Nelson Photographic Rooms
Hardy Street, Nelson
Alexander Fletcher
Theodor Bloch - Manager after February 1867

Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle
Volume XXVI, Issue 16, 5 February 1867, Page 2
At the Victorian Intercolonial Exhibition in Melbourne in 1867 Alexander Fletcher of Nelson received an honourable mention for photographic views.
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXVI, Issue 31, 12 March 1867, Page 3
Nelson Photographic Rooms, Hardy Street. Mr. Fletcher being about to leave the Colony, requests that all account against him be sent in, and all accounts owing him, paid before the 30th of August.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume V, Issue 198, 23 August 1870, Page 2
Valedictory Dinner. — On the evening of the 26th ultimo, a complimentary dinner was given in the Nelson Hotel to Mr. Alexander Fletcher, photographer, who is about to leave Nelson after a residence of a considerable number of years, during which time he has obtained the regard of a large number of friends. A numerous party assembled, representing various classes, which was presided over by Mr. Pollock, J.P. Dr. Irvine, who yesterday returned to Nelson on his way to Auckland, as a countryman of the guest of tho evening, was appointed to propose the toast of Mr. Fletcher's health and prosperity, which he did in graceful terms, dwelling on his ability as an artist, and the honours which in that capacity he had obtained in the Dunedin and Melbourne Exhibitions, and also on the general ability in other respects which Mr. Fletcher exhibited. The toast was very warmly received, and Mr. Fletcher feelingly responded. A very pleasant evening was spent, and Mr. Fletcher had evidence of the good wishes which he carries with him from Nelson.
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 71, 3 September 1870, Page 4
Marriage. Fletcher — McGee. — September 3, at the Manse, by the Rev. P. Calder, Mr. Alexander Fletcher, photographer, to Miss Catherine Reid M'Gee, both of Nelson.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume V, Issue 210, 6 September 1870, Page 2
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