evidence of a large quantity of caustic poison having been taken — quite sufficient to cause death. The state of the brain might tend to make him commit suicide.
Lionel Walter Manning, son of deceased, stated that he last saw his father yesterday, at 5 p.m., at the shop. On going to the shop this morning he found him lying dead. His father had been greatly depressed for some time, owing to business worries. Charles Henry Franks, solicitor, stated that he was acquainted with the affairs of deceased, who was considerably embarrassed, and was much depressed in consequence. Isabel Bruce stated that he saw the deceased about five minutes to eight in the private bar of the Cafe de Paris. He was then perfectly sober, but seemed very strange in his manner. He had a glass of port wine, and took away 1s 6d worth of brandy in a bottle. The liquor in the bottle produced was brandy, but had been mixed with something else. Frances E. Andrews deposed to seeing the deceased last night, about 8.20. He seemed all right then. Edward M. Parrott gave evidence as to having seen the deceased at times in a very depressed state. Samuel Clarke stated that he heard the deceased last night about. 8.45 in his room above witness's shop. Constable Bosworth also gave evidence.
William Bush stated that some time ago he had a conversation with deceased, who said he did not think life was worth living, and that he did not think he could bear his pain and troubles. Dr Stewart deposed that some time ago he was called in to attend deceased, who was suffering from insomnia, loss of appetite, and was generally in such a condition that witness would not have been surprised to learn of his having committed suicide. The jury returned a verdict of "Suicide while in a state of temporary insanity."
Star, Issue 5360, 11 September 1895, Page 3
Charles Manning was buried in Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch
on 11 September 1895, block number 23, plot number 55 .
Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database
Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database
Press, Volume LII, Issue 9227, 3 October 1895, Page 1
The Late Mr C. H. Manning.— Our readers will be pleased to hear that the photographic business of the late Mr Manning is to be carried on for the benefit of Mrs Manning and her family. Mr Leonard Appleby, who holds several School of Art certificates and was for five years with the late Mr Manning, and subsequently with "Falk," Sydney and Mr Charleston, join Mrs Manning as managing partner, and his experience in such leading studios should be a guarantee of high-class work. An advertisement by Mrs Manning will be found on our front page.
Press, Volume LII, Issue 9217, 21 September 1895, Page 7
The photographer W. B. Fabling was an assistant to C. H. Manning and Co. before setting up his own studio. - Ellesmere Guardian, Volume XX, Issue 2051, 13 May 1899, Page 3
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume XLIV, Issue 2271, 31 May 1898, Page 3
In 1898 Standish and Preece purchased the negatives of Charles Henry Manning.

In 1898 Standish and Preece purchased the negatives of Charles Henry Manning.

above photograph courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
[purchased September 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]

















above - Charles Clark by Charles Henry Manning, 150 Colombo Street, Christchurch
below - Charles Clark by Tuttle and Co., Melbourne
14 April 2012
C. Steele. 91. (1891)
Henry John Chitty Harper
the first Anglican bishop of Christchurch, from 1856 to 1890
reverse inscription "think Sydney Lewis"
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Alice Palmer
Alice Palmer born circa 1865 Ballarat, Victoria the daughter of Joseph Palmer and Mary Minors, died 29 December 1940 Christchurch aged 75 years, buried Waimairi Cemetery, Christchurch, block AN3, plot 22. Her sister was Mary McGill wife of James McGill of Selwyn. Thomas Henry Baker and Clara Elizabeth Baker were named as executors and trustees in her will. Samuel McMurray's brother-in-law, Thomas Gudsell was a cousin of Clara's mother, Sarah Ann Harris nee Duffull.
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
Alice Palmer
Samuel McMurray Album
[purchased 5 October 2024]
above cabinet card courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cabinet card courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cabinet card courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cabinet card courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
parents: Joseph Francis Manning born circa 1813, Waterford, Ireland and Caroline Manning born circa 1827 Marylebone, Middlesex, Englandbrothers and sister:
1. Joseph Francis Manning born 17 September 1845 St James, Middlesex, England, registered Dec 1845 St. James vol. 1 page 98, baptised 16 November 1846, St. James, Westminster, Middlesex, England. (16)
2. Caroline Manning born circa 1853 Chelsea, Middlesex, England
3. Alfred Manning born circa 1855 Lambeth, Middlesex, England
1851 - 11a Doyley Street, Chelsea, London aged 2 years.
1861 - Charles and his parents not found in England.
1871 - 12 Symons Street, Chelsea
Joseph Manning aged 49 born Ireland Tobacconist traveller
Caroline Manning aged 45 born London, Middlesex, England
Alfred Manning aged 16 errand boy born Lambeth, Middlesex, England
1881 - 67 North Street, Chelsea, London
Joseph Manning widower aged 59 born Ireland, commercial traveller
Caroline Manning aged 28 born Chelsea, Middlesex, England, dressmaker, daughter
1871 - 12 Symons Street, Chelsea
Joseph Manning aged 49 born Ireland Tobacconist traveller
Caroline Manning aged 45 born London, Middlesex, England
Alfred Manning aged 16 errand boy born Lambeth, Middlesex, England
1881 - 67 North Street, Chelsea, London
Joseph Manning widower aged 59 born Ireland, commercial traveller
Caroline Manning aged 28 born Chelsea, Middlesex, England, dressmaker, daughter
1. Florence Pauline Noble Manning born 20 January 1876 at Gilles Street, Adelaide, South Australia (3), reg. 1876 - 160/343.
2. Lionel Walter Noble Manning born 14 June 1877 at Halifax Street, Adelaide, South Australia (4), reg. 1877 - 184/448, married Antoinette Nathan, following her death in South Africa in 1905 he married Kathleen Durneatt Akroyd (or Kathleen Drewcott Akroyd) at the Holy Trinity Church, Gisborne, New Zealand on 22 November 1911, reg. 1911/7650, second daughter of Emily Harriett Bust and William Edward Akroyd.
A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church this afternoon, when Miss Kathleen Akroyd, second daughter of Mr W. E. Akroyd, of Gisborne, was united m the bonds of matrimony to Mr Lionel Walter Manning, eldest son of Mr Charles Manning, of Adelaide, Australia. The Rev. L. Dawson Thomas conducted the wedding service, which was of a choral nature. Mr E. N. Sidebottom presided at the organ, and played the "Wedding March." The bride, who looked charming in a silk dress, was attended by four bridesmaids, Misses Akroyd (2), Hingstone and de Lautour, who were also prettily attired. Mr W. E. Akroyd, father of the bride, gave her away. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Philip Hamilton as best man, and Mr Arnold de Lautour as groomsman. After the ceremony the wedding party proceeded to the residence of the bride's parents, Whataupoko. Mr and Mrs Manning leave by this evening's steamer en route for Sydney, which will be their future home. They will take with them many kind wishes from their large circle of friends in Gisborne.
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 12618, 22 November 1911, Page 6
Lionel served with the New Zealand Military Forces in South Africa during the Boer War and lived there for several years. He was a photographer in Invercargill in 1899 and later in Wellington. He went to Sydney, Australia about 1911 but was living at 64 Balmoral Road, Auckland in 1919. He died 15 December 1928 at a private hospital in Manly, Australia aged 61 years. He was living at that time at 37 Birkley Road, Manley. Kathleen Manning died 4 August 1954 at Manly District Hospital.
2a. Colin Manning born 1904 Johannesburg, South Africa. Married 1stly? Helen Conde Harman born 1934, married secondly? 13 July 1940 at St Philip's, Church Hill, Sydney, Edna Jessie Shearer
2b. Ben Manning
2c. Kathleen J. Manning born circa 1913 NSW, Australia, 41588/1913
2d. Pauline P. Manning born circa 1914 NSW, Australia, reg. 32786/1914 (Mrs J. Cates)
2e. Dawn Manning (Mrs W. Supple)
2b. Ben Manning
2c. Kathleen J. Manning born circa 1913 NSW, Australia, 41588/1913
2d. Pauline P. Manning born circa 1914 NSW, Australia, reg. 32786/1914 (Mrs J. Cates)
2e. Dawn Manning (Mrs W. Supple)
3. Edith Constance Noble Manning born 7 March 1879 at Angas Street, Adelaide, South Australia (5), reg 1879 - 217/239, died in 1933, buried in 1933 , Karori Cemetery, Wellington, married Harold William Tolan 1901 in New Zealand, reg. 1901/4632
4. Charles Henry Noble Manning born 1 February 1882 at Marryatville, Adelaide, South Australia (6), reg. 1882 - 276/385, (1905 - artillerymen), died 18 April 1944 aged 62, reg. 1944/21863, buried Balcairn Cemetery, plot no: BA2243, married 22 February 1905 at St Saviours Church, Sydenham, Christchurch reg. 1905/6117, Clara Annette Revill the daughter of Oliver Revill (7), daughter of Oliver Revill and Maria Revill. She was born on 15 May 1880
in Deptford, Kent, England. She died in 1953, buried Balcairn Cemetery. Her father,
Oliver, wife Maria and two young daughters, Clara and Eva, immigrated to
New Zealand on the ship British Queen, which departed England on 23 Aug
1883 and arrived Lyttelton, 11 Oct 1883. issue:
Olive Irma Manning born 31 Mar 1906 in New Zealand,
12 May 1971, married Charles Valentine Duckmanton 1926 in New
Zealand, he died on 4 September 1997. Olive Irma Manning lived in Auckland in 1957. She was cremated at Waikumete.
4b. Eric Lionel Manning born 3 April 1907 New Zealand, died in 1967 New Zealand, married 1934, Agnes Isabel Elizabeth Watt born September 1908, Ashburton, reg. 1908/21872, died 1989, New Zealand.
4c. Hazel Doris Manning born circa 1912, reg. 1912/10537, died relatively young aged about 42 years.
4b. Eric Lionel Manning born 3 April 1907 New Zealand, died in 1967 New Zealand, married 1934, Agnes Isabel Elizabeth Watt born September 1908, Ashburton, reg. 1908/21872, died 1989, New Zealand.
4c. Hazel Doris Manning born circa 1912, reg. 1912/10537, died relatively young aged about 42 years.
5. Frederick Hector Noble Manning "Freddie" born 27 September 1883 at Marryatville, Adelaide, South Australia (8), reg. 1883 - 312/483, died 3 May 1885 at 27 Gloucester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand aged 20 months, reg. 1885/2775.
6. Alice Grace Noble Manning born 20 June 1885 at 50 Chester Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, reg. 1885/19352 (9), died 21 May 1955, Wellington, married 23 April 1907, Heathcote Valley, Christchurch by the Rev. Richards, reg. 1907/4655 James Charles Staunton-Vere Burbery
7. Ruby Louisa Noble Manning born 19 April 1887 at 28 Kilmore Street, Christchurch, New Zealand (10), reg. 1887/2456.
8. Lillian Dora Noble Manning born 23 February 1889 at 46 Cashel Street, Christchurch, New Zealand, reg. 1889/5882 (11), died 10 April 1961 at her residence 9 Carlton Mill Road, Christchurch aged 72 years, reg. 1961/25384, married 1920, reg. 1920/7452 Alfred Henry Jarvis
9. Gladys Gwendoline Noble Manning born 12 April 1892 at the "Bungalow", New Brighton Beach, Christchurch, New Zealand (12), reg. 1892/7651.
10. Doris Irene Noble Manning born 12 January 1896 [not 1895 as per] at New Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand, reg. 1896/3932 (13), died 26 July 1951 Auckland,
married 4 April 1916 at St Mary's Church, Heathcote, Christchurch, Ernest Eli Dennis, witnessed by Herbert William Nelson and Gladys Gwendoline Noble Manning.
1. Gwendoline Irene Dennis born 13 April 1917, reg. 1917/18649
2. Ngaire Jean Dennis born 16 April 1923, Auckland
(1) Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database
(2) South Australian Register, Adelaide 21 April 1875 page 4(1) Christchurch City Council Cemeteries Database
(3) South Australian Register (Adelaide), 22 January 1876, page 4
(4) The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 12 July 1877, page 15
(5) The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide), 8 March 1879, page 4
(6) South Australian Register (Adelaide), 3 February 1882 page 4
(7) Christchurch City Libraries -Church Register Transcripts.
(7) Christchurch City Libraries -Church Register Transcripts.
(8) South Australian Register (Adelaide), 29 September 1883 page 4
(9) Star, Issue 5342, 22 June 1885, Page 2
(10) Star, Issue 5907, 20 April 1887, Page 2
(9) Star, Issue 5342, 22 June 1885, Page 2
(10) Star, Issue 5907, 20 April 1887, Page 2
(11) Star, Issue 6480, 25 February 1889, Page 3
(12) Star, Issue 7257, 14 April 1892, Page 3
(12) Star, Issue 7257, 14 April 1892, Page 3
(13) Star, Issue 5462, 14 January 1896, Page 2
(14) Hurunui District Council online cemetery records
(15) Star, Issue 5301, 4 May 1885, Page 2
(16) "England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 05 Nov 2012), Joseph Francis Manning, 17 Sep 1845; citing reference item 3, FHL microfilm 1850977.
Just a correction to the name of the wife of Lionel Walter Manning - she was Kathleen Dreweatt Akroyd. Dreweatt was her maternal grandmother's surname.
Thanks Annie, I have made the correction.
Hi there, do you have names to any of the photos here as some are from my Grandfathers album and there dont seem to be any names??
Would love to put names to the faces.
Thanks Vicki
I think I have named all the ones I'm certain of
refer to
I know its been a long time since this post was made, but I was wondering if there are any other places to find more cabinet card photos by Manning. I am particularly interested in seeing two of a NZ ventriloquist whose stage name was Lieutenant Herman (real name Thomas Martin Powell) apparently made while he was on tour in Adelaide in 1879. There are four photos of him made by Harding in the National Archive of New Zealand, but I found an article from 1879 that mentions the ones made by Manning. I'm not sure if they still exist anywhere, but I'd love to see them if they do.
Thank you!
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