Artist Photographer
New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 682, 18 January 1866, Page 1
On Saturday night, a man named Patrick Murphy was given into custody for breaking into the house of Mr. R. H. Bartlett, of Grey-street, and stealing a revolver, three blankets, and a black dress coat.
It appears, for some days past Mr. Bartlett has been at the Thames, and that during his absence a Mr. George A. Steel (George Albert Steel of Fairs & Steel) has been looking after his business in town, and sleeping at his residence in Grey-street at night.
On returning about ten o'clock on Saturday evening, he was surprised at seeing a light in one of the windows, and supposed that Mr. Bartlett had returned from the Thames. He knocked at the door, but no one answering he opened the door with the key, when he saw Murphy in the passage. He immediately collared him and locked him in one of the rooms, and on making a search he found that a revolver was missing from its place on a table by the bedside, where he had left it in the morning.
A bundle was lying on one of the chairs which had been made up by the prisoner, and which would no doubt have been carried off had it not been for the opportune arrival of Mr. Steel.
On missing the revolver, that gentleman went in to Murphy and asked him what he had done with it, when the latter lifted up the bedclothes, took it from beneath, and handed it over. Mr. Steel then sent for assistance, and, on the arrival of detective Ternahan, Murphy was given into his his charge and conveyed to the lock-up.
also see Bartlett and Taylor
New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 682, 18 January 1866, Page 1
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3132, 31 July 1867, Page 1
On Saturday night, a man named Patrick Murphy was given into custody for breaking into the house of Mr. R. H. Bartlett, of Grey-street, and stealing a revolver, three blankets, and a black dress coat.
It appears, for some days past Mr. Bartlett has been at the Thames, and that during his absence a Mr. George A. Steel (George Albert Steel of Fairs & Steel) has been looking after his business in town, and sleeping at his residence in Grey-street at night.
On returning about ten o'clock on Saturday evening, he was surprised at seeing a light in one of the windows, and supposed that Mr. Bartlett had returned from the Thames. He knocked at the door, but no one answering he opened the door with the key, when he saw Murphy in the passage. He immediately collared him and locked him in one of the rooms, and on making a search he found that a revolver was missing from its place on a table by the bedside, where he had left it in the morning.
A bundle was lying on one of the chairs which had been made up by the prisoner, and which would no doubt have been carried off had it not been for the opportune arrival of Mr. Steel.
On missing the revolver, that gentleman went in to Murphy and asked him what he had done with it, when the latter lifted up the bedclothes, took it from beneath, and handed it over. Mr. Steel then sent for assistance, and, on the arrival of detective Ternahan, Murphy was given into his his charge and conveyed to the lock-up.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3582, 11 January 1869, Page 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1920, 12 March 1870, Page 1
above - the photographer George Albert Steel worked for Robert Henry Bartlett
Mr. R. H. Bartlett, photographic artist, who accompanied H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh on his recent trip to the East Coast, has succeeded in obtaining some most excellent views of the following places of interest visited by the Princ:- Otukapuarangi, Whakatarataia, Pink Terrace, Rotomahana; Te Tarata, from Upper Terrace; Te Tarata, two small basins; whole of the terraces and springs; Ohinemutu, group standing Ohinemutu, with whare and group sitting whare occupied by Prince Alfred; Whakarewarewa geyser (two); Whakarewarewa, small boiling hole Taheke, accommodation-house erected for the Prince.
Amongst the various interesting mementoes of his visit to New Zealand we are sure that none will be more highly prized by the Prince than a set of photographs of New Zealand scenery by Mr. R. Bartlett. These photographs have probably never been equalled in the colonies for tone and clearness, and we are given to understand that Lord Beresford, who also took away a copy of the set, stated that he had met with no photography to equal them in the colonies.
Mr. Bartlett, in addition to his thorough acquaintance with all the most modern improvements in photography, possesses the merit of refined skill in selecting these gems of scenery which the merely mechanical photographer overlooks. The set of New Zealand scenes which he has selected are culled from all parts of the province, and are such as to give a very fair idea of the picturesque beauties of the country.
There are views of the principal claims on the Thames goldfield which are full of animation, romantic scenes of woodland and rivers; wonderful views of Rotomahana, waterfalls, lakes, and picturesque groups of Maoris and their homes. The set consists of thirty-six large views on card board, enclosed "n a neat case, the whole forming one of the most beautiful and interesting souvenirs that can be obtained in New Zealand. We are glad to learn that Royal Highness has not failed to recognise the skill of Mr. Bartlett, who prior to his Royal Highness's departure received a parchment scroll surmounted with the Royal arms, and bearing the following inscription:- "Robert Henry Bartlett,— You are hereby appointed photographer to his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.— Given under my hand and seal at Clarence House this 1st day of January, 1871. — Augustus Liddell, Treasurer. We believe this is the only appointment of the kind to any photographer in New Zealand, and it ought to be the more highly prized, seeing that the honour was unsolicited by Mr. Bartlett.
We yesterday inspected the atelier of Mr. R. H. Bartlett, the photographer, who has lately been making very extensive improvements in his establishment. The glass house in which the business of taking photographs was conducted has been greatly enlarged, and another room has been added in consequence of Mr. Bartlett's increasing business.
This room has been fitted up in the most approved style, and the landscape scenery at the back gives an excellent background to the pictures here taken. By the system of regulating the degrees of light from the roof a very clear tone is given to the portraits, and everything has been done that is possible to obtain a perfect picture.
The waiting room is quite a small gallery of arts, a large number of beautiful paintings having lately been added to those already there, so that instead of it being an inconvenience to Mr. Bartlett's numerous customers to have to wait, it is rather a pleasure.
Among these pictures are a series of large photographic views of New Zealand taken by Mr. Bartlett on the occasion of the Prince's trip to Rotorua, when Mr. Bartlett had the honor of being one of the party. Taken altogether, this photographic establishment is now without doubt the most complete in New Zealand.
We had the pleasure of inspecting yesterday a carte de visite of Miss Colville, as she appeared in the character of Formosa, and which is to be forwarded by Mr. Hoskins to Mr. Dion Boucicault, the author of that now celebrated play. The portrait was taken by Mr. R. H. Bartlett, of Queen-street, and is painted in that talented artist's most finished style.
Robert Henry Bartlett, photographer, has been adjudged a bankrupt, and the first meeting of his creditors is appointed for noon on Tuesday next, the 31st instant.
By appointment to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, the Earl of Pembroke, the Marquis of Normanby, and the Governors of New Zealand. R. H. Bartlett, Artist Photographer, Queen-street, Auckland. First Order of Merit Sydney Exhibition, 1879, and Melbourne Exhibition, 1880-1. R.H.B. announces the completion of the alterations to his premises, and that the New Studio, together with the improved Appliances of the most modern construction, brought by him from Europe, enable him to produce every variety of Photographic Picture, in the most finished style of the art. He invites inspection of his establishment and the specimens of his work Portraits in oils and water colour are specialities; also the now circular opal plaques.
Prohibition Order.— Robert Henry Bartlett was charged with druckenness. Mr. C. E. Buddle applied to the Bench for an order prohibiting the supply of liquor to him. Mr. Thos. Buddie gave evidence as to the conduct of prisoner, and the Bench granted the order.
Mr R. H. Bartlett, photographer, late of Auckland, special gold medalist at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, and taker of first prize medals at the Melbourne and Sydney Exhibitions, is now in New Plymouth, and, as representing Mr W. A. Collis, photographer, of Devon-street, will personally visit the inhabitants of New Plymouth with the view of taking orders for a new style of portrait, which are very beautiful as well as moderate in price. Mr Bartlett's name is so well known as a photographer that it is a guarantee in itself the portraits will be perfect; and as his stay here will be very limited, no one should neglect the opportunity of his visit to New Plymouth.
New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1920, 12 March 1870, Page 1
above - the photographer George Albert Steel worked for Robert Henry Bartlett
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3968, 11 May 1870, Page 2
Auckland Star, Volume I, Issue 173, 29 July 1870, Page 3
Mr. R. H. Bartlett, photographic artist, who accompanied H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh on his recent trip to the East Coast, has succeeded in obtaining some most excellent views of the following places of interest visited by the Princ:- Otukapuarangi, Whakatarataia, Pink Terrace, Rotomahana; Te Tarata, from Upper Terrace; Te Tarata, two small basins; whole of the terraces and springs; Ohinemutu, group standing Ohinemutu, with whare and group sitting whare occupied by Prince Alfred; Whakarewarewa geyser (two); Whakarewarewa, small boiling hole Taheke, accommodation-house erected for the Prince.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 6
Amongst the various interesting mementoes of his visit to New Zealand we are sure that none will be more highly prized by the Prince than a set of photographs of New Zealand scenery by Mr. R. Bartlett. These photographs have probably never been equalled in the colonies for tone and clearness, and we are given to understand that Lord Beresford, who also took away a copy of the set, stated that he had met with no photography to equal them in the colonies.
Mr. Bartlett, in addition to his thorough acquaintance with all the most modern improvements in photography, possesses the merit of refined skill in selecting these gems of scenery which the merely mechanical photographer overlooks. The set of New Zealand scenes which he has selected are culled from all parts of the province, and are such as to give a very fair idea of the picturesque beauties of the country.
There are views of the principal claims on the Thames goldfield which are full of animation, romantic scenes of woodland and rivers; wonderful views of Rotomahana, waterfalls, lakes, and picturesque groups of Maoris and their homes. The set consists of thirty-six large views on card board, enclosed "n a neat case, the whole forming one of the most beautiful and interesting souvenirs that can be obtained in New Zealand. We are glad to learn that Royal Highness has not failed to recognise the skill of Mr. Bartlett, who prior to his Royal Highness's departure received a parchment scroll surmounted with the Royal arms, and bearing the following inscription:- "Robert Henry Bartlett,— You are hereby appointed photographer to his Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh.— Given under my hand and seal at Clarence House this 1st day of January, 1871. — Augustus Liddell, Treasurer. We believe this is the only appointment of the kind to any photographer in New Zealand, and it ought to be the more highly prized, seeing that the honour was unsolicited by Mr. Bartlett.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4189, 17 January 1871, Page 2
We yesterday inspected the atelier of Mr. R. H. Bartlett, the photographer, who has lately been making very extensive improvements in his establishment. The glass house in which the business of taking photographs was conducted has been greatly enlarged, and another room has been added in consequence of Mr. Bartlett's increasing business.
This room has been fitted up in the most approved style, and the landscape scenery at the back gives an excellent background to the pictures here taken. By the system of regulating the degrees of light from the roof a very clear tone is given to the portraits, and everything has been done that is possible to obtain a perfect picture.
The waiting room is quite a small gallery of arts, a large number of beautiful paintings having lately been added to those already there, so that instead of it being an inconvenience to Mr. Bartlett's numerous customers to have to wait, it is rather a pleasure.
Among these pictures are a series of large photographic views of New Zealand taken by Mr. Bartlett on the occasion of the Prince's trip to Rotorua, when Mr. Bartlett had the honor of being one of the party. Taken altogether, this photographic establishment is now without doubt the most complete in New Zealand.
New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2334, 19 July 1871, Page 2
We had the pleasure of inspecting yesterday a carte de visite of Miss Colville, as she appeared in the character of Formosa, and which is to be forwarded by Mr. Hoskins to Mr. Dion Boucicault, the author of that now celebrated play. The portrait was taken by Mr. R. H. Bartlett, of Queen-street, and is painted in that talented artist's most finished style.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4388, 7 September 1871, Page 2
New Zealand Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2460, 13 December 1871, Page 1
Robert Henry Bartlett, photographer, has been adjudged a bankrupt, and the first meeting of his creditors is appointed for noon on Tuesday next, the 31st instant.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXI, Issue 5615, 25 August 1875, Page 2
... Tawhiao was met in town by a number of the members of the Reception Committee, including Councillors Waddel and Offer, Messrs. James Mackay, J. C. Young, C. O. Davis, and other gentlemen, who escorted him to Mr. Bartlett's studio, where Tawhiao again sat for his portrait, both in native and European costumes. A capital portrait was also obtained of Wahanui, as well as of Tawhiao's three sons, in various positions. Wiwiria (Wahanui's brother), Hemara te Rerehau, and other prominent members of the King party, also had a sitting ...
... Tawhiao was met in town by a number of the members of the Reception Committee, including Councillors Waddel and Offer, Messrs. James Mackay, J. C. Young, C. O. Davis, and other gentlemen, who escorted him to Mr. Bartlett's studio, where Tawhiao again sat for his portrait, both in native and European costumes. A capital portrait was also obtained of Wahanui, as well as of Tawhiao's three sons, in various positions. Wiwiria (Wahanui's brother), Hemara te Rerehau, and other prominent members of the King party, also had a sitting ...
New Zealand Herald, Volume XIX, Issue 6299, 25 January 1882, Page 5
By appointment to His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, the Earl of Pembroke, the Marquis of Normanby, and the Governors of New Zealand. R. H. Bartlett, Artist Photographer, Queen-street, Auckland. First Order of Merit Sydney Exhibition, 1879, and Melbourne Exhibition, 1880-1. R.H.B. announces the completion of the alterations to his premises, and that the New Studio, together with the improved Appliances of the most modern construction, brought by him from Europe, enable him to produce every variety of Photographic Picture, in the most finished style of the art. He invites inspection of his establishment and the specimens of his work Portraits in oils and water colour are specialities; also the now circular opal plaques.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7894, 12 March 1887, Page 3
Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 124, 27 May 1887, Page 1
Prohibition Order.— Robert Henry Bartlett was charged with druckenness. Mr. C. E. Buddle applied to the Bench for an order prohibiting the supply of liquor to him. Mr. Thos. Buddie gave evidence as to the conduct of prisoner, and the Bench granted the order.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7959, 27 May 1887, Page 3
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 7965, 3 June 1887, Page 1
Mr R. H. Bartlett, photographer, late of Auckland, special gold medalist at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, and taker of first prize medals at the Melbourne and Sydney Exhibitions, is now in New Plymouth, and, as representing Mr W. A. Collis, photographer, of Devon-street, will personally visit the inhabitants of New Plymouth with the view of taking orders for a new style of portrait, which are very beautiful as well as moderate in price. Mr Bartlett's name is so well known as a photographer that it is a guarantee in itself the portraits will be perfect; and as his stay here will be very limited, no one should neglect the opportunity of his visit to New Plymouth.
Taranaki Herald, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8334, 30 November 1888, Page 2
In another column will be found the advertisement of Mr R. H. Bartlett photographer late of Auckland who has decided to commence business for a short time in Reefton. Mr Bartlett has been the recipient of several medals for his photographic work and has received sundry appointments which justify his being considered as one of the best photographers in the colony.
Inangahua Times, Volume XVI, Issue 202, 11 March 1891, Page 2
Inangahua Times, Volume XVI, Issue 202, 11 March 1891, Page 2
This notice was repeated in the Inangahua Times until 5 January 1892
This notice was repeated in the Inangahua Times until 5 January 1892

Right Revs., Octavius Hadfield, Bishop of Wellington, Primate Elect; Andrew Burn Suter, Bishop of Nelson; Edward Craig Stuart, Bishop of Waiapu; Henry John Chitty Harper, Bishop of Christchurch, Primate; John Richardson Selwyn, Bishop of Melanesia; William Garden Cowie, Bishop of Auckland and Samuel Tarratt Nevill, Bishop of Dunedin.
photographed by Robert Henry Bartlett about 1889
[purchased September 2024]
[purchased August 2024]


above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
[purchased March 2023]
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
above cdv courtesy of The Laurence Eagle Collection
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