Daniel Louis Mundy
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
born 4 August 1826 (IGI)
baptised 24 September 1826 at Saint Mary Independent, Devizes, Wiltshire, England (IGI)
died 30 November 1881 at Emerald Hill, Victoria, Australiaborn 4 August 1826 (IGI)
baptised 24 September 1826 at Saint Mary Independent, Devizes, Wiltshire, England (IGI)
Daniel Louis Mundy was the son of Sarah and James Mundy. His father, a confectioner was born in Great Cheverell, Wiltshire about 1791 and his mother was born in Hammersmith, Middlesex about 1796. (1851 census Devizes)
At the time of the 1841 census he is living in the Parish of St John the Baptist, Devizes, Wiltshire, he was then aged 14 years. His father James is shown as a confectioner aged 50 years, his mother Sarah is 45 years and brother Joseph is 15 years and younger brother Samuel is 11.
Mr D. Mundy, photographer, of Princes street, has produced a series of views, including the site of the Exhibition Building, as it was prepared for the ceremony of laying the corner-stone on the 17th inst., and with only one or two persons within the field of the camera; the site from a different point of view, when some ladies had taken places in the gallery, and the ground was dotted with sight-seers; and the dense crowd that lined the walls of the foundation, packed the gallery, and swarmed in every nook whence it could possibly be hoped that a glimpse of the stone or the ceremony could be obtained. The views of the site, including the walls, scaffolding poles, &c, are sharp, clear, and in every way good; and the others are good, considering that a crowd is apt to sway, in whole or in parts, and that waving banners and flags are not at all nice things for photographing. But the views are decidedly interesting even to residents, and they would be more so to friends at home. The pictures are of two sizes - some for the stereoscope, and the others fitted for a portfolio or even for framing.
Otago Witness, Issue 639, 27 February 1864, Page 13
Mundy and La'Mert
15 August 1864 to 12 December 1865
Mundy and La'Mert arrived at Lyttelton on the s.s. Rangatira from Dunedin on 31 May 1864 as cabin passengers. Mundy brought with him two cases of glass and La'Mert brought ten packages (Press, Volume IV, Issue 496, 1 June 1864, Page 2). A week later further items arrived from Dunedin on the Lady Bird, five packages of "effects" each for Mundy and La'Mert (Press, Volume IV, Issue 501, 7 June 1864, Page 2). Two and half months after their arrival in Christchurch they opened their studio in High Street, The Press announced:
Photography.—We have had the pleasure of inspecting some remarkably good photographic views of Dunedin, and other localities in Otago, which have been taken by Messrs. Mundy and La'Mert, who, we see by advertisement, open their business in Christchurch to-day. We understand that it is their intention to have various views of Christchurch of a small size taken in a few days, ready for those who desire to give their friends in England some correct idea of the growth of Christchurch (Press, Volume V, Issue 559, 15 August 1864, Page 2 ).
Press, Volume V, Issue 559, 15 August 1864, Page 1
photo: Craig Giddens
above - Lottie Nalder September 1869
Messrs Mundy and La'mert are engaged in preparing a series likenesses of the leading personages — political and otherwise - of Canterbury. The photographs are coloured and neatly framed in composition frames, stained to imitate carved oak.
The pictures are finished in oil, and have all the effect of good miniatures The attitudes of the figures are very easy and natural, and highly characteristic of the sitters, their peculiarities of position being as truthfully given as their actual features and expression.
The portraits are the property of Mr. Moorhouse, and when the series is completed, will form a valuable gallery of the likenesses of those gentlemen who have, in various capacities, played an important part in the history of Canterbury.
It would be unjustifiable to mention the names of the originals, or to draw any comparison between the execution of the pictures as works of art. One exception may, however, be made in the case of Mr. Godley, of whom there is a capital sketch. His high intellectual forehead and calm dignity of the whole face, combined with firmness, convey an admirable idea of the man to whose talent and unwearied perseverance the province owes so much of the high position to which it has attained.
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIII, Issue 1375, 21 March 1865, Page 4
(this notice first appeared in the Lyttelton Times on 2 May 1865)
Inspection of Volunteers at Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
by Mundy and La Mert
Illustrated London News, August 12, 1865, page 128, Issue 1328
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1517, 23 October 1865, Page 2
The man standing in the D. L. Mundy photograph (above) appears to be the same person pictured in the Charles Lawrence shown below. Both photographs were purchased from the same seller.
In 1865 when the Gold Escort first left Christchurch for the West Coast, Mundy and La'Mert photographed the event.
"Canterbury Gold Escort.— The escort which has been organized at so heavy an expense, and, we fear, for so little purpose, in Canterbury to convey the gold from the West Coast to Christchurch, has at length started from the latter city. The Lyttelton Times of the 4th instant says : — Yesterday at nine a.m., the escort started from Christchurch. The force consisted of four constables, an inspector, and a sergeant. They were first mustered at the stables temporarily occupied by them; they then marched to the police station near the Mechanics' Institute and thence to the river side, opposite the Government buildings. Here Messrs. Mundy and La Mert, were in attendance with their photographic apparatus, and took a view of them. The escort van is a light American one, painted crimson, picked out with yellow, having wheels of the same colour. It was drawn by a team of four grey horses. The escort seemed a smart body, and several persons assembled to witness their departure."
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Issue 149, 12 December 1865, Page 5
The partnership with Braham La'Mert was dissolved on 12 December 1865.
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1564, 16 December 1865, Page 4
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXV, Issue 1579, 4 January 1866, Page 3
Lyttelton Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 1972, 15 April 1867, Page 2
Mundy took over the studio of James Elsbee located in Oxford Terrace at the corner of Hereford Street. He offered instantaneous cartes de visite, pictures copied and reduced for miniatures, or enlarged up to life size for painting in oil or water colours; also in crayon. Stations would be visited and large or small views were always on sale.
Southern Provinces Almanac 1868
From Lyttelton to Hokitika.
100 Members at One Guinea Each
First prize — Thirty-six Pictures.
Each person to choose what pictures they like.
Tickets may be obtained at Messrs Bonnington, Cashel street; A. J. Stevens, High street; Cook and Ross, Colombo street; J. Carder, Times office, Lyttelton; or at D. L. Mundy's Studio, Oxford Terrace.Each person to choose what pictures they like.
The Star, Issue 4, 18 May 1868, Page 1
Photography appears to be making considerable progress in Hokitika, and the productions of our photographic artists, Messrs Tait Brothers and Mr Perkins, would compare favorably with those of artists in the same line, not only in New Zealand, but in the other colonies. Both have beautifully executed photographic portraits, and capital collections of views. A short time since, Messrs Mundy and Co., Photographic Artists, of Christchurch, travelled from Lyttelton to Hokitika, taking photographs of the most remarkable points of view on the road. The views of Westland scenery - particularly those taken in the Otira gorge - were splendidly executed, and many copies of the whole series have lately been disposed of, on the Art Union principle.
West Coast Times, Issue 845, 8 June 1868, Page 2
Appointment - By an official letter from Wellington we learn that Mr D. L. Mundy, of this city, has been appointed photographer to his Excellency the Governor of New Zealand. It will readily be admitted that this recognition of Mr Mundy's talents as an artiste is fully deserved, and that he will do full justice to the selection.
The Star, Issue 176, 4 December 1868, Page 2

Otira Gorge by Daniel Louis Mundy
Mr D. L. Mundy succeeded in taking one or two likenesses of his Excellency (the Governor Sir G. F. Bowen) this morning - large size for framing, also stereoscopic and carte de visite sizes.
The Star - 18 January, 1869 page 2.
During an interval in the Canterbury Otago Inter-Provincial Cricket Match on 8 February 1869 Mr D. L. Mundy took a photograph of the two teams in front of the pavilion in Hagley Park.
The Star - 8 February 1869 page 3.
Mrs D. L. Mundy was one of a number of ladies who in June 1869 helped to raise funds to fence and level a playground at the St John the Baptist School.
The Star - 24 June 1869 page 2.
Philip Cuthbert Anderson
"Priest in the Church of God"
James Walter Oliver
born 26 June 1853, Otago, New Zealand
died 8 August 1943, Ashburton, New Zealand
born 26 June 1853, Otago, New Zealand
died 8 August 1943, Ashburton, New Zealand
In 1870 D. L. Mundy & Co., Photographic Publishers, advertised that every description of photography would be reduced to "Melbourne prices." Large and stereoscopic views of New Zealand scenery were always on sale.
PHOTOGRAPHY.— Mr D. L. Mundy, who is now on a professional tour in the North Island, has just sent down a number of interesting and very well executed views of Auckland and the Thames goldfields. These views will add to Mr Mundy's reputation as an artist, and we have no doubt they will attract many visitors to the studio, Oxford terrace.
Star, Issue 628, 28 May 1870, Page 2
Among the petitions presented to the House yesterday was one which was unique. A photographer of the name of Mundy it appears, has been spending several months, combining business with pleasure and travelling, in the most interesting and beautiful parts of this island. He has visited Sir George Grey at Kawau, paid pleasant visits to settlers and tribes, travelled wherever he liked and when he fancied, has had special facilities put in his way by Government for the prosecution of his business, has had A.C.'s at his service, and has generally been, a particularly fortunate photographer. He has amused himself by taking a few views of different places, which he retails at a high price, and, if report speaks correctly, he has profited largely by his trip. Under these circumstances, ordinary people might find a difficulty in understanding what possible claim Mr. Mundy can have upon the Government, the colony, or the public purse. And yet he asks the House to grant him compensation for having of his own free will spent several months in a manner devoutly desired by less fortunate individuals, and for having been still more fortunate in making a profit out of his pleasure trip. On behalf of the taxpayers of the colony we object to any such mis-application in the public funds, and we are very much mistaken if he House will not give a practical illustration of the fact that "cheek" does not always carry the day.
New Zealand Scenery.
The Argus (Melbourne) says:—
Mr D. L. Mundy, who has been for three years travelling through the most picturesque districts of New Zealand, with a view to collect the materials for an illustrated work on the islands comprised in that colony, has opened an exhibition of photographs at the corner of Collins and Elizabeth streets, which will repay a visit. They embrace every variety of the magnificent scenery of both the principal islands, and when they are displayed to the eyes of English artists on Mr Mundy's approaching visit to the old country, we should think they will have the effect of alluring to New Zealand many of the landscape painters, to whom there is no field that has not been exhausted for the purposes of art in Europe. Among the photographs in the collection now on view are numerous representations of the boiling springs of Lake Taupo and Rotomohana; others taken on the summit of Alpine passes, and in view of the enormous glaciers which are to be met with in those elevated regions; and others, again, which vividly portray the variety and luxuriance of the forests of New Zealand. Nor has the lake scenery, or that of the harbours and bays which indent the coast, been overlooked by Mr Mundy, who is evidently bent upon making the British public thoroughly well acquainted with the natural features of the beautiful islands through which he has travelled with that apparatus which, as Salem Scudder was accustomed to observe, "can't lie." The Argus (Melbourne) says:—
The Star, Issue 1699, 7 August 1873, Page 2
At the 1874 Exhibition held in Christchurch, D. L. Mundy of Wellington, received a Certificate of High Commendation for photography.
The Star, Issue 1928, 9 May 1874, Page 2.
The Emperor of Austria has sent his Imperial Gold Medal of Arts and Sciences to Mr. D. L. Mundy, photographic artist, as a reward for his publication of sixteen views of “Rotomahana and the Boiling Springs of New Zealand.” Those beautiful views, which form, together with Professor von Hochstetter's descriptive notes, a handsome volume issued by Messrs. Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, were lately spoken of in our Journal. They have been praised by several of the leading scientific institutions in Germany as a successful example of the use of photography for the illustration of geological phenomena. Their artistic merits have equally been recognised by the Photographic Society of London. A large number of Mr. Mundy’s views of New Zealand landscape scenery, including these of the volcanic geyser district, will be exhibited next week, by the magnifying oxy-hydrogen reflector, at the Royal Polytechnic Institution.
London Illustrated News
James Edward Fitzgerald
born 4 March 1818, Bath, England, died 2 August 1896, Wellington
James Edward Fitzgerald
born 4 March 1818, Bath, England, died 2 August 1896, Wellington
Randolph Mainwaring
born circa 1839, Whitmore, Staffordshire, England, baptised 31 July 1839, Whitmore, died 27 December 1902, "Hurrajong", Highgate, Middlesex, England
News has been received in town to-day from England of the death of Mr. Randolph Mainwaring, a well-known resident of Christchurch some years ago. The late Mr. Mainwaring filled a high position in the Canterbury Education Department before the abolition of the provinces. After that event he was well known in Canterbury as a journalist, writer, and artist. When Mr. Mainwaring left the colony to reside in England in the later eighties, he left behind a large circle of friends, who will be very sorry to hear of his death — which was not altogether unexpected, as Mr. Mainwaring was for some years an invalid. He was a brother of Mr. Eugene Mainwaring, of the Railway Land Office.
Evening Post, Volume LXV, Issue 34, 10 February 1903
born circa 1839, Whitmore, Staffordshire, England, baptised 31 July 1839, Whitmore, died 27 December 1902, "Hurrajong", Highgate, Middlesex, England
News has been received in town to-day from England of the death of Mr. Randolph Mainwaring, a well-known resident of Christchurch some years ago. The late Mr. Mainwaring filled a high position in the Canterbury Education Department before the abolition of the provinces. After that event he was well known in Canterbury as a journalist, writer, and artist. When Mr. Mainwaring left the colony to reside in England in the later eighties, he left behind a large circle of friends, who will be very sorry to hear of his death — which was not altogether unexpected, as Mr. Mainwaring was for some years an invalid. He was a brother of Mr. Eugene Mainwaring, of the Railway Land Office.
Evening Post, Volume LXV, Issue 34, 10 February 1903
Randolph Mainwaring by Charles Lawrence
from Haast Family Album
Lawrence, Charles L, active 1867-1879. Lawrence, C (Christchurch) fl 1872-1878: Portrait of Randolph Mainwaring. Haast family: Photographs. Ref: PA2-0991. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22434397
Honour to an old Christchurch Resident. — The Colonies of July 24 says:— The Emperor of Austria has sent the Imperial Gold Medal of Arts and Sciences to Mr D. L. Mundy, photographic artist, late of Christchurch, New Zealand, for his publication of a series of views, entitled " Rotomahana, or the Hot Springs of New Zealand," with descriptive notes by Professor Ferdinand von Hochstetter, of Vienna. These and other views of Now Zealand scenery, magnified by the oxyhydrogen light reflector, are now being exhibited at the Royal Polytechnic Institution, Regent; street. (London)
The Star, Issue 2338, 15 September 1875, Page 2
The Star of 18 August 1876 reported that Mr D. L. Munday (sic) was a passenger on the Waitangi that sailed from Gravesend on 6 June 1876, he was accompanied by his wife and daughter.
Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser, Volume I, Issue 56, 30 January 1877, Page 3
Lecture at the Lunatic Asylum — On Friday evening Mr D, L. Mundy exhibited a series of dissolving views of New Zealand scenery at the Lunatic Asylum, accompanying them with a descriptive lecture. A large number of the patients were present, and appeared to be greatly interested. The views embraced those of the Hot Springs in the North Island, and a number of East Coast views, as well as some views in the South Island, including the cities of Dunedin and Christchurch. At the close of the entertainment Mr Seager, the Superintendent of the Asylum, thanked Mr Mundy for the trouble he had taken to interest the patients.
The Star, Issue 2807, 2 April 1877, Page 2
The Star reported on 19 December 1877 an accident involving a runaway hansom cab that occurred outside "Mundy's the photographer's" in Colombo Street.
The Star, Issue 3031, 19 December 1877, Page 2
Permitting a Nuisance. - Thomas Poole was charged, on the information of William Pearce, Inspector of Nuisances to the Board of Health, with permitting a nuisance to exist on the premises in Colombo street in the occupation of D.L. Mundy. Mr Cowlishaw stated that accused had promised to comply with the requirements of the Local Board of Health within a fortnight, and the case was remanded accordingly.
The Star, Issue 3058, 21 January 1878, Page 2
Artistic Photography
Great Reduction in Prices
Portraits Taken Daily
Carte de Visite, 12s 6d per doz; Cabinet do, 30s doz.
Good pictures guaranteed.
Note the address -
D. L. Mundy, F.R.G.S.,
established in 1864
Imperial Gold Medalist
Fine Art Gallery
Next Cookham House, Colombo street.
D. L. Mundy's magnificent collection of New
Zealand Scenery of both Islands on sale.
Lyttelton Times, 15 February 1878
Artistic Photography
Great Reduction in Prices
Portraits Taken Daily
Carte de Visite, 12s 6d per doz; Cabinet
do, 30s doz. Good pictures guaranteed.Also the patent permanent chromotype
pictures printed in inks.Note the address -D. L. Mundy, F.R.G.S.,Photographer, Imperial Gold Medalist
Fine Art Gallery
Next Cookham House, Colombo street.
D. L. Mundy's magnificent
collection of New Zealand scenery of both Islands
on sale.
Akaroa Mail 26 March 1878.
Great Reduction in Prices
Portraits Taken Daily
Carte de Visite, 12s 6d per doz; Cabinet do, 30s doz.
Good pictures guaranteed.
Note the address -
D. L. Mundy, F.R.G.S.,
established in 1864
Imperial Gold Medalist
Fine Art Gallery
Next Cookham House, Colombo street.
D. L. Mundy's magnificent collection of New
Zealand Scenery of both Islands on sale.
Lyttelton Times, 15 February 1878
Artistic Photography
Great Reduction in Prices
Portraits Taken Daily
Carte de Visite, 12s 6d per doz; Cabinet
do, 30s doz. Good pictures guaranteed.Also the patent permanent chromotype
pictures printed in inks.Note the address -D. L. Mundy, F.R.G.S.,Photographer, Imperial Gold Medalist
Fine Art Gallery
Next Cookham House, Colombo street.
D. L. Mundy's magnificent
collection of New Zealand scenery of both Islands
on sale.
Akaroa Mail 26 March 1878.
Mr J. G. Hawkes sold by auction yesterday the lease of the shop, dwelling-house, and photographic studio, with all the fixtures and appurtenances (late in the occupation of Mr Mundy, photographer), adjoining Cookham House, Colombo street. The lease has 18 1/2 years to run, and realised £175.
Star, Issue 3125, 10 April 1878, Page 3
Munday (sic), Daniel Louis
D & W Munday advertised books for sale at the Lyttelton Times Office. They proposed to publish the N.Z. Almanac for 1856. In Dec. 55 the stock of the bookselling and stationery business was advertised for sale. W. G. Munday, customs clerk in Lyttelton was charged in the Magistrates Court Lyttelton, with refusing to assist when summoned in the Queen's name, Sept 1862. (This was the famous Irishmen's riot in Lyttelton - see Robt La Nauze).D. L. Munday won a prize for photographs, painted and otherwise at the Lyttelton Horticultural Show, November 1868. He was presented to the Governor Sir George Bowen at a levee 12 January 1869. He was appointed an officer of the Fire Police, May 1869. In September 1869 he announced he was going to specialise in landscape photography and had taken in John Dunlop to conduct the portrait side of the business.
He was presented with a gold medal by the Emperor of Austria for his series of views of Rotomahana, Sept 1875; he was no longer living at Christchurch at this time. He showed a series of dissolving views at Sunnyside April 1872. In 1877 he held an Art Union of his scenic photos in Christchurch. He and Braham La'Mert were partners in photography and dissolved partnership 12 December 1865.
Lyttelton Times: 13 Oct 1855, 29 Dec 1855, 17 Sept 1862, 20 Sept 1862, 26 Nov 1868, 15 May 1869, 16 Sept 1869, 15 Sept 1875, 2 April 1877 and 17 Dec 1865.
G R MacDonald Dictionary of Canterbury Biographies, Canterbury Museum, N.Z.

James Elsbee by Daniel Louis Mundy
Description: Portrait of James Elsbee, pioneer Christchurch photographer, taken by Daniel Louis Mundy of Christchurch. ID: PA2-1455
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Description: Portrait of James Elsbee, pioneer Christchurch photographer, taken by Daniel Louis Mundy of Christchurch. ID: PA2-1455
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Tropical Forest, with Nekau [sic] Palms
The Auckland War Memorial Museum has a version of this photograph titled "Hokianga. Tropical Forest, with Nekau Palms" and credit Daniel Louis Mundy as the photographer.
The Auckland War Memorial Museum has a version of this photograph titled "Hokianga. Tropical Forest, with Nekau Palms" and credit Daniel Louis Mundy as the photographer.
Punch Bowl Falls, Otira Gorge
The Auckland War Memorial Museum has a version of this photograph and credit Daniel Louis Mundy as the photographer.
Lyttelton. Dyers Pass Road. Head of Harbor
The Auckland War Memorial Museum has a version of this photograph and credit Daniel Louis Mundy as the photographer. The Museum photograph has been reversed.
The Auckland War Memorial Museum has a version of this photograph and credit Daniel Louis Mundy as the photographer. The Museum photograph has been reversed.
Gisborne by Daniel Louis Mundy
This was one of the images he had made into carbon prints in the UK in 1875.
Te Papa has this image as one of these large carbon prints.
Lissa Mitchell - Curator of Photography - Te Papa
This was one of the images he had made into carbon prints in the UK in 1875.
Te Papa has this image as one of these large carbon prints.
Lissa Mitchell - Curator of Photography - Te Papa
original of this photograph by Daniel Louis Mundy circa 1870, copied by Messrs F. Bradley & Co., Christchurch, Photographs Publishers, &c.
[purchased March 2023]
State Library of New South Wales
Creator: Mundy, Daniel Louis
Title: Views of New Zealand, 1867-1869 / Daniel Louis Mundy
Level of Description: Collection
Date of Work: 1867-1869
Type of Material: Graphic Materials
Call Number: PXD 527
Physical Description: Albums : 1 album (containing 23 albumen prints) ; 46.1 x 37.5 cm.
1. Christchurch - High Street, Canterbury.
2. Westland - view from the Taipo Bridge. No.34, 4/3/68
3. Bay of Islands. - Russell from Flag Staff Hill.
4. Christchurch - Government Building looking West, Canterbury.
5. Christchurch - Government Building, looking East, Canterbury. No.19, 4/2/69
6. Thames Gold Fields - Tararu Creek - Interior of Russell's Gold, Battey [sic].
7. Canterbury - view in the White Pine Forest. No.20 2/14/68
8. Thames Gold Fields - Wine Tramway, Moanatairi Creek.
9. Poverty Bay. - Where Captain Cook first landed in New Zealand, in Octr. 1769.
10. Wellington - fine specimen of Maori Carving in the Museum.
11. Interior of Native Pah, Hot Spring District
12. Lake Taupo - The Alfred Falls, at Waihi, head of ... [?]
13. Lake Taupo ...[?]
14. Akaroa - Robinson's Bay, Bush Study, Canterbury.
15. Wellington - view from Rhodes Bay
16. Bay of Islands - Kaivittis Ranunga, or Court House at Waiomeo. [Maori group seated in foreground]
17. Roto Mahana or Hot Lake District - The Tarata Boiling Geyso, from the edge of the Crater
18. Thames Gold Fields - Study, Great Fern trees, with Whare or, Gold diggers hut.
19. Roto Kakahi - Group of Native Troops at Hot Spring District
20. Wellington - The Governor's Residence
21. Lyttleton [sic] - From the Officer's Point Canterbury.
22. Ohinemutu or Rotorua, Hot Spring District
23. Kawau Island. - Residence of Sir G. Grey, K.C.B.
24. [View of island with palm trees]
Source: Bequeathed by D.S. Mitchell, 1907. Transfer from Mitchell Library Printed Books, F 987/M, in 1986.
Access Conditions: Access only by appointment with Pictures staff
Signatures / Inscriptions: Titled from embossed text on album cover. Printed captions, some incomplete, for each photograph are pasted at lower left of album page. Most photographs are signed, "Mundy". No.1 is signed and dated, "Mundy N.Z. 22/4/69". No.21 is signed and dated,"Mundy 67".
General Note: Several album pages are stamped "D.L. Mundy's Copyright New Zealand" No.24 is loose at the back of the volume. The bookplate of Joseph Paxton with address, "225 Macquarie Street, Sydney" is affixed to the inside of the front cover. At the lower right corner inside front album is the label, "Angus & Robertson. / 110 Market St, Sydney". "D.S. Mitchell" signature on front endpaper.
Creator: Mundy, Daniel Louis
Title: Views of New Zealand, 1867-1869 / Daniel Louis Mundy
Level of Description: Collection
Date of Work: 1867-1869
Type of Material: Graphic Materials
Call Number: PXD 527
Physical Description: Albums : 1 album (containing 23 albumen prints) ; 46.1 x 37.5 cm.
1. Christchurch - High Street, Canterbury.
2. Westland - view from the Taipo Bridge. No.34, 4/3/68
3. Bay of Islands. - Russell from Flag Staff Hill.
4. Christchurch - Government Building looking West, Canterbury.
5. Christchurch - Government Building, looking East, Canterbury. No.19, 4/2/69
6. Thames Gold Fields - Tararu Creek - Interior of Russell's Gold, Battey [sic].
7. Canterbury - view in the White Pine Forest. No.20 2/14/68
8. Thames Gold Fields - Wine Tramway, Moanatairi Creek.
9. Poverty Bay. - Where Captain Cook first landed in New Zealand, in Octr. 1769.
10. Wellington - fine specimen of Maori Carving in the Museum.
11. Interior of Native Pah, Hot Spring District
12. Lake Taupo - The Alfred Falls, at Waihi, head of ... [?]
13. Lake Taupo ...[?]
14. Akaroa - Robinson's Bay, Bush Study, Canterbury.
15. Wellington - view from Rhodes Bay
16. Bay of Islands - Kaivittis Ranunga, or Court House at Waiomeo. [Maori group seated in foreground]
17. Roto Mahana or Hot Lake District - The Tarata Boiling Geyso, from the edge of the Crater
18. Thames Gold Fields - Study, Great Fern trees, with Whare or, Gold diggers hut.
19. Roto Kakahi - Group of Native Troops at Hot Spring District
20. Wellington - The Governor's Residence
21. Lyttleton [sic] - From the Officer's Point Canterbury.
22. Ohinemutu or Rotorua, Hot Spring District
23. Kawau Island. - Residence of Sir G. Grey, K.C.B.
24. [View of island with palm trees]
Source: Bequeathed by D.S. Mitchell, 1907. Transfer from Mitchell Library Printed Books, F 987/M, in 1986.
Access Conditions: Access only by appointment with Pictures staff
Signatures / Inscriptions: Titled from embossed text on album cover. Printed captions, some incomplete, for each photograph are pasted at lower left of album page. Most photographs are signed, "Mundy". No.1 is signed and dated, "Mundy N.Z. 22/4/69". No.21 is signed and dated,"Mundy 67".
General Note: Several album pages are stamped "D.L. Mundy's Copyright New Zealand" No.24 is loose at the back of the volume. The bookplate of Joseph Paxton with address, "225 Macquarie Street, Sydney" is affixed to the inside of the front cover. At the lower right corner inside front album is the label, "Angus & Robertson. / 110 Market St, Sydney". "D.S. Mitchell" signature on front endpaper.
1 comment:
Thank you for your prodigious work and generosity in sharing all of this information on the histories of photography in New Zealand and elsewhere.
-John B Turner, Beijing
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