William Henry Macey
succeeded by J. H. Yerex in 1914
William Henry Macey born 14 April 1850 Islington, London, England, arrived New Zealand 1857 by the ship “Indian Queen”, died 30 May 1931 aged 81 years, reg. 1931/3715, married 17 November 1873, at the residence of William Henry Macey, Blenheim, reg. 1873/9829, Henrietta Simson, died 28 November 1936 aged 87 years, reg. 1936/24186
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXXII, Issue 175, 25 November 1873, Page 3
Photography.- Special attention is directed to Mr W. H. Macey's trade announcement. We have thoroughly inspected his premises, which have been so much altered and improved that Blenheim now possesses a Photographic Studio worthy of the district. Mr Macey, whose terms are strictly cash, is prepared to undertake every class of photograph known to the trade, and with that view he has engaged an assistant artist, an Austrian gentleman of taste and experience acquired in the leading house in Vienna, who will reach here on Friday.
... Then comes Mr Macey's buildings. One will be occupied by him as a photographer's establishment, and the other will be by a jeweller. The ground floor consists in Mr Macey's portion of show room 14 x 12ft., ladies' room 12 x 12ft., darkroom 6 x 6ft., work-room 21 x 12ft. Out of the ladies' room the main staircase leads up to the first floor, which consists of a studio, dark room 12 x 8ft., store-room 14 x 12ft,, ladies' dressing room 14 x 12ft...
Marlborough Express, Volume XX, Issue 266, 25 November 1884, Page 2
... Then comes Mr Macey's buildings. One will be occupied by him as a photographer's establishment, and the other will be by a jeweller. The ground floor consists in Mr Macey's portion of show room 14 x 12ft., ladies' room 12 x 12ft., darkroom 6 x 6ft., work-room 21 x 12ft. Out of the ladies' room the main staircase leads up to the first floor, which consists of a studio, dark room 12 x 8ft., store-room 14 x 12ft,, ladies' dressing room 14 x 12ft...
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 177, 29 August 1887, Page 2
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 245, 19 November 1887, Page 2
Mr Macey's New Premises.
Entering by the vestibule, the walls of which are tastefully decorated with some highly executed portraits, the visitor is struck by its spacious dimensions, 14ft. x 12ft. on 12ft. studs. The walls are alternately dadoed with rimu and white pine, tastefully varnished, the capping of which is stained black, and the walls distempered of French grey. The arrangement of the doors is a novelty. By merely opening them they box in windows on either side. A door leads into the waiting-room, about 12ft. square, where photographic albums and a selection of papers are kept. At the rear of the workshop is a chemical laboratory, on a small scale the dimensions of which are 21ftxl2ft.
Attached is the dark room, where the papers are sensitised. A well-arranged staircase leads up to the studio, which, as previously remarked, is one of the very finest in the Australasian Colonies, as many visitors have already testified. This is 30ft x 12ft, the skylight being 26ft in length and 8ft in height. By means of spring blinds, any required light or shade can be secured in a few seconds. The room is dadoed alternately with rimu and white pine, the capping being stained, and the walls and ceilings lightly distempered of French grey.
Close by is that necessary adjunct of the photographer's studio, the developing-room, which is 12ft x 8ft— so unlike the usual run of black holes devoted to the purpose with inflow and outflow water-pipes laid on.
The ladies' dressing-room is spacious and lofty, 14ft x 12ft., neatly papered, with Kidderminister carpet on floor, and a goodly array of toilet requisites, which the male mind comprehendeth not. The stock room, 12ft. x 12ft., is also upstairs, and has the usual array of cupboard fixings.
The premises reflect the highest credit on the designer, Mr W. Douslin and there is no reason why portraits of the very best class should not be turned out. All the latest improvements in the best of studios have been taken advantage of, and Mr Macey appears to have procured a splendid set of lens, with which he can take directly photographs 12in. square; but these, of course, can be enlarged to double and treble the size. We wish him every success.
Marlborough Express, Volume XXIII, Issue 247, 22 November 1887, Page 2
This studio was destroyed by fire on 25 September 1894.
Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 224, 25 September 1894, Page 2
Mr. William Henry Macey , J.P., was Mayor of Blenheim during the years 1903 and 1904. He was born at Islington, London, England, on the 14th of April, 1850, and came to New Zealand by the ship “Indian Queen,” in 1857. Later on, he learned photography with Mr. William Collie, of Blenheim, and in the year 1870, was taken into partnership. In 1874, Mr. Macey purchased the business from Mr. Collie, and still conducts it.
He is one of the founders, and a former president of the Blenheim Bowling Club, which he has represented at interprovincial tournaments; a trustee for the Independent Order of Oddfellows; and a member of the Marlborough Club. For nine years he was a member of the Blenheim Borough Council, a member of the Wairau Hospital and Charitable Aid Board for about ten years, and of the Education Board and High School Board of Governors for about five years; and he is one of the Marlborough School Commissioners. Mr. Macey is further referred to as a photographer in Blenheim.
Macey, William Henry, Art Photographer, Market Place, Blenheim. This business was founded some time in the fifties by the late Mr. William Collie, the first photographer in Blenheim. In the year 1870, he was joined in partnership by Mr. W. H. Macey, his former manager, who purchased the business in 1874, and has since conducted it on his own account. Under his care the connection has steadily increased, and in 1902 branches were opened at Picton and Havelock.
The premises in Blenheim consist of a two-storied wooden building, which includes a handsome and commodious vestibule, containing a fine display of specimen portraits and pictures, two waiting rooms, a dark room, a store room and a well-appointed studio, with good lighting apparatus. A large amount of work is also carried on at Mr. Macey's private residence, where additional room has been provided to cope with the increase of business. Mr. Macey employs a skilful artist in his studio, and a capable operator for outdoor photography, so that he is in a position to turn out work equal to the best in the colony. He has customers all over the province, and beyond it; and does a large business in portraiture, and in the sale of local scenery, of which he has a fine collection. Mr. Macey keeps himself well abreast with the latest improvements in photography. He is further referred to as a former Mayor of Blenheim.

The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Nelson, Marlborough & Westland Provincial Districts] 1906
A Prominent Townsman
Mr W. H. Macey Giving up Business
With his retirement from active, business life later on in the present month, Mr W. H. Macey will terminate a lengthy chapter of his creditable record as a citizen of Blenheim. It is fifty years ago that he commenced work with the late Mr William Collie, stationer and photographer, in premises on the site of Mr Macey's studio in Market Street North, and with the exception of an interval of some two years, that spot has been the scene of his daily pursuits ever since. Many a photographic negative has Mr Macey produced during the half century; indeed, it is estimated that the weight of the valuable collection he has in store is well over one ton.Mr W. H. Macey Giving up Business
In 1864 the oft-quoted Collie's Hollow — a depression that in flood time contained a depth or seven or eight feet of water and which then could only be crossed by swimming — intersected the main thoroughfare, and flax and raupo grew on its banks. So disgusted was he with what he saw in the big flood in 1868 that our townsman, then in his teens, decided to seek fresh fields and pastures new and finally reached Melbourne. Complying with the wishes of Mr Collie however he returned to Blenheim, and assumed the management of that gentleman's business, which he acquired after a brief absence in Napier.
In civic affairs Mr Macey has been a prominent figure, and has earned the reputation that can be won only by a man of integrity and clean principle. Nine years a member of the Borough Council, he was Mayor in 1903 and 1904, and he has served the public interest as a member of the Wairau Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, the Education Board, the High School Board of Governors, the Wairau Harbor Board (of which he was chairman), and other local bodies for lengthy terms. He was a founder and president of the Blenheim Bowling Club. Last, but not least, he still occupies the position of chairman of the Liberal party in Marlborough.
Born at London on April 11th, 1850, and arriving at Wellington in 1857, Mr Macey is still a man with good health and of active habits. It will be pleasing to hosts of friends to learn that he intends to settle down in Blenheim when he has returned from a trip that he contemplates taking to the North Island and probably Australia. Mr Macey is closing his business innings, so to speak, but is not retiring from the field.
Marlborough Express, Volume XLVIII, Issue 82, 7 April 1914, Page 3
Mr W. H. Macey. The death is announced of Mr William Henry Macey, of Durie Hill, Wanganui, in his 82nd year. Mr Macey came to New Zealand from London in 1857, at the age of seven years, and resided in Marlborough for 55 years. When he retired from his business at Blenheim as a photographer about 18 years ago [1914] he was the senior business man of the town. He had to his credit a lengthy and active record pf public service. For nine years he was a member of the Blenheim Borough Council and was Major during 1903 and 1004. He was also for some years a member of the Wairau Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, and High School Board of Governors, as well as being associated with other organisations, and for 20 years or more he held the position of chairman of the Marlborough branch of the Liberal Party.
In Wanganui Mr Macey was a member of the Wanganui Bowling Club, and a member of the executive the local Justices' Association. He leaves a widow, five daughters, and three sons.
Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 20257, 8 June 1931, Page 2
Hubert Simson Macey the son of Henrietta and William Henry Macey
photographed by Tesla Studio, Wanganui
Hubert Simson Macey was the accountant for Dalgety in Wanganui until his appointment as Manager in January 1925, he died in 1963 aged 73 years.
Hubert Simson Macey the son of Henrietta and William Henry Macey
photographed by Tesla Studio, Wanganui
Hubert Simson Macey was the accountant for Dalgety in Wanganui until his appointment as Manager in January 1925, he died in 1963 aged 73 years.
unknown women photographed by W. H. Macey, late W. Collie
purchased December 2021
John Hutcheson
First pioneer runholder of the MacKenzie Country. Took up Marys Range and settled on shores of Lake Pukaki 1856

Henry Lawson Jackson by W. H. Macey, Blenheim
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I know one of the people pictured. My Great, Great, Great Grandfather William Greig. He is the eighteenth photo from the bottom of William Macey's page. Was the photo bought somewhere or part of a collection?
hello - according to my records this photo was one of 6 purchased on TradeMe in 2012, they were all Macey photographs.
Does anyone know when the Royal Appointment was granted (if genuine)? I have a photo I estimate 1906-8 with this on - as seen on several above, following Will HORTON.
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